Cyberpunk Equestria 500 members · 115 stories
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Cyberpunk Nightmare Night Story Contest Winners

Hello everyone. Congratulations to all of you for participating in this Cyberpunk Nightmare Night Story Contest. I'm sorry for it taking so long to deliver the results, there were some issues that delayed thing, but here we are.

1st Place Story

Pharynx has one chance to save his hive. And it requires bringing about the end of the world.
TheInfamousFly · 9.2k words  ·  12  2 · 326 views

2nd Place Story

TYOULOVEME.VBS: A Cyberpunk Short
It's Nightmare Night and a fresh body arrives at the morgue. Was it murder, or just another victim of the mean streets?
TheManFromAnotherTime · 5.9k words  ·  11  0 · 173 views

3rd Place Story

TThe Nightmare Parade
Sweetie Belle's performance at Sol City's Nightmare Night Parade might change the entire world.
Wanderer D · 21k words  ·  39  2 · 419 views

To all the winners, make sure you contact, Mutter Butter (sorry, it's actually Spectra_Sus you need to contact for your prizes) about getting your prize.

Thank you all for participating. May you all stay safe and have a splendid day.

I congratulate the winners AND the judges AND the contest runner!

Wanderer D

Splendid job all around. All entries were pretty awesome in my humble opinion. TheManFromAnotherTime and TheInfamousFly did a fantastic job each and their award is well-deserved! Don't know about the jackass that got 3rd place, but he sure does love his Sweetie Belle stories.

Group Admin

Sorry, I posted the wrong artist. It's Spectra_Sus who is doing the prizes. :twilightsheepish:

Group Admin

I hope that all of you who won have been able to contact the artist for your prizes. :pinkiesmile:

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