The Barcast 1,118 members · 2,312 stories
Comments ( 34 )
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Group Admin

Sup ladies and gents! Give a warm welcome to Tread Lightly, also known as Fiaura, and Queen Quake!

Just like always, if you happened to miss last weeks cast, We've got it on youtube! Give it a listen!

Also check out her youtube channel for a huge variety of quality videos (>>>>>>>>click here!<<<<<<)

Like always, make sure to tune in at 7pm -5gmt/6pm -6gmt/5pm -7gmt/4pm -8gmt over on our twitch page!

Also give our side project, Writers Workshop a look!

Check out the latest Mug Shots cast on the Barcast youtube! Give it a look and check out some art by our very own Ravvij and crew!

To Fiaura:
1) What's your funniest anecdote?
2) On a scale of one to ten, how festive?
3) What's your favourite Christmas song? Bonus points for singing.


Green Cake:
1) Would you a thingpone?
2) Favorite flavor sauce on wings?
3) If foodpones became canon, which one would you want to see?

Have you ever heard the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?

Hello, hello, hello. I hope you’re enjoying the cast so far.

Me continuing writing my necrophilia/inflammation/vomit/possibly bestiality story in second person. Yes or no?

Cheese on crackers?


What’s one of the things you’re proudest of? Anything, even making a cheese and cracker sandwich. But that’d be a sad answer, most likely.

Send bobs and vagen.

Majin Syeekoh

If you were a bagel, what kind of bagel would you feel best represents you?

  1. Whats your favorite video game?
  2. whats your favorite boss fight?
  3. have you accepted skeletor the master of the universe into your heart?
  4. you are in tiny horse village what business do you start ?
  5. were in the world is Carman Sandiego?
  6. Do you even praise bro?

\ [+] /

Best thing about BABSCon?
Best BABSCon story?
For Queen Quake: Hey, could you give me some advice on how to deal with rebels?

For the cast: fuck, marry, kill: Thingpone, Lyler, Shadowblade


What doth life?

You're breaking my computer you shitlord!

1. What's your favorite non-MLP franchise?

2. Done anything fan-related for a non-MLP franchise?

1. How long dose it take to edit a chapter of one of your story?
2. what would you like to do a science panel on next.
3. and Vonholtz said get more sleep Fiaura. :pinkiehappy:

What movie would have been more entertaining to see in theaters upon release: Jurassic Park or Jaws?

For Flutterpriest (if he's on this week): Who would win in a fight: Caleb Shomo or Phil Bozeman?

How does this makes you feel?:

So Fi, your sucked into a portal and stranded in equestria.
1) What book do you bring with you?
2) what drink do you bring with you?
3) do you take on pony form or equestria girls form?
4) what would your special talent be?
5) what single gadget or device do you bring with you?
6) who do you bring as your arch nemesis?

another question
You decide to gift the Mane Six something or some knowledge from our world.
What book do you give Twilight?
What Truth or Honesty do you confess to Applejack?
What sport do you show Rainbow Dash?
Who or What do you bring as a new friend for Fluttershy?
What beauty do you give to Rarity?
What anything do you give Pinky?

and bonus points
What if anything do you give to Spike so he isnt left out?

Hi again! It was cool working with you last year. Sorry I burned out. :fluttershysad:

What's your favorite part of the storytelling that's come up around Queen Quake?
What does it feel like to be so strongly associated with a specific fictional character?
What's the coolest thing that has happened to you as a result of playing the character?

Alright, I have a small list of questions for you.

What is your favorite song from the show, and song from the fandom?

Who is your favorite non-pony?

What is your opinion of changelings?

What is your opinion of Spike?

What is your opinion of the Barcast?

What is your opinion of Berry Punch, patron saint of drunk horses?

And finally, would you recommend watching MLP to those of us that don't?

Group Contributor

To cuck or not to cuck?

To all:
What is your opinion on much onions are right for a goulash?
1:2 onion: meat or 1:1 onion meat or just more onions?

To the Guest:
Why is it Chrimasthree, because of the holy trinity, of Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman?
Why is Batman or Superman written together but Wonder Woman separated?
You are a Pokemon Professor, what is your first question for new Pokemon trainers?
Have fun and happy holydays!

To my wonderful fiance who I wish nothing more than total love/

1. How badly do you want dick?

2. On a scale of 1-10, who is the hottest pony in your groupie adventures?.

3. Fuck Spitfire, yes or no?

4. Do you think telling me about this was a good idea?

What is the most normal thing you’ve done?
Retro or next gen?
Please describe each person of the cast with one word.

Questions sent to my email:

Joseph Hobbs:
1. What made you all get into mlp and what made you all want to have a pod cast? why did you invite Fiaura?

Azel The Black
1. What is with all the pony stuff?

2. What is the weirdest thing you have had to research because of us?

Sam Ludus / Joker:
1. When are you coming back to Eve!?

How do you react when the party in the game your GM'ing does something monumentally stupid

Which is the greater Heresy? The Chair, the Sign, or the Door?

How incompetent is your Editor?

How long until Skullbucking Season picks up?

Where was the first potato found?


If a book on how to achieve success is a faliure, is it a success?

2 questions
#1 Given pinkie pie eats rocks like MLP dragons do you think she and her family are dragon-born?

#2 Hypothetical question.
If given the fullest extent of everything you need to do any 1 thing, what would you do?

Going back to that changeling question, are you telling me if we are part of any hive mind, we can fuck our mother and not get in trouble?

Comment posted by Mioko deleted Dec 23rd, 2017

How much extra bacon have you had to buy now that Spitfire is over there? It is the only way to tame her morning madness!

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