Quill and Blade 364 members · 61 stories
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Crystal Wishes
Group Admin

Just because this group is centered around our 'verse and whatnot doesn't mean other people don't write. In fact, they definitely do! I figure it might be good to collect y'alls story promotions, self or otherwise, especially given Posted's recent foray into the fanfiction world and that I know some of you are very avid readers. I guess let's try to use some kind of consistent format, maybe? I don't know, I'm new at this.

They don't HAVE to be self-promotions, but as of 2016 we've introduced Positive Promotions over recommendations that might get lost in this thread.

Sorry, but no Mature stories, please.

[b]Title:[/b] [url=]_______[/url]

[b]Tags:[/b] _____

[b]Description:[/b] __Either the short or the long description, whichever you think captures the story best__

[b]Pitch:[/b] __Essentially, why are you promoting this story and/or why would a QnB folk be interested?__

Tag colors in case you want to be pretty:
[color=#4B86FF][b]Slice of Life[/b][/color]
[color=#888888][b]Alternate Universe[/b][/color]

Crystal Wishes
Group Admin

I have to do this one first because I just know he'll love me for it. :heart: Obviously I have others to recommend but for now I'm getting back to work, because my work here (i.e., embarrassing Rossby) is done.

Title: My Little Introvert: Being Home is Magic(al)

Tags: Comedy, Slice of Life, Alternate Universe

Description: A simple story of a mare who knew that magic was where the home is. Preferably a home with thick window treatments and a sturdy, well-locked door. Very secure. Very magical.

Pitch: Rossby Waves wrote this. Yes, the local cantankerous jerk of a pegasus wrote a My Little Pony fanfiction, and I enjoy embarrassing him by pushing him into the spotlight. What, that isn't reason enough alone? Okay.

It's a story about an introverted Twilight Sparkle who never left the library in Canterlot. Rossby, despite not being a fan of the show, captures a pretty great Twilight and Spike while also adding his own flair of, well, extreme introversion. There's some pretty good comedy and also some pretty good seriousness. One part gave me chills.

Title: The Song of Syhlex

Tags: Adventure

Description: When they began to read the ancient book Twilight and Spike only had the slightest of ideas what it could possibly be about. As the illuminated inks revealed to them an image of Princess Celestia locked in combat with a massive dragon and his sons they realized that the song written upon the aged pages was telling of a long forgotten battle...

... and that the Celestia they know and love is capable of things they dare not imagine.

Pitch: This has been a long time favorite of mine in the short story category. I've always recommended it both for the amusing 'what if' content as well as the style it is written in. It is a real treat and most anyone who likes ye olde dragons coming to cause trouble with an ancient princess will enjoy it.

Title: A Skitch in Time

Tags: Adventure, Alternate Universe, Human

Description: Nothing is right.

Jake has no idea why he woke up as a pony mare in Equestria. He has no idea why he can't remember what he was doing before it happened, and he has no proof that his human life is even real to begin with. Just his memories. Memories he can't even trust any more, because even the Equestria that he's found himself in doesn't match what he remembers and everypony he meets think he's a unicorn by the name of Skitch-Sketch, who's been right at the side of the Element Bearers.

And then there's that creeping sense of dread. Feelings that he's run from for a long time. And the sensation that some other, deeper doom is bearing down on the planet Equis.

But surely the Mane Six can fix everything....right?

Pitch: The truth is that I promote this story wherever I can. It has that bothersome "human" tag, but takes most of the tropes associated with this kind of story and subverts or even inverts them. Instead of being the focus, that tag is just one part of this Stranger in Equestria tale of action, adventure, mystery, duty, and of course, friendship.

Shameless Self-Promotion, you have been warned.

Title: Velvet Temptation

Tags: Comedy

Description: Velvet Step may be an amazing dancer but sometimes after a long night she is weak to temptation. When the lights grow dim after an exhausting performance will another mare come out to play?

Pitch: Velvet Step is best pony.

* * *

Title: Second Step

Tags: Comedy, Adventure

Description: Every pony gets a cutie mark, but it might not mean what they think. Velvet Step has always loved dancing and when she got her cutie mark while on stage she thought it must signify her talent in ballet. After all, what else could a ballet slipper represent?

Join Velvet for her second beginning when she first feels the spark that her friends always talked about when following their talents.

Pitch: Yep, still best pony.

* * *

Title: Write or Wrong

Tags: Comedy, Slice of Life

Description: Written Word has loved exploring the written word his entire life. He got his cutie mark while immersed in a new book and didn't even realize it until the shop keeper pointed it out. He shrugged, asked for the next book in the series, and promptly dug back in.

When he reads a new book by the author C. W. Step something strange happens. Instead of devouring the words and hoarding them like a jealous dragon he is gripped with the need to share like never before. Being the obvious thing he starts writing stories set in the world that C. W. Step created.

To bad he is oblivious to the fact that his stories are more terrible than getting your tail stuck in a laundry press. Clueless he rushes to share them with anypony who will stand still.

Pitch: Has anyone else ever wondered where all the nacho cheese on the ceiling crazy fans are in Crystal's Wishes? Also small amounts of Best Pony.

Well I would put mine here, but it is entirely in my head in the conceptual phase. I'm afraid it may stay that way for the foreseeable future.

Group Admin

Title: Fragments

Tags: Slice of Life

Description: A pegasus woke in the woods. He was lost, injured, and had only the vaguest of dreams for memories; nightmares of a Canterlot engulfed in shadow and flame, of an invading swarm lead by one great and terrible dark figure. As he begins a new life, the dreams continue to taunt him. Will he ever find out who he was? And if he does, can he -- and his newfound friends -- accept what he finds?

Pitch: The first story in one of my top favorite changeling series on this site. Chosen for today's submission because the author just updated his newest story in the series.

Title: Crystal Delicacy

Tags: Romance Slice of Life

Description: Ruby Moon is a thirty-year-old mare with what she think is a rather successful life. She is a sergeant in the Palace Guards and she doesn't have any issue finding willing stallions to relieve the stress of her work.
But one day, her temporary new affectation in the Crystal Empire will change her life for maybe the better.
After all, what could go wrong with dating an older crystal stallion?

Pitch: I start writing that because when I thought of a Cameo for Q&B, I start thinking about her back story. It's supposed to take place in Q&B, (but Anzel screw me with how Sombra is). Anyways you should read it, if you want more "mature" character in Q&B and it also try to dance with the event of the mains stories.

Hmmm, shameless promotion you say? Well, I can be down for that!

Title: A State of Darkness

Tags: AdventureAlternate Universe

Description: The only currency in war is life. It is a simple creed meant for an era that most believe has long since passed. With princesses, elements, and friendship, what could dare shatter the dream sewn by Equestria’s holy lights? What could ever throw us into a state of complete, utter darkness? Well, they always forget. They always forget that Tartarus exists for a reason – that something trapped by once upon a time spawned their beloved guards. They always forget that even the Sun casts a shadow, and it is in this shadow where we sit – to serve as a bolting line of defense against all threats that slither beneath the pedestal of our magical world.

Pitch: Q&B seems like a good place to shamelessly plug OC-centered stories, and ASoD is definitely OC-centric. Of course, I can be even more shameless and say that both Silent Knight and Crystal make cameo appearances at some point. :P Shameless!

Comment posted by Posted deleted Apr 25th, 2016
Comment posted by Posted deleted Apr 25th, 2016

Can you see that? No? Yep, no shame to be seen here.

Title: The Velvet Connection

Tags: Comedy Adventure

Description: Sunbeam and Pepper Ridge were ecstatic when they successfully opened Sunridge Sweets and filled it with satisfied ponies. Unfortunately in this town you don't get to move baked goods without the permission of a shadowy cabal of bakers.

When things keep going wrong at the bakery one daughter vows to put a stop to the ponies harming her parents livelihood. Little does Velvet realize who she is up against and what secrets she will uncover.

Pitch: Best Pony, do you need another reason? With the release of The Velveteen Mask, Velvet Step 2.0 has been unleashed on Canterlot and this unofficial side story does not shy away from her new more naughty side.

Title: Velvet Missteps

Tags: Adventure, Alternate Universe, Comedy (Crossover??)

Description: Velvet Step is a mostly ordinary earth pony from Canterlot. She dances in the ballet, goes to night clubs, and has the best friends that any pony could ask for.

And then, her bathroom suddenly, inexplicably and incomprehensibly becomes a gateway to another dimension (that's where the "mostly" comes in, you see).

Now, trapped in a different Equestria, her only hopes of returning home lie squarely in the capable professional unlikely-to-wreck-anything hooves of a frustrated princess and a retired king with a penchant for dark magic. Will Velvet conquer the long journeys, dangerous missions, sleepovers and editing mistakes that stand in her way, or will this be her last (mis)step?

Pitch: Dude, I already gave you the description, how much more pitch do you need?

Alright, fine: Velvet accidentally travels to the alternate Equestria-Decimus and embarks on challenging and baffling journey to try and return home with help from Twilight-Decimus and former-king-turned-slightly-mad-doomsday-scientist Sombra "Pops" Crepúsculo. Guest-stars Léon, Griffon Guard of the Crystal Empire (voiced by Jean Reno), the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and a flashback to the previous story in the series, Anypony for Doomsday?. It is also 140% Crystal Wishes approved.

Title: The Wanderings of my Mind

Tags: Random

Description: A series of poems inspired by stories on FIMfic that I loved. The titles of the stories that inspired the poem are at the end of the poem with a link. Title of the poem is chapter name if the poem has one, if not, the title is the title of the story.

Pitch: It's poetry written by (if I'm allowed to toot my own horn?) a mildly talented poet. Oh, and the most recent three are inspired by Quill&Blade stories and events.

Comment posted by Posted deleted Apr 25th, 2016

Alright, shameful self-promotion time! :derpytongue2:

Title: The Midnight Symphony

Tags: Slice of Life Romance

Description: Finally finished for the week, Nightingale and Velvet decide to have a night of fun at a karaoke bar. They end up meeting some unexpected poines.

Pitch: A short story about our two favourite dancers and other OC's... :twilightblush:

Title: The Swift Spear of Street Justice

Tags: Sex Adventure Comedy Thriller

Description: Street Justice is out of options. She loved being a cop, but after the force fires her, her only job option is bounty hunting. Now, paired up with a dropout from the guard, they're pitted up against a secret society.

Pitch: Firstly, this story includes Quill and Blade characters, so it's quite relevant to the group. Secondly... In my opinion it's incredibly important that if you've read Quill and Blade you read this too. Not because of essential story information or anything like that, but because it does something Quill and Blade does not. It talks about what it's like to be rejected, and how it can happen as much for what you are as who you are.

When Silent Knight suffered serious mental issues he had an army of friends ready to back him up. By some miracle, he didn't drive them away with his agony. Many of the main characters have stable jobs, important duties, all of that good stuff. Even when they fall and screw up like when Sunny had a debt to Dolly she had friends to help her. Even the injured party was ready to pitch in and help her back to her hooves.

But that's not how it goes all the time. Sometimes the people with anxiety are inconvenient to deal with. Sometimes gender transitions are too rocky and people can't understand why you would ever go through with them. Sometimes you get addicted to something and you need help, but you're not going to get it because it's easier to think of you as the villain than try and make things better.

In short, sometimes people stop seeing you as a potential friend that needs help, and start seeing you as a potential problem that needs to be eliminated.

Here you will see the members of the Quill and Blade crew in a different light. For a hero to one person can easily be another's villain... And vice versa.

Make no mistake, this is not a story about abject depression. The main characters in this story are not anti-heros. They're good people who want to make the world a better place and are actively working towards that. It's just... Well, they're trash, and no one wants to dig into the junk heap to save them.

Title: Isn't She Lovely?

Tags: Complete, OC, Romance, Comedy

Description: Lovely Prose, aspiring Romance novelist, and her journey towards everything she's ever wanted; a successful career, a wonderful husband, and a picturesque family.
What could possibly go wrong?

Pitch: With a pun like Barleyquin, you know you're in good hooves! Some of my favorite dialogue I've ever written can be found here and I don't say that lightly. You will believe in talking ponies after this!

Title: Life Could Be A Dream

Tags: Complete Romance, Slice of Life, OC

Description: Life Story is a unicorn of many talents. Those talents, from his writing to his worrying, are put to the test as the young writer is often pushed out of his comfort zone. Misunderstandings! Mistakes! Magic! Join Life and a host of new and familiar characters as they learn about love, family, friendship, and more!

Pitch: Why have only a Slice of Life when you could have the whole Life Story? (if that joke didn't appeal, don't read the story, you'll only get angrier from here :pinkiehappy: ) Seriously, though, this is a fun twisty turny kind of tale that deconstructs itself, takes a look at the innards and then puts itself back together again. A fun ride all around.

Crystal Wishes
Group Admin

Title: The Shield's Protector

Tags: Romance Slice of Life Alternate Universe

Description: Bringing a lost empire into the modern age is stressful enough, but for a pair of young lovers, the weight can be difficult to bear. Fortunately, their love is stronger than ever. Their vows to one another the solid foundation of their marriage. There is nothing he wouldn't do to protect her from harm, nothing he wouldn't do to show his love. But, whether he is Captain of the Guard or Prince of the Crystal Empire, Shining Armor is her stallion, first and foremost. Her beloved. For the one who captured her heart, Princess Cadence will protect him from that which would harm his spirit—whether he knows it or not.

Pitch: ZOMG is one of those writers whose enthusiasm for writing shows through his works. I recommend pretty much everything he's got, but this one in particular is a good read-in-progress. If you're a fan of the romantic slice of life tales that work on a slow burn, consider checking this one out. ZOMG's characterizations of Cadence and Shining Armor are among my favorites for those two. The struggle of being a young couple, newly wed, and being tasked with the Empire on their shoulders might be a particular draw for those who like some drama with their slice of life!

Did not know this existed. Here goes:

Title: To Quote The Rah! Rah!
Slice of Life
Dark, I guess?

Description: This is a short day in the life of Fuzzy Slippers, and the story of his full-spectrum saviour. Well, kind-of-saviour, at the very least.

Pitch: I saw this post on the writer's group asking what the name of the pony in the "Rainbow Dash starts to read"-episode was. The one with the shaved head. And I started thinking. "Why is he even in hospital?"
An Idea formed. And then I saw the After the Fact: Rah! Rah! Rainbow!-video by sivler quill, for wich I sent him a recorded line. The idea took shape more and more.
Why do I think you guys should read this? Well, that's ultimately up to you, but I think that - if nothing else - this story might lend a little bit of comfort to some people less lucky than I. I recommend watching the video first.

Big thanks to Rainbow Call for the inspiration and aid with the story.

Here goes nothing,

TItle: Strider

Tags: Alternate Universe, Comedy, Romance, Slice of Life.

This is the 1st story of 4 planned stories.

Teaser: Strider is about a Pegasus Canterlot Guard that is trying to advance his career; but his progress is being hindered by, a Pest for a Partner, a Dragon with anger issues, a Half-Crazed Inventor, a Nosy Princess that has a cake problem, and Pushy Triplet Half-Brothers, to name off a few. They all want the best for him, but Flame Strider is oblivious to see it.

I recently posted the beginning of a story set in the Quill and Blade universe.

Story: Snow Feather, the lesser known Art Restorer of Canterlot
Tags: Alternate Universe, Slice of Life
Description: Snow Feather is a relatively unknown Art Restorer in Canterlot, and for the most part she likes it that way. Of course when I say in Canterlot I really mean near Canterlot, seeing as her little shop is a good trot outside the city proper. She's had no real problems, besides the occasional entitled elite trying to reprimand her for telling them they wasted their bits on a forgery and were duped by a supposed expert into believing it was the genuine article.
Why I think it should be added to the Fan works folder: The version of Snow Feather in this story is a variant of the character I crafted for the Quill and Blade universe. Snow Feather made a brief cameo in Crystal's Wishes, and this story is mostly for those who are interested in seeing more of this character, and maybe expand on a bit more of Q&B's Canterlot from a different angle.

Title: Hunches

Tags: Sad

Description: Rosewill had a hunch that her husband was a changeling.

Her hunches are never wrong.

Pitch: The descriptions kind of read like a horror or suspense story, but it's neither. It's also lacking the romance tag, since it doesn't really fit with the theme. It's intended to be a small, bite-sized read to play the heartstrings, and at only 1,035 words, it's the shortest story I've ever written (not including stories in the Sensational Serials anthology, where A Song of Ice and Fire holds the record at just 43 words). It's a bit experimental in trying to tell an entire story with only 2 scenes, and I'm actually proud of it. If you please, give it a read, and let me know how I did.

Title: When It Rains by GreyGuardPony

Tags: Adventure
Alternate Universe

Description: Once upon a time in the magical land of Equestria...
That's how these stories usually start, but in a world where heroes of legend fell to corruption that once great nation is no more, and now only lingering divided remnants exist in its stead.
Enter Adagio Dazzle, a young and ambitious noble eager to prove herself and what better way to do so then by hosting the annual memorial festival. Unfortunately this year's commemoration is to be held in Ponyville where she must contend with an overzealous political extremist, an insane chef, a belligerent team of forest rangers, and an uncooperative weather patrol.
To make matters worst within the nearby untamed wilds of the Everfree Forest a storm is brewing. Not just any storm, but a herald of ancient evils soon to return.
For as the old saying goes, when it rains....it pours.

Pitch: There are a lot of AUs out there that retell the story of Friendship is Magic with a different cast, but I can safely say that I have yet to see one that completely alters the setting and reimagines the entire main cast with antagonists in quite this way (I had a similar idea but haven't done anything with it). The story is only just getting started - we've only met one-third of our cast - and it's not clear what the principle conflict will be yet, but it follows a more traditional "swords & sorcery" arc with feudal kings and queens.

The best part, I think, is how we see familiar faces that are subversions of themselves rather than inversions: Adagio still wants to be in the limelight and loves to be adored, but maintaining that image is as much a necessity as it is a desire to preserve her family legacy, and is all the more required because of the grand political game played by the nobles around her. There are plenty of others, but I'm not going to spoil anything for you (except to say that if this story doesn't give you conflicted feelings about Suri Polomare, you might be a grapefruit).

Give it a read, and if you like it, let GreyGuardPony know it. He updates pretty regularly, so you won't be left in the lurch for a length of time (no worse than Anzel's ever done to us, at least).

Title: The Summer Faire in Ponyville
Tags: ComedySlice of LifeAlternate Universe
Description: Bright Eyes, Howitzer and Downdraft arrive in Ponyville to attend the Annual Summer Faire. Bright Eyes tries to keep an eye on her husband, but Downdraft decides to take action...Again… How much trouble will he get in this time?
Pitch: Because its my first story and I want some people to read it

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