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4400819 Wait, scratch that.

4400831 :rainbowlaugh: Ok, gimme a sec to come up with something

4400834 Whenever you're ready.

As I listen to the song "this day" from Canterlot wedding, I get inspired to make a chapter like that later on.
Any thoughts on that? Since the original mane 6 would not exist, it opens up a whole lot of new possibilities.:rainbowdetermined2:

4403124 Well. What would the chapter be about?

4403694 It would follow the original episodes, with the new mane 6, of course. Canterlot wedding.

4403740 So Blazing would have a brother who's getting married too?

4403829 No, it would be Shining Armor like in the original. The thing is that the original mane 6 doesn't exist, their relatives, however, does. I have to change a few details. For one thing, the new mane 6 would be invited by Celestia for their contributions to Equestria. Lot's of possibilities, as I said.

4403951 So they'll be invited like special guests/celebrities kind of deal?

4404046 Yeah, pretty much.

4404293 Ok. And what would happen?

Woah wait you tell me this now? XDDDDDDDDD

4404299 Pretty much the same, only Blunt would get suspicious of "Cadance" and probably go out on his own to figure things out. With a Little help, perhaps.

4405934 I got inspired. But if you're reffering to the relatives thing, Granny Smith and the others would simply live somewhere else. And sorry.:twilightsheepish:

4406120 OK, obviously Joy would be the first to join him. And then Silent afterwards

4406312 Indeed. Joy could go all "pinkie-spy" on Cadence or something. Silent would probabl agree with Blunt on it I guess. She is rather observant and Blunt has his gut instinct.

It's cool, I mean, it's already done XD Besides, I love creating new OC's and I can always make some other use for them as well as this story! :3
I just didn't realise that's what you were doing XD I could probably spend most of my time creating new OC's for EVERY pony in equestria that comes along! (Hoping the name isn't taken XD)

4406466 Yeah, hopefully Joy won't distracted by Cadences flank lol. And yeah, maybe this could become more development for Blunt and Silent.

4408464 Eyup, no kidding.:rainbowlaugh:
Speaking of which, how's it going with Silent? Her meeting with blunt that is.

4407058 If you could draw up some about Satins closest family, that would be helpful. You named them, but I'm gonna need a bit more on 'em.

I'll get there, I just have a lot on my plate right now. A lot for a 14 year old at least

4408917 Right. There's no rush on it. Take your time.:twilightsmile: Wouldn't it be funny if Satin's sister and her friends would make a love poison and use it on Blunt and somepony else (like in hearts and hooves day)

Do it.
Speaking of which, the CMC. Since I've made a new Applebloom, and a new Sweetie Belle, should we have a new CMC as well, or should we add these fillies to the original CMC branch.

4408943 Let's make Another new one. All new CMC.

Ooh, sweet! In that case, we need a Scootaloo :3

Blazing would probably have her own suspicions. She would then investigate on her own. Probably bump into the others.

4412982 Indeed. This could get interesting, with at least Three of them getting suspicious instead of just one and all. Joy tags along with Blunt, so that leaves Vanilla and Satin as the only ones who aren't suspecting anything is up.


A Little thing I have thought up.

Blunt Edge is in the possesion of a very special armor with magical abilities (his gladiator armor, see picture)
Blunt himself does know of its Power, but do not yet know what an extraordinary artifact the armor actually is.
In his Days as a gladiator, he was presented with it as a token of his outstanding strength and ability in the arena.
It later became his trademark weapon of choice, along with the sword that gave him his name, a sword with a blunt edge, also nicknamed "the sword that do not kill".
Even after he left the arena, he still carries them with him,

So, what do you Think? I am planing on including a bit of history behind this armor and its origin in the stories to come.
I was wondering if anyone is up for thinking up different origin stories for the armor as well as a name for it.
I already have a few ideas, but I want to hear what my "crew" has to say on the subject.

Thanks me mateys.:scootangel:

4415758 Sounds interesting, maybe you could call it "iron striker" or "blood armor" or "rampager armor".

4415784 Nice ideas. Should probably tell you guys what "abilities" the armor has. It is capable of absorbing any and all magic based attacks or spells into itself, giving the wearer an advantage against unicorns and other magical enemies. At least this is the Power that was most used by Blunt in the arena. The armor's Power will be explored more as I progress in the story.

4415802 So basically Blunt wears a sponge made of metal?

4415845 Pretty much, but not only. He uses it to deliver puniching tackles/lariats or as a shield when he has to. But you can see how it would be effective against opponents like Nightmare Moon or a changeling.

4415862 OK so its similar to Kirby's copy ability in a way.

Not really, it does absorb the magic, but Blunt himself doesn't get the Power used against him. I have yet to develop all of the armor's Power. But I guess it could be compared to kirby's inhale ability. One thing I figured out is that if it absorbs certain kinds of magic, it will get new properties and Power, kind of like gourmet cells from Toriko. (not sure if you have read that manga or watched the anime)

Let's just say Blazing's cutiemark is a lot more literal than you thought...

4419320 That kinda came out of the blue and of topic..........What's up?:rainbowhuh:

...... never. Or at least not yet.

So I was thinking.
I figured out how to put up Pictures, so I figured I could start taking requests for drawings. Granted, they would be in black and White, but that's what I can do best, truth be told. Given I also don't have the more advanced Equipment some others have.
I have put up a couple of things I made (see latest blog) so you can see what I can do.
Thing is, I don't really have a good idea for what to make and it would give me something to do, when I'm not otherwise engaged.
It's also so that I want to test my skill with request drawings, since I don't usually draw ponies, I could use the practice.
So, anyone has an idea or request?
I was thinking of making gala dresses for the new mane 6 (though Blunt would get a suit of some sort) maybe.


4421560 I can probably think of something, Also, maybe check out some online tutorials

4421566 Nice. But I do Believe I will work on my own style when it comes to ponies, or just take a really Close look at how the series are done.

4415901 Hey! Have you got anything for me on Silent's meeting with Blunt yet?:rainbowderp:

4424581 I do have one idea. Maybe while Blunt is trying to get away from everyone he's met so far, he bumps in Silent while she was walking and reading a book. They bump into each other and Silent caught a good glimpse of Blunt. She then saw that he dropped something and decides to return it to him. But when she finds him, she sees that he's taking a nap under a tree or something and decides to leave his item next to him. But before she could leave, he wakes up and finds her staring down at him, which results in Silent blushing. That's just an idea though.

4424620 Interesting idea. Though I don't Think it's in Blunt's character to run away from anything. I like the idea of them bumping into each other, however, and I Think we should try and develop that more. As I recall, Silent enjoys scary stories and maybe Blunt could look like somepony from one of those that Silent might enjoy for some reason, the character that is.

4424661 Yeah. Maybe come up with a theory that reading so many stories might've actually caused one of her favorite characters to come to life and follows Blunt to see if its true.

4424733 :rainbowlaugh: Yeah, maybe like a book series like daring do, but different. Also, he could act just like Before mentioned character.

4424758 Haha. And yeah maybe there could be another running joke where Blunt refers to Silent as "Stalker" or "She-stalker" since she follows him around the first time she meets him.

4424882 Boy, we're getting a lot of running jokes for this.

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