Twidance 654 members · 95 stories
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3906819 Our Collabs ass is fatter than Celestia's at this point!

Well...that's not precisely true...

To prove how massive a nerd I am, I did the math.

The Twilestia collab is swinging a hefty 259,138 words, sweet lil' Twidance has a dainty 121,037. That means Twidance has 46.7% of dat ass.

Which is pretty good when you compare the number of posted prompts...

3908028 Pretty Good, that means our (Mostly Your) posts are the rich dark chocolate compared to the lighter milk chocolate of Twilestia..

I want to ensure that Twidance gets the attention it deserves
Next ship to get the treatment is Sunset x Adagio


I know right? Obviously Sunota is the only true Dazzling ship

Bah! That taco shilling shrew? Don't be fooled by her dough-eyed expression and lack of braincells! The only true Dazzling for Bacon-Hair is Cheesy Puff Hair herself, Adagio DAZZLING!

Sundagio OTP4EVAR! You'll see when I publish A Dazzling Sunset. You'll see!

Also, I'm getting started on my Xmas/New Year's prompt.


Good Gravy I just don't like the Dazzilings as anything but antagonists....sorry..


Snagging Feather.

For the Hearth's Warming/Holiday Special (Fireplace)
“Remind me again why we agreed going to a mountain chalet located in the middle of nowhere was a good idea,” Twilight commented as she walked into the cabin behind Cadance.

“So we could actually have some peace and quiet?” Cadance suggested. “This is our first Hearth’s Warming together since our wedding and I would like some quiet.”

Twilight lit her horn to melt the snow that had accumulated on her coat on their walk over before drying herself off. The cabin itself was certainly remoted as it was located on one of the less travelled mountains in Equestria, however despite its remote location it was considerably larger than the usual chalet. The chalet was constructed of a foundation of coarse stone and mortar while the rest of the chalet was built from wood, the walls from logs stripped of bark and joined together by dovetails and the ceiling from stout beams of wood.

“It’s not bad,” Twilight said as she looked around. “A bit rough, but given that Celestia was the one who had built this I wasn’t sure what to expect.”

Cadance smiled, “Auntie told me she had built and rebuilt this place a few times. This time was a lot better than her previous attempts, at least according to her. With how remote this place is, well I can see why she would want to go so far from the capital.”

Twilight shivered slightly and headed towards the large hearth, “Needs a bit more insulation though, I’m going to get a fire going.”

Twilight paused when she noticed that Cadance was resting a hoof on her withers. “This might sound silly, but could we start a fire like how we used to?” Cadance suggested pulling out a matchbook.

Twilight kissed Cadance, “Not a silly idea, I had thought about asking if you wanted to do that. I guess we’re both thinking back to what we used to do. I can still remember that first time you suggested we build a fire one cold winter.”

Cadance smirked, “Yes, I remember a tiny purple filly who insisted she knew how to do fire magic. Quite an impressive first fire you made, very warm.”

Twilight stuck her tongue out as she levitated over a small pile of tinder and kindling into the empty fireplace, “I thought it would work, although I’m just glad I didn’t know any fire magic then as that would have been an interesting disaster to explain to my parents afterwards.”

Cadance still with her hoof on Twilight’s withers guided her wife to just in front of the gathered wood. “So who should light the match this time?” Cadance asked. "We used to take turns, but I’ve forgotten whose turn it is supposed to be.”

Twilight smiled as she levitated out one of the matches, “I would say I remember, but I think a better idea would be to light this together.”

Cadance nodded, “I like that idea.”

Cadance wrapped her magic around the match Twilight was holding and watched as the colours of their auras mingle. Together the two struck the match against the stone before settling it on the gathered tinder and watched as it caught fire. Soon a small flame was burning in the once empty fireplace.


For the New Year's Special (Resolution)

Resolution: noun, a firm decision to do something.

Twilight recited the dictionary definition in her head as she slaved over fireworks, and one rocket in particular. It was tradition to make a resolution for the New Year, and the princesses of Equestria held deep respect for tradition.

The four alicorns were gathered in Canterlot Castle to celebrate the New Year. It was an equally old tradition, begun by Celestia and Luna, which held no less respect. The elder pair stood opposite the younger, and watched as they prepared the pyrotechnics for the coming display. After all, now was a time for the old guard to rest and let the new shine, if only for a moment.

Cadence checked over her wiring one last time before stepping back to admire her work. They were using new electronic fuses, and this display promised to be the best Equestria had ever seen. This was also, in no small part, due to Twilight’s efforts. The moment after Celestia had enlisted the two of them to arrange the fireworks this year, Twilight gathered every book ever written about the subject. And as was her standard mode of operation, she had read over half of them before Cadence could finish one.

A quick flash of magic intruded upon Cadence’s reflections. She looked toward its source, expecting her companion to be checking over the timing and sequence for the fourth time. Instead, she found Twilight working on just a single firework.

“Are you sure triple-checking is enough?” Cadence asked as she walked closer.

“What? Hmm… there’s just enough time to go over everything again. I’ll start immed—“

Before Twilight could leap toward the fireworks controller, Cadence imposed herself in between and giggled.

“Don’t worry, I’m certain everything is perfect.”
Sensing that the Twilight would protest for a fifth check, Cadence instead tried to divert her attention.
“So what were you working on over there?”

“Oh, it’s just a special something for the grand finale. I hope you’ll like it.” Twilight said as she blushed gently.

“I’m sure everyone will love it.” Cadence said with absolute certainty.
She looked at Twilight with some admiration and awe. Great in all things that mattered, the flaws only helped accentuate her better traits. Cadence saw perfection in that union of good and bad. As the countdown started, she resolved to be a better pony.


The two teleported to a safe location to watch the fireworks and joined in the countdown.


They glanced at each other and nodded. They approached the console and prepared to usher in the New Year.




On cue, the first of the fireworks shot into the sky with a great whistle. The bang gave way to a flash of light, and the procession quickly filled the night with brocades, like glittering lace strung across the stars. The sky erupted into a roiling sea of color as patterns of peonies and dahlias were spread over all of Canterlot.

A flare was sent up as the sky was painted red and orange with fireworks. As the flare reached its peak, the night was filled with daytime blues and whites, which gave way even more brilliant golds as the flare fell back down. Before disappointment over the end of the display could set in, another flare was sent up. This time it was accompanied by deep blues and purples. As the second flare also faded, vividly colored suns and moons burst into existence. These grew into stars and hearts which seemed to dance across the sky.

Images of ponies, laughing and smiling, filled the night sky. As the display finally began to die down, Twilight repeated the definition of a resolution to herself:
Noun, a firm decision to do something.

She stared intently as one final rocket was sent up. It exploded into a beautiful pink and purple heart, which could be seen from the farthest reaches of Equestria. But, instead of falling back down, the pyrotechnic stars ascended ever higher. They settled into place among the stars of the night sky.

Twilight also had a resolution.

So what're the open prompts?

Here you go;
Energy Drinks (The Princess Rarity)
Feather (palaikai)

Gonna claim Downhill for after I get this new years prompt out.


Here is mine for the New Year's Special. It started as a Christmas special...but I was really busy and out of town for that. And yes, it's within the same continuity as MLD, but is NOT the next one in the series(since that takes place in the summer time). But it does relate back to Chrysalis' identity as Silk Spinner in the last chapter, Limitless.

“Happy new year! "

"Yes yes..." Fleur-de-lis smiled and nodded to the foals that passed her at a run on the snow-lined sidewalk outside her Canterlot home. "Be careful! You'll slip and fall!"

She sighed and ran her hoof over her distended belly. "Where are their parents when foals need them most?"

"Probably lagging behind at a safer pace than their children. Just like us." Sapphire Shores rolled her eyes and stepped over an icy patch of flagstone. "Trixie! Stop running or no fireworks! "

The blue unicorn, ahead of the two mares at the stoop to their brownstone, skidded to a shaky stop and blew a strand of silvery-white mane out of her eyes. "The fast and sure-footed Trixie is ok, mom, sheesh! Fireworks on New Years is mandatory. "

"She has a point, dear." Fleur chuckled and playfully bumped into Sapphire. "Besides, weren't we going to enjoy the evening together by the fireplace? I seem to recall that you promised me and the baby some of your toasted marshmallows on hot chocolate. "

"Yeah, the secret family recipe, passed down through the generations. My father taught it to me and my siblings and now I get to do the same with you and our daughters." Sapphire smiled wistfully and held out her hoof when they reached the bottom step. "Tradition marches ever onward, doesn't it? "

Fleur took the hoof in her own and gripped the railing with the other. "It might be a son this time. You never can tell." She grunted with the effort her extra weight was asking of her legs on the short climb to their door. Trixie was already inside and her booming hoof falls echoed through the house while her parents made their way in out of the cold.

The house was blessed warm to their chilled coats, heavy drapes and Sapphire’s enormous hat notwithstanding. Sapphire shook the errant flakes of snow from her shoulders and turned to continue helping her wife. Their butler, Rover, arrived moments later and was quick to hang their discarded outerwear in the entry where it could dry before the mares made their way to the family room and the heat of the roaring fireplace.

Fleur groaned happily and eased herself onto the wide couch in front of the fire. “Oh sweet Goddess, that feels good! I’m not sure which is worse, the bitter cold of this winter, or the aches in my knees. I swear that Trixie wasn’t this much work.”

Sapphire chuckled and slipped onto the seat next to her wife and ran a hoof over her swollen belly. “Maybe it’s twins this time.”

“If it is, then you can kiss that spring tour of your’s goodbye. I’m not feeding two mouths, watching your little hellion and designing a spring and summer line of clothing all at once.”

Sapphire smirked and raised an eyebrow. “Why don’t you take it easy? Don’t you deserve the down time, twins or not? Skip the designing and re-issue last year’s fashion, Princesses above know they’re still popular.”

“I will not!” Fleur scoffed and held a hoof to her chest. “Besides, one of us has to bring in the bits, what with a new foal on the way and Trixie starting at Celestia’s academy in the summer.”

“Yeah, well, I’m not giving up my tour either. Money aside, ponies and music lovers across Equestria are going to be waiting to see me. Tickets are already on sale.” Sapphire flipped her hair back out of her eyes and leaned over to kiss her wife on the nose. “Anyway, you have me all to yourself until the spring thaw.”

“Ewww!” Both mares looked up in surprise as their eldest daughter gagged exaggeratedly in the doorway. “Trixie demands you both get a room! There are foals in this house!”

“We have a room, my love.” Fleur giggled. “It’s just up the stairs, remember?”

“Technically,” her wife interjected, “every room in this house is ours…”

“Oh hush.”

Trixie stuck out her tongue in childish disgust at her parents and dropped herself onto a cushion by the fire. “It is the new year, and Trixie demands the traditional telling of stories and hot chocolate!”

“I agree with the hot chocolate demands.” Fleur eyed Sapphire pointedly. “Secret family recipe, remember?”

The earth pony rolled her eyes and climbed back to her hooves. “Ok, ok, sheesh! I can handle the drinks. Can you handle the stories?”

Fleur-de-lis nodded and patted the couch for their daughter to join her. “I can do that. I think I’ll tell you about…” she tapped her chin in thought for a moment, “about Princess Cadance’s first new year as a Princess. Would you like that, Trixie?”

“Trixie likes stories with explosions.” The young unicorn frowned for a moment, but she relented after a moment and climbed up to snuggle with her mother. “However, the accepting and patient Trixie also enjoys stories about Princesses.”

“How about I try to slip in a few explosions in there too?”

“Trixie would appreciate this.”

Fleur giggled again and took a slow breath to focus her mind and thought back to a tale that had been told to her just after she had come to live in Canterlot with her old modeling mentor, Silk Spinner. It must have been about…

Fourteen years ago

Silk Spinner, at the height of her career and fame, announced her retirement from the international modeling scene at the end of the fall season. She retired, rather publicly, to Equestria, and to Canterlot’s narrow snow-choked streets specifically. Under the spotlight from the community, it became clear that she had started a relationship of sorts with Princess Celestia herself.

Silk Spinner wasn’t the only new addition to the castle, however. Much earlier in the year, a new alicorn had been discovered and brought to the castle to be raised as a Princess. She was a pretty mare, born as a pegasus in distant Cloudsdale, with a warm pink coat, feathers and a curly mess of a mane. She had a blue heart for a cutie mark and brought love and happiness wherever she went.

Her name was Cadance and she was just about your age at the time.

“Trixie brings more happiness to those around her. She is also prettier.”

Perhaps, now let me tell the story.

“Trixie still demands explosions!”

Duly noted. Moving on. Now, Cadance had never spent the holidays away from her birth family before, and she was very sad. The snow was lovely, the food was tasty and the presents were very nice, but they were no substitute for family. She spent a lot of her time in her room at the castle crying.

Thankfully, Princess Cadance had one friend, Twilight Sparkle.

“The great and powerful Trixie’s hero! Twilight Sparkle will make the explosions!”

Well, remember, this was when they were both fillies. Battlemage Twilight didn’t have that reputation yet. She was still training in Princess Celestia’s Academy.

“Like Trixie is?”

Yep. Anyway, on New Years Eve, Princess Cadance was sadder than normal and had spent all day locked in her room, crying. The guards couldn’t get her to come out. Princess Luna and Princess Celestia couldn’t get her to come out either and they were very sad. So, in the afternoon, Twilight Sparkle came to Princess Cadance room and she decided to try something different.

She went outside into the snow and walked to Princess Cadance’s window. Twilight Sparkle then took some snow and shaped it into a ball with her magic. Then she threw at Princess Cadance’s window!

“With her magic?”

Probably. But Princess Cadance didn’t respond. So, Twilight Sparkle threw another. And another and another. Until finally, Princess Cadance opened her window and wiped the tears out of her eyes. She told Twilight to stop bothering her. And can you guess what Twilight Sparkle did?

“Did she blow up the wall?” She threw another snowball right into Princess Cadance’s face!

“Wouldn’t that get you arrested?”

Maybe. Don’t ever try it. But, Twilight Sparkle is Princess Cadance’s friend and Princess Celestia’s student, so she can probably get away with it.

“Twilight Sparkle is the coolest pony Trixie knows!”

Anyway, the snowball to the face made Princess Cadance very upset! She wasn’t going to let Twilight Sparkle get away with that!

“But you just said!”

Hush, who’s telling this story, me or you? Thank you. So, Princess Cadance jumped out of her bedroom window and glided down to the snow using her pretty pink wings. Twilight Sparkle used her magic again and made more snowballs and levitated them in the air around her. She laughed at Princess Cadance and said she couldn’t stop her from throwing more of the snowballs.

That made Princess Cadance even more upset! She wanted to teach Twilight Sparkle a lesson, but she couldn’t get close with all those snowballs. So, Princess Cadance had an idea. She would make her own snowballs and beat Twilight Sparkle in glorious battle. Her horn started to glow and she concentrated really hard, but snow is a lot tougher to make move than clouds are.

“Trixie can easily control snow. She learned it already.”

Good to hear. Keep up your studies and you might become a Battlemage, just like Twilight Sparkle.

“Trixie will be an even better Battlemage than Twilight Sparkle!”

That’s my girl! Now be quiet and let mommy finish. Well, Princess Cadance tried really really hard, but she was still new to unicorn magic and she couldn’t make any snowballs. So, Twilight Sparkle threw another one and hit Princess Cadance right in the mane! That was too much! So then, Princess Cadance charged! She ran straight at Twilight Sparkle and into a hail of snowballs, but she didn’t stop.

When she reached Twilight Sparkle, Princess Cadance leaped and tackled the unicorn! They both went down in a cloud of snow and rolled around on the ground, fighting for dominance. Until finally, the snow settled and Princess Cadance was on top of Twilight Sparkle and pushed her back into the cold snow covered ground. She was breathing hard and huffed and puffed while Twilight Sparkle lay there in a shocked daze.

It was just then that a fresh snow started to fall. The two fillies were as still as statues as the new snow started to erase all the signs of their fight. Then, Twilight Sparkle started to laugh. She laughed and laughed and that made Princess Cadance very confused. But, as Twilight Sparkle continued to laugh, Princess Cadance came to realize that they weren’t really fighting.

“They weren’t?”

Nope. Princess Cadance realized that Twilight Sparkle had tricked her into coming out and playing, just as she had in Cloudsdale, before Princess Cadance became an alicorn. Twilight Sparkle was showing her that she didn’t have to be sad, because she had a friend and you can’t be sad for long when you have good friends. So, Princess Cadance started to laugh too. She laughed so hard she fell down in the snow next to Twilight Sparkle and since Twilight was such a good friend, Princess Cadance showed Twilight Sparkle how pegasi make snow angels.

Fleur-de-lis smiled at Trixie and then looked out at the fresh snow that had started to fall. “Isn’t that a heartwarming story? It’s just perfect for this time of year when so many of us have to be away from family and loved ones. We count our blessings each year that we get to spend together as a family over the holidays.”

Trixie nodded and then frowned. “ promised Trixie there would be explosions! And how do you know that Twilight Sparkle had a snowball fight with a Princess?”

Her mother chuckled. “Oh dear, I did, didn’t I? Sorry about that. Well, you see, I know it happened because I saw it.”

Trixie raised her eyebrows in disbelief.

Fleur winked and leaned in close to her daughter to whisper. “I was there at the castle that day. I saw the whole thing happen while I sat with my old modeling coach, Silk Spinner and Princess Celestia herself. We were having dinner together to celebrate my first modeling contract here in Canterlot. Ms. Spinner was Princess Celestia’s special somepony at the time and she missed the whole thing because she was focused on making kissy faces at the Princess.”

“Ew! Trixie wanted explosions, not kissy stuff, in her story!” The unicorn gagged. “Where is godmother Spinner this year, anyway?”

“Didn’t you read the card she sent with your presents?” Fleur’s horn flashed and she looked up over the fireplace to lift a glitter covered card and opened it. “She says she is in Zebrica this winter. It’s warm there and the weather agrees with her old bones.”

She turned the card around to show Trixie the flowy hoof writing. “See? I hope you are going to write her back to thank her for the cloak and hat she sent.”

Trixie huffed and blew a strand of her mane out of her eyes. “The grateful and caring Trixie is working on it. Why doesn’t she stay in Canterlot with the Princess? The castle is warm.”

Fleur shrugged and looked into the flames of the roaring fire and placed the card back on the mantle with her magic. In truth, she didn’t really know why, but she suspected that there must have been some sort of falling out between Silk and the Princess. “I wish I knew, sweetie. Granma Spinner has always been one to do things her way for her own reasons. But I like to think she secretly sneaks back into Canterlot and peeks in on us when we sleep, to make sure we’re safe.”

“When Trixie writes, she will tell granma Spinner she can stay with us next year.” Trixie leaned against Fleur and followed her gaze into the dancing flames of the fireplace. “It’s warm here.”

3930555 Just so you know, yours finally motivated me enough to finish mine, so thank you.

I'm honestly not too happy with this. It's not exactly my best work, but here it is.

They were so cute together, Twilight thought bitterly.

Standing together by the fireplace, still covered with Hearth’s Warming decorations, Cadence and Shining Armor leaned against each other, their faces pressed closely together as they talked quietly. Every minute or so, Cadence giggle, Shining Armor would smile, and Twilight’s heart would fracture just a little more.

Twilight forced herself to look away from the sickeningly sweet scene of marital bliss she yearned for, taking a deep swig of the glass of punch she had covertly mixed with alcohol, only for her eyes to catch on the grandfather clock in the corner of Princess Celestia’s study. It read twelve minutes to midnight, and each swing of the solid brass pendulum marked the steady march towards the New Year.

“My, Twilight, you certainly have been enjoying the refreshments tonight,” Princess Celestia said as she joined the younger mare, her own half empty glass hovering beside her. “I’m sure Luna will be please, as she insisted on preparing them herself, with the staff gone home for the evening.”

Twilight, for once only half listening to Princess Celestia, merely nodded and took another drink. The burn, somewhat soothed by the fruity taste of the punch, helped her think of things other than her brother and sister-in-law kissing by the fireplace. And she knew, she knew they were kissing, without even looking at them, because Cadence always made the same cute little squeak when kissed, almost like a surprised puppy’s yelp.

“Twilight?” Princess Celestia was speaking again. “Are you feeling well?” she asked as she placed a hoof on her withers. Twilight nearly recoiled from the touch, and looked up to see her mentor wearing a hurt expression.

“Sorry, Prin-er, Celestia. Just…feeling a little queasy. I think I ate a little too much,” Twilight assured her, trying to hide her pained wince.

Before Celestia could question her excuse, and her admittedly poor acting skills, the large glass double doors that led to the study’s balcony were pushed open from outside, revealing Princess Luna with a thick scarf wrapped around her neck and a heavy dusting of snow on her coat.

“Come, everypony! The time is nearly upon us, and the preparations are complete!” she beckoned with a wide, gleeful smile. Surprised, Twilight glanced at the clock and saw that only three minutes remained until midnight. Quickly, the Royal Sisters, Shining Armor, and Cadence had gathered on the balcony. Twilight followed closely after them, pausing only to rouse Spike, who had fallen asleep on the alicorn-sized couch against the wall. Together, they went out into the biting cold night air and joined them. To Twilight’s chagrin, the only available space remaining was between Shining Armor and Celestia. She plastered on what she hoped was a convincing smile and took her spot, with Spike climbing up to sit on her back for a better view.

“It’s almost time,” Luna said eagerly, her hooves nearly bouncing in place. The Equestrian New Year took place on the Winter Solstice, and as the longest night of the year as well as the beginning and end of the annual cycle of rebirth, it was a celebration that fell under Luna’s domain. It being her first New Year’s after having regained the full extent of her power, she had gone to great lengths to insure its success.

In the center of Canterlot, installed on the tallest tower for all to see, an enormous glass moon suddenly exploded to life as magic flowed through perfectly carved crystal, exuding a brilliance that would be visible even from Ponyville. Slowly, the moon began its descent down the pole upon which it was mounted, and all across Equestria ponies began the countdown.

”Ten. Nine. Eight.

Twilight stared straight, refusing to glance at Cadence and Shining. She wouldn’t have her first sight of the New Year be of them together, her Big Brother Best Friend Forever standing where she so dearly wished had been her place instead.

”Seven. Six. Five.”

She mouthed the words, not feeling the enthusiasm to join in the tradition. Her eyes began to water and her neck strained as she fought herself.

”Four. Three. Two.”

She broke.

”One! Happy New Year!”

Cadence and Shining were kissing, of course. She knew they would be. From Baltimare to Las Pegasus, couples all across Equestria were kissing at that moment, enjoying the last moment of the old year and the first moment of the new in the loving embrace of their partners.

In the sky, from behind the full moon a thousand stars exploded in every direction across the night sky, their radiance a hundredfold beyond even the most carefully crafted firework. They streaked across the sky, proudly announcing the striking of midnight and offering themselves as an awe-inspiring herald of the celebration. The joyous shouts and holiday noise-makers echoing across the mountain were a bitter commentary as the knife embedded in Twilight’s chest twisted, itself eager to ring in the new.

. This year. This year I’ll get over this stupid crush.”

She recited the resolution only to herself, and hardened her heart that she would see its success. A great wing fell across her back, and she instinctively leaned into the comforting warmth, it offering a merciful distraction from the agonizing sight of her love’s happy marriage.

“Happy New Year, Twilight,” Celestia said quietly, not quite taking her eyes off the sky. In the light of Luna’s amazing display, her eyes seemed to shimmer.

“Happy New Year, Princess,” Twilight replied sadly. For once, Celestia did not correct her, nor did she probe regarding her tone, for which Twilight was grateful.

Instead, Celestia asked, “What is your resolution for the coming year, Twilight?”

Guiltily, Twilight snuck a peak past the wall of white feathers at her brother and sister-in-law, who had curled their necks together and were fixated on the rolling spectacle of stars.

“Oh…the same as every year.” There was a long pause, and, eager to move the conversation away from herself, looked up at her mentor. “What about you, Princess?”

”Ten. Nine. Eight.

Celestia tried to ignore the tingle in her wings that begged her to reach out, to pull Twilight against her side.

”Seven. Six. Five.”

She tried to ignore the longing glances that Twilight struggled so mightily to conceal, tried to keep her eyes locked firmly on the ornament that was quickly nearing the base of its mount.

”Four. Three. Two.”

She broke.

”One. Happy New Year!”

Her first sight of the New Year was of Twilight’s heartbroken expression as she watched Cadence and Shining Armor share the midnight kiss. Her resolve shattered as her sister’s stars erupted from the moon to shower the world in light and hope. Her greedy, rebellious wing fanned out and drew her former student close, and as much as she would have denied it, imposed themselves between the loving couple and Twilight.

”This year. This year I will tell her, and show her there is another who cares for her.”

“Happy New Year, Twilight,” she whispered, not daring to take her gaze from the sky for fear Twilight would see the tears threatening to escape. The smaller mare leaned into the embrace and set Celestia’s heart to pounding.

“Happy New Year, Princess,” Twilight returned, sounding crushed as a kicked puppy and using her title without thought. It was an agony to her, both in tone and in meaning, as the habit showed how far Twilight’s heart truly was from her. Celestia grasped the first opportunity to offer even the pettiest distraction, and she could not be sure for whom she wished it.

““What is your resolution for the coming year, Twilight?”

Despite the wall of alicorn down separating them, Twilight craned her neck and managed a glimpse at her brother and his wife, locked together in an intimate embrace as they basked in Luna’s magnificent show.

“Oh…the same as every year.” Twilight looked up at her, the curious expression momentarily displacing the sullen grimace. “What about you, Princess?”

Celestia blinked away tears as she looked down, plastering on the mask of motherly care that she despised, and that was so renowned across her nation. She tried a chuckle, but it sounded limp and dead to her own ears.

“The same.”

Comment posted by Cytotoxin deleted Jan 2nd, 2015



"...twenty, twenty one, twenty two, twenty three..." - it was meditative, indeed. Calming, even. Pushing her reading glasses up, Twilight consulted the knitting pattern again, Knitting was surprisingly easy once you knew what you were doing and could follow the directions. And Twilight excelled at following directions. Two scarves were sitting next to her as a testament to initial trials being passed with flying colors (lavender and pink respectively, as it were).

Right now, she was busy knitting something more complex, however - a set of hoofsocks. When she first examined the concept, she`s been dismissive of it, even more so then usual when it came to clothes. Socks just didn`t seem to serve any reasonable function. And then her mother insisted upon putting those mittens on her decades ago. Little Twilight fell in love with useless concept. It was just so... snuggly. Still, she didn`t care or dare to share that little guilty pleasure with anypony until recently. Having a very special pony, however, did wonders for her openness, at least towards Cadence.

And so, Twilight had endeavoured to create sets of socks for both of them. Buying them from Rarity was always an option - one she explored a few times already by now, but now Twilight wanted something more... personal. "...seventeen, eighteen, nineteen..." - she muttered as the door opened and Cadence stepped in, shivering. There was a bit of snow in Cadence`s mane and more then a bit in her feathers - something that should obviously be taken care of rather expeditiously.

"Hello, love." - Twilight offered casually as she set the knitting aside and stood up, stretching out her hooves and wings as Cadence made her way over after shaking herself off from crystallized water. Twilight leaned in to nuzzle Cadence playfully, and shivered at the hint of chill pink coat still carried. "Brr. It`s really cold outside, isn`t it?" - she proffered rhethorically as she sidled up to her marefriend and threw a wing over her to warm her up.

Cadence nuzzled back gratefully. "Just a bit nippy, dear." - she retorted - "On a better note, we`re all set with preparations. I have to say, it`s a bit unusual for me not to rush at everything in the last moment, however. It`s going to be weird waiting two more days till the actual party." Twilight simply nuzzled her again, murmuring - "I`m sure we`ll find something to keep us occupied."

Next prompt: Pencil

P.S. Initially, it was supposed to be different prompt to "Downhill", but I noticed someone claimed it earlier. Hence the deleted entry.

There was a text here. It`s gone to lower post now.

3937176 Since the claim on Downhill is more than 24 hours old, you can definitely post yours. If/when Fuzzy posts his, we'll post that as 'Downhill 2.' We're pretty lax on the rules here, think of them more as 'guidelines.'

Also, filly Twilight in snuggly mittens is an adorable mental image


Actually, it`s already posted in a spoilered tinytext... but I suppose I should reconstruct it properly now.


"Twilight. Talk to me. You can`t shut everypony out forever." - Cadance insisted sternly, as she leaned over the cluttered table and pushed away the inkwell, making Twilight`s quill miss it entirely - "This is getting silly."

Twilight grunted and put the quill into the holder, leaning back in her chair and rubbing hoof across her tired eyes. "Cadence. Dear. Is there anything I can say to persuade you not to inquire further into this? Because if not, then the only way this conversation is going to go is downhill." - she offered tiredly, and wrinkled her nose. blinking the tiredness out of her eyes quickly - "Gah. I do need a break, though."

Frowning, Cadence pulled up a chair and sat across the table, sweeping the papers on it aside. Maybe she shouldn`t have gone that far, she thought as she noticed Twilight wincing, but then again - it was symbolic gesture, a way to indicate she was intending to have a SERIOUS talk without any diversions. "Twilight. We`re all worried. I have heard from aunt Celestia that you take on gargantuan amounts of work, but I had no idea you were SO busy. I`ve been in Canterlot for two weeks already, and during that time we had a grand total of three hours spent together, two hours and fifty minutes of it at various public functions. I understand you might be nervous about your duties as a princess, but it`s just,,, not healthy to go at it like so." - she admonished sternly - "Come, I`ve arranged a spa for us, and I`m not taking no for an answer."

Twilight`s wince only deepened. "Spa?... I`m sorry, Cadence, but I`m just not ready for spa right now. How about some coffee and donuts, maybe?" - she proffered, her nose scrunching as she obviously thought of some excuse to present as a ramble picked up steam - "I mean, I`m indeed a bit tired. Need some pick-me-up to function, if you will. Should I happen to end up in spa right now, it`s only logical that I would fall asleep almost immediately, And that`s not really spending time with you rather then just relaxing. Which I can do just fine without you too, so there is no need to occupy your time to watch over me doing something I can easily do without you. Right?"

Cadence rolled her eyes. "Twilight Spark;e." - she said firmly - "You are still an awful liar." Lavender mare across the table flinched but said nothing else, her eyes directed down, as if one of the documents still on the table held something utterly fascinating. Or maybe simply because she didn`t have the gall to try fibbing straight to Cadance`s face, that is. "Look. I understand you`re nervous. I was nervous too. But you need to remember that ponies DO expect you to relax. Everypony makes mistakes when they`re tired and stressed, so princess has the most need in relaxation. Therefore, Twilight, it`s not just your right, but your honor-bound duty to come to spa right now." - she lectured with a smile.

Oddly, it didn`t have the expected effect. Twilight`s mood remained just as tremulous as it was. With, perhaps, a sliver of irritation thrown in. "Cadance. I assure you, I am well aware of a need in relaxation." - she proffered courtly - "In fact, you will find a calendar schedule on the wall behind you that is there specifically to plan such activities. And as you can plainly see, the spa day is Saturday, which.... is... today... Well, buck."

Grinning, Cadence hopped up from her chair and nodded towards the door eagerly, quipping - "Well then, shall we go? Come on, Twilight. Both me and your schedule are telling you it`s time to get pampered. Why are you still resisting?" Her eyes narrowed as she realized there was nothing different about Twilight`s attitude. She obviously still didn`t want to go, and it was now plainly obvious to Cadence that adherence to schedule or imaginary princessly duties had nothing to do with it. "Come on, Twilight, what`s the problem?" - she cajoled, snorting a little as irritation crept into her voice as well.

" are..." - came the reply as Twilight shuffled from behind the table with all the enthusiasm of a pony approaching gallows. Cadence whirled around in place. "...What was that?" - she inquired tensely, staring at other mare intensely - "I am the problem? Do elaborate, Twilight. I was not aware I am a problem for you."

Lavender mare facehoofed. "Can we pretend you never heard that?" - she inquired plaintively. A glare answered her plainly enough. "Guess not. I don`t really want to talk about it, but you`re going to bother me until I`ll crack, won`t you?" - she inquired. A quick nod confirmed her fears. "...Fine. You asked for it." - she muttered, and stamped her hoof on the carpet - "The problem I have with you, Cadence, goes back when I was.... little." She gave a little forlorn smile as she reminisced - "Remember the Hearts and Hooves day the year before I got into the school? What did I say to you back then?"

Cadence nibbled on her lip as she tried to recall. In all honesty, she couldn`t think of anything important enough... that is, until her memory suddenly pushed out a little scene she almost forgot about. Little Twilight hopping around her in that adorably exciting way, claiming that she`s going to ... marry Cadence one day? And what did Cadence replied... right. "Of course, little Twily. When you`ll become a princess, I`ll marry you."

Twilight`s lip crooked up into a half-smile as she chuckled. "You remembered, didn`t you?" - she proffered quietly - "Well, I became a princess. Apparently, others were not required to become princesses, though." Cadence swallowed thickly. Now it DID make sense. Twilight avoiding her, Twilight being in a mood around her, Twilight taking on a triple workload just to stay too busy to talk to her... She was right. This conversation REALLY went downhill. Cadence wondered idly just how tiresome climbing out would be.

P.S. Spoilered tinytext edited out.



Fellow shippers, the time of Twidance reckoning is upon us!

In less dramatic terms, I of course mean that Valentine's Day is approaching. Of all the shipping collabs, Valentine's Day has special meaning to us, because of course Cadence is the Princess/Goddess/Regional Manager of Love. We've been going through a bit of a dry spell, but it would be a terrible shame if we weren't able to roll out the best damn special we've ever had.

With this in mind, I'm once again inviting everyone to contribute to our special. This time, the prompt is 'Date.' First, last, normal, or crazy. Let your imaginations run wild. I dare you.

Strangely related to my own writings here, I am a bit tipsy. So you know what? Date fits perfectly into my, uh, established canon. I guess.


Can I combine Feathers and Date? That way, it might actually get done. :rainbowlaugh:

4015225 I have failed you before, my lord.


Let me churn out Haunted before I hit up Date, but I will have something awesome for it.

4015225 Hm...*rubs chin craftily* I shall do my best.


Okay, I have to ask or it'll drive me crazy: what's the policy on Shining Armour? I wanna mention him in the story as being a little jealous of Twilight and Cadance (they won't have had a prior relationship or anything, but he will be burning a torch for her), but I don't wanna do anything that's gonna cause a ruckus. :twilightsheepish:

4020138 no official policy. We've done pretty much everything to that stallion from having him win cadence's heart to brutally murdering him, so you're covered however you want to tackle it


Well, it won't be brutal murder. :pinkiegasp: Or will it? :pinkiecrazy:

4020368 Oh god, it would be so terrible if anything happened to him, leaving the path open for lovely alicorn cuddles. I am sure everyone would sorely miss his... uh... shields... and stuff...?

FYI, I had him eaten by a giant squirrel for funsies.


Squirrels, huh? That's ... inventive. :rainbowderp:

4023493 Yeah, well. Just go nuts (Tehe~) in killing him off. He is only in the way.


Well, he isn't in the way in my story. Twilight is getting ready for her date, and we find out that Shiny still has feelings for Cadance, but isn't saying/doing anything about it out of respect for his sister. That's pretty much the extent of his involvement. :rainbowlaugh:

4023540 Aww, just kill him a little bit.

Btw, claiming and posting Lover:

The room was dark, and few rays of moonlight made their way through the thick curtains covering the windows. Twilight Sparkle had to take care to safely make her way through all the books and writing utensils strewn across the floor, especially with the hem of her
dress spilling around her.

Her brand-new, Rarity-designed gala dress. The one she specifically asked for. With the pretty pink base color, the ribbons, the...frilly stuff. All to at least try and look presentable next to... her.

Stupid, naive Twilight.

The dress fell in a heap to the floor, soon joined by the ridiculous jewelry and the ornate hair clip that kept bothering her all through the night. A few seconds with a wet towel in the adjacent bathroom got rid of the make-up Rarity had put on her.

She threw herself on her bed, all four legs wrapped around her pillow, trying in vain to smother the pain in her chest. Her eyes stung from unshed tears, and her jaw ached from forcing a smile she hated herself for.

She'd made a fool out of herself, trying to confidently strut up to Cadance, who had looked even more radiant than usual, and casually ask her to dance, amongst all those nobles basically fighting for her former foalsitter's attention. She had thought after that confession Cadance had drawn out of her, that beautiful smile, that wonderful, wonderful hug...

Cadance had said she liked her. She was willing to give Twilight a chance. But what if she had just said it out of pity, trying not to break the poor, awkward bookworm's heart? After all, Cadance was kind and compassionate, which was part of what had attracted Twi to her in the first place.

Or what if she had thought Twilight was joking? Cadance herself loved to tease others about their love lives, since romance was her speciality and passion. She was really fun to be around, but if she had misunderstood the seriousness of the situation…

Twilight remembered the high society ponies around Cadance. Their stares, their unbelieving faces when she'd managed to stammer her question, the laughter. The laughter was the worst of it. Cadance had just smiled at her, but the smile was wooden, pained. Yes, now that
Twilight thought of it, Cadance had looked pretty unhappy.

That was just it. She, the awkward, nerdish Twilight, and Cadance, the radiant, beautiful, kind, empathic, funny, clever princess, would never be more than friends. Cadance would find a wonderful prince, a dashing knight to sweep her off her hooves. Maybe Twilight would be able to distract herself for a while, until one day, the wedding invitation would come in the mail. And the only thing left to do would be to swallow her pain, and congratulate her beloved on her marriage with someone else.


The sound of someone tentatively knocking on her door shook Twilight from her thoughts. She hastily wiped the hot tears from her muzzle, trying to steady her voice.

When she called out “Yes? Who’s there?”, it came out as little more than the whimper of a sobbing filly.

“It’s me, Twily. Can I come in?”

Cadance. Her tone was neutral, and Twilight felt her insides grow cold. Had she come to announce that they should keep apart? That Twilight was not to approach her in public? Or...what if Twilight’s question at the ball had been too forward, and Cadance was about tell her that even their friendship was over?

“I… can we talk tomorrow? It is late, and I was just about to g-go to sleep.” She tried to feign a yawn, but it just came out as a hiccup. She really was useless, wasn’t she?

There was a moment of silence outside. For a while, Twilight wondered if Cadance had left, relieved that she would have some respite from the foal with a crush running after her. Another bout of sobs shook her body. It was better that way, wasn’t it? This way, Cadance could be happy, and Twilight would…

“I’m coming in, Twilight.”

Twilight felt Cadance’s magic even before the soft click announced the opening door. Ever since she had realized her feelings, there was this… odd tingle in her body whenever Cadance used a spell or even just channeled pegasus magic into her wings. It was a pleasant feeling, one that spoke of warmth and kindness and protection from all the pain in the world. She felt it sooth her, felt the pain in her body and her heart diminish.

Then there was movement, as Cadance’s silhouette slipped through the door before shutting it again. The pink glow from her horn illuminated an unreadable expression and magenta eyes searching through the darkness, to find the unicorn buried on her bed beneath pillow and blankets.

Just as careful as Twilight, but infinitely more graceful, Cadance made her way through the room. Twilight noticed that she, too, was not wearing her dress and jewelry anymore, and her mane was in slight disarray, hanging haphazardly around her neck and shoulders, some tufts sticking out slightly. Apparently casualties from the elaborate ceremonial hair style she had worn earlier.
Cadance was quiet, though. She idly came closer, picking up books from the ground and reading the titles in the glow of her magic.

When she finally reached the bed, Twilight felt weak. This was it. Cadance would tell her off, and they would only ever speak again on formal occasions, both wearing horribly forced smiles, both wanting to get away for different reasons. Eventually, even that would cease, and they would avoid each other if at all possible. But only one of them would be able to move on.

“Can I join you?”, Cadance asked quietly.

Stunned, Twilight nodded from her lying position, idly wiping the pillow over her eyes. She felt Cadance’s eyes on her, and the shame was just another sharp stab in her heart.

She felt the mattress shift when Cadance climbed up next to her. She looked into Twilight’s eyes, searching for something Twilight could not even guess, but apparently, she found what she was looking for. Breaking eye contact for just a moment, she crawled closer, until just the pillow and blanket separated the two of them.

Twilight felt the oncoming blush, and her heart pumped so loud that she was sure Cadance could hear it. She was so close. So close. If she just raised her hoof and moved it forward a bit…

“Twily...”, Cadance began slowly, but Twilight cut her off.

“You don’t.. It’s alright. I know that I sh-shouldn’t have been so forward”, she managed. It hurt, it really hurt. “Please, please don’t hate me… Please don’t stop being my friend…”

She did not dare to look up to look into the princess’s face, to see the disappointment with the weak, pathetic creature that had fallen in love with her. She buried her face in the pillows, to try and hide away from the shame and from the heartbreak she’d soon have to deal with.

The pink glow of magic surrounded her.

She knew the feeling even without having to look. Like a blanket, it surrounded her, made her feel loved, cherished. It lifted her from the covers, it dried her tears. And before Twilight knew what happened to her, she found herself belly to belly with Cadance.

A strange calm came over her. She felt peaceful, like she was floating in the sky, with no gravity to pull on her. There was only softness. She felt a hoof stroke her back, and a muzzle nestled next to hers. And after a while, tears on her neck.

“You silly filly.” Cadance whispered. "How can you doubt yourself?" She hugged Twilight closer to herself. "After all that you did? And after all that you are?"
Twilight swallowed, trying her hardest not to let Cadance look into her eyes.. Could she allow herself to be relieved? She wanted to believe Cadance, wanted to think that everything would be fine. But the doubts still gnawed on her mind, twisting every one of Cadance’s words against her. And if she asked, Cadance would think of her as needy and asking for self-gratification…

“I have fallen in love with you.”

Twilight came crashing out of her thoughts. She looked up, and met Cadance’s gaze.

“I never meant to have you doubt yourself so much. I did not accept your confession just to give it a try, I really want to be with you.” Cadance lowered her voice to a whisper. “Please, believe in me.”

Twilight was not good at reading emotions. She tried to guess what other ponies were thinking, and she always worried if she guessed wrong. But looking into Cadance’s eyes, she did not have to guess. She knew the Princess of Love was serious.

She felt Cadance’s magic reach out to her, but this time, it was not enveloping her body. This time, it went deeper, until it touched her very soul, tentatively brushing at the very border of her being.

Twilight took a deep breath and relaxed. Without breaking eye contact, without another word spoken, she allowed the connection.

Twilight saw.

She looked through a young Cadance’s eyes, watching her own younger self skip across the lawn in the palace gardens, with her foalsitter and friend in hot pursuit. She saw evenings spend together, cuddled up to the larger form of Celestia, or just alone, with a warm mug on a cold day. And, scene after scene, the Twilight she was looking at changed. She grew out into a young mare, slightly awkward, but no less beautiful for it, showing her limitless affection to the few she let into her inner circle, wielding magic with incredible ease.

She saw little arguments, feeling the sadness wash over her at the memory. Hours spend alone, with Celestia teaching her student. Cadance’s envy at seeing her younger friend, her own feelings of inadequacy. The intelligence, the magic ability.

She felt Twi leave.. Beautiful, kind Twilight was gone from Cadance’s life, sent to Ponyville to change the history of Equestria, while Cadance stayed back. She knew she was not good enough to do what Twilight could do. But the void left behind by her closest… friend?

Years spent waiting. Of course, Cadance knew that she would see Twilight again, but what if things changed? What if Twilight met a mare more intelligent, more powerful…
Until Twilight returned as a saviour of Equestria.

She was different. Older. A young adult now, and Cadance finally had prove that Twilight would indeed grow into her beauty. She was still awkward, but there was some tentative confidence swinging in step and speech. The fierce intelligence shining in her eyes got clearer, brighter, and her mastery over the arcane had only increased, far surpassing a weak alicorn (like Cadance).

But something else had grown. For Cadance, it was the most beautiful thing about Twilight.

She reciprocated.

Cadance felt Twilight watching her, shyly. Some lingering gazes admiring her, some awkwardness in her conversation. And from what Cadance’s magic told her, she knew.

They were going to be happy together until the end of times.

The magic contact weakened, leaving the connection intact, waiting, and stopping the flood of emotions crossing between them, until only the feeling of the other’s love remained.

Twilight blinked the tears out of her eyes as she looked up to Cadance, to reaffirm their connection. All the cold, harsh fear in her chest melted under the warm gaze as Twilight craned her neck upward, meeting Cadance in a brief kiss.

“Thank you, Cadance”, she whispered against her lover’s lips. “I’m sorry for doubting… for
thinking that…”

Another kiss silenced her, this one longer. Cadance sighed happily, nuzzling her cheek against Twilight’s.

“There is one thing left to do, my love”, she said after a while. She let her hoof trace circles across Twilight’s back, delighting in the little noises of comfort and the warm breath on her coat.


Cadance bit her lip. “Do you want to go back to the party for a moment for one dance?”

Twilight ducked her head, blushing. “But… but I can’t dance. And the nobles, if they see us dancing…”

“Then they will know,” Cadance affirmed. “And it will teach them for laughing at you.”

Think we don't need new prompts, do we?


Okay, fine. :rainbowderp:

Loved the story, by the way. Especially the ending. :yay:

wait okay, so what all is open?

Claiming: Hips, as it seems to be open

4023564 Nice piece, I like the point-of-view spell. Good way to approach love magic without treading into mind rape territory


Current prompt list:

Energy Drinks


Cadance was a bad girl, she knew this at her heart. She couldn’t help but watch as the younger woman bustled about the library for her research. She blushed and looked away as Twilight bent down to retrieve a book from the lowest shelf.

Twilight smirked slightly and glanced briefly over her shoulder at the taller woman. Cadance’s pale cheeks were red and Twilight couldn't help but enjoy that. She had estimated that only an inch reduction in the length of her skirt would hopelessly distract the older woman. She closed her eyes and stood up turning and walking towards Cadance,

“Are you okay?” She asked keeping her face as straight as possible.

Cadance’s jaw hanged open as the younger girl sashayed over to her. She’d never seen Twilight quite this forward before.

“Twilight, what are you doing?” She asked looking up at the dark skinned woman. She noted the slight changes to Twilight’s usual uniform, her skirt slightly shorter, and her blouse slightly unbuttoned.

“Research!” Twilight beamed with her normal 100 Watt smile. Cadance blinked and then burst into quiet laughter. “I’ve been making mental notes to your reactions and I’ve decided that with my current data you enjoy my hips the most!” Twilight continued nodding sagely.

Cadance grinned and pulled Twilight down into a kiss “Nope hun, I prefer your cute little tushie..”

Same verse as all my humanized works here.
Also, I thought of having the punch line of Cadance pointing out how unscientific Twilight was being...
New Prompt: Hot Springs!

4033149 I love this, its such an adorable little snapshot


I'm almost finished with Feather(s). So. The way I've done is that it's gonna be the first of a two-parter, with Date being the sequel, if that's all right?

And here's Feather.

A heartfelt sigh echoed out of the changing room of Carousel Boutique.
Rarity didn't say anything; there wasn't anything to say as, over the course of the twelve hours she'd spent in the company of the Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle had made every huffy gesture in the book, and it was the mark of a good seamstress that they didn't comment on when their clientèle were acting like snotty little brats. Especially when said snotty little brat was: a) an important customer; b) a princess; c) one of her best friends; and d) preparing for a make-or-break date with somepony she'd been in love with for years.
It was that last part especially that had prevented the unicorn from wrapping her hooves around the alicorn and wringing her neck until she pleaded for mercy. That, and it was unbecoming of a lady to throttle somepony.
Even if they were being incredibly annoying. Rarity knew that she was capable of being a diva on occasion, but Twilight was currently giving even her a run for her bits.
“No, no, no! Rarity, what were you thinking? This colour just doesn't go with my coat.” A dress, held in a magenta aura, levitated out of the changing room and dropped to the floor in front of Rarity.
“They're the colours that we agreed best accentuate your eyes, darling,” Rarity said patiently, wondering what had happened to the sweet, demure Twilight she was used to dealing with. She snagged the garment in her own magical field and placed it back on the rack with the dozens of other rejected dresses. They'd all been shunned for quite random reasons: it didn't emphasise her cutie mark; it exposed too much flank; it didn't show enough flank; the corsage was too elaborate; the colour didn't match her eyes, coat, or the slightly darker hue around her cuticles; etc, etc, etc.
With a look of irritation scrunching up her face, Twilight stepped out of the changing area and walked over to where Rarity was flipping through the many different items of apparel she kept on hand. “Do you have anything else?”
“You've been through everything.” The unicorn shot her an annoyed look. “Twice.”
Twilight winced at the note of exasperation that Rarity was barely keeping a lid on. “I'm sorry I'm being such a pain in the flank, but I just want everything to be ...”
“I know! Every mare wants her first date to be perfect,” Rarity replied, thinking about how much time she'd spent freaking out when preparing for a night on the town. She understood what Twilight was going through, but she was trying to help, and it seemed Twilight was determined not to be satisfied. “But darling, while I can supply you with a pretty dress the most important thing to focus on is being yourself.”
“If I was just being me, I wouldn't wear a pretty dress,” said Twilight with a wry grin. “But that wouldn't look very good at the Crystal Empire Ball now, would it?” Princess Cadance had invited her to a big shindig she was throwing to celebrate a year since the defeat of King Sombra, and while she was loathe to attend any big social gathering, it was at least a chance to spend some time with Cadance and hopefully see where they were going.
They had been exchanging letters regularly since reconnecting during the Changeling invasion of Canterlot just over a year ago – so many that Spike had recently been complaining of indigestion, though Twilight wasn't sure if that was down to the quantity or the contents of the letters – and lately it seemed that both were ready to take their friendship to the next level, but with them being on opposite sides of Equestria it was so difficult to arrange to see each all that often.
Cadance was just so … everything: beautiful, clever, sweet, funny, and such an enormous tease. Twilight was glad that the Ponyville water company charged for their service at a fixed rate otherwise her bill would've gone through the Castle of Friendship's roof every time one of her letters appeared. There was usually language contained within that even the raciest of erotic fiction writers would have blushed at.
The Princess of Love, indeed. Twilight had thought that the title referred to her ability to foster amity wherever she went, not realising that Cadance was also schooled in love's more, ah, physical forms.
Twilight turned to face herself in a full-length mirror; she let her wings unfurl and a look crossed her face as she examined the dull lavender primaries which, she noted dryly, were in dire need of a good preening. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy had been trying to teach her proper wing maintenance, but in between everything else that had come with the ascension, to say nothing of the various crises that befell Equestria on a regular basis, it was difficult to find the time for grooming.
“What is it?” asked Rarity.
“It's … no, it's silly.”
“And that's a reason not to tell me?”
“Well,” Twilight's face shaded slightly to red, and she inclined her head in the direction of one of her still splayed wings. “While teaching me to fly, Rainbow Dash told me that, in ancient times, when pegasi sought a mate they would use their wings to make themselves look big and powerful. Later, some of the, ah, less-endowed pegasi started using feathers taken from large birds to make their own plumage even more impressive.”
“Wing extensions?” Rarity was torn between looking incredulous and laughing out loud, though she had to admit that she was impressed that Rainbow Dash of all ponies had a knowledge of history beyond that of who flew the furthest fastest. Maybe it was an area of couture that she ought to look into? Surely there were a few shy pegasi out there who'd appreciate having their wings dolled up?
“Celestia, Luna and Cadance all have quite remarkable wingspans, while I-”
“You're still developing as an alicorn, Twilight, you have nothing to be ashamed of,” said Rarity, cutting the alicorn off before she could launch into one of her patented freak-out arias. She placed her hoof under Twilight's chin and lifted her sinking head up. “While you may lack the raw majesty of our other beloved princesses, you are every bit their match when it comes to beauty, poise and intelligence.”
“Do you really think so?” asked Twilight, her mulberry eyes watering slightly.
“I wouldn't say it otherwise.”
“Thank you,” Twilight said, hugging the unicorn tightly. “I've been worrying so much about whether Cadance would think I was … pretty enough for her. That's why I've been so critical of all the dresses. I just want to look the best I can for her, you know?”
“I can't claim to know her very well, but … I don't think she's the shallow type who is going to worry about a pony's outward appearance, but rather what is on the inside,” said Rarity, extricating herself from Twilight's embrace before she started rupturing organs. “If you stick to being your sweet, loveable self, you should be fine.”
Feeling marginally better about herself, Twilight started looking through the racks again until she hit upon a quite striking dress; it was a deep purple colour, with shimmering white and violet bands encircling the waist. It was remarkably similar, in fact, to the one Rarity's doppelgänger had made for her to wear to the Fall Formal at Canterlot High School in the other world she'd visited through the Crystal Mirror.
“Oh, yes,” said Rarity, noticing Twilight's interest. “When you told me about the creations my counterpart came up with, I just had to try my hoof at replicating some of them pony-style. I think it turned out rather well, don't you?”
“It's beautiful,” agreed Twilight, reaching out to caress the silky fabric. “May I?”
“Go right ahead.”

Next prompt: Amber.

4048323 no problems here man. And that was a really good opening piece, showing Twilight's perfectionism in a really believable way. Plus, the letters :rainbowlaugh:


Just be glad I didn't go with my original thought of Spike's, er, reaction to the letters being the focus of the story. :trollestia:

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