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As Thor Odinson was trying sleeplessly to find out who the new Thor is, New Thor was fighting crime in good ol' Midgard from usual Bonnie & Clyde of Marvel Absorbing Man & Titania.

And now Titania enters the ring!

But it doesn't go down like you thought it would go down.

Basically Titania was thinking of her marriage since Creel will start to think about the score instead of his loving wife & Girl power respect that Thor isn't putting She or Lady into Thor's title.

Aside from that, I still like the new Thor. Okay the writing will have a kink or 3 at times but I mean, faking out throwing that hammer at Creel then socking him in the jaw was a good way to end a fight quickly instead of dragging it out by swinging and throwing the hammer at him until he absorbs its substance? That's actually pretty genius.

4334138, that was stupid.
I mean, Creel's an a-hole, but for once he actually has a point. Whoever this woman is, she should be making a name of her own! It's almost like the writers can't handle criticism and are putting the arguments of a straw-man villain or something like that!

4334138 4334204 Really Titania DOES have a point.... Then again the "She" or "Lady" stuff is more or less just to establish brand names. If they didn't have She-Hulk, then DC or some other company could make a She-Hulk with a similar origin and in this day in age when automatically suing isn't really the usual way to handle that kinda thing. It wouldn't be like Superman and Captain Marvel where you can go

"Oh, flying, cape, super strong and fast, RIP OFF!"

Since again, female equivalent means potentially brand new origin, and so on.

Since Thor is well... An actual name with both a historical AND mythological basis, Marvel can't get a copyright on that. BUT they can get a copyright on stuff that is clearly Marvel Thor based. Like if DC wanted to use Norse gods and made them look EXACTLY like Marvel's and push them as a this new big part of their universe? Yeah Marvel could sue.

Really the correct term WOULD be Thora, which is actually the female version of Thor from a language level like Michelle is the female version of Michael. BUT! That being said, in Marvel it's been stated the Asgardians are reborn and so on a LOT due to Ragnarok so it's entirely possible that at some point there WAS a female Thor in the distant past JUST named Thor.

Also I have a cousin named Johnny... She's a woman..... And no it's not short for any kind of female name, just Johnny.... Kinda why the female Thor thing doesn't bother me..... Though I DO call her Lady Thor just to differentiate.

4334218 4334204 Well to be fair, There are a lot of female counterparts to male heroes that have the name "She-Blank" Or "Lady-Something" or even "Whatever-Girl".

Besides, I've been trying to think of a unique name but gave up and just started calling her "Thor" and using the full name "Thor" Odinson to differentiate. :applejackunsure:

That and you know how marvel is with their diversity junk and whatnot. All for it, but sometimes there is too much.

Even Still? I like her as I get a kick out of her personality and battle tactics even if she's been at this for a few days.

4334218 4334221 I dunno. Maybe if it was a title, like Batman, I could deal with someone new saying, "I am insert-name-here-!" But Thor is a name. It'd be like Pepper Potts showing up and saying, "I am Tony Stark!" Or, heck, even if Rhodey showed up and said, "I am Tony Stark!" It just doesn't make sense, and the more they try to validate it, the more it sounds like they're doing it just for the sake of being socially edgy and not because it actually makes sense. Why not just retitle the comic, "God of Thunder"? Then you clearly have her taking up Thor's mantle, without being bull-headed and silly about it. I can actually think of several books titled like that that I'd be more interested in reading than this. "Jane Foster: God of Thunder"! Or "Sif: God of Thunder"! Or "Brunhilda: God of Thunder"! Any one of those would've been more interesting! Or if this character is really so interesting, why didn't she take up the role of Thunderstrike? I know the name doesn't have quite the same prestige behind it, but at least it'd make sense!
Also, until she reveals her true identity, she won't have a name worth remembering. And once she does, we won't call her Thor anymore. This whole thing feels like they're calling her Thor just to prove that woman can be Thor, which seems pretty immature and pointless this late in the superhero game.

That's for saying "feminist" like it's a four letter word, creep. And also, you know... for the robbing thing as well.

I think I'm beginning to see what kind of audience this is attempting to pander to.

4334329 Well you're in luck, we have abooooout.....

A week until her Identity gets revealed and we'll know who's personality this is and we can start calling her by another name. That and I kinda find the "Thunderstrike" name a bit too 90's in all honesty.

Feel better for letting it all out by the way?

4334357 Tumblristas?

4334329 4334221

Well Thunderstrike is.... Wait is Kevin Masterson still alive? I forget. Still they could keep it authentic and her powered since, like Secret mentioned, she IS a cool character.

Hmm.... They could name her Sunna or rather Sol AKA Norse goddess of the sun. Give her a hammer BUT one that has the power to control the suns rays and so on.... Not a lot of solar based superheroes in general that aren't Superman related or freaking Solarman..... Oy :facehoof:..... Be a good way to keep her around, Sunna hasn't shown up before in the Marvel take on the Norse pantheon, and in fact it's stated that although Sunna dies at Ragnarok she has a daughter who will take her place.

That would free her up to make her OWN legacy right there. Still just as powerful as Thor, since let's be honest the sun KINDA trumps thunder and lightning, BUT gets to be her own thing and still tied to Norse mythology.

At the end of the day do I LIKE Lady Thor? Yes I do. Though I don't write them, which may change soon enough, I DO like gender flipped stories. Yeah this isn't Thor as a woman, but that HAS happened before.... Namely in Earth X where Loki turned him into one and it stuck.... BUT it's still an interesting idea. I mean if I was to do a story? Well really my ideal version of this would be set directly AFTER Ragnarok and thus Thor being reborn as a woman, since let's be honest that's a distinct possibility given how Loki came back as a woman and no one batted an eye. Yeah it's Loki, but no one was particularly shocked by it, thus meaning they could be reborn as anything.

4334382 Yay! :yay:, yeah. Just a bit.

4334448 4334392 Nope, Kevin is not dead. Just with the other teen heroes in comic book limbo who had a short appearance and never had a chance to show their true potential.....

4334392 Oh, good point. But I don't think anyone's seen him since, like, Fear Itself.
Huh; that would've been cool. Oh, well. If she's getting revealed in a week or so, we'll get to see what sort of legacy she can create.

4334450 4334454 My point is this IS a good idea.... The problem is it was not INTRODUCED well. Like I said if they had done this like after Ragnarok? And just went with the idea Thor was reborn as a woman this time around? BETTER way. However this obviously was not meant to stick.

Personally? I think this is a round about way to introduce Thor's "She-Hulk" if you will. Outside of Thor Girl.... Who has a NOT that well thought out of a name..... Thor has no clear female equivalent, someone to match him and is very much LIKE him in terms of overall powers so on. Also I never liked Thor Girl... One part due to the name... The other parts because her origins are essentially Supergirl(Right down to Thanos AKA Marvel's Darkseid, trying to exploit her power) but with a hammer and who speaks like Thor.

Spider-Man has SIX currently, Hulk HAD 3(Depowered Betty and sent Lyra to her home universe... He BETTER not go after Jen!), and Cap has American Dream in the MC2 universe, Iron Man had Pepper as Rescue.... The point is Thor never had a female supporting character that could MATCH him like the others do... Well okay Pepper can't match Tony in genius, but you get what I mean.

This gives a delve into WHO this person is, getting us like her, so when the status quo is restored down the line we can be like

"Oh I want her to stick around SO much"

I mean I'LL be using this take in stuff, I like her! Difference being I'll be doing it under different circumstances.... Like Thor not being alive at the time or she's Thor reincarnated... Either one.

Is it Thor's hammer or a knock off? Because if it's the real thing then she can probably call herself whatever she wants.

4334484 Yeah, that's probably true.
What about Sif? Or Valkryie? I know they're not quite on his power level, but they're still really cool.
Anyway, hopefully you'll be right and this'll work.

4334596 It's Mjolnir. I don't care if she's worthy of its power, though. Doesn't matter if she's as good as Thor, she's not Thor. She's her own person and I'm waiting to see her with her own identity.

4334654 Well yeah, he's never REALLY had a female EQUAL though. I think that's the main point here.

I found the whole fight insulting given Titania's past of being a brawler and the whole She-Hulk thing.
I mean the whole Female Thor idea is a bit of a problem given that the current Thor is still alive and well.


Yeah that's going to take a miracle or two considering she's on the All New, All Different Avengers post Secret Wars.

4334715 Yeeeeah..... The Ivory Kings might have killed Thor Odinson.... Until he gets back from Valhalla with Hyperion? New Thor is here to stay after Secret Wars. Let it sink in slowly though because the key words are Might Have.

4334843 Hey, I don't have a problem with her taking his role as Asgard's Prince(ss) of Thunder. Or with her taking his role among the Avengers for a while. That sort of role revolving door is a part of comics. I just wish she'd do it as herself, you know?

4334910 True, I can understand. Honestly I blame Jason Aaron for not giving her a proper introduction because of the way Original Sin played out.

Plus yeah the shout-out to the people who are kinda butthurt about this like what Absorbing Man was saying during fight is just plain silly.

What I don't like about this run? Forced introduction and status quo changes. What I do like? She's kinda a treat as long as she doesn't make any sentences like that feminist jab.

4334934 Hmm. Well, maybe I'll have to give her a shot sometime.

4334910 But what other name? Lady- and She-Thor both sound weird. What would you suggest?

4334944 Plus still you have to admit that tactic she used to sucker punch Creel was pretty cool. Although she'll have her moments on messing up since she's been at this for a few days? She really does use that hammer pretty good.

4334946 Her own; whatever it might turn out to be. I mean, Thor's so impressive that his name is able to sell a title. If this women is worthy, then her name, coupled with the "God of Thunder" subtitle, should be enough.

4334946 4334950 4334956

I'd just like to point out that they could keep her around and give her a seldom overlooked weapon of Thor's.... Gríðarvölr, a magical staff given to him by the giantess Gridr in Norse mythology as a way to allow him to escape Loki's trap of pitting him against the giant Geirrod. They could easily say it has the same weather controlling properties, or heck.

They could bring back Stormcaster

Storm's hammer given to her by Loki... Yeah it was destroyed, BUT since Loki is more into anti-hero territory now he could get another made.

Also if they REALLY wanted to keep to the Thor based name? They could call her Rymr/Rym. Rymr means "noise" in Old Norse and was occasionally used as another name for Thor. Or go with Thor's daughter's name, who has never been used in Marvel, Thrud which means "Strength or power".

Also if they really wanna just keep up with the Thor based name, call her Thora or Tora, both of which are the actual FEMALE equivalents to the name Thor and mean the same thing "Thunder"

Just food for thought from a mythology nut. :pinkiecrazy:

4336473 I can't believe I completely forgot about Storm's hammer. I thought that thing was rid of after that saga? Or was it just put in storage? Also can't wait to see Storm in the Thor's Secret Wars Tie-in.

4336491 Well it was destroyed, but if Loki made one once he could do it again. :applejackunsure:

4336473 Hmm. Yeah, but Marvel still wants her to be their primary God of Thunder for the moment, so I do understand the symbolism of having her wield Mjolnir. Maybe it'd be interesting for Thor to wield Gríðarvölr until he can take the spotlight again?
And yeah, any one of those names would be good. Heck, she could even be named after his daughter from Next Ave-
AGGH!! Angry fans!

4336950 I mean they invented that ax, and to be fair there was some speculation and a some ongoing debates in certain circles if Mjolnir is meant to be a hammer or an ax so that's a nice touch by having him having wielded both weapons, to replace Mjolnir for him during this time but.... I mean really it's in the title of the hammer. If someone's worthy? They can lift it and get all the power of Thor. In that aspect Thor's one of the easiest characters to have a legacy for DUE the fact that yeah... Your worthy? You get to be a superhero since if you even TRY going supervillain with it then you just depowered yourself right then and there.

As I've said, I have been LIKING this Thor series and I like this take on Thor. I mean the idea that it's most likely a human AND the fact that she speaks in classic Thor lingo while THINKING in more modern speak is a nice touch. She's not intentionally doing it, but it seems to be a side effect. The fact she's more restrained than Thor usually is, since let's be honest here Thor DOES have a tendency to fly off the handle on occasion, it all makes for a downright interesting character. All we need is more back story, which we'll be getting next issue, yeah. I REALLY hope they find a way to keep her around with her OWN hammer. Maybe the hammer Red Norville used?

Introduced as a plot by Odin to have a spare thunder god to take Thor's place at Ragnarok... Ironically with the red hair he matches Thor's ACTUAL mythological self a lot better... And called his hammer, which Odin had made to be an EXACT 100% perfect replica of Mjolnir, "Crusher" which is the English translation of Mjolnir. I mean that hammer was never shown as being destroyed I don't think. It could turn up and allow her to continue as a heroine just fine.

Also I LIKED Next Avengers well enough.... Though honestly I find Thor just letting Ultron take over Earth to be INCREDIBLY INSULTING!!! I mean okay... Asgard is your prime responsibility now, King of Asgard and new All-Father, I get that.... But just poof down, use the Odin Force to erase Ultron from existence, and BAM! DONE! It would take LITERALLY two seconds!

4336990 Or we could get a new hammer with a new design.

4337104 Truth be told? I... KINDA liked the look of the Ultimate one

4337137 ....yeah, it is pretty cool. :raritystarry:

4337142 A lot of people don't like the addition of the ax... But warhammers GENERALLY have more than just the hammer to them. One side is the hammer, another could be a spike or an ax.... Though really the ax variant is a splitting maul, but still. I just REALLY like it because it combines my two favorite medieval weapons, the war-hammer and the battleaxe.

4337152 Yeah, no, I get it. It's not entirely accurate in its exact design, but Rule of Cool sells it for me.

4337214 So really we could see Thor get it... Since I've always wanted to see 616 Thor, cape and all, with that hammer... Or Lady Thor get it since... Okay I just find the idea of a viking woman swinging around a giant warhammer SO TOTALLY METAL!!! :flutterrage: :pinkiecrazy:

4337238 ...yeah, should've seen that coming.

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