Marshmallow Shipping 242 members · 276 stories
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Thank you for the heads up. :twilightsmile:

Bakmah Genesis
Group Admin

Imma take Jelly, because I need me something to write

Bakmah Genesis
Group Admin

Prompt: Jelly

The Head Chef at Canterlot Castle had seen many things happen in his kitchen. From complete caffeine withdrawal from Princess Celestia, to Princess Luna’s addiction to the pastry known a Moon Cakes. However, right now, he could not think of another time that topped what he watched take place in his famed kitchen.

“Eck! Tia, I thought we agreed not to go for my mane! Oh the hours it will take to remove this vile substance from my gorgeous mane!” lamented a white unicorn, a thick coat of jelly over her purple mane. The culprit, one alabaster alicorn, snickered as a spoon with remnants of jelly floated next to her head.

“It matches your mane just fine, love,” said Celestia, giggling uncontrollably. Rarity huffed before picking up her own spoon and scooping up a relatively large blob of jelly. Smirking, she launched it towards the laughing goddess, the condiment splattering all over her face. There was a deadly silence as Celestia slowly wiped the jelly off her face.

“Oh, it is on!” said the goddess with a wicked grin, grabbing another spoon full of jelly. The chef sighed as he turned away. He was going to need a mop.

New Prompt: Blood Oath

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