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there are four main groups of ethereal beings

at the top are the Others, then Chaotic Spirits (Draconequi, Nuckelavee, and the Wendigo). then there are the Shadow beings.

at the bottom are the Elementals, pure magic forces representing the six elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Aether, and Void.

what separates the four groups is terms of "imagination" and "reality".

Draconequi, for example, have TONS of imagination, and some have the raw magic ability to literally make a concept like "tons of imagination" into an actual physical concept.

Shadow beings have less imagination, only sticking to a fixed set of shapes, even though they are amorphous, but can still make complicated plans.

Elementals are fixed in their ways, and essentially brainless, as well as easy to order around.

Above Elementals, but below Shadow beings, there is the vast group known as Demons.

Demons are formed, like chaotic spirits, through concentrated chaos energy. while they have SOME imagination and can make decisions and plans, they cannot create objects or forms, only copy what they know or have seen.

Greater Demons reside in a special "outside place" similar to the Dream Realm, known as "Pandemonium"

Demons have no religion, but do believe in three groups of higher beings:

Those who Rule, represented by a blue square with eldritch markings, are said to be the brains, directly controlling and influencing all creation

Those who Create, represented alternatively by either a stylized glyph of a quill and ink or a flaming circle, are the actual creators of what the demons call "the Core Universe"

finally, Those who Watch, represented by a cloud and rainbow, are the "lesser" of these three, but at the same time the most powerful, having taken the Core's design and used it to create the multiverse, or at least the other universes related to the Core.

Demons are loosely divided into two types

"Greater" Demons are an example of "single species" individuals. each Greater Demon is unique in appearance. by contrast, Lesser demons refer to demons that can actually be grouped into types



Mostly harmless as far as demons go, bibliophages subsist on a diet of written words


a small species of lesser demon that tends to lay eggs in its victim's skin


Exactly what it says on the tin.


a lesser demon species with particularly nasty poison, even compared to the Facemelter.


Blind and poisonous.


the scavengers of demonkind

Hunger Demon

A giant demon that eats everything.


a shape-shifter


an aquatic species, often kept as a pet by Sea Dwellers

Titan Demon

a species of lesser demon resembling a Titan in its eating habits


essentially two dimensional, with razor-sharp tendrils


essentially demonic foot soldiers


Well known in Neighpon, Tenome occasionally wander urban communities at night, killing wantonly


Often seen manifesting in more remote regions of the Crystalline Raj, Baital, or vetala, are known for possessing dead corpses.

This creature is most famous for its role in "The Twenty-five Tales of the Baital", a collection of stories often compared to the Arabian Nights. In these tales, the legendary Glamourling King Vikram is tasked by a great yogi to retrieve a corpse occupied by a Baital. After some struggle, the monster agrees to come with Vikram only if the King will remain silent. Unfortunately for Vikram, this demon is a talkative one with a particular fixation on equine folly. It presents twenty-five tales with twenty-five moral dilemmas, and ends each by asking the King if he can justify the character's actions.

For twenty-four tales, the King is unable to remain silent. He proudly and expertly defends equine nature to the undead being, even knowing that he must begin the journey anew. The twenty-fifth, however, is a description of the future; a future where Vikram's own liberal way of thinking has been twisted into a world so amoral (by the standards of the time, i.e. mares hold as much power as stallions) that he is at a loss for words.

At the end of their journey, the baital at last abandons the corpse (which reverts from an emaciated, monstrous form to that of a child) but not before revealing the yogi's plan to sacrifice our hero to his goddess, saving the King's life in return for "finally admitting" that equines are, and always will be, inherently flawed.


A quasit is a tiny demon that delights in tormenting mortals with vicious – and often lethal – pranks. They delight in causing mischief and mayhem. Sometimes, a quasit will bind itself to a mortal spellcaster to act as a familiar.

Although quasits thirst for victory and power as other demons do, they are cowards at heart. They typically attack from ambush, using their shape-changing ability and invisibility to get within reach, then try to scuttle away. When retreating, they cause fear to deter pursuit.


All that is known about Balrogs (aka: Surtr, Diablo) is taken from legend. There are few accounts of Balrog encounters and all the while, one has never been seen. They are often mistaken for sirens, because they also sing an entrancing song to lure in travelers.

Four key characteristics will allow a listener to distinguish them from Sirens:

1.Temperature - wherever the voice is heard, the air is usually hotter.

2.Fire - flames that burn within the area of effect will lean toward the source of the voice, despite wind.

3.Hallucinations - all accounts of Balrog encounters seem to share one theme: the vision of a bipedal, horned fire elemental attacking them. Survivors claim that they managed to stall or fool the beast in their visions, and it was why they were able to get away.

4.Terrain - Sirens live in sea caves, not mountains.



Vrocks, also known as vulture demons or wrath demons, enjoy killing. They can be found in gangs of up to ten individuals. A typical specimen is 8 feet in height.

Vrocks fight in melee using their vicious beaks, front claws and also rear talons. The screech of a vrock can briefly stun its victims.

They can also release clouds of spores, which have the unusual property of embedding themselves in surrounding creatures and almost instantly sprouting into ugly green vines. The process is painful and potentially fatal to weaker creatures.

The dance of a vrock, if maintained for eighteen seconds, can generate a wave of lightning which electrocutes all creatures within 100 feet. If up to four vrocks dance simultaneously, the force of the blast increases accordingly


Servants of the Demon Prince Demogorgon


Balors are creatures of great power, and they are one of the most terrible creatures of Pandemonium. They rule as generals over demonic armies. They are the masters of plotting to gain power and destroy the innocent. Even among their own kind, balors are feared, as they motivate their kindred to spread terror and misery.

Balors love to join battle armed with their swords and whips. If they face stiff resistance, they may teleport away to loose a few spell-like effects at the foe.

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