Alternative Conversion Bureau 1,052 members · 344 stories
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4899544 Thanks. It's already about to be posted. Someone who took a look at what I had convinced me to break it into a saga and use the ones I've got as the first story. The first story is the introduction, while the fics after it will split into many different stories following different characters and situations that occur simultaneously during the conflict, then it'll finish with a conclusion fic that brings all the branching paths together for the grand finale. (Unless the readers would prefer it to be just one fic. If enough of them say they'd rather see it as one fic, I'll just merge all the branching paths into the original fic.) Once it's posted, you can find out who made the suggestion of a saga.


I think a saga would work best. They way you arranged it would make it very cumbersome as a single book.

4899591 Well, I've posted one chapter and submitted. Now to wait for approval.


I'm working on one where the Conversion Bureau was an enclave of unicorn alchemists that existed back before the founding of Equestria. The humans they experimented on were a subspecies of Homo Sapian that lived around 160,000 years ago.

Many humans died during the Bureau's experiments. The magic involved in the process somehow gave the souls of the deceased humans the power to manifest on the mortal plane as spirits of hate and rage, driven by an unquenchable thirst for revenge against the ponies. When the Bureau returned to Equestria in failure, the spirits followed, and became known as Windigos.

I apologize if this particular idea treads upon ideas that have been done already.

When it became apparent that it would soon be impossible for human life to exist upon Earth, Conversion seemed to be the (almost) perfect solution, preserving the mind of the original person while granting the attributes of the pony. The vast majority of humanity was Converted with a minimum of trouble, thanks to the efforts of both ponies and humans, and it seemed that an unthinkable crisis had been successfully averted.

Until, that is, it was discovered that former humans were, as a horrific side effect of the Conversion process, losing their former memories and personalities. Although the exact process was never found as to why this was the case, it quickly became apparent that those former humans who underwent the process were, beyond a doubt, no longer the people they had been, and that recovering the former person was impossible.

....The story, as I see it taking place, is set about ten or so years after Conversion took place. Around the world, there now exists a few hundred million newfoals who still retain their human memories/personalities, with the number dropping almost daily. With the Earth quite thoroughly inhabited by the Equestrians and the Newfoals (i.e. anyone who did loose their personalities) those former humans that are still their old selves are scattered throughout the lands, banded together out of necessity and existing rather uneasily with their neighbors.

The story would basically follow a band of these former humans, a ragtag bunch of eccentrics and weirdos of all varieties, working together to find some way to allow themselves to remain human inside, even as they feel their minds fading away and watch as their friends and family loose bits of themselves along the way. Making their way through the cities of Earth and Equestria in search of some cure or remedy or preventative, these poor bastards are not only forced to deal wit the constant fear of losing themselves, but also have to deal with other former humans (who are also looking for some sort of cure, and may well be less than willing to share what they find), and Equestrians (some of whom may actually be trying to keep such a cure from being found).

My idea starts out after all humanity has been converted.
Everything seems great for the ponies, then some of the new colonies and towns are start getting attacked. Ponies and New Foals alike are being eaten, drained of blood or both.
The ponies discover that three kinds of creatures from Earth have survived the barrier: Vampires, Werewolves, and Zombies (the kind seen in the Marvel Zombie comics.) The three types of monster have decided to form an alliance and come out in the open, because now that humanity and all they created has vanished all the knowledge on how to kill them has also vanished.
Will the Ponies find a way to survive, or will the real monsters from Earth rule?

If anyone wants to write this please do! I can't write fanfiction well, but I have a ton of ideas for this story if you want to know them. Also if you wanted to add any more monster, feel free but keep the ones I named.

4474590 That's actually a very good idea. I like that :pinkiehappy:

I even have an idea on how Starlight Glimmer could pull it off and turn it into an actual TCB situation.

A Conversion Bureau camp set up like one of the Nazi death camps, but instead of killing, it converts. Huge numbers of human prisoners go in, huge numbers of Newfoals come out.

Here's an idea for a story.

A human male soldier, captured by ponies during a battle, is thrown into a cell to await ponification. In a cell next to him, he meets another prisoner. A woman soldier who was caught in a skirmish. As they plot their escape, the woman is often taken away by pony guards, only to return hours later and in pain from what can be described as torture.
To ease the pain of her suffering while thinking of a way to escape, he tell her stories that he believes will fill her with hope. Unbeknowst to him however, the woman may not be who she appears...

"The ponies have potions that turn humans into ponies. They can't possibly have one that does the opposite?"

A TCB war story with a comment-driven plot that determines the outcome of the epic human/pony struggle that is called the "Conversion Wars". The humans of Earth and the ponies of Equestria are locked in a full-scale battle for control of the planet. Each faction leader believes their mission to be pure and just.

The humans believe the barrier can be stopped. Their goal is to find a way to push it back, discover a cure for the NewFoals and drive the ponies off the Earth.

The ponies believe the barrier can't be stopped. Their goal is to keep humans away from it, save and convert as many humans as they can and quell the "pointless" human resistance.

Throughout the conflict, humans learn to control and use pony magic. Training special soldiers to wield and cast spells and upgrading their own weapons with magic-based ammunition.
While on the Equestrian side, ponies adapt to counter human war-machines by taming wild and large Equestrian beasts (manticors, dragons etc.) and reverse engineering human tech to create fast and efficient war-machines of their own.

Think of it as a Command & Conquer style fic with each two factions having a vast array of units and arsenal to balance eachother out, including guild-factions (HLF and Rebel Ponies for humans & PER and NewFoals for ponies) and sub-factions (Griffins, Changelings, etc.).

4474590 Okay. Here's the premise for an idea based on canon material.

Somewhere in the snowy regions of the Crystal Empire, a crystal pony finds an object half buried in the snow. It looks like a severed horn. Upon touching it, the crystal pony suddenly hears a voice telling him to take the horn to Canterlot.

Sometime later in the EqG-verse, Sunset Shimmer and human Mane Six discover a strange bubble around the CHS statue. The bubble is magic in nature and seems to originate from the portal itself. A curious Rainbow Dash reaches in with her hand and it turns into a hoof. And not only that. Rainbow's hand remains a hoof even after she pulls it out and the magic that caused her hand to transform is slowly spreading througout her body, gradually transforming the rest of her into a pegasus pony.
To make thing even more frightening, the bubble is slowly expanding and growing bigger.

They call Princess Twilight, who upon arrival remains a pony due the portal's effects. Both her and Sunset quickly deduce that the magic within portal that converts the traveler and keeps the magic of Equestria from leaking in, is now somehow being slowly expanded through the portal and into the EqG-verse, like a soap bubble being blown through a hoop, converting every living thing into its Equestrian counterpart while leaving in-animate objects and buildings untouched.

Twilight soon discovers that somepony has tampered with her mirror. And while she and her friends on the Equestrian side try to unravel the mystery and stop who or whatever that's causing it, Sunset and the EqG girls stay behind to keep their fellow students away from the bubble, as well as protect them from animals (birds, bees, dogs, etc.) who accidently convert into their mythological counterparts (cockatrise, parasprite, dragons, etc.).

And as EqG Rainbow becomes more and more a pony, her mind begins to be slowly taken over by an unknown and sinister entity from Equestria. A female voice calling her "slave" and telling her to force more humans into the bubble...

What do you think?

I think it sounds like the beginnings of something awesome.

Also if you're going for cannonicity and you want to include Sombra, you might want to read FIENDship is Magic #1,

and The Siege of the Crystal Empire arc.

Also you have to think of a way to stop SciTwi just sucking up all the magic in the Barrier into a specially made container... or even better, make that a plot point. :yay:

4982921 Lucky for me, I don't really consider comic entirely canon. While there are some really good and interesting stories, there's sadly too many "burned dragons"... :unsuresweetie:

Also you have to think of a way to stop SciTwi just sucking up all the magic in the Barrier into a specially made container... or even better, make that a plot point.

Interesting idea, but I don't think so. Usually when people learn their lesson, they try not to repeat the same mistake. Besides, it would be too much magic for her to contain anyway...

I read the 'burned dragon' comic. In it, Spike grabbed a bunch of dragons to serve as impromptu fire fighters because they were fireproof.

4983282 At least that issue got it right (even though it destroyed the whole purpose of 'Dragon Quest'...)

In one issue of Fiendship is Magic about Chrysalis, a dragon fell into a volcano and got burned by lava. :facehoof: So much for fireproof... In 'Dragon Quest' they literally swam in it!

Since then, the term "Burned Dragon" is when something in the MLP comic doesn't make sense or ignores show continuity.

The dragon in question literally just went "Ow! Hot hot hot!" That's not being burned. And that might have something to do with the new hole in his wing getting submerged in magma. How fireproof are dragons on the inside?

And if "Burned Dragon" means nonsensical or causes plot hole, it's not as if the show doesn't do that as well... in fact, the biggest continuity issue I can see in the extra canon is when it contradicts itself - take Nightmare Moon. Nightmarity hints she was possessed. Nightmare's issues of FIENDship shows her creating the creatures hinted to have created her earlier, and shows her obtaining the power to enter dreams. The Journal of The Two Sisters chapter book mentions that Luna had that ability before she went Nightmare.

-Regains train of thought-

Interesting idea, but I don't think so. Usually when people learn their lesson, they try not to repeat the same mistake. Besides, it would be too much magic for her to contain anyway...

That is perfectly fine, but you could work that line of thought into the story - even just SciTwi pondering the logistics of the thing and realising it's out of her power, or her trying and failing.


The dragon in question literally just went "Ow! Hot hot hot!" That's not being burned. And that might have something to do with the new hole in his wing getting submerged in magma. How fireproof are dragons on the inside?

The fact that he said "Ow! Hot hot hot!", cleary shows that he was being burned. And Spike spat out lava without burning his tongue or the inside of his mouth.

And yes, the whole thing is just one big confusing mess. The fact that they even did that to Luna destroyed her as redeeming former villain. In the comics, she's completely innocent and some 'Nightmare Force' is to blame... Sigh...

Still, the comics does have some good stories to them and most of the elements and plots they use are funny and creative. I just don't find all of it canon with the show...


I'll think about it, but I won't promise anything...

Incidentally, my interpretation of the comics is as such: Nightmare Moon was Luna, acting out. 'Nightmare' disassociated Luna with herself, and Celestia refused to associate Nightmare with her sister, so everypony talked about her like she was somepony else. She got banished to the moon, created the Nightmare Forces, and a thousand years later the events of "Friendship is Magic" 1 and 2 happened. The Nightmare Forces, now leaderless, invade the dreams of Ponyville to create another Nightmare to lead them and regain Luna as a leader because they forgot how to be anything other than forces of evil.
The whole time, everybody plays the pronoun game just to make everything that little bit more confusing.


*Sigh...* If only the comic had done it like that. Then I probably would've liked it more...


concept : Return of Forerunner and the Converstion Breau.
excuse me for any error.
This will Contaion a lot of Error Because this is my first time to attampt to write Fiction and i am poor asian that didn't have experince as your master writer.

what if you are the librarian and if this in case, what shall you do?
You are the librarian the Life shaper.
You are recently retrun to milkeyway galaxy with the Monitor of Installation 04 343 Guilty Spark and crew of UNSC ONI Ship Rubicon that send to The Ark to explorasion and recover the Monitor (from Halo novel Forerunner Saga volume 1) after anahilation of forerunner to the Flood and Activation of the Halo ring array then fleed from Milkyway galaxy hundred Thousand year ago.

hundred Thouand year ago before moment of Fire of the Halo ring array, you was could narrow escape from Erede Tyren with Very ship that used to find out myth of Forerunner that related to the Precuser.
after away from Effect of the Rings, you went to Maselan starcloud to join Great Journey that mean eternal expiate for Sin of forerunner that extermitate of the Precuser
(from Halo novel Forerunner Saga volume 2)

with Your Acompany of the Monitor and the Reclamer, you are dicide to Vist to Erede Tyren The Earth to Find out how much your Mankind were Developed and in hope to Guide the Recalmer to Complete your Great Plan all those year ago.

after Entering Orbit of Erede Tyren The Earth, you are notice situation.
First the Automated Army of Forerunner Fleet are Struggle to Control the Earth Against endless wave of tiny alien pony that so much differnet from original the tyren pony which you collet them for Index Project.
the Second is at in system and the Domain, The Created AI were recognition as the Reclamer or the Restorer.
and Third is restore of The Domain and you know that are Relic of the precuser and the Flood.
after notice Former UNSC AI and now Self Clame the Reclamer Cortana are greet you on bridge of your ship and explation of situation.
her clame was with Blessing for Endless Life of AI, Only Created are capable to bear The Mentle, and few year after taken over from Humanity, that tiny horses are emergy from surface of Earth wtih Pink wall.
Cortana was contect to leader of tiny horse, the leader horse was clame that she come to save Mankind from them self by Converstion turn human into her tiny horse.
Cortana was didn't like that converstion thing. her thought mankind and other sapience race are already Protected and saved well by Her and other AI.
the leader horse said that she is already save Many of mankind of Multiverse through the Converstion and Declear that she will must save mankind and that mean Conflict were ensured.
despite Cortana have Super Superial Foreruner Army compare to ponys, pony horde wave was endless and everywhere and anytime thank to horse magic. and cortana was did't not want destroy Earth yet her think that she can control situation somehow but she inform that prepared use of Halo ring just in case.
that tiny alien horse invader are something remind her to the Flood, those horse are so quickly convert human to horse via some purple fluid like flood infeste, effectively use her forerunner weaponary against her, some nonsence so-called Magic is do seem impossible thing. they have some kind of hivemind that because individual pony are only smile and pride they leader horse like Drone.
and that Pink dome are atomize anything that is not invader horse origin and instantly Teraforming Earth to they brightly horse land.
Newfoal, Magic, the Barrier
half of Erede Tyren are taken over by Pink wall, most of mankind on earth are helpless thank to cortana that AIs are desarm mankind then only foreruner force are able to force them. and if Tyren are finally fallen then these horse will not stop at just tyren.

you are love all creture and sapience races.
you bear responsibility of the Mentle that mean you must protect all race with out discrimination.
You are the librarian the Life shaper.
what shall you do.?

It's probably pretty presumptive (forgive the alliteration) of me to post an idea already, having just joined, but I've been reading TCB and ATCB long before I actually made an account, so hopefully I have at least some idea of what I'm talking about.

This is an idea for a short, probably one-shot comedic story (at least, I think it's funny, but then, I'm a pretty sick man). I'm putting this out for anyone who might want to take the idea, since I can't write even my own Joker-ish form of comedy very well.

An HLF company is doing recon/scientific study/something near the barrier when they get attacked by guardsponies. One platoon is assigned to do rearguard action so that the others can escape. Against all odds, a few of the humans manage to survive, killing all of the ponies. However, the barrier has advanced during the fighting, and it's now too close for them to escape. Cue panicking humans. Then, one of them who has some knowledge of sowing notices all of the pony bodies lying around. He smiles. "And I thought they smelled bad on the outside."

We follow the (incredibly dark) hijinks of our protagonists as they wander into the nearest of the newly-established pony settlements wearing suits made out of pony hides stitched together with mane and tail hair and carrying sharpened bone weapons.


299709 i have a story idea of fall of TCB and this guy end the TCB and the guy name is Stubbs the zombie

This is a what if scenario

As we all know, the barrier prevents everything man made to enter, machines, vaccines, people etc. but, what would happen if the barrier prevents things from entering, but not from leaving?

Let me paraphrase what I mean: the magic energy from Equus can't be contained by the barrier Celestia and company have created, with magic, now in the air, it could be slowly assimilated by humans after the economy starts to spiral down into nothingness. Because of the intense and pure negative emotions (most) humans will start to feel, the magical energies that a selected few have, somehow, managed to assimilate into their very beings, grants them the ability/opportunity to use magic, but as I've stated before, thanks to the negative emotions they have, the harmonious magic that Equestria has, will turn into black magic.

And as Celestia stated, nothing man made can enter, but these people have fragments of Equus deep within their very being, making them immune towards the magical field/force field that Celestia and company made to make sure no human can enter.

This is where it gets a bit complicated, the harmonious magic the force field is made of will slowly start to be overwhelmed by the negative emotions and black magic of the few selected humans that can, somehow, use magic, preventing all the citizens of Equestria from leaving.

As the black magic starts to corrupt the harmonious magic, everything will start to grow toxic and harmful to the denizens of Equestria as the harmonious magic within starts to fade, along with either, their life or sanity.

The only way out of this particular scenario is to cut all ties with earth (since the black magic will start oozing out of the force field and will corrupt all those that carry negative emotions within their heart) and kill the humans that, thanks to the magic within them, they could enter no problem, the force field, and increase the amount of magic Equus will release to Earth.

I have an idea for a Story. TCB Celestia vs. The Klingons of Star Trek.

Any ideas for how it should go?

299709 Here's an idea I just thought of (May have been suggested before sorry if it is but I'm not reading through the entire thread to find out). My idea is that in Celestia's attempt to take over the Earth she agrees to give half of the Earth to Luna. Eventually Luna decides that what Celestia is doing is abominable and decides to stand against her. Luna declares that any and all humans on her side of the Earth are under her protection and that any of Celestia's forces that enter her lands will be arrested on sight. Celestia tries to negotiate with Luna why she's purifying the humans etc. Propaganda blah blah blah. Luna doesn't listen. Equestria is essentially split in half by this rift between the sisters. That's about as far as I've gotten so far.

Came up with this idea.

Some time after Xenolestia wins, Luna decides to check on Earth's moon.

she finds an odd looking dumpster...



And opens it.

Rita discovers that the ponies have taken over Earth. She and the ponies then discover that they are directly immune to each other' magic.

But she can still make monsters that she can grow and have them play 'stomp the pony'. The ponies can't use the elements of harmony because the monster is immune. They can't use the zords because either they are still sealed away and the ponies can't unseal them... Or the ponies destroyed them because Xenolestia thought they were too scary for her little ponies.

Heck, with a monster that can enter dreams, Rita can somehow contact the humans trapped within the newfoals. Then she can make a deal. If they accept, they get to become either a monster or an evil power ranger, but the cost is that they obey her. If the accept, she takes their souls and puts them into a new body, formed from clay. As for the Newfoal, it dies when the human soul is removed. If they refuse, then Rita sends a monster to destroy the area.

As for Zordon and Alpha-5, either they are sealed off because they can't do much while the barrier is still active, they were destroyed because of the barrier, or they are still in stasis for some reason.

299709 I had an idea but dunno if been subjected before... anyways the idea is monsters.

After the conquest of earth is completed and most of the humans are gone the monsters from all of our myths Dracula, Slenderman, wolfman etc. showed up to wreak the ponies' shit

I'm here to update the canon!TCB recipe.

So, the comics have recently introduced a new plot device. It doesn't have a name yet (that I know), but it's water from a particular spring that turns you evil and increases your power. Evil!Applejack and Evil!Rarity are capable of individually going toe-to-toe with Luna, Evil!Twilight is planning to absorb the intelligence of everypony in Equestria, and Evil!Pinkie is loading this evil water up into water balloons and chucking it at ponies.

Thus turning Luna back into Nightmare Moon.

And because, for some unknowable reason, Celestia is sitting this one out, Zecora, Spike and the CMC are the only ones on scene to deal with buffed, evil versions of the Mane Six and Nightmare Moon.


(Seriously, princess. Did somepony glue you to your throne or something? You sent Luna in, opening acknowledging that was a risky idea! You could have come too!)

Anyway, we now have a canon recipe for making a Stronger-Than-Canon, evil Celestia. Just thought you might want to know.

So, now the no-AU recipe for TCB is this water, corrupted Celestia, pre-redemption and/or corrupted Starlight Glimmer, and EQ's Crystal Mirror. Discord's Barrier is, again, optional.

TCP!Equestria ends up in the world of a comedy gag series like Dr. Slump. Hilarity ensues.

Semi-thread necromancy here, but here's an idea.

A setting where Celly and Luna got booted from their thrones by some recalcitrant and power-hungry nobles. In response, both travel to the Human nations and start their own anti-Conversion organizations there.

Celly starts up the US-backed Human Liberation Front, which is a paramilitary organization.
Contrarily, her sister organizes the political activist group known as Truth Brigade.

The plot of this story kicks off with a HLF attack against Equestrian military assets, and goes from there.


Oh, and crossed-over with Metal Gear because kek.

Idea-crossover with X-Men (the movie version).

It's post-TCB and every human is now everypony. The conversion bureaus were a stunning success that left no human unconverted. The Canterlot Tribune devoted an entire print to the tenth anniversary of the final human conversion. One of the reporters, a young mare named Hot Scoop was assigned the duty of interviewing the first group of newfoals, and her very first interview is with a pegasus mare who had weather control experience before she was ponified.

Flashback two decades earlier
In retaliation for nuking Genosha, Magneto literally uproots Manhattan Island and then set it crashing back down all the way from the stratosphere not only killing the millions of Manhattanites, but also devastating the entire Atlantic sea coast on both sides of the pond with a devastating tsunami. The loss of human life from this single event, both normal and mutant, exceeds the even second world war. It is little surprise that hatred against mutants was at an all-time high. At this point, there was even open discussion of a "final solution" to the mutant "problem". Only the echos of the Holocaust (and the fear of losing a war against Magneto) kept the world leaders from placating the bloodthirsty mobs. Who would want to go down in history as the next Hitler or Pol Pot? Fortunately, one being had a solution.

Doing a UN conference at its makeshift headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, Princess Celestia, the leader of the pocket dimension made manifest in the Pacific Ocean just last year offers "sanctuary" to all of Earth's mutants in Equestria. When one of the UN representatives reminded the princess of the dangers of thaumic radiation, she reveals the existence of a potion that transforms humans, even mutants, into ponies not only allowing them to live in Equestria but also neutralizing their mutant powers. It was an opportunity too good to pass up-solving the mutant problem permanently and with a clear conscious. Within a day, the member nations of the UN signed its only unanimous treaty-the Mandatory Mutant Ponification Act.

The premise of the fic is that this is a slippery slope-first mutants and then violent criminals and then lesser non-violent offenders until ponification becomes a cure-all for all social ills and by the time the world realizes they've been had and that Celestia played on human prejudice to her advantage, it's too late. The hordes of newfoals rise up to ponify the rest of the world. Think of the PER only it's every single newfoals with one exception-the ponified mutants who received the beta version of potion that only changed their bodies while keeping their minds intact. These events would unfold for the reader through the interviews by Hot Scoop.

In retrospect, it is bullshit. At some point, the world leaders would put a stop to the conversion bureaus before it gets that far but it could still make for a compelling story IMHO.

Something to do with turtles.

For their own reasons the changelings open a hole in the Barrier so the humans can invade Equestria.

Joined just to post a simple idea I had a long time ago that I’m never going to write: A crossover between Conversion Bureau and the novel On The Beach.

On The Beach is about people in Australia coping with the end, after a global thermonuclear war rendered the rest of the world uninhabitable, with the fallout promising to slowly poison the remnants of humanity. It is a story in which there is no escape, only death and how each person faces it, with defiance or quiet acceptance. In the hypothetical crossover, instead of a war, the death would be triggered by the same thing it always is in Conversion Bureau stories—the worlds merging, and magic poisoning—but this is an apocalypse for ponies as well as humans, as the magic spreading out from Equestria means that it has become too thin for ponies, whose bodies are acclimated to it and will inevitably go into withdrawal. Anything they do can only prolong their lives a little, so each species can see the new world before they die... if they so choose.

It’s probably been done before. I just thought I’d throw it out, since I’ve got far too much on my plate to use it myself either way.

What if the Demonica Teams interstead going into the Schwarzwelt, It was Equestria interstead and we had Celestia represent the LAW route, and typical ACB/Mankind/Neutral* being most people but what be the CHAOS route in this story other than Discord followers and what kind philosophy of chaos since Discord doesn't exactly believe the rule of the strong type of chaos that Demons of SMT do

*After-all petty sure most us of are Neutrals in SMT world due the being Chaotic is allowing demons invade and ruling the world and being Order is being brainwashed pawn of YWVH as we dispise those take mankind freewill but aren't willing rule by something only just less bad

In my story idea, a real or fictional country would begin a military buildup in preparation for an inevitable interspecies war with Equestria, which made contact with Earth in 2015, following a string of terrorist attacks on human civilians by PER or Conversion Bureaus by HLF. These attacks would result in growing resentment or rampant anti-humanism in Equestria. On Earth, suspicion and hatred of Celestia and her ponies would grip the planet to the point war is inevitable.

For example, let's say a fictional country named Tyrus (a continent nation in the South Pacific) closed its borders in 2019 and closed the completed or half completed conversion bureaus before they're opening, after an anti-human or conversion demonstration was interrupted by HLR or PER fanatics, causing relations between Earth and Equestria to breakdown. Tyrus could triple its military (depending on the size of the Tyran population, say around 560 million or more) to around 20 to 25 million soldiers in preparation and focus on the development of experimental technology and weapons to combat the Equestrian military. Tyrus would probably focus on advanced anti-air/ship weapons such as lasers and railguns to counter the fast-moving Equestrian pegasus and slow but armoured Airships. If necessary, develop their own faster and better armed airships using Equestrian magic, gifted by defectors (Luna, Lyra and their followers), to help them stay airborne, powered, and shielded. If Princess Celestia declares war on humanity in 2025, the only country on Earth prepared for a world war is Tyrus, which the country and Equestria would be considered equals in terms of manpower and technology/magic used by both. But, then there's the problem with the ponification potion and the ability to cure it.


Xenolestia won. Humanity is gone aswel all traces of ever existing.

Yet something is left or to be exactly someone who hated not only humanity but everything organic and who loathes everything equestria is and represents and now what celestia did to earth he will do the reverse to equestria bringing a new age of technology perfection.


Has anyone seen this yet?


I know that this is late but here some Christmas story ideas with a Christmas take on the Conversion Bureau Verse starring Xenolestia.
1.This can be a one-shot story and it's title can be Xenolestia vs. Christmas and it about Xenolestia who plans to attack the humans on Christmas but she was stop by her guardian angel (her guardian angel can take the form a pony if you want) then her guardian angel show Xenolestia all the good that could happen if she only give up her prejudice and Speciest ways. The idea was kinda inspired by this Saturday Night Live parody of It's A Wonderful Life here and this comedy Conversion Bureau story here. And in the vision that her guardian angel shows her peace and harmony between both worlds and she even find that her nation have develop a more peaceful and solid relation with others species of Equestria like the Yaks of Yakyakistan, the Dragons from Dragon Lands, the Zebras, the Deers of the Everfree, etc. And finds that Twilight have a student of her own but shock to see to see it is a human. And when she see Twilight with a human student Xenolestia quickly address her concerns to her guardian angel of the possibility of the humans attacking Equestria and her guardian angel then tell her that all theirs attacks have been by a all-species team Navy S.e.a.l.s (just picture it like the regular Navy Seals but full of many different species) which was made due to the good relations between Equestria and Earth. After Xenolestia see all the good possibilities she wake up the day before Christmas seeing it's not too late she quickly make changes to her plan. The story ends with Xenolestia changing her ways and establishing a peace treaty with the humans of Earth and enjoying a Christmas party on Party ending with Xenolestia hearing a sound of a angel getting their wings.
2. Here another Christmas Conversion Bureau story but this one can be a multi-chapter story that similar to the Christmas Bill Murray movie Scrooged with Xenolestia in the place of Scrooge being visited by the three ghost of Christmas (with Grogar as the ghost of Christmas Yet To Come) warning her to change her ways before it's too late and the story ends with Xenolestia breaking the Fourth Wall during a Christmas sing to speak to readers like here.


A dimensional crack opens on an island in the ? ocean near Hawaii. (Does anybody know if it's the Pacific or Atlantic Ocean? I have no clue.) A Barrier starts coming through the portal. This barrier is lethal to humans. It has no effect on anything else. Just humans. Everything else, including their creations, are left completely untouched.

Contact is made with the inhabitants of the land beyond the portal. Princess Celestia says that it is impossible to close the dimensional crack without destroying both worlds. Humans realize that closing the crack is not an option. Celestia says that the barrier is her planet's "magic field" spreading to Earth. This "magic field" is harmless to most things. However, to humans, it is a deadly radiation. <Time skip some bit ahead> Celestia says that her people have found a solution. This solution is a conversion formula. If the humans take it, their systems will be remade to be handle the magic like pony bodies do.

This formula:

1. Rewrites a human's DNA so it has pony elements in it.
2. Causes humans to sprout a pair of pony ears on their heads. (Their human ears vanish away.) (The pony ears can hear better than human ears.)
3. Causes humans to sprout a pony tail right above their butts. (The tail is prehensile.)
4 . Gives humans the ability to wield pony magic. (It's chooseable on whether the human will get earth pony, pegasus pony, unicorn pony, or crystal pony magic.)
5. Gives humans the ability to get cutie marks. (The cutie marks appear on their shoulders.)
6. Alters a human's system so they can digest cellulose. (This means they can eat things like grass, flowers, leaves, hay, etc..)
7. Cures any health problems, including defective genes, the human had. Makes the human more healthy. Increases a human's STATS some.


1. Transform humans into ponies.
2. Alter a human's personality.
3. Make a human have loyalty to Celestia.
4. Cause a human to grow wings.
5. Cause a human to grow a horn.
6. Give humans hooves.
7. Change a human's skin/hair/eye color.

So... What does everyone think of my idea? Think it would make a good story?

Let me know.


the ? ocean near Hawaii. (Does anybody know if it's the Pacific or Atlantic Ocean?

Pacific Ocean. If it helps, remember that the Pacific War was between America and Japan.

I have an idea. In the Conversion Bureau, there's two factions; PER & HLF. Well then, why not a third unknown faction to enter the picture? The third faction who represent the true Conversion Bureau. The ones that truly want to help everyone and every pony coexist without force or controlling them instead of the PER, HLF, and the corrupted Conversion Bureau led by Celestia.

I’ve recently started reading Spectrum, my first TCB anything, and a simple idea for a story idea popped into my head. A TCB fic on Stargate earth. Not sure how things would work but I thought I’d throw in my two cents for an idea.

A very dark idea-a pony version of a Nazi death camp, but instead of killing the humans who end up there, they are turned into Newfoals except for a few humans kept as slaves for the pony camp staff.

Here's an idea I haven't seen before, which is rather odd as the initial concept seemed reasonably obvious (the first paragraph or so, at least).

Equestria comes in contact with Earth, peacefully, sometime around season two/early season three. But, not everyone agrees with coexisting with humans, and a terrorist organization (probably called the PER, even if I've never been fond of that name) forms after a few years, seeking to convert humanity into newfoals using a mix of stolen research and their own mad genius.

While the governments of earth and the equestrian crown attempt to hunt down these dangerous madmen, a crack team of researchers is formed to reverse engineer the vile magic used to transform the humans and strip them of their will, in hopes of finding a way of reversing it. Leading this team are Twilight Sparkle; polymage extraordinaire with an encyclopedic knowledge of esoteric thaumaturgical lore (and a bit of experience in reversing massive personality changes induced by magic, assuming this is after the season two finale), Starlight Glimmer; an expert in soul manipulation who sees the humans as the ultimate expression of her equalist beliefs, and Lyra Heartstrings; Equestria's most learned anthropologist and foremost expert in xenobiology and biological transformation magic. Aiding them is a legion of the best scientists and thaumaturges Equestria has to offer.

I got a few plot points I've hashed out, like Lyra's research on the alchemical transformation of living creatures being that very stolen research used as the foundation of the ponification elixir, which is part of both why she was brought on and why she's so determined to reverse its effects, or Starlight being the most outspokenly enamored with humans amongst their group while Lyra has a quieter scientific fascination with them, but is actually a lot more obsessed with them, just quieter about it. And there was an idea that later on once they cracked the elixir Lyra would use a modified form of the cure to turn herself into a human, possibly during the big speech they're giving to announce the cure's creation for maximum shock value.

And of course while the search for the cure is going on, you'd also see the hunt for the PER, the political tensions between the nations, culture clash, that sort of thing, as well as glimpses of the initial years of Equestria and Earth's convergence, before the dawn of the PER.

And for a little bit of added irony, by the end of the story they'd set up facilities where the newfoals would be herded to be cured and converted back to humans. And these would be called... The Conversion Bureaus.

Phineas and Ferb VS The Conversion Bureau.

It's an idea for a story I have. Basically, it's the Conversion Bureau, as usual, except this time it's up to Phineas and Ferb, and all their friends to save the day.

What do you all think, would you read that?"

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