RainbowPie 865 members · 362 stories
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YEAH! *clears throat* i mean yeah I certainly did she was really being a huge bitch and really irritating during the episode i thought i was only one who noticed.

I actually did not find Rainbow Dash irritating but I can see where you are coming from.

From a long life of experiences I have seen good people do similar things as Rainbow Dash did so to me this is actually very real and relatable. A new person came to town and is amazing so of course you will be excited about what he does. IN the excitment you let slip something that can make your friend sad even though you don't mean it to be as mean as it sounds.

Rainbow Dash honestly did not mean to insult Pinkie's party skills (and in fact I think what she really means is to have both working on the party for maximum awesomeness. Pinkie is just Pinkie but Pinkie+ Cheese is potentially even better or so I tend to see it). Rainbow Dash even tries to make sure Pinkie knows she did not mean to insult her. Now I agree that this does not mean she is not without blame. Intent does not absolve you of your actions so even if Dash was not trying to insult Pinkie she did and she should apologize for it (and eventually she does).

As for irritating I thought Dash was oddly subdued. She was not interested in having a contest for who to host the party (she looks nervous when it is proposed and it does not get better as it goes on).

Dash just like Pinkie have good intentions but realize that their intentions end up hurting other people even if they were not trying to. Rainbow Dash wants to have the best party possible but unintentionally insults Pinkie. Pinkie wants to prove she is the best party pony (this is actually not a bad thing in and of itself. She wants to assert herself and show is worth something to herself and her friends) however her desire to do this ends up hurting her friend Rainbow Dash something she does not want to do.

I think we as fans tend to be too quick to judge based on their elements. Applejack will tell a lie. Pinkie will be sad. Rarity will be selfish. It won't happen all the time and when the chips are down they will show their true colors but to act like any instance where they don't show those qualities is a problem for an episode I think goes too far. It is far too unrealistic and puts them on a pedestal that no one should be expected to be. In fact this is a situation where it is far too easy to slip. These little things are easy to rationalize and/or miss in the heat of the moment but it is later when we have time to really consider our actions where our true colors show. In this case that is when Dash and the others realize that they made Pinkie feel bad about her parties.

Whoa that's pretty insightful. Also remember when Cheese and Pinkie were being all nice to each other and then Dash budded in saying enough with the warm fuzzy stuff you two. she sounded jealous XD


I can see that. A little jealousy goes a long way. Dash better say something soon or some stallion may try to take Pinkie away from you. Cheese, Big Mac (seriously look around in the actual show and I think Pinkie has the most moments with Big Mac than any of the rest of the mane 6), or some other guy Dash has competition.

My vote goes for Dash though of course.

As for the insight that is just the way I choose to see it. I cannot say with any certainty that it was the intention of the writers where most of this was probably done just to ensure we had some conflict in the story rather than show off how things may work in real life. It is my way of rationalizing things which thankfully I think still works out with the actual story line. woot!


I think we as fans tend to be too quick to judge based on their elements. Applejack will tell a lie. Pinkie will be sad. Rarity will be selfish. It won't happen all the time and when the chips are down they will show their true colors but to act like any instance where they don't show those qualities is a problem for an episode I think goes too far. It is far too unrealistic and puts them on a pedestal that no one should be expected to be.

This is actually something I agree with emphatically. :P

Before I go into detail, lemme put a little disclaimer here: I liked this episode on the whole. It was good, and I'd probably give it a high 3 or a low 4 out of 5, which is infinitely better than all but two of the other episodes this season. That being said:

I don't have a problem with the plot of the episode, and I expect these kinds of things from Dash. What makes her so great is that she has no tact, and a complete inability to see what's wrong with her actions. It makes her tons of fun to write, and is a super convenient hotbed of conflict.

It's totally excusable for her to get excited about Cheese coming to throw her a party. And yes, she definitely did want Cheese and Pinkie to throw it together (or so the tacked on bit at the end of the episode would have us believe :trixieshiftleft:)

My problem with the episode is kinda complicated, I guess. In simplest terms, it's that they stick the "I was a jerk" baton in Pinkie's hoof at the end, instead of Rainbow's, where it thoroughly belongs.

Longform, now. It's fine that Rainbow was excited about Cheese. It's also fine that Rainbow would accidentally insult Pinkie, even if the way she did it seemed far too dense for a fourth season Rainbow Dash. Whatever, I'm over it.

What's not fine is that she would spend a whole episode reveling in Cheese's antics (And Rarity and AJ too; I expect this kind of shit from Rainbow, but those two? What the actual fuck?), and then at the very last minute come running back to Pinkie and say "Wait, Pinkie! I wanted you here the entire time!"

Umm... No, Rainbow, you didn't. You spent the entire day sitting around watching Cheese set up and repeatedly declaring how epic it was. If you cared about having Pinkie there, maybe you would have thought to yourself at some point "Hey, where's Pinks? I thought she was going to help set up the party?" or, I dunno, literally anything to show that you still care about your friend?

So at the end she finally runs over and is like "Gee Pinkie, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, I actually wanted you there," and Pinkie apologizes for being too prideful, which, hey, that's fine too. But RD lets her apologize, and doesn't insist that she was the jerk? No no no no no. Screw that.

"You're Ponyville's permanent party pony! :D" coming from the same pony as earlier int he episode said "Pinkie's parties are fun and all, but[...]"

... No. RD (and Rarity, and AJ) should've been the one(s) left holding the jerk baton, not Pinkie.

I think Pinkie actually takes that on herself because of who she is. Pinkie takes that baton as you put it because she thinks best for her friends. I think Pinkie would rather think SHE screwed up rather than her friends.

Don't forget that several of Pinkie's friends asked her what was wrong, asking if she was OK, or trying to get across that they did not mean to insult her like she did but another part of Pinkies personality go tin the way. She didn't tell anybody which is very real. It is hard to tell people about your problems if you are of the type that care more about making others happy. When Twilight asks if anything is wrong Pinkie feels like she has to say everything is OK because to do otherwise may make Twilight unhappy and put the new "better" party in danger. Telling Twilight that things are not OK could have led to them getting to the end result quicker and Pinkies friends would have realized earlier that they were trampling on Pinkie's feelings.

Some may think this is an idiot ball situation but for me I have been there. I have withheld my feelings from people (such as sadly my wife) when I am not happy to let them continue being happy and just like in this episode it usually bites me in the butt.

Even at the end Pinkie did not want to give up that baton because she did not want her friends to feel like jerks.

One thing the episode did not have time to do is that the reaction of the populace to Cheese at first makes sense. He is exciting and new so it makes sense he is getting so much attention. Pinkie is old hat (granted very well liked but still everybody knows her). What is important though is that if Cheese was to hang around long enough the novelty would wear off (in fact I think that is one big reason for his success of his parties by traveling he keeps having fresh parties rather than needing to create all new parties to keep interest up). It is like when a new restaurant is in town. You go there a bunch of times at first and love it but then you get bored of it. Then you remember the older restaurants you like and go back and realize that even if the new restaurant is good these older ones can be as good or better too. Not the message they are going for but true none the less.

2761326 Pinkie's behavior isn't what I'm annoyed about. I absolutely agree with all of her choices in the episode. I too have been there (This isn't exactly the most uncommon of situations), and I've acted in much the same way as Pinkie did in the episode, as well.

I'm annoyed that Dash (et al) just waltzed in with a half-assed apology and then acted like everything was fine. I'm not saying I think Pinkie shouldn't have forgiven them; Obviously she should've, she's Pinkie, it's how she rolls.

I'm just saying, I would have liked to have seen something more akin to the resolution of Rarity Takes Manehattan (Where Rarity apologizes for being a jerk and then AJ agrees that Rarity was being a jerk.) For me, it would have been more dramatically satisfying.

Well, aside from being one of the best episodes ever, this is definitely one of the top episodes for anyone who likes teh pinkahdish. :derpytongue2: Can't get these dang songs out of my head, and I don't want to.

Totally agree with the points you make here. I personally didn't find Dash annoying at all. Obviously, for the conflict of the episode to work, Pinkie had to feel left out, which meant that her friends had to ignore her to some extent, but I think how that can be read is just that all of Pinkie's friends just sorta took it for granted that she would be insulted, because she's usually so accommodating and forgiving. And yeah, Pinkie did hold in her feelings too much because she is considerate (and probably because she didn't want to admit 'defeat'). Her friends obviously got caught up in the excitement of a new, high-energy party pony coming to town, but I think it's made clear that they all thought that Pinkie would be taking part and helping out as well, and didn't think that she would just assume she was being replaced. Dash made it pretty obvious that she thought both of them were going to plan the party together, before she got swept up in all the craziness, and I can't blame her for enjoying the extra party pony power Cheese was bringing to her birthiversary.

I think that ALL of the Mane Six were being inconsiderate (or, as Fluttershy said 'so insensitive!'), so it can't just be pinned on Dash. I think Dash didn't even want to be caught up in a bunch of drama or even competition (gasp!) on her birthiversary, so she wasn't thinking about the situation as seriously as Pinkie, until she saw just how much it was affecting Pinkie afterwards. I thought that Dash's apology at the end was satisfyingly heart-felt, but if it didn't feel that way to some, that's understandable.

Anywho, loving all the visual stuff on this thread, so have some of the best little moments from the ep. Sorry if all these gifs make your computer explode with the power of 10 1/2 suns.

"Eat yourself Dash. You're good for you"

Nothing like getting crushed by a ginormous pinata on your birthday.


Ol' Cheesy may have the best partying equipment, but ain't nopony better at throwing a party than Pinkie. He did learn it all from her, after all.

There's a certain gif of a certain part of this scene that may be Derpbooru that shall not be spoken of ever.

I am almost afraid to ask what they were getting from that scene that made it there and makes you say it should not be spoken of ever.

Apparently not too afraid because I just did inadvertently ask.


Well, since you ask...here ya go. Be afraid. :rainbowlaugh:

Holy mackerel! that picture of Dash hanging upside while talking to Pinkie reminds me of the spiderman upside down kiss scene. ok someone write a fanfic on that picture stat!:pinkiehappy:

Anybody else think its funny that Pinkie was already prepared to make anything into a representation of Rainbow Dash? NOt just banners but things like cupcakes and bubbles. It just seems to fit our narrative.

So here's something to think about in the newest episode, Simple Ways: Rainbow Dash volunteers herself and Pinkie to go set up the lights and decorations in the town square, but none of that is shown. Prime material for writing/drawing a 'deleted' scene if you ask me....

Also this:

Exactly what I thought when I saw that scene. :pinkiehappy:

Pinkie was channeling SpongeBob with her bubble-blowing. The banner art was adorable - nice little touch at the end where they had both of the banners set up. Sorta illustrates the difference between how Pinkie and Cheese throw parties: for Cheese, it's all about the party. For Pinkie, it's all about making others happy, which she may have lost sight of briefly, but realized again pretty quick (seeing your friends getting crushed by giant pinatas does that I guess).


I saw somebody else mention this too but it is related to what you are saying about how Pinkie and Cheese do parties differently. While I do think Cheese does put his party goers feelings of happiness to the front Pinkie noticed in particular because it was Rainbow Dash (that is what I think and I am going to stick with it). Where the difference is to me is actually HOW they party. When Rainbow Dash says that Pinkies parties are nice and sweet while Cheese's are epic I think there might be a little something there (it would also imply that Dash was being honest when she did not want Pinkie to take offense even though that is almost impossible to do even if true). Pinkie's parties do tend to the nice, sweet, and oddly more intimate (as in more relate able to the individual). Cheese seems to specialize in the large events what Rainbow Dash called epic.

For evidence check out the song. Many of Cheese's ideas are huge. Most of Pinkie's ideas are smaller BUT they are more personalized. Both can do the other's stuff but I think I can say that they are both better at different aspects or types of parties which is what would make them work great together as they could each add their own best ideas to the mix.

This is a bit late, seeing as Simple Ways is already out and all, but I did notice something in the episode. In each of the mane six's key episodes they see something that reminds them of what's really important. Rarity, it was her missing friends, Rainbow Dash, it was the Ponyville flag. Pinkie Pie? It was Rainbow Dash. For me that was the best part.

2810076 High Octane Shipping Fuel right thar.

Group Admin

All of this. :rainbowkiss:

Also, I never fail to laugh at that little moment near the end where Pinkie and Cheese are spazzing out and Dash interrupts. Jealous much, Dashie?

Yeah she was REALLY showing signs of jealousy there. I dont care what anybody says when they say Dashie would hate to be in a relationship with Pinkie and that is not true since their relationship would be full of hot make out sessions and parties all night which i can see Dash enjoying.
edit: sorry for the double post fimfiction went full retard for a moment.

Comment posted by Drifting Heart deleted Feb 11th, 2014


It looks like the duo being discussed will be Dash and Trixie believe it or not.

Hmm I wonder about the next episode. With all the April fools stuff going on it is hard to know what to really expect but the rumor mill seems to include Pinkie doing a Wonderbolts rap and a peddle copter? Have no idea what they could really lead to but if we are lucky maybe it will have some more PinkieDash scenes it it.

I can't say for sure due to the insanity of April fools out there.

Look all i want for pinkie to be normal and the same with Dash its irritating when Dash gets annoyed with her because well shipping. :heart:


Just going to leave this here...

Full clip can be seen here, but be warned, if you don't want PInkie's amazing rap spoiled, you may want to wait until tomorrow.

That nose boop...:rainbowkiss: Anyways, yes, I think that they are going to interact some in this ep. Obviously I guess, but hopefully they'll have some interesting/significant interactions. Shipping or not, it's always the most interesting and engaging when two characters truly interact with each other, and are really aware of each other, instead of them just basically talking at each other.

I think it's really hilarious how Pinkie seems to know the entire history of the Wonderbolts, when even Dash doesn't. I always thought it would be interesting if Pinkie was a 'wannabe flyer', since she sort of lost her wings during series development, and it would fit her really well (as long as she wasn't too emo about it). Maybe she is a pegasus fangirl after all, or just a fangirl of a particular pegasus...or both. :rainbowlaugh: And yeah, according to Meghan, the Pinkiecopter will be making an appearance. This should be good....

Well in my headcanon she does have pegasus blood in her so its possible. I still fall in love with pinkiedash all over again every time scenes like that appear. I cant wait to see the people over in the appledash group scream in agony over this XD. seriously it seems like every pinkiedash scene to happen so far makes some people start dissing our ship. a captain goes down with his ship no matter how many cannons were fired at it by the rival ship.

3176627 I know it pisses you off when they diss other ships, but let's not sink to their level, eh?

Unfortunately was not the PinkieDashingest episode ever, but Pinkie's rap was awesome, and I loved how she kept putting the hat back on throughout the rest of the episode.

Alright its a good idea never sink to their level. Yeah that right there blew my mind! who would have thought she could rap? XD

Ah man, I was SO sure Meghan meant Pinkie's 'Pinkiecopter' when she said 'pedalcopter'. :derpytongue2: Ah well.

There were a few great little interactions in the ep, at any rate. And Twi's comment about Dash's knowledge on jokes and pranks being 'second only to Pinkie'. Dash doodling in Twi's book was pretty much exactly what Pinkie would do, and actually sort of has done in Castle Mania. Seriously, those two are so similar in certain ways it's pretty much a crime that they aren't seen hanging out more. :rainbowlaugh:

Soulmates anyone? Next Pinkie would make the first flying machine so she can fly with Dash.

Hey, guys. Sorry to butt in, but this comment from Lion just happened to catch my interest. :twilightsmile:

2761251 This comment is 9 weeks old, but I just wanted to say that I'm SO glad that I'm not the only one who got irritated at Dash in 'Pinkie Pride'. I may not be Pinkie, but when I watched the episode it's like... I could actually feel her emotions. Literally feel them. How heart-broken she was when RD insulted her and when everyone ignored her.

And I was so furious at everyone in that one scene where they decorated everything. I mean, NOBODY EVEN ASKED WHERE PINKIE WAS! As if she didn't even exist! At least Twilight went to check in on her... but still..

I keep asking myself what would have happened if Pinkie hadn't challenged Cheese to a goof-off. If she had stayed home the whole day. It's a very un-Pinkie thing to do, but just think about it. Would the others realize they're missing a certain pink party pony, a certain heart-broken friend? Would they party without her? Dash might have said that they couldn't throw a party without her, but... that scene just won't get out of my head. No one asked where Pinkie was. I had this epic 'WTF' moment right then.

I'm still upset with Dash in that episode. :ajbemused:

Oh and in 'Testing, Testing 1, 2, 3' notice how during the last two flight sessions Twilight kept bringing up Pinkie? I know it's not much, but I kept thinking to myself 'Why does Twilight mention Pinkie? And she did it twice.'

I mean she could have also talked about Applejack, Rarity or Fluttershy, but no she talked about Pinkie. I couldn't help but get suspicious. :trixieshiftright:

Hmm story idea anyone? That was strange I wonder.....

Made sum PinkieDash/RainbowPie fanart, by the way! :pinkiehappy: I love drawing them like this.

Pinkie's head came out a little weird, though, I think. But oh well. :twilightsheepish:

3185991 That's awesome. :rainbowwild::pinkiehappy:

Group Admin


Noticed there's some slightly off-topic discussion going on here, and I figured it's high time we got a proper discussion thread for the pairing. You can talk about anything PinkieDash related over at the Main RainbowPie/PinkieDash Discussion Thread. :pinkiehappy:

3186952 Haha, sorry about that. :twilightsheepish:

Group Admin

No worries, it just gave me an excuse to create a general discussion thread, which I've been meaning to do, but I wasn't sure if there would be enough discussion on it. Glad to see people talking so much about Pinkie and Dashie. Great art BTW. :pinkiehappy:

I just love this little tidbit from the newest comic issue (#18):

Yep, Rainbow Dash pretty much hit the nail on the head. Because she gets Pinkie better than anyone...

Hey look, fuel for anyone who likes the PinkieDash + Scoots trio. :rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin

And then this happened.


Aww, I wanted to post that! :fluttershysad: but yeah, that's cute. Not to mention Dashie explicitly said it was the best party ever. :rainbowkiss:

Group Admin

The interaction or the nose boop? I would say that the whole interaction was quite noticeable, even to people who don't jump every time they see Pinkie and Dash in the same shot together. :rainbowlaugh:

Well, there was a little bit of a moment before that, where Pinkie has a great reaction to Dash half-hugging her - you could post that, or any other moments you find, if you want. :pinkiehappy:

Not only did Dash say it was the best party ever, but she didn't get annoyed at all that Pinkie interrupted her. Also, Pinkie is the only one who got her key because one of her close friends was in trouble, and Rainbow Dash specifically. I love how in Pinkie Pride, she stops immediately when she realizes Dash isn't having fun and may be getting hurt, not a second later. As Lion said, that's some high-octane shipping fuel, but more than that, it's completely canon, and even if they weren't 'shipping' the two per-se, it's made very clear in the show that Pinkie loves her friends a lot, but I think it's been shown enough times that it's safe to say that she has a special affinity for Rainbow Dash, even if she would never 'choose' one friend over the others.

You know what I'd like to see in s05? An episode where Dash gets neglected by Pinkie and gets upset about it. I mean, you all know how clingy Pinkie is when it gets to Rainbow. But imagine Pinkie finding a new friend who she could hang with and Rainbow Dash notices it, then gets jealous.

In every "PinkieDash" episode it was always Pinkie getting hurt by Dash. I'd like to see it the other way around. Call me evil, but the idea of that just satisfies me. XD

3464225 I'd be down to see such an episode. In fact, I'd like to see a lot of the usual dynamics flipped. For example, we've had so many episodes about Fluttershy getting over assorted fears. It would be a great change of pace to see her counseling one of the others who's dealing with a silly fear with all the things she's learned in her own trials.

Supposedly there is a scene in the new Rainbow Rocks movie where they are having a sleep over and everybody is sleeping on the floor EXCEPT Pinkie and Rainbow Dash who sleep together on the bed. Not sure if true but I have heard this. Anybody have any way of confirming this?

3704163 Yep, it's true. However, it's not like they're cuddling or anything. Dash is laying down normally, and Pinkie is on her knees with her face on the bed by Dash's feet. Still, cute scene.

Like every other ship in the show we will take what we can get lol.

I think it comes from the MLP manga in japan but when Pinkie calls over to Dash she has a heart in her speech bubble (and not anybody else). Not really cannon but fun regardless.

Anyone else notice the hint of PinkieDash in "Rarity Takes Manehattan" and "Daring Don't"?
For R.T.M I see Pinkie always near Dash, heck she was even sitting by her in the play. Out of everyone of her friends, she chose Dash.

For D.D, Pinkie hugged Dash but it wasn't her normal hug. She even sided with Dash when she had a nerd off with Twilight. XD

For other episodes, noticed in "Pinkie Pride" that when Cheese and Pinkie was being friends and dancing, Dash butted in. Like she was jelly... Ooooo. XD

Plus a scene in Rainbow Rocks at the beginning.

And in that Rainbow Rocks short with Pinkie becoming a drummer too!

The Following proves my point.

"Rarity Takes Manehattan"

Dash is totally not thinking of Pinkie. XD

"Daring Don't"

C'mon now, don't hide it... XD

So yeah... oh and don't forget the cup, pillows, and other merchandises.

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