SunLight 652 members · 449 stories
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5915850 So am I... and I started it! :rainbowderp:

5915850 5917099 It is a sound discussion you two. Oh and I love you user name and O.C. there Novel. :twilightsmile:

5917057 your logic is flawed you base this just off the first film sunset has grown beyond what she started as she is really a mirror of twilight any more she is not like princess twilight at all heck sunset even points out a major difference she likes to be hands on about things she prefers that to books

as for your suitor and crush thing what does that have to do with anything and this series always defies the "norms" of story telling any ways and you forget sunset is unsure of her self it would be perfectly in character for her to have a crush on scitwi but be afraid to say anything for fear of loosing her friend

and another thing people forget is to be with pritwi sunset would have to abandon her friends in the human world that is something she would never do they are her family


and another thing people forget is to be with pritwi sunset would have to abandon her friends in the human world that is something she would never do they are her family

Long-distance relationship. And Princess Twilight is basically right next to her school as long as she keeps the portal open, so not even that, really.


We are not supposed to rag on the opposite pairing. Your argument is spurious. You are thinking that if you argued enough you can get us to change our minds or prove that we are somehow wrong. This is not what this discussion is about.

Novel-Idea asked which version we preferred and why. I gave my answer. You can have your answer (you obviously support SciTwi) and that is fine.

you base this just off the first film sunset has grown beyond what she started as she is really a mirror of twilight any more she is not like princess twilight at all heck sunset even points out a major difference she likes to be hands on about things she prefers that to books

My entire discussion on their similarities was all about their origins, not their personalities. In fact, I specifically mentioned that the main difference between them (and how I like the contrast) was their personalities and how they handled apprenticeship under Celestia.

this series always defies the "norms" of story telling any ways

Why should I jump through mental hoops to make it work for SciTwi when it works by default with PriTwi? In this you are the one who is conveniently ignoring Sunset's portrayal in EQG3 and 4, where she is clearly the most mature, stable and confident of the cast.

and another thing people forget is to be with pritwi sunset would have to abandon her friends in the human world that is something she would never do they are her family

This is ridiculous. The portal is literally right in Twilight's castle and leads directly to her school. Twilight could pop by literally every day (or Sunset could go over) and Sunset's life wouldn't have to change in the slightest.

As I mentioned earlier, I like the SciTwi pairing also, but for entirely different reasons. Novel-Idea simply asked us which one we liked more, and why.

Short answer: your logic is the one that is flawed, not mine.


It's not even a long distance relationship... Sunset could meet Twilight in person every single day without having to move!


I feel that, since I did go on a bit about why I liked the PriTwi pairing so much, I should also talk a bit about the different way I like the SciTwi pairing.

SciTwi, despite the similar color scheme, voice actress, and hobbies, is actually a somewhat different character from her pony counterpart. Specifically, she hasn't had, at the time of Friendship Games, five seasons of friendship lessons and years of guidance about friendship from Princess Celestia. This means that SciTwi is so much less confident and generally socially weaker, not to mention not being a princess.

And this is part of what makes her pairing great.

I mentioned the suitor/crush dynamic in my PriTwi/Sunset gushing. SciTwi is clearly the suitor - Sunset is the one with a firmer grasp on the social situation in CHS (Twi is a total newcomer) and in LoE it's clear Twi has some self doubt regarding her big showdown in FG, which Sunset saved her from. This has its own very gooshy awesome dynamic, which suggests a lot of stories where Twi has to chase Sunset (many of which have already been written).

The other part of this is that in their pairing we can conveniently forget the entire pony part of the universe, so that we can imagine a world where both Sunset and Twilight are both human (something that is half true), having normal human problems and lives. It's a lot easier to relate to than ponies.

The end result of this is that I tend to ship PriTwi in any stories strongly dealing in Sunset's pony nature, while I push SciTwi in stories which largely ignore the pony aspect.

This is why I also like the SciTwi pairing. Now if only Hasbro would stop trying to stick icky boys in front of either Twilight.

Group Admin

Congrats on a good starting thread for the group. Though I can't help but notice you didn't answer your own question and provide your opinion.

As easily demonstrated in this thread, it's not hard to find support, fuel, and have an opinion one way or the other. Despite the "you can't have both" restriction imposed by the OP, I feel like that is also a valid answers, as long as it isn't a copout and reason is given for it too. However, I feel like I come at it from a slightly different angle, myself.

It really depends on what context you're speaking. If I had an idea for a story, and one or the other of three configurations felt like it fit the best for the story, that's the one I'd go with. Which, by technicality, would be a "both" answer. I'd never restrict myself from writing the best story I could by painting myself in a corner and declaring any configuration the best, at the expense of the others.

If we're not talking about writing a story but instead looking for and reading them, again I'm open to either. If the story is well-written and explore the characters and their romance in an interesting way, I'll read it (this is why I don't care for AppleDash; it's never interesting [shots fired]).

Ship all the ponies. Living arrangements are fluid. Anyone can fall in love with anyone. Some relationships involve changes, some seem healthy while others seem unhealthy. But what matters more than any of that is the story that can be told.

If we're talking about in a vacuum, without any relation to a story at all, then I prefer Princess Twilight. Between the two Twis, I simply like her more. SciTwi is cute and all, but I find her overall character boring. We've gotten to know Princess Twilight for a comparatively long time, and will constantly get new material for her. She has a richer, more nuanced, and more deep character to know and love. By contrast, SciTwi is really mostly defined by her similarity to the existing Twilight, and in those few minor ways (and a few major) that she differs. The movies want to make her to be her own person, but constantly reminding us that "hey, instead of an interesting new character, just remember this is basically Twilight Sparkle."

Alongside that compare and contrast, you have Sunset Shimmer herself. There are similarities in design and background between her and Twilight. But rather than constantly being visually reminded that, "hey this is basically Twilight Sparkle except when it isn't" we're instead given a completely separate character who merely happens to have some overlapping traits with another. But every bit of overlap with Twilight we can find in Sunset, such as her also being a former student of Celestia's, we find Sunny making that hers. She owns her past, she owns her personality, and she owns her character. Everything about her, even when similar, is still distinctly Sunset Shimmer.

So I find the pairing of Sunset and Princess Twilight to be far more interesting and filled with potential, in a vacuum. Everything that could be done with SciTwi is itself split between two obvious categories: stuff that you could just simply do with Princess Twilight but choose to do so with SciTwi for aesthetic reasons, or the significantly smaller category of stuff that really has to be SciTwi to work. And a portion of that category is filled with "has to be SciTwi because Twiangle ship, and you need both."

Princess Twilight is an overall better and more interesting character with more depth and screen-time, and what we do see of SciTwi is substantially hampered by execution. Not only am I interested in shipping her with Sunset, but also several other characters (notably Rainbow Dash), but I'm also interested in shipping Sunset with several other characters (notably Sonata Dusk). My interest in both these characters extends past just this ship, and thus gives a good indicator that pairing them together is similarly due to interest. Meanwhile, SciTwi pretty much only exists in a ship with Sunset (with or without Princess Twi, so technically two ships?).

one thing we can all agree on sunset is twisexual


Congrats on a good starting thread for the group. Though I can't help but notice you didn't answer your own question and provide your opinion.

Oh no! They're on to me! :trixieshiftright:

Fair enough. Though to be honest, I've written both and seen both written well! I'm a bit spoiled on Sci-Twi (which I blame Albi for almost completely with some extra blame going to Oroboro), yet when I think about it, I personally prefer Princess Twilight.

I'm a sucker for redemption arcs. Sunset's redemption arc is one of the best in the series, almost as good as the comic version of Sombra or DIscord's final reformation. And considering it was Twilight who was first willing to give Sunset a chance by pulling her out of that crater, I've always seen that connection there. Also, seeing how much Sunset grew during the course of Rainbow Rocks... and Twilight got to witness almost all of it, to the point of being the one to point Twilight at the right path. In the end, Twilight finally (took you long enough, Twi), figured out that Sunset was the missing element they needed to finally take down the Sirens.

Sunset is the original Twilight Sparkle. She was Celestia's protege and I believe the original choice for the Bearer of the Element of Magic. That gives Sunset and Twilight a deep connection through a pony they both care a lot about. They're both leaders. They're both strong, but willing to ask for help when things get desperate (granted, both also often take too long to ask for that help).

And yet, I also see the connection Sci-Twi has with Sunset. It's almost the same story without the deeper history connection. Sunset saved Sci-Twi just as Princess Twi saved Sunset. And that’s just as powerful a connection. Sci-Twi’s also pretty clueless when it comes to friendship and Sunset’s a pretty darn good teacher. Because she actually cares.

One of my favorite scenes in Friendship Games was when Sunset Shimmer goes off on Sci-Twi. It’s painful to watch and even Sunset regrets it, but it shows so much of her character. She was enraged. Not because of herself. Not because of the loss of the portal. Not because of the loss of magic. She was enraged because she was terrified something could have happened to her friends. Sci-Twi’s experiment did put them in direct danger (and them continuing the race during that was insane). Sunset had a right to be mad. Every right in the world. Did she express it well? No. But she’s still Sunset. She’s still got a temper. She’s got issues. She’s not perfect.

And that’s why I personally connect with her so much. Someone who’s done a lot of things they regret… but they’re still trying to do better. It’s a good theme. A theme that one Twilight would support and cherish, while the other Twilight would probably look upon with awe (and does).

So yeah, I’m cheating. I’m saying both, because they both have their reasons.

But if you’re forcing the issue, Princess Twi. :twilightsmile:

5921052 Lol yeah. I honestly can't see Sunset ending up with someone other than a Twilight Sparkle.

Also, honestly gonna add to my earlier post to note that I do like Sunset and PriTwi as a couple, and I totally understand the reasons why people would prefer that version of the ship, but I just prefer SciTwi. It just fits better in my mind. Especially after LoE; the scene where SciTwi wakes up screaming after a nightmare and Sunset just immediately leaps out of bed, still half asleep but 100% ready to kick the ass of whoever has dared to threaten her girl bestie is one of my favorite moments in the entire EgG series.

And then there's exploring Sunset's feeling towards (and for!) both Twilights in the same fic, because that just obviously seems like something Sunset would have to deal with what with her having very strong reasons to fall for both Twis.

5921926 indeed on the subject

in legend of ever free when flash was talking to her you can tell that whats going on in sunsets head is "twilight twilight twilight god will he shut up allready twilight twilight twilight twilight oh crap there goes that creepy guy flirting with a my ttwilight who is also a campter under his care gota fallow him and see what he is up to" *blows flash off*

serously who decided it was a good idea to have the male camp head be in charge of the girls and the famale in charge of the boys thats just asking for a law suit no wonder the camp was about to be closed

5922030 No that move wasn't asking for a lawsuit, it was begging for one on both knees. :facehoof: Seriously that is one very brain dead thing to do placing a guy in charge of the girls at a place like that. Baka, just baka.

I prefer Sci Twi, as shown by my username. I just love the dynamic between them and how protective Sunset is of Sci Twi, as shown in Legend of Everfree. I didn't really ship Sunset with anyone when I saw the first two movies, but then Friendship Games happened and I shipped them like FedEx. Something about Sunset helping this new Twilight like Princess Twilight helped her just had my brain going "this is the one." Legend of Everfree was basically just pure shipping fuel, but since this show is for little kids they had to throw Timber Spruce in there just to go "look censors! these characters aren't gay, there's a male love interest!"

I prefer sunset and pricness twilight cause I just do, I can see scitwi end up meet the human world sunset and the two become friend and such.....
but princess twilight should be with sunset simmer. but that just how I view things.....

Princess Twilight all the way man since the first Equestria Girls movie! :twilightsmile:

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