Constitutionalist Bronies 80 members · 17 stories
Comments ( 86 )
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2314921 Ya know I can get the same quality from a Thai hooker, for a much cheaper price.

Moonlit Shimmer
Group Admin

2316244Me so hoorrny, Me so horrrny, me sucky sucky, me love you long time!

man i love full Metal Jacket XD

2316710 Is that you John Wayne? Is this me?

Moonlit Shimmer
Group Admin

2321452No, this is space.

2321872 No this is Patrick!

2321872 You see the new group name!?

Moonlit Shimmer
Group Admin

2324280eeyup i liek it alotz

2324642 Such name, much good. Wow. So freedom.

Moonlit Shimmer
Group Admin

2324785I hate that meme so much

2325008 Oh come now dear Moonlit, it loves you.

Moonlit Shimmer
Group Admin

2331679how dare you soil AJ!

2336684 There are plenty more where they came from. Shall I continue this torture?

Moonlit Shimmer
Group Admin


2344245 No you won't.

Moonlit Shimmer
Group Admin

2344261Do not unleash this beast. You cannot handle the REPRECUSSIONS!

2344282 You can't handle the truth!

Moonlit Shimmer
Group Admin

2344289Prepare yourself!

A neutron walks into a bar and asks the bartender "how much for a drink?"
To which the bartender replies "for you? no charge"

2346249 You wanna go chemistry fool!? Bring it!

Platinum, Argon, and Silver walk into a bar. Gold is sitting at the front. Silver walks up and says "A U, you're in my seat!"

Wow. Much funny! Such Laugh! 20% cooler. Rainbow Doge.

Moonlit Shimmer
Group Admin

2356249NO FAIR, YOU CHEATED! fine then howabout THIS

(on a side note: i have developed a total man crush on Ben Shapiro. I want to have the biggest bromance with him. We will go to debates, hang out, I will meet his wife and we will all have lovely dinner, then one day ill have kids and they will marry his kids and we'll have beautiful grandkids together alongside our wives and then we will outlive our wives but we will still have each other and then we will both be on rocking chairs as old men Christian and Jew, Brother and Brother and we'll die high fiving while drinking classy wine.)

2358067 Ah come on I can't compete with that! Fine fucker you win! :ajbemused:

That's a serious bromance you got going with him though. For reals, I don't even plan half that shit out with women who are potential wife material!

Moonlit Shimmer
Group Admin

2358517YES VICTORY IS MINE! HUZZAH.... What do I win?
Dude You should see his video "How to debate a Liberal" and "How to get your liberal Freinds to vote conservative". From the second video "first of all you shouldnt have liberal friends but if you do then..."

I just want senpai to notice me.

The Player Haters

"Anti-Statist" is a term I abandoned months ago, in case you didn't read this. This is not an envy group. :facehoof:
If there can be groups reflecting a single ideology, like Christian Bronies, but still not be inclusive anyway, again, like Christian Bronies, then what is wrong with a group for people with generally constitutionalist ideologies?

They seem to allow me there just fine.
Have you tried clicking the button labeled "join?"

I know, I don't think you get my point. Christian Bronies is geared towards Bronies who are Christian, but anyone can go there as long as they're nice.

This group is the same idea, only Constituionalist.


CB is pretty much run by Froey at this point, with an iron fist. Which is good, because she's responsible.


...for the holocaust.

3175857 Much laugh. Such funny. Wow.

How about "First Amendment Bronies," or "Brony News Network"?

2291696 I would say stick with the Constitutionalist name. It's easy to be against something, but it's far more important to let people know you are FOR something.

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