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3616467 Damn, that is one durable Changeling. I assume its some special caste, not a stock drone, considering it withstood a face full of dragonfire

You and your awesome prompt series :rainbowkiss:

I'm going for the Changelings to be far more monstrous in this series than cannon paints them. Also far more rare. I'm modifying a little head cannon of mine from what I wrote for Letters to Luna as the basis for this AU and how Equestria developed with these fundamental changes.

It's the world building that makes me happy.

3608477 Claiming Silver

Twilight and Cadance walked together down the light purple hallway, not talking, swimming in their own thoughts. Tears still dripped down both their faces, silent but for the plip of each one landing on the marble floor.

Captain Shining Armor was dead.

He was killed not by sword or spell, but by disease. A mutant strain of deadly flu that had taken many citizens in the capital city of Canterlot and its surrounding cities. Twilight and her friends had to move to the Crystal Empire temporarily until it passed, the north's cold hopefully keeping the ponies that lived there safe from the virus. They were wrong.

Shining Armor had not died a hero's death, Twilight thought, he died writhing in a hospital bed. He didn't deserve that. My BBBFF and Cadance's husband deserved better.

"We're here." Cadance's whisper was barely audible.

They were standing in front of Shining Armor's office. Twilight stared at the oak door, with the motto carved over it that didn't even register from so many times viewed. Here and now, with her brother dead, the virus became real in her mind. Not an outside conflict that threw a wrench into some plans, but a wild beast, lurking at the edges of her world, waiting to pounce and ruin everything. Something to fear. Twilight took a deep breath and pushed open the door.

The office was hardly remarkable - an oak desk covered in neatly-stacked piles of paper, pictures of past captains hanging on the royal blue walls. Twilight only had eyes for the left side of the desk, where the only remnants of her brother remained. The two mares moved swiftly to the desk, Cadance opening the ever-so-important left drawer.

Inside was a black box. And a picture with a silver frame. The picture for Twilight. And the box for Cadance.

Cadance opened the box with a gentleness that bordered on reverence, likewise Twilight levitated the picture out of the drawer to gaze at it as if it was about to divulge all the owner's secrets to her.

Inside the box was a silver horn ring. A Royal Guard present to him from Cadance, he always wore it on the days when she could come to visit. So many memories came rushing back to the pink princess as she examined the ring from every angle. Kisses and light dinners together, and stolen nights of intimacy, and so many more happy times. Her tears ran faster as she submerged herself in the sea of thoughts.

Twilight's tears mimicked the other mare's as she looked at the picture. Her, Cadance, and Shining Armor all together, the day before he was scheduled to leave for the Guard. She was still a child back then, about ten, still thinking that her big brother and big sister would be with her forever. Silly filly. There's no such thing as forever. She hunched over to hide her crying.

Cadance slipped the ring on her horn, helping her to get herself under control. With this little piece of silver, Shining could always be there with her. It would be okay. She rested a pink wing on Twilight's back, causing the other mare to cry all the harder.

"It'll be okay, Twilight." Cadance said quietly to the sound of Twilight's audible sniffles.

"What are we going to do?" was Twilight's choked up response.

"I...I honestly don't know, Twilight." Cadance moved closer, hugging her little sister. She had to be the foalsitter now. "But we'll work it out. I know we can. Just...not right away."

Kept company by two pieces of silver, the two remaining sisters fell asleep.

This is going to be a series. I SWEAR IT!

Next prompt: Dreamcatcher

3616759 Claiming Dreamcatcher. I've been meaning to write a Twidance for ages :twilightsmile:

Ha! Here it is finally! Enjoy! Sequel to Anniversary.

I leave the library for twenty minutes, to get some cupcakes from Sugar cube corner, and what happens? Rainbow Dash tracks me down, because, there is some weird smoke coming from the basement! Before reentering the home her wife and she shared, Cadance, formed a shield over her muzzle. Whatever that mare of mine got herself into, my first concern is the twins, then her.

Cadance opened the front door and was momentarily blinded by purple smoke. Twilight, what have you done now? “Spike!?” Cadance called out, searching for any sign of her younger brother in law. After making certain he wasn’t passed out somewhere downstairs, she opened the windows to help dissipate the smoke. She then turned to regard the basement door.

Normally, Twily, has a magical shield over this door, protecting the rest of the house from whatever it is she does down there. Cadance frowned, as she opened the door with a brief flare of magic. No resistance, but, I didn’t feel Twily lose consciousness, so, what could be the cause of her magic failing?

“Twilight?” Cadance cantered slowly down the stairs. “Twilight! Twilight Sparkle, this is your wife, answer me!”

Cadance felt her ears twitch, as she heard something. It was so quiet, at first she thought that she had imagined it but then she heard it again. What is that? Where is it coming from? Her ears flicked, listening, the sound seemed to be coming from Twilight’s desk/lab table.


”Cadance? Cadance, i’m down here!”

Cadance blinked, but, rolled her eyes to the ceiling. What has my genius mad scientist wife, done to herself this time? “Twily, why are you under your desk? Never mind, how you fit under it, in the first place!”

”It’s kind of a long story, but, er it comes down to the fact that I really need to label my chemicals better Cady.”

“That is one thing, I will agree with you, one hundred percent. Well, come on out, let me see what you’ve done to yourself this time.”

”No thank you, i’m doing just fine right where I am, thank you!”

Cadance’s eye twitched, being married to Doctor Princess Twilight Sparkle, was always an interesting experience, but, usually her wife was honest to a fault and this was why. “Twilight, you know… you are a worse liar then Applejack, and she is the element of honesty.”


“Twilight, please come out? pretty please? for the foals?” Cadance grinned, pulling out her ultimate trump card. Ever since she had announced they were having, not one, but, twin foals, Twilight, would go out of her way to make things easier for her, and the twins, anyway she could.

”Are you alone?”

Well, thats better then silence. Cadance looked around the lab, there was nopony and no creature that she could spot. “Completely, it’s just you me and my womb full of kicking foals.”

”Alright, i’m coming out, just, be prepared alright?”

Cadance nodded, she sat on her haunches watching the desk. When you were Twilight’s wife it paid to always be prepared. However, Cadance, could not keep the gasp from escaping her muzzle as her wife came out from under the desk. She had been expecting a lot but,




Cadance hated mice! She wasn’t sure why, she just did and there she was staring down at the small purple furred mouse that even… Yep, there’s her cutie mark, oh Twily! Why a mouse? Cadance swallowed hard, and reached a trembling hoof, out to the small mouse and grasped her gently, lifting her up to eye level.

“Please, please tell me you have some idea on how to fix this?”

The small mouse seemed to wilt, her ears falling back against her head in a cute but sad manner. ”Not exactly, no.”

Cadance sighed, now that she was able to see her close up, she was able to see her wife within the tiny body, her big purple eyes, her fur color, her cutie mark. The most helpful of course being her voice. Her body relaxed, and she set her tiny wife on the desk. “It’s alright Twily, we’ll get this figured out, but first.”

She levitated a quill and piece of parchment over, and began writing.

Dear Auntie, I know you must be tiring of getting these letters from me, but, my wife has had another accident.This time she has turned herself into a mouse. Do you have any idea what we can do to fix her?


Twilight, dipped her paw in the ink and pressed it onto the parchment, before Cadance sealed the parchment and sent it. That done, Cadance, smiled down at her wife sitting on her tiny haunches and began stroking her with a hoof. “You are so lucky I love you.”

”Why’s that?”

“If I didn’t, i’d give you to Owlowiscious, I hate mice.”

Twilight stared up at her, and then began to giggle. Cadance blinked and began to laugh as well as a scroll dropped onto the desk next to them.

To my dearest niece and judging by this pawprint my very tiny Faithful Twilight, I hate to inform you of this, but I have no idea what you could have mixed together to cause that type of transformation. If it has not worn off by nightfall send me another scroll and I will send Luna there post haste.

All my love,


Twilight and Cadance looked at eachother and then together groaned. “Well…”


New prompt. FOREVER! :pinkiecrazy:

Prompt: Candy
"You know" Cadance said casually as she hung from a tree branch tied up by long ropes of liquorice, "I think I liked candy better when you were a small filly and I was your foalsitter." Cadance slowly turned her head towards Twilight hanging off a different branch covered in taffy and caramel. "The experiments you attempted were less likely to be destructive."

Twilight sighed, "It's not destructive it was just some minor miscalculations."

Cadance closed her eyes to hopefully stop her growing headache although it was less effective than usual given her hooves were currently tangled at the moment.

A few hours earlier in Twilight's Lab.

"Okay now could you pass me some more brittle?" Twilight asked.

Cadance lifted the glass jar over in her magic, "Remind me why you're doing this again?"

"To compact the tastes, flavours, and textures of many candies into one convenient package." Twilight answered as she carefully added brittle to her cauldron.

Cadance sighed, "I think you've spent too much time with Auntie. I swear her sweet tooth has rubbed off on you." Cadance looked around, every since Twilight's experiments had started she kept an entire wall of shelves for candy of all types and flavours. "Couldn't we experiment with candies like we used to. You know by taking a few small pieces from different ones and eating them together."

"We could but science will prove that there is an efficient means to sample all sorts of candies together without the inaccuracies that method would usually require."

Cafance sighed again and stepped back. Twilight had set her mind and not even she could get her marefriend to change course.

The reminder of what happened hours ago made Cadance wish she did stop Twilight. Cadance looked as best she could to see the candy monstrosities terrorizing Ponyville.

"Well the theory was sound, some minor tweaking and things should be good." Twilight said as she too surveyed the damage, "Just another day in Ponyville."

New Prompt: Revelation

Sorry, I'm gonna have to give up Dreamcatcher and throw it back into the wild. I'm really not feeling inspired to write at the moment.

Then I shall claim Dreamcatcher.

I'll take Revelation

New page, new prompt list:

Forever(Knight of Lycaeus)

My prompt was Revelation
A part of my series that included Excitement, Mythbusted, Anniversary, and Lineage (if that could be in the author's notes please.)


By: Magicman7997

It was quiet in Sparkle/Cadenza residence. Too quiet. Shining Shield and his twin sister Twilight Sunshine had been playing merrily in their playroom most of the morning. Now, no where near nap time, and certain that neither child had perfected a silencing spell, Twilight walked away from the desk where she'd been working and moved towards the playroom. As she moved down the hallway, still there was no noise. What could be going on?

“What are those two up to?” Twilight thought to herself. Perhaps they had actually worn themselves out and were just dozing on the floor. “Or maybe,” Twilight thought aloud, they'd figured out how to circumvent the locks on the window and had managed to go outside. Oh, if they had, they were in SOOOO much trouble.

But what if they did, and in the process, fell out of the window and hurt themselves. They could be laying right outside too injured to call for help. A mild panic began to rise in Twilight's chest as her imagination ran away with her. Or perhaps Chrysalis' had returned and managed to get past her neigh impassable defense systems and had foal napped them. She could see her children, scared and alone as they were being carried off to who knows where. Or even Discord. Even though he was “reformed”, he wouldn't be below enticing the kids to run off with him with the promise of candy. He'd do it just to shock Twilight's mane and coat to a beautiful shade of frazzled.

“OH, MY, GOSH. IF THEY'RE GONE, WHAT DO I TELL CADY?” Twilight began to hyperventilate at the thought of facing her wife. She'd probably make her sleep in the library for the rest of their immortal lives if she couldn't find them. Where could they be?

Finally, Twilight reached the door to the foals' playroom. With a burst of magical force, she flung the door open. Her heart jumped into her throat at the sight before her. There, among the dolls and blocks and other games...

Were two quiet little pony foals reading their favorite books. At the sound of the door opening, they both looked up to see their panicked mother trying to regain her composure as she saw that her children were safe and sound.

“Hi mommy! We were just reading,” said Twilight Sunshine. Seeing her mother's condition, the curious filly asked, “Are you okay mommy? You look like something scared you.” Straightening her mane and performing the breathing exercise that Cady taught her, the elder Twilight crossed the room to her children and gave them each a firm hug.

“I'm fine Sunshine. Mommy was just coming to check on you. Lunch time soon, okay guys?”

“Can we have hayburgers for lunch momma?” asked an excited Shining Shield. “PLEASE?”

A chuckle escaped Twilight in spite of herself. “Of course my dear boy. I think a trip to town is in order.” She gathered up the twins and her saddlebags from their hanging hook and headed out to their favorite food stand where you could find the greasiest, cheesiest, and most wonderful hayburgers in all of Equestria.

Later that night, after Cadance came home from her day in Canterlot, Twilight explained the early moment of panic from the day. Giggling, Cadance couldn't help by rib her wife a little. “You know, only you would have children that would read so quietly that it would drive you crazy.”

“Laugh it up Ladybug, just remember, the couch downstairs isn't very comfortable.”

“You know, I've come to a revelation about you Twily,” said the Crystal monarch. “You are, by far, the craziest mare I know.” Cady moved in and wrapped her lover in a wing embrace. “You know what else?” Twilight simply nodded at her wife. “I think you've got the greatest flank in all of Equestria, and since Shining and Sunshine are already asleep, maybe we could spend a little time to ourselves...”

Twilight smirked at her wife. “You're such a horn dog. But I love you for it. C'mon you, let's snuggle up. I could use a good cuddle. After all, it wears a mare out trying to come up with every possible way that something bad could have happened to her kids.”

As the two settled in for the night, wrapped in each others hooves, Twilight spoke softly to Cady. “I've had a revelation about you as well.” Cadance looked into her eyes as if to say continue. “I've come to realize that I found the greatest pony in the world. I'm the luckiest mare in all of Equestria and I can't imagine life without you.” With that, the two lovers drifted off to sleep smiling at all the things they'd discovered today.

Word count - 788
Next prompt - Funeral

Mine! Funeral is mine!
Prepare for feels!:heart:

Starlight Shadow beat me by a day and a half with his awesome(and sad) piece, but I finally finished Silver. At 1703 words, it is the 2nd longest prompt I've written. The longest was actually the previous entry in Second Chances, of which this is Part 8

“H-hi, Twilight.”

Cadence’s words hung in the air, stagnating and poisoning the atmosphere as Twilight stood motionless. Her eyes were wide in a light shade of panic, and she appeared to hang on the precipice between bolting away and slamming the door in Cadence’s face.

Cadence found herself uncomfortable in her own skin, and her heart ached to see Twilight stare at her with fear and anger. A white blue behind Twilight caught Cadence’s attention, and she noticed Celestia standing atop a set of stairs that led higher into Twilight’s Castle. Celestia looked nearly as shocked as Twilight, though there was no fear to be found in the depths of the Sun Queen. Cadence glared at her suspiciously, treacherous thoughts flashing through her mind.

“C-Cadence,” Twilight said in a near whisper, her voice catching.

Cadence nodded uneasily, forcing herself to look away from Celestia. Twilight was breaking out of her shell-shock state, and a parade of emotions shifted over her features in such rapid succession to be nearly indistinguishable.

Twilight looked behind herself, towards Celestia, then back to Cadence. She swallowed and shifted her feet, then moved to the side of the door.

“Would you…would you like to come in?” she asked, her tone quickly whipped into civility. Cadence hid a wince, and bowed her head gratefully. She walked inside the Castle of Harmony and was reminded of the Crystal Spire. The entire superstructure appeared to be a single intricate slab of crystal, each feature blending into the next seamlessly. Even the stairs and bookcases seemed grown rather than built.

It was a beautiful Castle, and suited Twilight perfectly, but Cadence couldn’t have cared less if she was standing in a collapsing mud hut in the middle of a burning forest. All her attention was on her wife, who was doing her best to school her feelings. She was largely successful, but Cadence knew her well enough to pick out fragments. There was hurt, nervousness, and of course, anger.

From atop the stairs, Celestia cleared her throat. “I will give you two your privacy.” She looked directly at Twilight, making a point not to as much as glance at Cadence. “If you need me, I shall be in the library.”

Twilight nodded as Celestia turned and left in the direction from whence she had come, leaving the two of them alone in the foyer. They stood awkwardly for several moments before Twilight cleared her throat. “Would you…like something to drink?”

Cadence opened her mouth to decline, but before the words could crest her lips she noticed the desperate, dry burning in her throat. Several days of hardly eating or drinking, combined with the exertion of her rapid flight to Ponyville, had left her parched.

“Water, please,” she said with a nod. Twilight turned and led her through the castle’s first floor to an enormous kitchen, nearly as large as the Crystal Spire’s. Cadence hadn’t spent much time in the Castle of Harmony, and was taken by surprise.

“Wow, fancy. This is even nicer than the Canterlot Palace kitchens,” Cadence noted, trying to avoid another awkward silence. Twilight gave a noncommittal nod as she pulled a glass from a cupboard and filled it at the tap and passed it over. Cadence accepted it gracefully, chugging nearly half the glass in a single pull.

Her thirst momentarily quenched, Cadence looked up to find Twilight watching her expectantly. She realized that, after having flown a quarter of the way across Equestria and showing up at Twilight’s door unannounced after almost a week of no contact, she should probably say something.

This was it. This was her moment to save her marriage, to pull her own stupid flank out of the fire that she had stoked. What she had done was indefensible, unacceptable, and unforgettable. But maybe, just maybe, it wasn’t unforgivable, if she could find the right words.

“Twilight, I…”

Cadence took a deep breath, and as she stared into Twilight’s beautiful eyes, nothing came to her.

“I’m sorry,” she said, her head falling in defeat.

There was a brief quiet, like the calm before a storm.

“Is that it?” Twilight asked unbelievably. “Is that all you have to say to me after what you did? That you’re sorry?

Cadence backpedaled as Twilight advanced on her, the fire in her eyes a shade that could only be sparked by betrayal of the one closest to her heart. “Twilight, I—“

“No! You had sex with my brother, in our bed, and all you can think to say to me is that you’re sorry?!

Cadence stammered wordlessly under the onslaught as she desperately struggled to put two words together in her defense.

Why? Just tell me why, Cadence!”

Because it felt right!” Cadence bellowed, the force of shout pushing Twilight back on her hooves.

Twilight and Cadence stared at each other, eyes wide as saucers, each realizing the implications of what she had said. As the meaning of Cadence’s words fell over her, Twilight’s rear legs collapsed, all her fury leaking out of her in an instant.

“I…” Cadence gathered her resolve, deciding that it was too late for her to turn back. Honesty would be her only refuge now.

“Twilight,” she began softly, “I love you. I need you to know that. There is nopony else on this world that I treasure more than you.” She paused to ensure that Twilight was listening. Twilight’s disbelieving eyes were a painful confirmation that she was.

“But there’s…there’s something wrong with me. I don’t know what it is, but it’s like this…this emptiness, right here,” she tapped her chest right above her heart. “It nags at me, all hours of the day. It started right before our wedding.”

Cadence took a deep breath as the instincts she had built to protect her secrets rebelled against her, but she pressed on. Twilight deserved the truth.

“I thought it was just pre-wedding jitters, at first. But then, it just got worse. Eventually it got worse, and I—“

Her breathing hitched, and she closed her eyes. “A few days before our wedding, I disguised myself in Canterlot, went to a bar, and went home with a stallion. I don’t even remember his name,” she confessed, her head hung in shame.

“It made me feel a little better, at first. But then the feeling came back, and then there was the guilt about what I had done to you. I vowed I would never do something like that again.” She glanced up for a brief moment, and saw that Twilight had a steady stream of tears sliding down her cheeks. She looked away quickly.

“Over the next few months, the feeling got worse and worse, and I did my best to fight it. I would always come to you first. I know you probably just attributed it to the ‘honeymoon period,’ but I was trying so hard not to fall into those depths again.”

A wet spot appeared on the floor below her, and she realized that she had started crying as well.

“When I couldn’t stand it anymore, I had sex with one of the castle staff in Canterlot. I think that’s when the rumors started. Pretty soon after that, I did it again with a merchant here in the Empire. I slept with a couple of Princess Celestia’s guards, and then…and that’s when it started with Shining Armor.”

Cadence heard Twilight suppress a sob, but she didn’t look up. She didn’t feel like she even deserved to see Twilight after what she had done.

“When I was with Shining Armor, for the first time, that empty feeling went away. With the others, it had been like putting a band-aid on a broken leg, but with him it was different.”

“H-his trips to ‘oversee the Imperial Guard’s retraining?’” Twilight accused, her voice thick with contempt. Cadence nodded. When she heard hooves on crystal, Cadence looked up to see Twilight standing and wiping her eyes.

“Twilight, I don’t know what is wrong with me, but I know one thing: I love you. You have to believe that. I love you more than anypony else in the world.”

“Except my brother,” Twilight mumbled sadly. Cadence winced.

“Please, Twilight, I—“

“No,” Twilight interrupted, setting herself firmly on her hooves. “No more, Cadence. If you want to be with my brother, that’s fine. But I will have no part of it.”

Twilight reached up and parted her mane, revealing the thin, silver band around the base of her horn.

“Wait, Twilight please—“

Once again, Twilight interrupted Cadence, this time by deftly lifting the ring from around her horn. There was a brief flash of raspberry magic, and Twilight’s Imperial Crown appeared beside her. It was similar to Cadence’s, though with the purple diamond replaced with a pink starburst. It served to determine for others when she was operating as an Equestrian Princess or the Crystal Consort.

“I hereby renounce my Imperial Crown, and dissolve our Union.”

Twilight unceremoniously tossed the two objects at Cadence’s hooves, leaving Cadence to stare open-mouthed in horror. Twilight turned away from Cadence as fresh tears began to fall. Cadence stood in mute anguish, looking between the jewelry and Twilight.

“I’d like you to leave now,” Twilight said without looking.

Cadence debated staying and trying to force the issue, to beg and plead for Twilight to forgive her. But, looking at Twilight and the regalia she had tossed at Cadence’s hooves, Cadence realized it was over. There was no hope for her, and there never had been.

Her vision clouded by tears, Cadence gathered the ring and crown in her magic and bolted out of the castle. The moment she met sunlight, her wings snapped out and launched her away from Ponyville, away from Twilight, away from everything.

She stopped on a hilltop just out of sight of Ponyville. Her legs failed her as soon as they touched earth, and she collapsed to the ground clutching Twilight’s ring to her chest as if it was the last life preserver on a sinking ship. Her sobs echoed loudly across the landscape, and for hundreds of years legends throughout the area would tell the tale of the Alicorn of Lost Love.

Not going to add a new prompt, since Starlight has the official

3620587 do you have a name for your series I can put in the Author's note? Also, adorable. I love their kids

3621334 I think I shall name it "Lavender and Love"

Prompt: Forever
I once believe that eternity was not something one could apply to anything, science and logic did not support that anything could be infinite. Not even alicorns live forever for even they will one day fade away. I believed nothing physical or metaphysical was truly forever but I have learned over many years how untrue these notions I once held dear were wrong. To most these would have been world shattering revelations yet for me with all that I do and have done, my paradigm does get assaulted, questioned, and battered regularly by beings whose powers exceed the definition of any and all logic or reason.

“Did you think that this would ever happen?” Cadance asked Twilight.

“That we would be together as lover not just as friends or family,” Twilight saw Cadance nod, “well then the answer is no. I did not think this would ever happen. You were always so happy with my brother and somehow I never really give any thoughts about his mortality.”

Cadance gave a small smile, “We were together and we were together for far longer than we even thought would be possible. With Shining’s work in Solar Guards and later the Crystal Guards there were many times I thought I would lose him. I knew that our bond would give him health and more years but I was surprised, happy but surprised at how many more years it gave the both of us to be together.”

“I was happy to see you together although I didn’t think you would ask me for a date when you did” said Twilight.

“Oh, that first date; you were pretty flustered when I asked and almost immobile for most the day.” Cadance said with a smile remembering that day.

“You asked me almost a decade after he had passed! On what was his birthday but now is an excuse for the Crystal Guards to celebrate and get drunk” Twilight retorted.

“Oh let the Guards have their fun. Besides most remember him as the First Captain of the Restored Crystal Empire, that title will probably last longer than him being known as the Emperor of the Crystal Empire.”

Twilight sighed, “My brother the eternal Guard. One of his two greatest dreams and it’s nice to know they still honour him for that. I think he would have like knowing what he’s remembered for even if the tales get exaggerated.”

“Those do but it does get exciting hearing what the Guards have created about his heroic exploits.” Cadance turned to Twilight, “We should get going, it is getting a bit late in the day and we should see him today.”

I've learned that some things are forever and they do endure beyond their time here, Friendship is enduring even as friends move away and pass on for it was what helped me be who I am today and what has help lead me to where I am now. Love is enduring just as Cadance once told me even when all we have left are our cherished memories and it is why I am here today. It has been many years since I left Canterlot to meet the mares who became my truest friends. For the longest time I thought that friendship was worthless then I learned how important it was and I thought that it would be enough and it was. It wasn't until Shining Armour had passed away did I find more than just friendship, it was then I learned how enduring love could also be.

New Prompt: Guardian

Here is Dreamcatcher, 11th installment in My Little Dynamite and I think, the longest non-special prompt I've done to date.

Celestia’s nose itched.

She would very much have liked to scratch it, but at the moment found herself unable to move in the grips of her sister’s magic.

Luna swam past her, through the corner of her peripheral vision, and pushed a large piece of stone wall away. The piece was as big as Celestia’s entire body and on a trajectory that would bring it to meets its end against her right shoulder. It would have probably dislocated the joint and broken a few ribs and her foreleg had not Luna frozen time within the bubble of their shield.

Luna swam through the super dense magic field like a seapony in water, her wheeled harness left in midair where the shock wave had just started to lift it. She drifted closer, pushing debris away from them as she went. When Luna reached Celestia’s side she reached up and gently scratched her sister’s nose.

Oh thank Faust! That was bothering me. Celestia tried in vain to smile. How long am I stuck like this?

About five minutes, give or take. Luna shrugged and looked back at where the wall had once stood. I managed to contain everything, I think. But it will take a few minutes to convert all the energy of the explosion and redirect it. I suspect that your changeling caused the crystal rods to continue building a charge for their defensive spells but denied them a discharge and now I have to keep this up or we let ten blocks of the south ward get vaporized.

I’ll wait. I’m sure our subjects will appreciate your quick spellcrafting to save their lives and livelihoods.

Luna nodded and spared her sister a smirk. I expect there will be a great deal more moon lilies at the gates in coming weeks. But while I have your captive attention, fill me in on what that thing meant about a prophecy.

Celestia mulled over that but kept her thoughts out of the telepathic sharing she was using with Luna. She wasn’t sure how much she needed to share with Luna, if the changeling spoke of what she suspected it did. It is from a very long time ago. Do you recall your self-banishment from the Everfree?

As if I could forget that. Luna scoffed and folded her hooves over her chest. I assume this happened when Chrysalis first appeared a thousand years ago?

Yes. Celestia paused as she considered her phrasing. I must admit, Luna, during that time I was a different mare. I did things I am not proud of and I’m glad history has seen fit to mostly forget.

I remember. I do not feel nostalgic for those dark days, Tia. I left for a reason.

I know. However, during the time you were gone, I thought I might have to replace you. I had my guards search for potential new Princesses. Celestia wished she could kick herself physically as hard as she was mentally at the moment. I made this prophecy about the rising of a new Princess. I gathered the potentials and out of their ranks rose Chrysalis, though she had a different name back then. Obviously, she is still chasing after that promise I broke to her.

Luna shook her head slowly. You and your apprentices, Celestia. I’m glad Twilight Sparkle has managed to evade your lecherous reach and escaped into Cadance’s arms! It doesn’t surprise me that you tried to replace me and it ended up blowing up in your smug face.

You sound less angry than I was expecting.

Luna rolled her eyes. It was a millenia ago, Tia. You were a different mare then, as was I. Besides, now that I know all the various assassination attempts and attempts at a coup d’etat we’ve dealt with over the centuries are all your fault for creating a monster and promising it princesshood...I can’t help but feel a smidgen of sorrow for you both.

Thank you.

Luna nodded and the sharing was silent for a time.

So...did you and Chrysalis get it on? That might explain her unhealthy obsession with you, Tia.

Celestia was glad the frozen time within the dense field of magic kept her from blushing.

Six years ago.

“Twilight! Wait up!” Spike huffed and rasped as he pumped his stubby legs to catch up with the teenage unicorn. His sister seemed to ignore him and trotted around the corner of yet another tall shelf of arcane tomes.

Spike rounded the same bend a second later only to see Twilight clamber over a pile of dusty stones and loose rubble. This deep into the archive in the Canterlot catacombs, the walls and ceiling still showed signs of the damage the city had taken in the last war. The tile and plaster was cracked and missing in places where the natural stone peeked through. High above the row of shelves here a section of the ceiling was missing, the ancient mosaic depicting the legendary Everfree City was without most of the sprawling warren of buildings it was rumored to have possessed.

Spike gasped as he pulled his chubby form over the now faded skree that had fallen before he had been hatched. “Twilight...don’t leave me behind…” Twilight flicked an ear in his direction and looked back at him. She grinned and hopped in place as she waited for him to catch up.

“I’d never leave you behind, Spike.” Twilight chuckled. “If you want, you can climb up and I’ll carry you.”

“No!” Spike blushed. “I mean, no, thank you. I’m a big dragon now, Twi. I don’t anypony to see me getting hauled around like a baby.”

“Oh whos going to see you down here?”

Spike opened his mouth to give a well reasoned response when his thunder was suddenly stolen by another.

“I’d see, and I would tell, like...everybody in Canterlot.” A pink pony with a tri-colored mane tied up in a bun stuck her head out from behind a shelf three rows down. “Auntie says I’m a gossip.”

“Cady!” Twilight giggled. “Wow, you suck at Dewey Decimal Hide and Seek. The rules explicitly state that you, as the Hidee, are to evade the detection of the Seeker, which is me, while staying within the area of the library as designated by a range of randomly generated Dewey Decimal organizational numbers.”

“Maybe.” Cadance grinned. “Or maybe this aisle over here is where Auntie Luna hides her romance novels.”

“In the military expenditures section?”

“Who would ever think to look there?” Cadance pulled a slim book from the shelf and flipped it open in her magic. The pages held the ledger for naval costs from three hundred years in the past, but as she scanned down, the neat hoofwriting of numbers gave way to the skilled cursive tale of forbidden lusts on the high seas. “Jackpot!”

“Why are you always reading that stuff?” Spike scratched his head with a claw as he blinked at Cadance.

“Oh Spike, you’ll understand one day.” Cadance mock swooned and fanned herself with the book. “Romance is. The. Best.”

“Personally, I like the books Princess Celestia wrote on energy inversion and thremotheroretical principles.” Twilight grinned at Spike before she looked at Cadance with a sneer. “Bet that why I get better marks in class than you.”

“You’re just Auntie Celestia’s pet student, that’s all. But at least you’re cute, Sparkle, so there’s hope for you yet.” Cadance snapped her new treasure trove of naval and naughty lore shut and turned around back toward the entrance to the catacomb library. “I believe you found me, so now it’s your turn to hide and I better not find you in the spellbook section again.”

Twilight stuck out her tongue and

She felt warm. Twilight could hear the wind whistling through her mane and feel cold rain hitting her ears but the rest of her body was warm. Something soft cushioned her as the outside world shifted and shook.

She thought she heard a deep voice like Spike’s, but it was muffled and she couldn’t understand the words. Twilight wanted to lift her head and find Spike. They had to make sure Cadance was alright before the monster got her.

She was just so tired and Twilight didn’t want to let go of the soft, warm thing that cradled her.

Six years ago.

Cadance sighed quietly and repeated the numbers to herself again. The shelves in the archive were all labeled and organized, when they weren’t collapsed and rotten. The one next to her had a badly faded number painted on it. She was in the right section.

Twilight was in here somewhere. It was the section on history during the times just after the founding of Equestria. If she knew the egghead well enough, she’d lose herself in a book quickly enough. Then she’d just have to get the drop on Spike to capture them.

But first, she had to find them.

Cadance spotted Twilight easily enough as she was sitting at the end of one aisle with a huge book open in front of her. Spike was sitting on her back and keeping watch. Cadance took cover in an adjacent row where she could sit and still keep an eye on them. Spike looked sleepy so all she had to do was wait until her target was completely comfortable and distracted.

From her vantage point, Cadance studied Twilight Sparkle. She’d known Twilight for years and the unicorn was her secret weapon in her Auntie’s classes. Twilight absorbed knowledge like a sponge and loved to help her “struggling” classmate. It wasn’t cheating, Twilight helped her with studying and staying on topic. Auntie Tia was right, she was a gossip and couldn’t stay focused to save her life in spell class.

Auntie Luna just thought she needed the right thing to focus on. She had given Cadance her new hobby of studying ponies and drakes and diamond dogs, learning about them from mannerisms and speech patterns. Take Twilight for instance, it took no great deduction to see she liked books, but it wasn’t the reading that drew her, it was an unquenchable thirst for information. Cadance could tell by how her eyes twinkled when she learned something new, the way she would inhale sharply and how her face would light up.

Cadance felt she could watch Twilight all day.

The rain was worse. At least, Twilight thought it was. She couldn’t tell. Her eyes wouldn’t open and her ears felt like they were stuffed with cotton. Twilight groaned as she was rolled over and two strong arms closed around her middle.

Something warm gripped her hoof gently and Twilight tried to squeeze it in return but her body wasn’t responding. She felt that really should bother her more but it was getting harder to think. The cotton in her ears was invading her mind.

Was Cadance safe?

Six years ago.

Twilight looked up as Spike started to snore from her back. She looked back at the book in front of her and then she scanned the row she’d taken refuge on. Cadance wasn’t in sight.

“Wow, she does suck at this.” Twilight smirked and put the book away before standing up slowly to not wake Spike and let blood return to her hooves.

She walked slowly back to the main passage and looked up and down again for Cadance. The young princess was nowhere in sight again and Twilight started to worry. The archive was huge. Could Cadance have gotten lost?

Twilight was about to start a systematic search pattern when she heard the dainty snort of a sleeping Princess. It was a sound she had become very familiar with from class. She followed the noise a short way until she spotted an unconscious alicorn mare half way down a row of shelves.

She shook her head and trotted over to Cadance and nudged her with a hoof until she woke. “You were supposed to find me, not the other way around.”

Cadance yawned and smiled up at her. “Well are you my Prince Charming, come to wake a sleeping Princess?”

Twilight looked at Cadance in silence for a moment. “Weirdo.”

The rain had stopped. It was silent and Twilight was concerned at her lack of concern. She was just so tired and her leg ached in an off-hoof way. She was getting cold. Twilight really wished the warm, soft thing would hold her some more.

Six years ago.

Twilight blinked at Cadance. Her lips felt funny. Her heart felt funnier.

“What was that for?”

Cadance giggled and pranced away, heading back toward the entrance again now that it was late. They would be expected at the dinner table by the Royal Sisters within the hour. As she reached the stairs, Cadance looked back over her shoulder. “Prince Charmings always get a kiss when they wake Princesses.”

Twilight watched her go and felt even funnier in her heart. “But...but Cady, I’m not a stallion! Hey! Wait up!”

Word Count: 2221
New Prompt: Germs

3624171 Alright, can we just go ahead and declare Fuzzy Princess of Twidance?

3624171 great update, I like that you're really getting the ball rolling on background when it comes to Celestia and Luna. Just one thing:



3624186 We could, but to be honest if we give him crowns for all his masterful shippings, his head is going to get crowded quick

The cost of installing belly buttons was high 300 years ago. And boring. That's why it inspired princess written clop.

Also, fixed.

Also, also, I am King of Tiaras. Like you don't even know.


The time has finally come for us to celebrate our centennial! When I started this collab, Twidance was a barren, empty desert in the ponyfiction world. Since then, Twidance has flourished thanks to all you wonderful readers and writers.

For the 100th Prompt Special, if you'd like to contribute the theme is 'The First Time.' Interpret that however you want, just remember the collab is rated Teen :twilightblush:

Submission deadline is September 21


Princess of Tiaras

Corrected that for you, Fuzz.


This Is The end =?¿= :fluttershysad:

3624981 I hope not. I know I was late to the party, but this is what got me to take up writing again. I enjoy the stories that we all come up with as well as the writing them.

3624271 Let's not forget that this collaboration is responsible for spawning the Twysalis/Chrylight collab too! The Swarm owes gratitude to this prompt.

3624981 Not quite yet, but we're almost there. There's one more prompt to wrap up on the Twilestia collab, then one to wrap up here on Twidance. After that, I'll polish it up nice, add some extras, and publish it independently


Yai! :yay:

Alternate Endings=?¿= :unsuresweetie:

I'll be taking Guardian.

Little awkward - trying to fit the prompt to the story rather than the other way around - but I think it works.

Pink-purple magic lit the room, filling it with an eerie but warm glow as it coalesced into the centre. At first it seemed there was simply gathering, without actually acting on anything; but as it grew stronger, the very air itself seemed to buckle and twist…

Twilight gave a cry of effort as she completed the spell, tearing the very fabric of reality asunder. Suddenly, where once there stood a mostly empty room, there was now a tear, through which a familiar pink pony could be seen.

Cadance lay in a heap in the middle of the floor, gazing up in confusion and horror at the rip in the air... but that immediately stopped as soon as she saw the spellcasting princess. Giving a desperate cry of delight, she surged through the portal in a blur of bedraggled feathers, and pounced onto Twilight, disrupting the spell and leaving the portal to collapse behind her as the two princesses tumbled across the room.

Cadance regained her bearings first and wasted no time, capturing Twilight’s lips with her own in a downright hungry display of passion, pinning down the slightly smaller princess and twisting their muzzles together. All six limbs wrapped tightly around Twilight, and she would have had to struggle hard to escape.

Not that she seemed to be trying particularly hard. Indeed, between recovering from the portal spell and Cadance’s ministrations, Twilight could do little more than melt in the grip of the Alicorn of love, basking in her passion and attention, pressed tightly together along barrel, limb and lips.

I sighed and cleared my throat loudly.

...And again.

...On the third time, it seems Twilight heard me, and struggled enough to actually get Cadance’s attention as well. It was a little longer still before she seemed willing to actually relinquish her prize, but eventually Twilight managed to direct her attention my way, and finally she composed herself and got off, letting them both stand up.

“Oh… hi, Shining.” Cadance grinned, rubbing the back of her head. “Sorry, it’s just been… wait…”

She stared at me a long moment, before spinning around to Twilight, giving her a closer inspection as well. Twilight, on the other hand, was still trying to catch her breath, while also trying to avoid my gaze, which might have been just a touch harsher than I intended it to be.

“You’re not Shining Armour! And you’re not Twilight!” She hissed, backing off a bit from us both. Her horn lit up, but it was obviously flickering - her incarceration had not left her in the peak of strength.

“N-no.” Twilight responded shakily. “We’re… just different. Hang on. Sorry. I’ll get you home properly.”

Before Cadance could protest any further, Twilight cast another spell. This one was a lot easier, though no less impressive - the magic twisting open the doorway again, lighting up Cadance and the area before showing another scene, with…

Another Twilight and Shining Armour, looking just as ragged as we were, staring in surprise as we looked over to them. There were subtle differences in the way they held themselves - as well as their colours, which were a little lighter across the board than ours. That matched the Cadance before us, too.

She cried out again, staggering through to the wide smiles of the two others. Other-Twilight embraced Cadance, and Other-Shining gave a heartfelt smile and a salute, which I wearily returned.

And then the gateway closed, and it was just the two of us again, one of each. Twilight sank down, still not looking at me.

“...Sorry, BBBFF…”

I sighed, pushing down my frustration and gently putting a hoof over my sister’s withers. “It’s alright, Twily. I think maybe we should take a little break.”

“W-what? But I can’t, not while…”

“You won’t be able to help her in that condition. Come on. Let’s get you some food.”


Twilight continued to be very quiet while we ate, only in the next room over. She had her serious thinking face on, that much was obvious, and normally I wouldn’t have interrupted her, but if ever there was a time…


She winced, slowly turning towards me, but still not meeting my eyes. “Yeah, Shiny?”

“I know it’s not what you want to hear right now, but…” I paused, trying to find the way of saying this least likely to freak out my sister, and trying to keep my teeth from grinding. “...Well, that’s nine different times we’ve tried so far. You were pretty confident in this spell of yours, but… well, that was the third one who pounced you the moment the portal opened. And there were two more who were pretty clearly with their Twilight rather than with m… their Shining Armour.

“So assuming that we’re not the minority here and most of the multiverse is actually Twily and Cady rather than Shiny and Cady…”

“Doesn’t work that way.” She muttered, eyes down.

“I know it’s a good thing that we’re rescuing all these other versions of her as well, but I am really kind of worried about my Cadance. I know this whole multiverse thing is pretty new to all of us, but…” He sighed. “Twi, I know you’re not, and I’m trying really hard not to get upset about this, but I really do kind of need to hear you say it. Please tell me you’re not doing this on purpose.”

She winced again, opening her mouth… but didn’t actually say anything. I blinked, feeling my heart drop back through my stomach. “T-Twi…”

“I’m not doing it on purpose!” She blurted out, then sank back down. “Not… on-purpose-on-purpose, anyway.”

“...Okay, Twily, you’re going to have to explain that one to me.”

“W-well, the spell is sort of a two-part thing. The first part’s tracking, the second part’s actually opening the gate. That’s the easy bit, and that’s why getting them home after we get them here - they’re easy to link up with their home dimension. It’s like they’ve got the key already.

“But the tracking is… I have to really, really focus on Cadance. And I do want to find her! I’m getting the hang of it more and more.”


“Ummm… okay, so, I’m not a hundred percent sure here, but, I think… well, the third one we tried, that was the first one that... pounced me. Um. I really wasn’t expecting it. And she kissed me.”

“Yes. I know. I was there. I wasn’t expecting it either.”

Twilight blushed. “Yeah. Well. Um. Cadance is kind of… a really good kisser.”

“Yes. I know that too.”

“She’s... a really, really good kisser. I mean… I don’t exactly have a lot of data points to compare to… or any, really…”

I blinked. “Twi, was that your first…”

“So, yeah, my head was still ringing and then she was on top of me and kissing and… um… wow. Yeah.” She licked her lips slightly, glancing at me, but then her eyes went down again. I might have been glaring a little.

“And.. umm… well, yeah, I’ve been… I’ve been trying to think of Cadance! Our Cadance. Your Cadance. Really. But, um, every time I think of her… um…”

I sighed heavily, lowering my head to the table. Twilight shrank further back.

“...She’s a really good kisser.” She mumbled, as if trying to use that as a shield. It didn’t exactly improve my mood.

“So what are we supposed to do then?” I cried out, storming to my feet. “Can I do the seeking part for you?”

She shook her head miserably. “No, that’d bring in a whole heap of new issues. It’d take me weeks to rewrite the spell. And there’s no way you could cast it. I don’t even think Celestia could… this is a special talent thing…”

“So what, then? We keep going until we run out of Twilight-obsessed Cadances to rescue?” I might have been yelling by that point.

“I… um…”


“There’s… one thing that might work.”

“What? Anything!”

“Umm… well, if I was… thinking that maybe when our Cadance got back, maybe I could… have something to, um… look forward to… maybe kiss her when she…”

“WHAT?” I was suddenly towering over Twilight, snarling, as she cut off with a squeak. “You… I… you think you can… after… ARGH!” I didn’t even know how to start dealing with that. Twilight cowered again, hiding her face.

I sighed, storming away back into the portal room, leaving Twily curled up in a ball with her food.

What does she think she’s doing? Asking me to… to let her kiss Cadance? Oh, and that’s probably not all either. She probably would have asked for more, if she even knew how to get the words out. She’s holding my wife hostage. This is blackmail. If I don’t let her… with my wife, then I might never see her again? How dare she?

I glared back at the last room. I thought I knew Twilight better than that. I thought she was better than that! I can’t believe my little sister would suggest something like that! It doesn’t make any sense! She’d never…

She was crying.

I could hear her sobbing from here. Softly, trying to keep me from noticing, but there are some things that come from being a big brother with a talent in protection.

It cut through my rage harder than Twily had been tearing apart space-time.


She really would never do something like that, would she.

I stared back at the other room. That… that wasn’t Twily trying to get it on with my wife. That was Twily, exhausted, confused and guilty, desperately trying to find a way to rescue her foalsitter. That was Twily having tried fighting herself and her feelings to bring me back the mare I loved, and only making the issue worse. That was little studious Twily, taking apart a problem and trying to find the best way to solve it.

Maybe the only way to solve it.

...How the hell was I supposed to deal with this?


It was a little while before I managed to compose myself enough to head back into the room. Once I could see her, as well as just hear her, that drove away the last of my bitterness.

With long-practised magical touch, I wiped away the tears from her eyes, and then hugged her close against me. It wasn’t quite the same as it used to be - she was nearly bigger than me now! - but it still brought back memories.

She jumped in surprise, then looked at me in confusion, but it wasn’t long before she collapsed against me and we lay there together for a little while, brother and sister, comforting each other in a time of stress. Whatever else happened, we’d always have that.

Finally, I broke the silence.

“...I… I’ll ask Cady about it. Okay?”


“It’s her choice in the end, I can’t make her do anything. I’m… I’m not going to pretend I’m happy about it, Twily. But… if you can get her back for me…”

“You… are you sure?” She wavered. “I mean… you don’t have to… I can…”

“If you can get her back, I’ll… ask her. I guess… it’s the least we can do. Don’t think this is going to be a regular thing, though!”

She shook her head frantically. “I’m not trying to take her away from you!”

“I know, Twily. I know.” It still hurt, but I knew she wasn’t doing it on purpose. “But I’ll ask her. I promise.”

“Okay.” She grinned, wiping fresh tears from her eyes. “I’ll get her back. I promise.” She stood up, a little shaky but determined, trotting towards the portal room.

“I’ve got a good feeling about this time. Come on, let’s get Cadance back!”

I sighed. The things I do for the wonderful mares in my life...

"That didn't feel too long", I thought to myself as I finished it off. "Maybe I actually made a reasonably short fic this time..."

Nope, 2015 words.

I'm really not very good at this whole 'short fiction' thing. But hope people enjoy regardless!

New prompt: Blackmail. Because I'm evil to these poor ponies, and you should be too!

3625827 Afraid I'm not much of a subscriber when it comes to alternate endings, sorry :twilightblush:


Oh well :fluttershysad: Shiku Shiku Shiku Shiku :fluttercry:

3632198 yeah...sure...i have no idea what that means :twilightblush:


The Sound Of Someone Crying In Japanese :twilightsmile:

3624271 On that special prompt, do I post my submission here, or PM it to you?

3634818 Just go ahead and post it here

Here's my entry for the 100 special: The First Time. Number 12 in MLD.

The First Time

The first thing that went through Twilight’s mind was how quiet it was, followed shortly afterwards with the realization that she was awake. Her body was numb from horn to tail and didn’t want to respond to her commands. Twilight felt her heart rate speed up as she strained to move even her eyelids and see what was going on. She managed a small slit but her lashes blocked any detail other than the soft light coming in on her from somewhere above.

Twilight groaned and she felt more so than saw, movement to her side. A shadow passed in front of her limited vision and she felt a hoof gently smooth her mane.

“Stay still, Twilight. Go back to sleep, we’re safe here.”

Six years ago.

Not for the first time, Twilight wondered why Princess Cadance hung out with her. Sure, they were classmates in Princess Celestia’s class at the School of Magi, but they weren’t the only students. Maybe it really was their similar ages? Cadance had the distinction of being the youngest student to ever be personally tutored by the Princess. That honor used to be Twilight’s claim to fame until the pink alicorn had arrived.

Of course, it was a special circumstance since Cadance was the first new alicorn in centuries.

They had gravitated toward each other almost immediately. Neither of them had many friends at the School or out of it, just family they saw during the holidays. Cadance, ever the more outgoing, broke the ice first by opening the class door right into Twilight’s face in front of Princess Celestia. That led to their first fight, which led to their first stuttering apology session - after their first stent in detention.

After that they had become fast friends, study buddies, confidants, and lab partners.

If anyone had asked her, Twilight would have said that Cadance was her best firend. But after their latest match of Dewey Decimal Hide and Seek in the Canterlot archives...she wasn’t sure. She needed to talk to someone about it. Obviously, Cadance was out. The Royal Sisters were busy and she wasn’t going to visit her family for another few weeks. That left Spike, and as much as she loved the little guy and respected his advice, this wasn’t something she felt he would be good at.

As with so many other things that initially confused her, it fell to books to pick up the slack in her knowledge. But which subject should she check? Biology? Physcology? Sociology? Twilight bit her lip. Perhaps that section in the archive on naval expenditures that hid Princess Luna’s romantic fiction?

She woke up in darkness this time, her mouth dry and throat sore. More feeling was returning her body and she could tell she was in a bed and covered with a blanket of some sort. It was soft and warm but the blanket felt as if it weighed a ton and smelled faintly herby. The air in...wherever...she was had similar hints of herbs and fragrant plants with an undercurrent of chemicals. Like an apothecary's.

Twilight grunted and got her eyes open for all it helped her. It was the middle of the night and everything was still. Twilight breathed deeply and licked at her mouth to wetten it again, letting her ears adjust to her surroundings. She could make out the faint hum and chirp of crickets, the call of an owl and the distant breathing of a large creature that was unmistakably Spike.

Twilight groaned as she shifted microscopically and the let her eyes close as that drained her of energy again.

Six years ago.

Deductive logic led her to the answers she was seeking. Cadance had called her a ‘Prince Charming,’ ergo, Twilight found herself in the foals’ section of the main library, sitting at a too low table surrounded by several stacks of books. Children’s Tales had never held her interest before but the more she read, the more she began to piece together the ‘rules of fairy tale chivalry and courtly love.’

Twilight was of noble birth herself and she knew these so called rules to be mostly hogwash and wishful thinking, but she could certainly see the draw. The Knight, the Lady, the Princess, and the Commoner were all roles she saw repeated over and over with similar traits that portrayed them as either villainous or virtuous. She could see that Cadance very much favored the Princess and Lady stereotypes with a bit of the rebellious Commoner thrown in for good measure.

Which made sense, given her low birth and then promotion to Princess by way of alicornination. Cadance also seemed the see the Knight stereotype within Twilight. A helper, a trusted advisor and stalwart defender. Obvious love interest.

Twilight blushed and set down the book she’d been reading. Was that what that kiss had been about? Cadance simply following through with the expectation that the Princess kisses the Knight that saves her? Was it all an act?

If it was, then why did it make her heart skip a beat when she thought about it?

Twilight pushed the book away and leaned back to look up at the vaulted ceiling above her. She sat there in silence for a moment before she gave a quiet voice to the question that was weighing heavily on her mind. “Do I like mares?”

“So what if you do? I think this world could use more of us.”

Twilight startled and fell back with an yelp. She rolled over onto her belly and looked up at an older mare wearing thick rimmed glasses and her mane tied up in a loose bun with chopsticks. “Wha? Miss Monarca? You mean you…?”

The librarian smiled and nodded and added a conspiratorial wink. “Oh yes, miss Sparkle. I even know what it’s like to have a mare confuse and excite you at the same time. I couldn’t help but notice what you’ve collected over here and given your whispered question. I understand if you don’t want to talk about it, but I’ve found it’s always nice to know you aren’t alone when it comes to the plights of love and affection.”

Monarca smiled and picked up a few discarded books left unshelved by the children that had last spent time in the section and stacked them in her green colored aura. “Don’t let me bother you, I just need to get these organized and back in their places.”

“Um, wait!” Twilight blushed and chuckled nervously as the librarian turned her way again. “Um… can I ask you something?”

“Of course, youngling. Haven’t I been helping you find answers in this place for years now?”

Twilight nodded and got to her hooves. “Well, it’s about Cad - Princess - Cadance. She called me a Prince Charming and kissed me yesterday because I woke her up in the archive. And I feel...I don’t know, funny about that. How am I supposed to feel?”

Miss Monarca held Twilight’s gaze silently for a moment, her face emotionless until she leaned in close and whispered. “You got a kiss from a Princess? That is a treasure, Twilight Sparkle. Wars have been fought for as much in the past and will be fought again in the future for just a single kiss. Feel honored. Feel loved. Feel proud and powerful and complete.”

Monarca leaned back and smirked. “That’s how I’d feel if my Princess would just give me a kiss.”

“Ok, I guess.” Twilight looked down at the soft carpet floor as she thought about the implications of what Cadance’s actions could mean.

Monarca hefted the books she’d picked up a moment before and patted Twilight gently on the head. “And a bit of advice from an old mare whose loved and lost. Go talk to her. Don’t bottle it up or you just might become someone you don’t recognise in the mirror someday.”

Twilight nodded as the librarian’s green glow faded away with her hoofsteps. She knew what she had to do. Knights didn’t back down from challenges in the fair tales Cadance liked and neither was she.

Twilight blinked her eyes to clear the sleep from them. It was light out again and someone was holding her head up.

“‘ere, drink t’is. It will ease your ac’es an’ give you energy.”

“Whe...where is Cady?” Twilight grimaced at the roughness of her own voice. How long had she been out?

“S’e is not ‘ere. S’e an’ a dragon are gat’ering supplies for te potions I make for you.”

Twilight forced her eyes to focus as a cold, sweet liquid was poured into her mouth. It proved hard to swallow and her tortured throat screamed in pain as it worked. She coughed as her head was laid back onto the pillow. Twilight’s stomach clenched and then eased as the drink settled and she could feel its coolness spreading out to her limbs a moment later.


“Yes. We meet again, Battlemage. Now sleep. You Princess return soon enoug’.”

Six years ago.

Twilight kicked a pebble as she stood in indecision outside the door that would take her into the wing of the castle that held Cadance’s room. She’d stood there for almost ten minutes as the librarian’s words of advice echoed in her mind. The great clock bonged the hour and Twilight sighed, dinner would be soon. If she wanted to talk to Cadance, she had little time to do so before the Royal Sisters would be expecting them.

She pushed the door open and started up the stairs until she was on the third floor landing. Cadance’s room was at the end of the hall where the wing met the main body of the castle. Twilight walked slowly, thinking to herself about the coming conversation and how she could get through it without sticking her hoof in her mouth. She kept getting hung up at the part where Cadance started talking and Twilight wasn’t sure what she’d say back.

When Twilight rounded the final corner, she paused as Princess Celestia exited Cadance’s room, her face severe and serious. Celestia closed the door behind her softly and turned to trot briskly toward the deeper interior of the castle without pausing or looking her way. Twilight raised her hoof to call after the Princess when she heard a sniffle that came from within. She wondered for a moment if she should knock but then she pushed the door open and stepped inside.


Cadance sat on her bed, her head hung and tears running down her cheeks when Twilight entered. She looked up and sniffed. “Oh Twily, it’s not fair.”

“What’s the matter? I just saw Princess Celestia come out.” Twilight walked up to Cadance’s bedside and took a seat. “What’s wrong?”

“Oh Twily, I’m leaving Canterlot!”

It was darker when she woke up again, but her body felt nominally better than it had. Twilight sighed and blinked with considerably less effort than last time. She smiled when she saw Cadance, looking tired and a bit ragged herself, standing next to her bed. When she spoke, her voice was gravelly but her throat felt close to normal. “I thought it was the Prince Charming that woke the Princess, not the other way around.”

Cadance blinked at Twilight for a moment, her eyes tearing up as she smiled with relief. “Weirdo.” Cadance shook her head and pulled the blanket back as she slipped into the bed and her Twily’s arms.

Word Count: 1930

3638897 Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww:heart:

For the 100th Special.
Prompt: The First Time
The sun slowly slipping below the horizon, dusk was settling in the Crystal Empire. An alicorn sat on one of the flat roof spaces of the Crystal Spire; she was joined by a second who glided down from a nearby cloud. The two were content to watch as the skies gradually darken while the moon and stars rose and glowed in the skies above.

Only once the moon had been raised and set upon its path, the skies painted purples, oranges, and blues did one break the peaceful silence. The lavender alicorn nudged her pink companion gently with her wing, “It’s certainly a wonderful sunset, I’m glad you convinced me to leave my office for a bit.”

The pink alicorn gave her a warm smile, “You spend too much time cooped up in there. There’s more to life than your work.”

Her companion gave a light chuckle, “Oh I know, I know that very well. I wouldn’t be here if I never learned that lesson. To think that when I was young all I wanted was my books and my family. To think I wanted to limit my world so much that everything I learned was more from books than from life.” Leaning herself into her companion’s side, “Although I do remember you doing something similar.”

The pink alicorn stuck out a tongue, “Hey, I had friends! Although I do remember retreating from everyone at first….”

“Then a stubborn colt dragged you out of your shyness,” her companion finished.

“I just never imagined it would be us, here together. For the longest time I thought he might be the one I would spend my life with, no offence to you of course.”

The purple alicorn smirked, “None taken, I thought you would be with him too; if not for what he did.”

The pink alicorn smiled fondly, “Ah, that. A year after you left Canterlot for Ponyville he managed to convince you to spend the night out with him. Turns out he arranged it with both of us and then he leaves us alone at the restaurant.”

“Our first date, if you wanted to call it that. I think I remember spending part of that drunk and slightly annoyed at him,” the purple alicorn interjected before pausing, “actually I was very annoyed with him. I probably would have been angry about it if anypony else had tried that.

The pink alicorn smirked, “Maybe you decided not to be angry when you realized you would be spending time with me. Although he’s your brother so I guess that gave him a free pass even if he can be a bit thick-headed. Come to think of it, that was not only the first time we dated and but also the first time you’ve gotten drunk. What did happen to the Lunars patrolling around?”

“Oh, the drunken spells. Nothing much just a few magical mishaps, they went back to normal by morning.”

“Did we ever thank him for getting us together?”, the pink alicorn said in a thoughtful tone.

“No,” the purple alicorn tapped her chin with the tip of her forehoof, “but we should. It’s been a wonderful if crazy and eventful three years.”

“I couldn’t agree more, although I wouldn’t trade a moment of it.”

“Neither would I,” she said leaning while wrapping a wing around her companion, “although we can thank him later, for now I would like to just enjoy this time with you.”


100th Prompt Special is due on the 21st, to be posted on the 22nd. Prompt is 'The First Time.' If anyone is working on theirs tomorrow and needs a bit more time, we can extend the deadline

The First Time

Twilight Sparkle was dying.

Not from sickness or injury or old age. She was quite healthy, she hadn't been hurt (at least not physically), and she was quite young. She was dying of chronic jealousy.

Every single time Cadance and Shining Armor snuggled just a little closer to each other, Twilight died just a little more. Every single time they shared a peck on the cheek when nopony was looking except her. Every single time they laid their love out for the world to see, Twilight Sparkle died.

She wanted to be happy for her brother and her crush, but she just couldn't. Instead, she contemplated the bitter dregs of jealousy. Every time she looked up from her meal and saw Cadance and Shining Armor looking at each other with love in their eyes, she couldn't help but think That should be me she's looking at. Cadance is supposed to be mine. And then she would deny the thoughts to herself and reapply her fake smile. Nopony noticed that she didn't speak much at all.

And this was the very first time they would have Cadance over at their house for dinner.

The first time - implying there would be many more dinners that pricked a million tiny holes in Twilight's heart.

Something told Twilight that it would never get any easier.

i feel so inadequate


i feel so inadequate

That makes two of us, buddy. Seriously, that was awesome

3644931 What're the active prompts at the moment?

This is...something. I'm not really sure what, but its my take for 'The First Time'

Special talents are curious things for one as long-lived as I. When I was a mere filly, before the first brick had been placed in what today are the most ancient of ruins, it seemed very clear to me. I raised the moon, and my Cutie Mark said as such. A simple system, one that functioned without fail for hundreds of generations of ponies.

However, for my sister and I, the rules seem to bend somewhat.

For example, Celestia’s talent with a paintbrush would make the most gifted of surgeons weep with envy. While perhaps her skills could be explained by innumerable years of practice, it is a difficult argument to make when confronted by her ability to switch between the most emotional of abstract expressionism to realism who’s only telling feature to distinguish it from photography is a flawlessness that has yet to be captured by technology.

I envy my sister, for it seems my second talent is far less desirable.

Allow me to explain.

A nation can change to a nearly unimaginable degree in a thousand years. Social norms, vocabulary, even something as seemingly simple as personal space can shift over the course of ten centuries. Being suddenly dropped back into society a full millennium removed from what I am familiar with was a harrowing experience. Not only did I have a thousand years of history to catch up on, but I also had to relearn how to interact with the citizenry. Even my Celestia had changed to an enourmous extent, thought thankfully she was still easily the sister I remembered her to be.

Understandably, reacquainting myself with modern society gifted me no small amount of stress. I would be a gross understatement to call the sheer volume of knowledge I was required to master anything short of overwhelming. Some nights, when the burden becomes overwhelming, I relieve myself through walks in the Royal Gardens.

On one such night, not long after my visit to Ponyville for Nightmare Night, I was taking a stroll near the Statue Gardens when I heard a mare cry out in distress. I immediately recognized the voice as that of Twilight Sparkle. While I was surprised to discover she was in Canterlot, I did not hesitate to come to her aid.

Without a moment’s delay, I spread my wings and launched myself into the sky towards where I had first heard her cries. I found her not a hundred paces distant, separated only by a tall hedge, struggling against an unknown assailant with a vibrant pink coat. In the shadows, it was difficult to distinguish what was transpiring, but I dived upon them regardless.

I impacted the earth with a crash of thunder, summoned lightning outlining my figure and giving me a fearsome visage. Wings extended and horn aglow, I commanded the brigand to unhoof Twilight Sparkle, or face my wrath.

It was at that moment that the moon, my lovely, traitorous moon, chose to peak out from behind an errant cloud and illuminate the scene before me.

Tangled together in a way known only to lovers, Twilight Sparkle and my niece, Princess Cadence, staring at me with flushed faces. As I stood frozen in place, shocked by what I had discovered, the unique scent of sweat and arousal reached my nose. I managed to stammer an excuse and an apology before quickly teleporting away.

That was the first time I interrupted Twilight and Cadence’s…activities. It would not be the last. In the months since, I have managed to interrupt them no less than 435 times, including twice when I made a concentrated effort to remain in an entirely different hemisphere to avoid such incidents.

It is when I watch my sister paint a sunset that somehow manages to capture every detail precisely and yet at the same time convey a story of loss and rebirth, while I am cursed to a perfect view of Twilight and Cadence boinking in the Observatory tower(close the blinds, for heaven’s sake!) that I think upon the cruelties of destiny and fate.


Active Prompts:

3643459 I'm still working on mine. Should have it to you no later than 7 pm CDT.

3643459 Here is my entry for the 100th prompt. It fits into my Lavender and Love timeline for those interested.

The First Time -100th prompt special

By: Magicman7997

It was a cool spring evening in the capital city of Canterlot. The nocturnal birds and insects began their soothing symphonies of the night as two lovers wandered through the Royal Gardens. Twilight Sparkle and her marefriend Princess Mi Amore Cadenza enjoyed the sweet smells that filled the air of the gardens as they softly followed the well worn walkways. Merely enjoying the quiet contentment of one another's company, the two found their way to a small gazebo at one end of the path. Under said gazebo, a full picnic set complete with red checkered blanket and two silver domes covering what was certain to be two of the finest meals the Royal Chefs could come up with.

“What's all this?” asked a surprised Twilight. She slowed her pace as they approached the romantic sight.

“This, my beautiful love, is for you. As a way to say 'Thank you' for being the greatest gift I could have ever received.” Cadance finished walking the last of the path and gestured for Twilight to take her place next to her. The lavender unicorn happily complied as she sat gently next to her alicorn paramour. With a flick of her magic, Cadance whisked away the lids to reveal two large bowls of delicious looking greenery. Daisies, clover, rose petals, and other assorted goodies filled the salad bowls until they were nearly overflowing. Not to be outdone, Twilight lit her own horn and used her telekinetic prowess to uncork a bottle of Chateau L'Heauf that had been chilling in a bucket directly in front of them. With a practiced motion, Twilight poured two glasses full of the raspberry colored wine. Offering a glass to Cady, she raised the goblet in a toast.

“What shall we drink to dearest Twily?”

“To the first time Cady.”

“The first time? What first time?”

Twilight set her glass down and took Cadance's hooves in her own. “To the first time I laid eyes on you. To the first time my heart leapt from my chest for you.” Cadance's eyes began to mist over at the display of genuine affection pouring from the lavender unicorn. “To the first time we kissed. And every time after that. And to the first time, in a long time, that I've ever been truly surprised. Thank you for tonight. It means so much to me to know this is how you feel about me.”

Both mares lifted their glasses and finished a sip of the startlingly sweet wine. As the alcohol swirled down their throats, Cadance softly placed her lips against Twilight's. Their tongues slowly danced around one another's as their passion began to build. Stopping once the need for air became too great, the two lovers shared a tender nuzzle surrounded by the tranquility in the air.

“There's one more first time I want to toast to Cadance.” Twilight spoke as she carefully placed her glass back on the blanket. Cadance looked at her love quizzically as she too sat her glass down. Once again taking her beloved's hoof in hers, Twilight continued. “I never thought we'd get to this point. The point where we truly could be together. But, we persevered, and now, I can't imagine my life without you.” Stealthily, Twilight levitated a small black velvet box from her saddle bags. “Now, for my final toast, I want to toast to the first time, the first time that I took the ultimate leap of faith and asked you the most serious question of all.” Bending on her forehooves, she used her magic to present the now opened box to Cadance. “Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, will you do me the honor of joining me in marriage? Would you be my wife?”

Cadance gasped as she took the box in her own magic. Inside was an intricate silver and golden horn ring. Small jewels recreated their cutie marks and circled the entire ring. Twilight's own magic took control once more as she softly placed the ring on Cady's own slender horn. As the ring slid into place, and with a voice that would have made Fluttershy proud, Cadance whispered through her tears.

“Yes. Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!”

Word count - 704

3646886 That is a great piece, and it is absolutely perfect to finish out our 100th special :rainbowkiss:

3647735 Thank you. I appreciate that!

Alright I gotta drop Germs, I don't have enough time to write it :pinkiesad2:

I blame the education system

Its that time again: the period after a special where production cools off as everyone rests their fingers. :ajsleepy:


Break's over! Now, I crack the whip and put your poor, bleeding digits back to work for the glory of Twidance! :trollestia:

Active Prompts:


I'll claim Dogs

Here is Dogs, it is a prequel to Crown. This one is dedicated to my little man Jax, who was killed by a car this week. He was the inspiration for Doctor Paws, and was the sweetest, goofiest little pug I've ever met


As Cadence and Twilight walked, or in Twilight’s case, trudged, through the halls of the Crystal Spire, the castle staff and guards made themselves scarce. Previous spats between their rulers had taught the ponies of the Crystal Empire that, when either of the Princesses began to badger the other, it was best to find somewhere else to be.


Each time Twilight refused her, Cadence would wilt. Then, a heartbeat later, she would perk up again and ask again.

“Pretty please?”

After nearly an hour of nonstop begging, and weeks of debate before that, Twilight’s patience-building exercises were paying off in spades.

“Pretty no.”

Instead of giving in to her initial urge, namely copying the spell Trixie had used when she was under the Alicorn Amulet’s influence to temporarily remove Pinkie’s mouth, Twilight was responding with snark.

“Pretty please with sugar on top?”

Cadence’s pleading, while not particularly creative, was peppered generously with military-grade puppy-dog eyes.

“Pretty no with even more no on top.”

Fortunately for Twilight, long exposure to the Cutie Mark Crusaders, now simply ‘the Crusaders,’ had helped her build a respectable immunity to the adorable expression.

“…Pretty please with sugar on me?


Unfortunately for Twilight, she had yet to build a resistance to her wife’s methods of seduction.

“Don’t. Say. A word,” Cadence drawled, her eyes boring holes into an empty section of wall. Beside her, Twilight sat with a wide, cheeky grin. Between her forelegs, a beagle puppy sat panting, a happy grin on his face.

“Don’t listen to her, Doctor Paws. Who’s a good boy?” Twilight cooed as she picked up the puppy between her forelegs. Doctor Paws responded by licking Twilight on the nose.

“We are not calling him that, and he is not a good boy,” Cadence grumbled, looking away from the section of wall to take in the devastation that surrounded them.

Their personal suite was absolutely wrecked. Couch cushions had been torn to shreds, their inner fluff scattered in every direction. Three of their lamps had been broken. Their expensive Saudi Arabian rug(a personal gift from the Sultan) had had its tassels ripped off and been peed on. The puppy’s water dish had been overturned and soaked the romance novel Cadence had been reading. Likewise, the food dish bad been completely emptied and spread into a thin layer of dry food just waiting for the unwary(Cadence) to slip and fall(again.)

“You were the one who wanted to get a dog. ‘Oh Twilight, it’ll be great. It’ll help us learn for when we have a foal.’” While Twilight’s facsimile was actually quite an accurate impression of her voice, Cadence was not amused. She glared lightly at Twilight, before Twilight raised an eyebrow as if to ask, ‘Really?’

Cadence groaned and pushed herself up onto her hooves. “Forget it, we can deal with this in the morning. I’m going to bed.”

As Twilight watched Cadence disappear into their bedroom, she silently counted down in her head. …3…2…1…

“What is-UGH! Twilight! The little monster peed in our bed!”

“There it is,” Twilight laughed to herself as Doctor Paws scurried underneath her for safety at Cadence’s yell. Twilight lifted him up again and teased his nose with her snout. “As long as you only pee on her side of the bed, I think you’ll be just fine here. What do you say, Doctor Paws?”

Doctor Paws wagged his tail and gave her a wet, sloppy puppy kiss across the face.

New Prompt: Appreciation

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