Your World 27 members · 58 stories
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I dunno, just make the characters interesting would be my 2 cents.

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5380281 Yeah that's the tough part though.

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I'm thinking of redoing some of my ideas for the game.

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5369140 I hope you don't mind that I'm replying to you here, but basically I was thinking about scrapping some of the old ideas. For example the eight temples are now going to be replaced with towers called obelisks, each one representing a different aspect of the colony. I'm also thinking about scrapping the dragon idea because I just can't find a place to put him in.

5426975 I agree with taking out the dragon; that part never really sat well with the whole scifi theme. As for the new towers, what kind of theme were you think of for each of the different colonies?

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5426990 I'm still undecided on what each theme is going to be, but for the first one since it's a forest area I figured that the first obelisk could be called the obelisk of tranquility. The one for the 7th area (the machine area) could be the obelisk of power. The final area could be the obelisk of unity since the final area is supposed to be a combination of all the others.

5426998 let me try suggesting some food for thought for the themes. Are we going for different aspects of human personality or interaction, is it life skills to attain higher level of self like perseverance and respect?

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5427003 Good question, but I'm not sure how to answer it right now. Let's come back to this once all the areas are decided and there are two or three possible themes we came up with for each area.

5427012 okay, are we still rolling with the previous list we made on page 2 or are we scrapping it and starting over?

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5427003 Did you read my blog where I gave a sneak peek of the backstory? By any chance?

5427017 no I did not; give me a sec and I'll go check it out

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5427015 I guess so, I'll let you know if I'm scrapping an idea.

5427022 i'll have to look at the blog post tomorrow. i'll make a note in my phone to remind me.

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5427090 Okay, thanks for taking the time to talk at all.

5427101 no problem, its late so i have to get ready for tomorrow. plus, i'm just currently in the middle of editing someone else's chapter right now that i forgot to do over a week ago. i'll try to read it during my lunch tomorrow.

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5427104 I'll wait.

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5427104 Any thoughts?

5428992 ah yes, thank you for reminding me. after reading the post, i am moving from thinking you are pulling from undertale and pulling more from mother 3/earthbound now. with this whole discovering the lost colony that was evacted from the universe and fighting off this ominous evil entity that is threating to try and destroy the colonies/world again.

random idea just now; there are eight towers right? what if we made seven of the towers about the seven deadly sins and the final eighth tower would be a blend of everything else with a puzzle to unlock the final boss.

anyways, we know that each tower would have to be on different worlds/planets, so how all the towers would align to unlock the final tower and conjunction the final world you'll have to think up that bit.

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5429035 Sorry I didn't reply I was playing a game with my brothers.

5429130 its cool, currently editing someone's chapter

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5429035 I've never actually played Mother 3 or Earthbound nor have I seen a full play-through, so any similarities is purely coincidental. Although I've heard good things about those games. I don't know about the seven deadly sins, it's a possibility but not what I had originally intended, however the eighth one being a blend of everything which is why I considered calling it the obelisk of Unity.

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5429035 I can see how the seven deadly sins idea could work especially since the one who wanted them built is essentially this world's version of a demon. However I was hoping for something more lighthearted, but we'll see in the future.

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5429132 Thanks for discussing with me.

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