Transformations 5,818 members · 5,266 stories
Comments ( 35 )
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Ether Echoes
Group Admin

I would be interested to know if anyone thinks additional categories should be added.

Red Bomber
Group Contributor

Probably Humans into Creatures of Equestria or Humans into other Races, might work.

Ether Echoes
Group Admin

I figure Creatures of Equestria is covered adequately under Monsters.

Do you mean other human races for races, or something else?

Red Bomber
Group Contributor

Yeah, like a human into a griffon or a human into a diamond dog for example. Probably Humans into monsters might work for easy browsing to see humans transform into anything besides ponies.

*cough* Petrification.

And sorry about making not putting it in this thread first--clearly I didn't read the topic list that carefully :trixieshiftright:

Ether Echoes
Group Admin

I have added a section for inanimate transformations.

Added one for Humans into Monsters!


There's a group about characters being turned to stone already, but I've not read most of them so I'm not sure how many would be applicable to this group. If anyone wants to help please do.

Ether Echoes
Group Admin

Consider it your new assignment!

I don't have much interest in petrification stories so I'm not likely to look through them, but you're perfectly allowed to add them to the Inanimate group.

Group Contributor

I found one fic that was listed in ponies into other ponies folder that didn't belong. Problem is, there isn't a folder where it does. It is a transformation fic, so I had to bring it up here. What should be done, make a new folder or put it back?

Ether Echoes
Group Admin

I realized we had a gap for Monsters into - whatever

So far I've just called it 'ponies' but it could be other things.

Blaze rod
Group Contributor

How about adding categories called forced, accidental and willful?

Ether Echoes
Group Admin


It'd be nice if we could tag fics instead of just putting them into folders.

I dunno, does anyone else think we should do as Blaze Rod suggested?

Group Contributor

1030678 I'm not entirely sure what you mean by tagging them.

As for 1022658's suggestion, I think we should. How a transformation story plays out can often depend on how it was caused.

Red Bomber
Group Contributor


I got a simple question for you: Why do you want that? It's not that I'm completely against it, but I'm curious as to why you wanted this.

1030678 Yep, folders for stories tagged as willful, accidental or forced should definitely be considered by the administrators. The content of the story is heavily influenced by those sorts of things.

Ether Echoes
Group Admin

Tagging is something that FimFiction does not do, thus my complaint about it not doing so.

My main concern is that it would inflate our already large folder system. Do you think that would be a problem or no?

Blaze rod
Group Contributor

1031399 Well. It's easier to find stories of certain group. You want to read a story about a magical mishap? Now you can easily find it from accidental folder.

1032026 If you ask me I would say that there are not that many folders. It would also be more easy to find certain types of stories if those would be added. For example, I can easily find all of the stories including forced transformation and a adventure to reverse it/get revenge to the one who did it.

Group Contributor

1032026 The Willful, Accidental, and Forced transformation folders would definitely become very, very large. However, it also can help with finding certain kinds of transformation stories since those factors (usually) determine where it goes from there. To elaborate:

Willful transformations are the result of curiosity and/or the need to become something else. The transformed individual wants to see life from a new prespective and explore the ins and outs of their new body and the culture surrounding it but sometimes, it's also about escaping their past life and starting anew. These are the most likely to end with the individual accepting the new life and sticking with the transformation rather than go back to normal. Usually best suited for slice of life transformation stories.

Accidental transformations are the result of someone screwing up something. These are honest mistakes and the character who caused it (If it wasn't the transformed individual themselves) will be quick to apologize for their mistake and try to fix it pronto. There's almost always something stopping it from being an immediate fix (since there wouldn't be much of a story otherwise.) so the victim is likely to just have to deal with the new life they have to live (whether they like it or not) while they wait for the fix to be ready (If it can be fixed). These work best for comedy or tragedy transformation stories.

Forced Transformations are the result of some individual(s) wanting to transform someone else into something for whatever reason, usually to make them fit a new role, to teach them a lesson, or take them out of the picture entirely. If it's the former, this makes it a lot harder for the transformed individual to return to their previous state, since the one(s) who changed them is(are) unlikely to have any interest in changing them back. As a result, it usually becomes a quest for the individual to figure out how to get back to normal while resisting the will of the individual(s) who transformed them (especially if they have strong ties to their previous life). If it's the latter, then the victim will have to learn what the individual wants them to learn and humble themselves in the process, becoming a better individual in the process. These are often best suited for adventure transformation stories.

One additional type of cause for transformation I should add is, the Unknown Cause Transformations. This is where the the reason the transformation occurred is not specifically stated (at first at least). This is usually lazy writing but can be used to make it even harder to figure out how to return to normal and/or add a mysterious atmosphere to keep the reader in suspense to find out how and why the victim was transformed in the first place. When it isn't a case of lazy writing, this works well for adventure transformation stories.

TL;DR, The cause of transformations results in very different directions the story can take and definitely deserve their own folders and Unknown causes probably deserves its own folder as well.

One idea we could use for these folders is to split up the folders with a particularly large number of stories in them into folders that would contain these things as subcategories so as to keep the size of folders manageable. Humans into Ponies could probably use this since it's by far the largest folder our group currently has.

Ether Echoes
Group Admin

Changes made. Have at it!

Red Bomber
Group Contributor

Really? I thought you have a bigger reason than that like

1032739 's
But a little more reason why you wanted it Blaze. Though this explanation is enough to convince me to go along with this idea.

I have another suggestion, just a name change. Can we change all the "monsters" into "myths" please? I feel like calling all the other races "monsters" sound so cruel and insulting to the other relating races of Equestria.

Ether Echoes
Group Admin

Reminds me of a quote from the Belgariad. :pinkiehappy:
I don't think myth quite qualifies, because unicorns and pegasi are myths, too.

Red Bomber
Group Contributor

How about "other Myths?" Since Griffons and Dragons are myths too.

Ether Echoes
Group Admin

I dunno, though, Monsters! is kind of a cute folder title. :twilightsmile:

If anyone asks, Fluttershy will correct them. :flutterrage:

Red Bomber
Group Contributor

I suppose so then...

Group Contributor

What should we do now that we have subfolders at our disposal? Examples of what folders could now be a subfolders include:
Alicorns as a subfolder for Ponies into other Ponies.
Humans into Monsters! as a subfolder to Monsters!
TCB, PonyEarthverse, and Five score as subfolders for Humans into Ponies.

And we could add a Ponyfall subfolder to the Ponies into humans. Anyone else with some potential subfolder suggestions?

Ether Echoes
Group Admin

Yeah probably, I'll fiddle with it and see what I can do.

Dear gods, this is a strange interface.

Ether Echoes
Group Admin

Categories have now been rearranged. Have a look.

Group Contributor

1334004 That was fast. I do like the change. It looks a lot more organized now.

Quite Quiet
Group Contributor

1334004 My only question is the main folder. It doesn't seem to actually contain anything that couldn't be placed elsewhere already. It would mean checking through all of them I suppose...

Do you think we can have a subfolder for inanimate transformations, for fics where ponies turn into toys/balloons/anything other than statues?

Group Contributor

2894578 Why yes, yes we do. It's even named as such.


Okay, I meant folder that covers stuff other than petrification/turning into statues (thought maybe Statues can be a subfolder?)

Group Contributor

2900250 Eh...I doubt that subfolders would really be necessary at the current moment for that folder.

Ether Echoes
Group Admin

Inanimate only has 36 stories in it. There is clearly no need for subfolders.

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