Bat Ponies Are Best Ponies 2,442 members · 651 stories
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So much for watching my anime...
Hey bro, mind filling me in?


Since we're going back to the raw material of the forum, I'll refer you to my own previous forum post, and we can continue here on how it may potentially draw similarities and effects.


TL;DR, Riku didn't understand the differences between dialects and real languages, Olivia did some reading on Wikipedia, and I tried (and failed) to mediate the whole deal. I presume that Olivia is about to clean up this whole mess over the course of a comment or two.

I actually really liked that Post. It helped me to differentiate one type of bat-pony from another.

My mind is ready for the Timey-Wimey. Hit it.

What? Why would you expect that? I revel in such things! :::;)

Anyways, I suspect a large population of non-thestrals and proper rationing could make a voluntary blood donation system workable.


Mkay, thanks.
Also, why am I not surprised you failed? XD


Everyone, meet my Sister, MC. Part time DJ, part time artist, full time pain-in-my-flank.

Oh, are you siblings? How novel.

Thank you.
That's what I was going for with it.

Would a sizable population of Thestrals be sufficient? Cuz then EVERYONE would be a bat-pony.


Awww, you do care about my interests. I'm touched.
Of course you've all met my brother, part time know-it-all, part time annoyance, and full time brony.

Seems logical. I would, of course, be the blood-drinking sort, if only so I can play up vampire aesthetics.

I am Olivia,
Satirist, pseudointellectual, and by no means a poet!
There might also be more than a lot of communism in there. And something to do with music?

Of course. Then I could play up the fruit-eater faction. I suppose the question then becomes: how can we encourage sufficient Hemogenesis to sustain a high population of blood-drinkers? Alternatively, by supplementing with (sterilized) animal blood?

Name's Riku.
Caffeine addicted would-be author with Asperger's, dog-owner, cat-hater and currently enetered into a state beyond tiredness from an approximate 36 hours without sleep.

Prolly animal blood and voluntary donations. If I had a few centuries, social engineering could work.

I feel that, late night song mixing/artsy things usually means no sleeping for days on end. Not to mention my dreaded homework.

Pleasure to meet you both by the way!

I should technically sleep, it's two minutes to five. But you know what? Screw it, I'm not sleeping until this evening!

That could work, yes. I suppose the next question is this: how can we alter our living spaces to better accommodate a bat/pony hybrid lifestyle? After all, I doubt normal human habitation would be sufficient for long.

I was going to bed soon anyway, so I could get back to this thread with a fresh mind.
Be careful Riku, The hallucinations caused by a lack of sleep can be... unpleasant.

Same here, I always say that sleep is for the weak.
That being said, my brother's probably going to hit the hay pretty soon.

I was also wondering what type of social engineering?

Make giving blood and limited consumption of blood a cultural thing. Encourage it as a sign or respect or solidarity or whatever.

(Honestly we should do this sort of social thing, [minus the consumption bit] for real blood banks. If you can legally donate blood, you probably should.)

Like, don't drink the blood. Give it to people who need it.

I wish I could. I'm that far beyond exhausted that I'm NOT tired.

The sad part is that this is FAR from the first time.

Ah, I thought you meant more of a psychological approach. I think that your plan would work well, though.
But what do I know? I'm just your friendly neighborhood artist. XD

You know, It's not a bad Idea. I mean, some people shouldn't give blood regularly for health reasons (Full time athletes, soldiers, those with diseases), but it's not a bad idea. The only issue is that you'd have to work against people's fear of needles, combined with our cultural tendency to hemophobia.

Art is propaganda. It just depends on how it is aligned. Pro-status-quo propaganda doesn't tend to look like propaganda.

Oh, it's perfectly rational to fear needles. They hurt, and painful things should be feared.
What isn't reasonable is to think they are the greater evil.

That's a very valid point. I like you already.

The question with that would be how would we combat it? How long would it take to get the general public to get over their fear of needles?

Don't try to make them not fear needles. Try to get them to grasp that the alternatives are worse. Disease and death from lack of usable blood are far worse than a little pain.

Screw it, changed my mind. Sleeping now. Day.

Multi generational genetic modification, modification of educational requirements to require a secondary language, and orbital solar reflectors would be a great start to this plan.

Multi-generational? But what of those who are impatient?

They'll just be ahead of the game? If they're impatient in the sense that they want the changes to happen faster, they could always start making the changes in their own lives and education?

But I would like to be the bat pony.

Well, nanite technology is an option. That, in conjunction with gene splicing, would give the desired results far quicker. But, the survival rate would be somewhere in the 30% range. So, less than one-in-three.

Soooo... take your chances. I would rather play the long game. It's what I'm good at.

Yes, but what's the point if you don't get to be the horse?

... and why, pray tell, would I wish to be a technicolor equinoid?

I happen to like living jigsaw puzzles, and would much rather be one. One part bat is sufficient for me.

Then go multi-generational that!

That was the plan. But, I'm a fan of variety. So...

~Ponies to the left of me, Griffins to the right. Here I am, stuck in the middle with you!~

~Nanananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananana... Bat Pone!~

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