Alternative Conversion Bureau 1,052 members · 344 stories
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Imagine this scene with Xenolestia in place of Father (the little black one), turned into her pink haired filly form after trying to become God.

I actually have thought of a crossover with Advanced Wars Days of Ruin.

(I felt a disturbance in the force and moved it here)
Now... Spectrum does say a lot about how space travel wouldn't work, because we don't have the technology. But... what if we did? What if we and a select group of ponies (Because magic to keep the ship going, radiation shielding, etc) escaped the planet, trying to survive? I'm... I'm just wondering: What kinds of hardships would they face? How big should the ship be?

In order to escape the whole Conversion Shtick, brilliant human scientists begin to clone 'blank' Newfoals; then a method to 'upload' the human consciousness into these blank pony bodies is created...

3549655 No more Newfoal 'Zombies' for one; that and those pony bodies with human minds inside have enough magic in them to oh, so happily 'fool' the barrier and pass right through it...

Human 'uploads' can happily go into Equestria here and there by infiltrating the Conversion Bureaus, and mixing in with the 'true' Newfoals...

Then once in Equestria, all come back together to found their own little village...

Or trickle into every aspect of Pony Society, spreading ideas...

Or infiltrate the Royal Palace as Guards...

Get close to the Solar [censored]...

And then...

Here's a few ideas I'm surprised I haven't seen in this topic.

1.) It's a conversion Bureau idea. Potion does its 'change into pony and remove negative parts' thing, but the negative emotions and thoughts have to go somewhere, so they go into the wildlife of equestra. Because it was due to a magic potion, it changes how the emotions effect things..

With each newfoal created, the wildlife of Equestria grows stronger, wilder, and deadlier.

Bees become bigger, meaner and more territorial, kind of resembling the Japanese Giant hornet. (NOTE! do not go looking for pics if you are afraid of bees and hornets, especially of ones the size of your thumb!)
Dogs become more feral, and the desire to hunt down prey comes back to them.
Cats grow larger and their tempers grow shorter.
Fish begin to change into carnivorous versions of themselves.
Various plants begin to grow poisons.
And the animals in the Everfree forest begin to leave the Everfree more and more...
(not sure if Cows and sheep should be effected.)

After about 100,000 newfoals created, Fluttershy no longer feels safe in her home, what with how her animals look at her less like she's their caretaker, and more like she's a zookeeper whose been cruel to them. Opalescence begins to tear up Rarity's dresses unless she's been fed fish. Owlowiscious stop caring where he leaves his... leavings after he's eaten. Winona begins to snap at Applejack and her family when they get near her. Gummy begins to regrow his teeth and looks at the Cake Twins with an expression that worries Pinkie.


2.) As for another conversion bureau story, it's merely, 'The more newfoals are created, the less magic any of the ponies have' kinda thing. The minds can either be affected by the potion or not at all, it's up to the writer.

It's discovered when various Pegasi hare having a harder time flying and staying up in the air. Soon, Unicorns are having more problems moving things. The crops of Earth ponies begin to yield less and less crops and the quality goes way down. Celestia begins to feel colder and colder and Luna begins to have a harder time effecting dreams as more newfoals are created.

Soon, the ponies have to make a decision. Either they find a way to make the humans be able to live without dying in the magic radiation or they give up all of their magic.

(Of course, if it's a story where the magic radiation was something Xenolestia made up, then she has to make a decision. Either continue with the lie until the barrier breaks because there's too little power fueling it and all of Equestria faces humanity's wraith for lying to them and trying to commit genocide, or she has to try and find a new reason to get all of humanity to convert)


I'm sorry if the ideas are poor in quality, but I just had to get them off my chest, so to speak.

If they aren't very original at all, I apologize for that as well.

Those are some great ideas!



The first idea was brought on by a theory that a friend of mine had about Sailor Moon. About how the final villain, Chaos, might have been created when Neo-Queen Serenity purified Earth of its negative emotions. The Sailor Moon wiki says otherwise, though.

The second idea was thought up more-or-less after reading Warwolf's "Conversion Bureau: Inversion" fic. So if You're reading this, Warwolf, I thank you for giving me an idea! Not sure if I ever would write it though. I'd rather someone else write it.

Starswirl the Bearded comes back in the middle of the Conversion.

He has some words for the Princesses.

Another idea where the conversion is stopped by the ponies themselves -

The potion only ponifies the human's body, but because it's magic-based, there's a price that the ponies quickly discover. The closest pony-borned Pony is changed into a human when a human is converted into a pony. The former-pony can only be changed back when the former-human is changed back into a human.

I doubt this idea can be stretched beyond two or three chapters. Not enough substance for it.


and here's an idea dealing with a Xenolestia who won.

After announcing that all humans have been ponified, Xenolestia announces that the native equestrians need to be purified of all possible human taint and that it can be done by them taking the potion.

Ponies soon realize what the humans went through when their friends and relatives take the potion and become someone else.

Example - After taking the potion because he believes in Celestia that much, Shining Armor becomes a small filly who loves to dance at parties. Twilight and Cadance are horrified and seek a way to create an antidote that will cure all who took the potion, even the former humans. Xenolestia, believing her ponies will do as she ordered, gorges herself on cake until a newfoal decides that Xenolestia should undergo her own order and slips in a potion in one of the cakes. Xenolestia either becomes some generic pony or is somehow cured of her madness and racist and becomes Celestia once again. She is horrified of what she had done.

Kinda surprised I haven't found a fic where Xenolestia decides to convert her own ponies into Newfoals after she wins. After all, hate is very addicting and when someone hateful can't find enemies to rally against, they create enemies to fight against.

The "Thing" ,what happens when a humans is turned into one, what if one person turned into the "Thing" still has a human mind? What happens if this person was trapped in ice, what if ponies see what they think is a normal dead human and they decide that sense humans are all dead or have became "pure" it would be good for the museum of the human wars? What if it's not dead? What if it wants revenge for the evil that destroyed humanity?

I have never seen the "Thing" through I have read a good amount about it. Also I would love it if some else would use this idea.

3635181 ...I LOVE IT :pinkiecrazy:
Especially the karmic punishment to Xenolestia

I had an idea were Celestia turns the last human into an alicorn newfoal just to top off the "perfection" of the human race into ponies.

He becomes her husband and for a short time, things seem fine.

One day, she stubs her hoof and uses a human curse word in front of him.

Alicorn Newfoal: Celestia cursed, cursing is bad, she must be imperfect, but Celestia is the greatest pony. Then they must all be flawed but newfoals aren't.

And so, Celestia's potion gets turned on her and her ponies by the newfoals, hoping to return the kindness once showed to them.

A TCB story told entirely from the point of view of the other races. (Griffons, minotaurs, diamond dogs, ect.)

Each chapter would be told from a different first person perspective of a member of these races.

What do they think about all of this?

Not sure it this was suggested, but what about where a human gets converted into a changeling instead of a pony? Since by their nature changelings dislike ponies and all.

Here's an idea I've been thinking about for a little while now.
It takes place on Earth, post-Conversion, where the human race has been transformed into newfoals, the barrier has swallowed up human civilization, blah blah blah. Conversion, in fact, has gone along the lines that most pro-Conversion authors have claimed it would; Princess Celestia isn't a genocidal tyrant and had humanity's best intentions at heart, the newfoals are genuinely better than they were before (but haven't been brainwashed), and things really are hunky dory.
BUT, there's one catch: as a result of the sheer number of newfoals now inhabiting this new and improved version of Equestria, the original Equestrians have actually more or less made themselves nearly entirely irrelevant throughout society as a whole.
Why? Not only does this new, much more massive population of ponies require that the existing infrastructure and economy of Equestria be expanded to actually accommodate these new numbers (after all, if this society isn't going to collapse on itself, you're going to need new farmers, new workers, new merchants, new teachers, new cooks, new soldiers, new builders, new architects, new government officials, etc.), it also means that Equestria will have to pull these new numbers almost entirely from the newfoals, meaning that, all of a sudden, these new ponies are present everywhere in Equestrian society.
As a result, then, the original ponies not only exist in a society that is primarily built for and built by the newfoals, they now have an enormous amount of competition from all sides, and now have to fight much, much harder to stay as relevant or as important as before. Manehattan's the single biggest city you'll ever see in your life? There are now a few thousand cities being built that are its size or bigger. Cloudsdale has the famous Rainbow Factory? The newfoals are building ones that are ten times as big and a hundred times as efficient. Each member of the Wonderbolts is a one-in-a-million pegasus? There are now a few thousand pegasi that can make that claim now. Do you see where I'm going with this?
The funny (or pathetic) thing is that this wouldn't need any sort of deliberate manipulation to actually have happen; the sheer numbers alone would be enough to change things around in Equestria, and there would be pretty much no stopping it once it really got started.

I think I have an idea. Maybe there's one Newfoal that actually sees the horrors that Xenolestia is committing against humanity during a large battle on Earth. He (or she) sees humans getting their skulls caved in, melted by magic, all while the other Newfoals are all perma-grinning, glass-eyed and preaching the "Gospel" of how Celly wants "what's best for them" and realizes that everything they'd done up to that point went against everything that they told us.

Twilight, her friends, Spike, and the princesses are performing the ritual to teleport Equestria to Earth, but something goes wrong.

There's a bright flash and when the princesses can see again, the Mane Six and Spike are gone.

They are found by humans on Earth, as newborns, with no memories of who they were before, scattered all over the world.

At first the world is in an uproar over them but once the hype dies down, they are raised in relative peace by their human families for 16 years.

However, the princesses manage to complete the ritual and bring Equestria to Earth. Before they begin the Conversion they want the Mane Six and Spike to help them.

What will happen once their memories are restored?

A line from chapter 2 of Dan_s Comments's fic, The Conversion Bureau - Aftermath of Miscalculations , gave me a story idea to suggest.

What if the ponies and Newfoals' hatred of humans.... brought the windigos to Earth? Because a massive amount of hatred is at humans, all the ponies and Newfoals working together doesn't drive off the Windigos. Only by working together with humans in harmony, real harmony, can the Windigos be driven off.

Of course, should Xenolestia be successful in potioning all the human, then the windigos are here to stay... forever.

A story idea: Basically, a Xenoquestria makes landfall, ready and rehearsed to pull off their "Purification". Except something like Striker's United We Stand or Redskin's Other Side of the Spectrum just happened, and so instead of coming across a Normal, safe Earth, they come across a combined Earth/Canon!Equestria who're powerful, aggressive, angry, and ready to lash out at the first target. FUN ensues!

Should we have them meet the real Combine?

2 Ideas.
A: Standard extreme xenophobia and forced conversion of humans. Celestia thinks she converted all of them. Reality: She teleported Equestria onto an Outer Colony world, after the Human-Covenant wars. UNSC sees what she did, and either uses nukes or just MACs the place.
B: Same viewpoint. Celestia begins conversion on Outer Colony, but knows this. Works her way inwards, eventually reaching Earth and converting THAT. Doesn't realize the Covenant was glassing each converted world after conversion, thanks to some humans hiding all around. Eventually they reach Earth, Celestia sees this, and the last thing she sees is a beam of plasma lancing down. Tries shield, plasma simply burns through it.
Now, I couldn't write a TBC story for half a shit. However, I specialize (understatement of the last few days of the year!) in Halo lore, and can easily provide that. So if someone is willing to do either of these, it would be appreciated.

Here's an idea for an ACB story, drawing upon elements from the game Endless Space.
In the distant future, The United Equine Empire, a society just having developed space travel, unearths a cryo-sleep pod containing a human, one of the last known surviving members of a legendary civilization that once had colonies spanning across the galaxy, and then suddenly disappeared, their destruction appearing to ensue from internal conflict in combination with other factors. Although the human protagonist faces pressure from the ponies around him to give up his search for other members of his kind and submit to assimilation into the empire, he holds out the hope that he can find friends and rebuild his race's society, becoming the commander of one of the empire's best ships and exploring every corner of the galaxy in search of fellow sapiens. While the protagonist does not succeed in his mission, he does receive a fate at least as well-deserved: Members of a human sect that survived the Pulp Wars rescue him and bring him home.
One scene I'm working on is when the human protagonist guides one of his equine comrades in his exposure to pulp (a gelatinous substance referring to a collection of omni-purpose nanomachines similar to Dust in Endless Space) for the first time.

And then the newfoals would probably start developing a retrovirus to transform themselves back into their original bipedal form.

Maybe, maybe not. The whole idea is based around the ideal TCB scenario; that is, where being a pony is the absolute best thing in the world to be and no newfoal would never never never consider turning back.

Mortal Kombat

Equestria replaces Outworld

Celestia is Shao Kahn


Comment posted by The Bipedal Visitor deleted Feb 12th, 2015

Here's an idea I've been mulling over a bit.
As long as Conversion has been around over the past few years, the most common element that people typically think of is the Potion, that magical grape-tasting gunk that turns you into a pony. Everyone knows about it, thanks to the adverts that Equestria has run, and "drinking the Potion" has become a somewhat common expression in many circles.
But that's the thing. The Potion is, believe it or not, not what the Conversion Bureaus are claiming it to be; it's actually a sleeping potion, nothing more.
Why the ruse? You see, humans and ponies are different, FAR too different for normal transformation magic to work. You know, different planes of existence and all that. A method was eventually found that can do the job of turning a pony into a human. Sort of. It's not really so much "turn a human into a pony" as it is "take soul out of the human and put it into a pony". The procedure actually works quite well; the custom bodies only take a minute or two to form, the actual transferal of the soul is quick and easy, the newfoals don't know the difference, and the, ah, leftovers are easily disposed of. Fine and dandy, as long as no humans learn what Conversion actually entails. If not...

Group Admin

4049422 Creepy, but clever.

4049422 Sounds a good bit like an idea I have for an ACB-themed story I had crossing over with Xenonauts (A spiritual successor to the original XCOM series by Goldhawk Interactive), given the working name Equinauts: Planetary Defense. It basically goes like the following: The conversion process that the Equestrian extraterrestrials (often abbreviated to Equestrials, or collectively referred to sometimes as The Herd) have developed involves uploading the human candidate's consciousness into the herd's cyber-organic network, and after extensive "processing", is downloaded into a new equine body or several (when individual members of The Herd die, their consciousness is recovered and redistributed among a varying number of emerging vat-bred Equestrials). Similar to what is said about the aliens in Xenonauts, it is not that they exactly have a homogeneously shared consciousness, but they simply lack a conception of self as we know it.

I got this little idea where Equestria came to Earth as a result of the accumulated wishes of all the oppressed children in the world over the ages. They dream for a bright and happy fantasy world in exchange for their painful life on Earth.

One viewpoint should be from a Dickensian orphan.

The ending would be Equestria returning back to their dimension but with a catch. Any suffering children on Earth will be spirited away to Equestria.

Hello, my name is Peter. I have some idea stuck in my head after I read The Conversion Bureau: The Other Side of the Spectrum.
So here's my idea and summary.

The Conversion Bureau: The Other Side of the Spectrum: The Vault Hunters (TCB x Borderlands crossover)


The story set in The Other Side of the Spectrum universe (Or as we know the 'spectrum' universe). When the Solar Empire launch an assault and Newfoal army on the coast of Boston while the PHL/UN taskforce tried their best to fight back. After the mysterious vanishes of Marcus Renee, commander of PHL and last hope of humanity. The mysterious six warriors and the very annoying little robot appear from the portal in the middle of the chaos. They are the Vault Hunters, Axton the Commando, Maya the siren, Salvador the Gunzerker, Zer0 the Assassin, Gaige the Mechromancer, Krieg the Psycho and Claptrap the (formerly) Fragtrap. The confuse Vault Hunters, which they remember they are just trying to open the recently new Vault on Pandora, got attack by an army of Newfoals who tried to ponified them. Which fail miserably because the ponification potion cannot penetrate through the Vault Hunter's high-tech plasma shield (which Gaige comment it in her Echo record 'It's smell like grape' and yes the story of first chapter start with Gaige's Echo Log and her comment about being attack by a psycho-ponies which that weird). After they show the their firepower and badasstitude to the Newfoal drone (and YES! I mean a killing stuff), the Vault Hunters got a contact from the mysterious pony names "Stardust" who help the Vault Hunter plus Claptrap get out the battlefield and reach the PHL HQ safety. Stardust promise the Vault Hunters that they will get paid and go home safety only they do the ONE and ONLY request for her... "Kill Queen Celestia, the Solar Tyrant and The Element Bearers". That is the story before Princess Luna and Discord from Equus Prime arrive to Boston and Solar Tyrant sent the Elements and her Clone to attack the city.

The story will change the focus on Marcus Renee during the arrival on "another" Equestria. Just like the original story except there are a few difference. First, this Equestria timeline set after King Sombra defeat and now Twilight Sparkle just ascend into Alicorn and become princess. Second, Prince Blueblood quite being a jerk because Discord make him see a groundhog day loop before the Gala. Third, Queen Chrysalis live in Golden Oak Library with Twilight and her co-ruler of the changeling hive, Princess Fluffle Puff of the fluffy pony clan. And the last, this Equestria share a universe with Borderlands universe and now the ponies just have a first contact to the human when the floating human city of Sanctuary accidentally teleport near Ponyville, pack all of Crimson Raider and Ex-Vault Hunters with it (Lilith, Brick, Mordercai, Athena, Tanis, Tina, Moxxi, Sir Hammerlock, Mister Torgue all of them and I must confess I think about scene when Marcus try to kill Fluttershy and Brick came like a big goddame hero and PUCH him in the face and then Athena join the rumble and the Mordercai and Marcus STILL beat the crap out of them. Well... may be not Athena, she is though summabiach). After they clear the misunderstanding the story will progress to Celestia and Lilith know the existence of parallel universe just like the original and ready to join the war against Solar Empire. But first they must deal the new discovery of the Vault on Equestria and stop the badguys for clamming it.

And the third story will focus on Timothy "Jack" Lawrence (Handsome Jack's body double) and Baroness Aurelia Hammerlock mysteriously arrived on the soil of Solar Empire, behind the Solar Tyrant's deadly magic barrier. Which they never expect a magical, candy color, killer ponies tried to hunt them down like a rabid dog ("HUMAN IN THE BARRIER!" "HOW THEY GET IN HERE!?" "POTION THEM! FOR QUEEN CELESTIA!"). On they (as Aurelia proclaim) retreat (which "Jack" think he run and scream like a girl) the Baroness and The Doppelganger meet TCB!Night Light, who lead the guerrilla fighter along with his friend Hondo "Magnum" Flanks Belle (Rarity's Father) and Rainbow Dash's father (I forget his name) to revenge Solar Tyrant for take their daughter and change them in to the genocidal murderer (Clyde "Igneous Rock" Pie died during his family last stand in rock farm by his own daughter TCB!Pinkie Pie all of his family fight the newfoal to the last one only Maud Pie survive because she work outside the town). The three fathers of the Element Bearer bring Jack and Aurelia to their hideout to meet their leader of the guerrilla, "President" Starlight Glimmer (who is obviously have something suspicious hidden). The story will focus on "Jack" and the guerrilla hilariously trying unite all of the fraction of rebels across northern border of the Solar Empire under the same banner. Lead to the assault of the Crystal Empire prisoner camp, free all the prisoner in there and "Jack" will become the (Fake) Ultimate Hero "Handsome Jack the commander of Hyperion guerrilla force"(Irony isn't it?). For "Jack" he will learn the new meaning of friendship and what it's mean to be a "true" hero. For Aurelia it's just an another Big Game Hunt for her and now she plan to add her new trophy on her mansion wall, it's a head of Queen Celestia the Solar Tyrant.

Well, that's is the story I think for now I also think about the character too but I think this summary is enough.

What do you think. Is it awesome? Badass? or it's just too lame. Suggestion will be appreciate, thank you.

(Cross-posted from my blog)

Since the start of Season Five, many TCB fans/haters have noticed that Starlight Glimmer's 'equalisation' plan bares more than a passing resemblance to the main plot of TCB, only with no humans involved.

On that thread, I've been noticing bits and pieces of TCB lore scattered throughout the FIM comic books. Given that the comics obviously never aired on TV and their torrents can be hard to find, I thought it reasonable to assume that the majority of FIM fans didn't know about them. So I thought I'd share!

The Conversion Bureau has three consistent elements: the Barrier, the antagonist Celestia, and the 'equalisation' plot. Funnily enough, all three of these things are canon.

First up, the Barrier.

In Friends Forever #2, the CMC ask Discord for help getting their cutie marks. Because there's no way that could go wrong, right?

Yeah, Discord ends up creating a bubble reality that begins to expand and threatens to crush Ponyville. Sound familiar?

Now for part two, antagonist Celestia. But Sora, you say Celestia is, like, the responsible adult in a show full of children! How could she be the antagonist?! Well to tell you the truth, she can't without some seriously convincing writing.

Or, alternate universe shenanigans...

Yes ladies and gentlecolts, Evilestia is an official character now. The main comic line spends volumes 17 to 20 describing the first AU mirror (the one from Equestria Girls being retconed to being the second... or maybe even further down the line?). This one leads to the traditional 'mirror universe', one where the good ponies are evil and the evil ponies are good.

Interestingly for Spectrumverse fans, Celestia has no qualms about attacking evil, wanna-be multi-verse conquering versions of herself.

(This pic is also very interesting to me, because it means the fire tackle I made up for Celestia is also canon. Who knew?)

If you put those comics together with the first two episodes of season five, it is now entirely possible to write a Conversion Bureau story using nothing but canon elements.

Well, except for the ability to travel to the human world and turn humans into ponies, that's still OH WAIT.

So if Starlight Glimmer somehow got her hooves on both magic mirrors, a TCB story could logically follow from purely canon elements. (Adding Discord's Barrier is optional.)


Of course, the villains in the hypothetical story would be just that: villains. No moral high ground here. And all the heros from canon would have our backs, starting with Sunset Shimmer and her magic diary.

So... anybody feel like writing that?


Sounds interesting. Very interesting. Sunset Glimmer would make for a good Celestia impersonator. For the difference in power, just add the Alicorn Amulet. Could claim it landed in the human world. Or just make up a supposed counter for it that was created by another race on Equestria.


One idea I had, which sounds pretty weak now, is that during the diplomatic phase of the meeting between Equestria and Earth, is that while Celestia has a fairly good time, her Equine Diplomats... don't.

Their problems range from sensory overload to not being treated like betters to finding the air disgusting because its not magically-fresh like Equestria's to discovering that humans eat meat and are technologically superior than Equestria's Technology.

So the Equestrian Diplomats try to talk Celestia into getting rid of the humans, even if it means fabricating evidence to bring it about.

...Okay, I pretty much tried to come up with something as a backstory to a mental image of Blueblood singing a certain song from Disney's Pocahontas. I apologize.

"They're not like you and me!" Blueblood began to sing. "Therefore they must be EVIL!"

"Savages! Savages!" Blueblood's entourage sang as images of Humans milling about in a busy city appeared on the large screen behind them.

Under this idea she wouldn't need a power boost because she'd have Mirror!Celestia backing her up. (Working with her, under her, controlling her, whatever floats your boat).

Also the musical thing sound hilarious. Now we sound the drums of War!


An odd little idea I had... The Elements of Harmony, not the Mane 6 but the very spirits of the elements themselves, turn on Celestia and punish the ponies for their crimes again the very nature of not only humanity, but also the universe, harmony, and fashion, by stripping them of their magic... And giving it to humans instructing them simply to 'not fuck up with it as badly as the ponies did'.

I came up with an idea, though it kinda takes Celestia out of the picture.

While negotiations are going on, Celestia decides to have some fun and move Earth's Sun as a slight joke to amuse herself. However, Earth's sun is not the Kind Equestrian Sun, whose eager to please her. Earth's Sun, Sol, is a temperamental and sour sort. It sees Celestia's attempt to move it like this scenario; 'You're minding your own business. All of a sudden, someone walks up to you, violently shakes you, and says "Do my orders NAOWWW!!!!'"

So Sol gives Celestia a nasty feedback that puts her into a coma, one so deep, Luna can't contact Celestia in the dream world. So Luna, Cadance, and Twlight think Humans are responsible because some Humans were in the same room as her when she fell into a coma. Luna tries to move the Moon as a show of force....

Only for her magic to not even effect the Moon in any sort of way. The moon somehow reflects away Luna's magic. It doesn't will it, it's more of a property of Earth's moon than anything else.

So Luna, Cadance, and Twilight decide that in order to wake Celestia up, they must shower her in love and Friendship. When that fails, they decide that there aren't enough ponies who love/worship Celestia, so they decide to forcibly convert Humans into Ponies.

Well, here's an idea I did in a one-shot, but lots of people commented that they wanted to see it as a full story, so tell me what you guys think.

Basic 'accident TCB' set-up: Ponies didn't move to Earth on purpose, the Barrier isn't their doing. EG would be canon for this story despite being set just after season one, so Celestia's reaction to humanity would be "oh hey, those guys who are alternate versions of us! Hi there!"
[The EG world would be a world half-way between our world and the pony world]

Then it is discovered that the Barrier will not let anything of humanity inside. As Equestria is not a self-contained economy, this is a problem.

Then the Barrier begins it's 'usual' expansion. Humans and Ponies alike freak out. In desperation, somebody suggests turning humanity into ponies so the Barrier doesn't kill them.

Leaders on both sides immediately reject that solution, and keep on thinking.

Essentially, the villain of this story would be the stereotypical elements of a TCB story; mostly the Barrier. Both sides will need to use their brains and their toolsets to get out of this mess without doing anything unethical.
Easy sub-plots include Discord being released as scheduled for Season 2 and deciding that causing misunderstandings between Humans and Ponies is the easiest path to disharmony, Wendingos going for a second attempt at an ice age, and/or a paranoia-inducing Changeling attack on Washington.


All Ponies to Goes to Ratupre: If that does haven't play game and still now get out.

Ponies find last place, English town filled the death and then get infect by same Light the keeper of time then Celesia herself is poggess the this light make her see light of goodness of huamnity

All it shall Fix like Take Salt out wound, This how should thing be celesia Mare of sun

Do think make good ACB Fanfic

I don't think it was there,but if there was,then I'm sorry.

All of us know what happens when we are placing loupe under solar rays - fire.
I don;t know 'verses or fics where TCB Equestria has their own artifical sun,so...

What if humanity will launch satellite/space station which will collact solar beams into one beam and then use it to ignite Equestria through their barrier.
Also:Even if plan fails,for safety Equestria will be turned into "Always cloudy" place (best variant).Pretty demoralizing for ponies.

Hi guys! I wrote a DeathBattle between Current!Canon!Celestia and Early!TCB!Tyranlestia. Is anyone willing to proofread it for me?

Hello everyone. m new to the convertion Bureu stories. I really liked some while ill admit others seem insane, well personally i want to view the most neutral of things so here are two storie ideas(i wont make them but i want to share them)

Is the same as the converstion bureau normal stories. One man enters Caterlot Castle as the barrior has no effect on him(genetic mutation, even the shole mess with cromosome 24 from the film doom anything that makes him inmune to the negative effects of the barrier), in the dungeon to his surprice he finds Celestia chaines and traped there. He discovers that the Celestia leading the invasion is an evil counterpart of her from another dimension(think Celestia from reflectios), she stole the power of alot of ponies from her world(like Tirek) and was banished but ended in her equestria. With her power she brainwashed the elements and the mayority of her subjects, now the human soldier, the real Celestia ad both human and pony revels must stop the tyrant.

The next one i thought it after reading some post on why pony have to be evil or humans have to be evil.

What if there were 3 worlds that came into conflict. The first is one with evil humanity that has destroyed equestria, the other an evil equestria that converted earth and human into ponies and the third a world with true harmony exist were humans and ponies coexist in peace, a world unlike the two were magic and techonlogy stand side by side that has brought a golden age. Humans who protected ponies and ponies who protected humans from the two other worlds came seaking refuge but soon the other two worlds invade

Here's an idea that I've been thinking about but have had a bit of difficulty really putting to paper.

The story, as I have come to see it, is about the appearance of Equestria upon Earth, the creation of the Conversion Bureaus and the Barrier, and the attempt by the ponies to force all of humanity to convert. In that sense, very much typical of the genre.

The thing is, however, the ponies don't want to do this at all. They don't want to have to come to Earth, they don't want to have Equestria swallow up everything, and they certainly don't want to turn humans into ponies. Not at all. Mind you, not just because of the rather questionable morality of it all (although they don't feel good about any of it all), but because it's effectively the only way to keep themselves alive.

You see (and I apologize if this sounds like unbelievable bullshit), Equestria is, unlike our Earth, a place filled to the brim with magic, with everything from the rocks to the plants to the animals to the ponies and every other sapient being fundamentally made of magic to some extent or another. Unfortunately, however, being filled to the brim with magic also brings with it a certain degree of instability with it, a problem that normally wouldn't be of much of concern to Equestria...if not for the discovery that reality is, for all intents and purposes, slowly falling apart. Although most ponies don't know about it, it has become an undeniable fact that Equestria is effectively undergoing magical entropy, with only a decade or so before the entire plane of existence simply....fades away. Needless to say, this has raised concerns.

The appearance of Earth, however, brought about a sudden glimmer of hope for Equestria. Because the universe/plane that the Earth exists in is entirely bereft of magic, making it much realer than could be possible, if Equestria were to somehow make its way to the other universe and establish itself there, it might be able to fend off its demise indefinitely. Except that, well, seeing as humans can't exist inside Equestrian reality and there wouldn't be enough room on the earth for ponies and the other species to move onto from Equestria...well, sacrifices have to be made.

One Idea that I've been tossing around for some time is a conversion Bureau fic where Equestria appears on an Earth where it's technologically advanced enough to counter everything that the ponies toss at the humans. The humans' reaction towards the ponies is pretty much 'Oh, you silly things. We'll allow you to live here, as long as you follow the rules and play nice.'

Barrier? A counter-barrier that hold the magic barrier in place, but allows Ponies to go in and out. Should there be enough incidents where Ponies abuse their magical abilities to pick on humans happen, then the Counter-barrier gets upgraded so that Ponies can only use their magical abilities inside Equestria. With specially-made talismans crafted by the humans, Ponies can use their magic abilities, but are under watch as they wear the talismans, no matter what. I think the humans can probably make talismans that allow them to go into Equestria with no problem, but I think the humans would wait until the barrier mess is safely disposed of first.

The potion? The magic drain of the counter-barrier drains away the potion and somehow allows the human to become themselves again in mind, body, and soul. I'm going with 'magic changed the humans into ponies and is keeping them like that. So removing the magic allows the human to become themselves again' idea.

Xenolestia's sun control? The moment she tries such a thing, the Counter-barrier's magic drain intercepts it and erodes Xenolestia's magic spell to a pointless message the moment the magic gets near the top of the Counter-Barrier. Sort of a "HEY! What are you doing there! HALT!" moment for the Counter Barrier.

And where does the drained magic go? For the upkeep of the Counter-Barrier. What powers the Counter-Barrier before the magic drain? ...Fusion power, I guess? Or some super futuristic power source that even gives Twilight a headache when she tries to understand it.

And what happens when the humans decide that the ponies aren't playing nice and are breaking the rules? Look at what I've written in this post and then add in the urge to protect your friends and family by any means.

Cool. I love it.

The Conversion War destabilizes the veil between universes, causing multiple alternate worlds to become involved, such as the EqG world.

I'm new here, and I joined because I needed to throw my idea I've been toying with for a while to someone who will actually listen to my explanation (or read it, in this case).

The fic is based on the premise of a game I've been playing the crap out of for the past several weeks: Sid Meier's Civilization II: Test of Time. More specifically, the Scifi mode. It had four maps to play at once (starting planet, orbital platforms, a dusty and rocky world, and a gas giant that was home to a super-advanced ancient race who disappeared, leaving their capital city frozen in time to preserve it). This mode is based on the Alpha Centauri ship for the space race victory in classic mode encountering an unknown object on the way to Centaurus, investigating it, and triggering a defense mechanism that warps them to the Lalande 21185 system and crashes their ship into an Earth-like planet called Funestis. Another colony ship from another race crashed at the same time (klackon colonists from the game series Master of Orion). Over the course of 6000 years, your goal is to establish contact with Earth (even the klackon nations' goal is Earth because it's closer). You can conquer the system and use the combined knowledge of a unified people to find a way back, build a FTL (faster than light) ship to send ambassadors to Earth, or through destroying the guardians left behind by the long-gone empire from the gas giant, you can obtain the technology "EarthGate" and open a direct portal to the legendary third planet from Sol. All three result in victory.

After getting the EarthGate victory for the first time ever (those guardians are a b---- to kill), I got to thinking about crossing it with the TCB universe. What if they finally realized their six thousand year long dream, only to find Earth had fallen to "Queen Celestia", who finished taking over Earth by the year 8080 A.D. after making contact in 8060, beating the victorious civilization to Earth by 40 years? To obtain the technology to get to Earth, you have to have gone through some previous techs, including Total Immunity and "Proteus Sapiens", a technology that fuses human and klackon biology through artificial evolution to create a single race of allomorphic shape-shifters who aren't strictly human or klackon anymore. These two techs combined enable their ships to pass through the barrier with only a slight jolt (since they count as protean-made, not human-made) and make them immune to the potion's effects. Their new goal would be to liberate Earth and figure out a way to restore the newfoals back into humans (and I've figured out a combination of technologies from that mode that can do it).

Of course, "Queen" Celestia isn't about to let this happen. As forty years have passed since contact was made with Earth, the characters are older now, and things have changed a lot. There is unrest in Equestria, Blueblood was appointed by Celestia to serve as the Governor of "New Equestria" and now has his own spoiled-rotten daughter, some humans fled to colonies on the moon or Mars while others escaped to underground bunkers to avoid the barrier, since it only erased all evidence of human civilization on the surface, and it turned out that the magic inside the barrier being able to kill humans was a complete farce. But they still don't dare leave their bunkers for fear of getting potioned.

Oh, and I go the route of there being portals linking Earth with Equestria instead of Equestria becoming part of Earth.

Equestria's forces engage the newcomers to try to keep Earth under Celestia's control, while the Proteans who just wanted to reunite with their brethren on Earth find themselves in a conflict they didn't expect. Their insane technologies from Scifi mode give them the upper hand at first, but Equestria overcame the humans of 81st-century Earth who were also a lot more advanced than we are now, so as the conflict grows longer and longer, Celestia's chances of repelling the Proteans gets ever greater, as does the possibility for the ponification potion to be redesigned to overcome both the Proteans' immunity to it, as well as their ability to shapeshift (otherwise, a Protean could still simply shift back into the form they currently want to have in the middle of ponification over and over until the potion fully leaves their bodies and fails to do anything to them). If such a thing were to happen, Celestia could send troops through the EarthGate and ponify the entire system they'd called home for six thousand years, adding it to her empire of mindslaved newfoals.

There could be many outcomes: Celestia could manage to repel the Proteans, forcing them to leave the planet of legend behind, closing the EarthGate forever to keep Celestia from coming through. The Proteans could get some spies into Equestria to take advantage of the unrest there and gain help from those who sympathize with their cause. The Proteans could liberate Earth, restore the humans, and give them the gift of Protean evolution, rendering the potion powerless against them. Maybe the ponification potion gets successfully redesigned to work on Proteans, and they flee through the EarthGate, forced to fight for their own survival as their system starts to suffer the same fate as Earth. The Proteans could end up losing entirely, their system becoming added to Celestia's empire as she then sets her sights on Mars, Earth's lunar colonies, and Kholdan (the klackon homeworld). Or maybe after a very intense back and forth conflict , the Proteans manage to take the fight all the way to Celestia herself, and find out why she wants everything human-related ponified or gone, then defeat her to put an end to the conflict once and for all with her surrender.

So, what do you guys think? I couldn't keep myself from writing part of it already. I have seven complete chapters and part of an eighth, so I could possibly post a chapter or two if you guys think it's a good idea (Or maybe a few of you could help with proofreading so it doesn't come off as stiff and instead flows better). Be warned, though. The only editing done was checking spelling and grammar, so it may seem a bit stiff (I often have that kind of problem with anything I write solo).

4897683, this actually sounds quite interesting with many options and pathways.

I approve.

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