Alternative Conversion Bureau 1,052 members · 344 stories
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I demand that this be written, in the name of the Sparkle Empire!!!
I had some of that premise in my failed WWZxTCB story.
This must be turned into a fanfic. it must, IT MUST I DEMANDZ IT NAOW:flutterrage:

I've had this idea bouncing in my head for a while. Basically, it's about both sides being forced to mutually understand each other after an event threatens the existence of both humans and ponies, and in order to ensure the survival of their respective races, they are forced to work alongside each other.

I've had an idea similar to this, the how it would work I wasn't sure, as it was going to be a TCB crossover with the World at War book series (HumansvsEquestriansvsThe Race for dominance of the Earth!)

Anyways, I recently had an idea that's not literally a TCB story, but its a sort of twist on the idea.

It's been 20 years since the world ended. Mushroom clouds rose across the surface of the Earth, and the planet now lays wasted. Save for a cabal of scientists trying desperately to come up with a way to save the Earth, there is no government of any sort left. It is estimated that roughly only 10 million humans are left scattered across the globe.

Enter wanderer John Erickson, a former American Army Ranger who lost his family in the conflict. Since that day, he's been wandering across the North American continent as he somehow manages to simply exist. He helps out any survivors he finds, but he never sticks around, shunning human contact.

One day, while camping out near a small band of survivors near the remains of Chicago, John has a strange dream. He's standing in the ruins of NYC, with no one around for miles. Suddenly, he sees an incredibly strange sight. A bright white pegasus unicorn steps out from a pile of rubble nearby, and he has a sudden urge to reach out to it, but it gallops off into the city. He gives chase, and it leads him to the harbor, where there is, to his complete astonishment, an intact and functional oil tanker. The pegacorn is standing at the edge of the Harbor, and she turns to face him, and he hears a soft voice echo through his mind.

Go to the island that was once thought green. For there lies hope for you and all that remain here.

He then awakens, and with the band he stayed with, sets out on a mad quest to discover if there really is hope waiting for them in Greenland.

Now, before you cry "MISANTHROPY" or anything like that, the idea was that Celestia intends to cast a spell to restore Earth using her, Luna's, Cadence;s, and the EoH power to do so. However, the amount of magical power it will take to do so would be so much that humans would die from it. So, through the dream world, Luna and Celestia are trying to draw the humans to Equestria (which has popped up in the middle of Greenland) where they can pass through the barrier (which will transform them into Equestrians, briefly). Once all of the humans they can reach (eg, the humans who believe in the dream instead of thinking they've lost their minds) have been gathered, the spell would be cast. In one swift instant, the barrier would sweep across the Earth, restoring life to the dying world. Once the spell is complete, the barrier vanishes, and Celestia offers to return the humans to their original forms, if they so wish it.

I had the thought that each night, John would get revisited by Celestia, who would explain their plan to him along the way, as well as just interact with him.

It was just a weird idea I had, but I had to get it out.

760237 Not a bad idea i would like to see this

I've had this in my utility belt for a while.

After Celestia wins and eliminated humankind, Celestia's mother monitors her actions and is at first impressed with the harmony that her citizens are in. However, she comes to realize that the genocide of the human race preceded this and is enraged. She physically presents herself to Celestia and chews her out, saying that this isn't what she raised Celestia to be. She thus dethrones her indefinitely, forcing her to fix what she's done and apologize for her decisions.

760237 My idea involved either aliens or zombies. Don't know how it'll play out, though, but I'm starting to get to it.

The one thing that would definitively have to be made clear is that Celestia isn't purposely wanting to convert humanity. The brief transformation into an Equestrian form is meant to help their bodies be able to survive the spell being cast. Celestia's main and primary goal is restoring the Earth, and she wants to make sure that she doesn't hurt anyone in the process of doing so.

I had a story bouncing on my head for sometime.

It starts as a normal Conversion Bureau story but there a twist. A Unicorn mage tells Celestia of a ancient prophecy, the prophecy tells of a magic sword who lusts for Alicorn blood and the Earth is the home of where this sword will be created and released. With huge concern, Celestia orders the ponification of all known swordsmiths of Asia and the Caucasus to prevent this from happening.

Somewhere in Dagestan, the sword is forged out, on the blade, there are crystal runes etched into it, they glow red as a reaction to the presence of magic.

The HLF obtain posession of this sword, but they soon realize that the sword has a will of its own, all HLF members who have wielded it have died tragic deaths, noticing that the weapon "lusts for blood". The HLF body count goes up, all due to this sword. Fearing its power, they try to destroy it but its impossible. They leave the blade to its fate.

One day, a young man escaping the PER finds sanctuary in some old ruins. He sees the sword and pulls it out of the stone it was impaled on. A spike of magical energy is reported to the Princesses, Celestia has reason to believe the sword has found its wielder that will satisfy its bloodlust.

The young man discovers that this sword has chosen him to be its wielder. He begins to learn of the powers of the sword (Blasts of multicolored fire, a icy mist, magical earthquakes, the ability to be propelled to higher ground, and being able to disguise himself as a pony)

The young man is now on a quest to defeat Celestia and put an end to the Conversion Bureaus, but Celestia is aware of the sword and wants it destroyed, along with its wielder. She sends the Elements of Harmony along with the best of the Royal Guard to find the wielder, kill him, and destroy the sword, thus preventing the prophecy from happening.

Will our hero succeed in his quest to save humanity?

Sword image:

I'd almost rather the human chosen come to realize the blade is driven by it's own bloodlust, and once Celestia is dead it will turn on humanity as it's next chosen victims. Would be a great means to force humans and ponies to work together to stop the sword, while the wielder constantly battles its inexorable corruption of his soul. Maybe give the sword the power to animate those it's killed? Heck, that as its sole power would be pretty terrifying.


That's a pretty damn good idea.

Bringing back the dead it killed? Scary.

*nods* Would be pretty epic, methinks


It would be, just imagine the final battle.

The Wielder: Help meeeee.... *crying, his face changes to a deranged psychopathic one* Come at me you rejects! Nature is taking its course and has decided that all of you MUST DIE!

Group Admin


I have one major issue with that. The inability of the Q to fix things. That doesn't make much sense, as they are essentially omnipotent, with only a handful of races in the Star Trek canon capable of matching them for sheer power. One is the M continuum. They are, believe it or not EVIL COUNTERPARTS to the Q.

Then there's a race that doesn't even seem to have a name, which are as powerful, if not more so than the Q who appeared in the TNG expanded universe novel Q&A. One of the only species which the Q continuum, including Q himself, actually respects enough not to make light of them. But for all that, the Q are otherwise basically omnipotent. How would you explain this major discrepancy? After all, Discord himself is canonically more powerful than the princesses, and the Q would be light years more powerful than he is.

Group Admin


Oddly, I'm actually working on an idea similar to this right now, which I'm calling Inversion. But the principles are very different.

Demon Eyes Laharl
Group Contributor


I like the back story a lot that I'll probably apply a modified version of it in my my darkish fic inspired by Not Alone.

Group Admin


Heh. Cool.

It was mainly meant to keep the Q from theoretically fixing what had just happened. Part of this has to do with the fact that I've always thought of the Q as actually being humans from the very very distant future, who now (for the most part) try to keep things as they happened in their universe in order to ensure their own continued existence.

It was also because when I thought the scenario up, I assumed that if I ever did anything with it, someone would ask why Picard just doesn't call on Q to fix things.

the main reason though is to go with the general idea of an ISOT, or Island in the Sea Of Time (I believe that's what the acronym stands for) Generally once the events occurred (like say sending 2012 USA to 1914) its irreversible, even if say another ASB or Assiti shard came and messed with things (in the case of the Assiti Shard, I believe it would actually make things worse)

Demon Eyes Laharl
Group Contributor


Why would the other humans help Equestria at this point?

Demon Eyes Laharl
Group Contributor


Actually, the latter seems more of a major thing for them. We're talking of people who are now desperate and living underground. They won't care much anymore for anything except survival. The newfoals they have kinship with? They are living lives comfortably. Resentment is going to linger especially since they were basically ousted by an 'alien' force.

The minor reason is actually the best case scenario I can think of them helping Equestrians. They want out. Equestria doesn't want their citizens suffering. The team up is volatile, high tensions on both sides, and pretty buyable.

Demon Eyes Laharl
Group Contributor


I wouldn't mind the main character to be 'slightly' okay with what's going on, especially if he was from the newer generation... but the collective? Especially those that lived comfortable lives before all this happened? Those would be the older generation, who already would have been torn out of their lives, and probably the leaders of the surviving groups of humans. I do not see them being too comfy with the ponies.

Yeah. Not good at all. Which probably will make a better conflict for the story, I think. I like the setting, though. Its interesting.

I had an idea for a TCB fic which is both Pro-human and Pro-Pony, even if I can't come up with a title.

Have it take place in a Grayscale type world. In other words, everyone from the show is in character, even though there is an expanding barrier swallowing up Earth and may drive humanity to extinction. However some things are different.

The magical effect of the barrier is like radiation to all earth life, not just humans, with prolonged exposure causing magical cancer. It doesn't wipe out their technology. The Barrier is not under Celestia's control (In fact, she's trying to do all she can to slow it down, and resembles Cadance when she was shielding the Crystal Empire from Sombra). Celestia makes the process entirely voluntary and states that anyone that tries forcing it will be severely punished. The loss of personality is gradual, and complete only when the Newfoal's Cutie Mark appears. While the Human Liberation Front exists and attacks the Conversion Bureaus, so do ponies (ironically called Ponies Enacting Resistance or PER). There are riots on Equestria itself between those who believe they should save the humans in any form and those who are horrified that they're enacting Xenocide.

(Princess?) Twilight is busy trying to redeem herself for the failure of the Potion, which she believed would be a stopgap until she could make the magical resistance without warping their bodies. Suddenly, she realizes that there is a way to save humanity. If she can turn the Newfoals back into humans inside the barrier before they get their cutie mark, they'll be immune to the toxic effects! Sure, they might have weird eye and/or hair colors afterwards and even have magic, but they'll still be their true selves. But can she find out how to do so before it's too late, even with the help of all the humans that are trying to help?

Yes. Yes, she can. Yes, she does.

While the road afterwards is long and hard, both humanity and ponies will earn their happy ending.

Ideas for snippets in this universe.

1.One of the Nuclear Powers is having a meeting. In it, an aide is presenting a hundred page report on how they believe a full-scale Nuclear Strike on the barrier can show it down significantly, if not shatter it.. The leader just says, "Request Denied," and says they will not risk the Equestrians, and when the aide yells "They're not humans!", responds, "They're still people."

2.Pinkie Pie loves to arrange Cutearenas. But with Newfoals, it means the human is truly dead, in spirit if not body. So now they're a strange hybrid of funeral and birthday party. How long can she keep the facade of true happiness up until she cracks under the strain?

3.A commander is yelling to their troops to keep their ships in formation, keep up the fire on the barrier, and to encourage them to bring that abomination down. This is all for naught, however, but the commander maintains their orders. Off-hand, the commander mentions having a strange feeling deep in their wings, whereupon it's revealed that it's an Equestrian Airship bombarding the barrier along with human war-machines in order to crack it open.

4. Distant finale: Princess Twilight is visiting a human on their deathbed. From the conversation, it's revealed that that the human was one of the humans that helped create the potion which actually saved humanity, even when his body slipped away from him from the toxic magic and his mind slipped away when he became a Newfoal to continue their research. She thanks them, and erects a statue in their honor. When later asked if it's a little too big, she replies coolly, "I think it's almost big enough."

5. Celestia is addressing the United Nations after the Conversion Crisis, begging for forgiveness. The silence is stony as she walks out. She decides to go undercover in disguise as a human to see what they really think of her. She meets one in a bar and they strike up a conversation. Eventually the topic shifts to humanity's opinion on Celestia. The human looks at her with a suspiciously penetrating gaze for a long time and says, "While I can't speak for my species, I never blamed you" and gives the emotionally distraught princess what she deserves: A hug.

6.Princess Twilight's new potion doesn't just restore the human body of a Newfoal. It also performs a split personality merge of both the human and newfoal mind. But while many of the Newfoals without Cutie Marks are willing to take it without any issues, the ones with Cutie Marks are not so eager. Everyone, even/especially Celestia, are torn over this, which has the potential to be even more divisive than the arguments over the original conversion scheme.

Group Contributor

A fic about TCB that arrives in the middle of WWII. It's called Deutschland Uber Allies (Und die ponie)

Group Admin

So essentially it's WorldWar but with ponies.

Group Contributor

But I did it solely for the pun...

Another idea came into my head.

What if the TCB Earth was in some sort of post-apocalyptic scenario? (Meteor strike, fresh water has run out, economic melt down, super volcanos, the polar ice caps have melted, the aftermath of a nuclear holocaust, superflu/super diease)

It begins with Equestria appearing somewhere in the Atlantic, the ponies discover a destroyed world and humanity is on the brink of extincition. Only less than 30 million humans remain, and each day the number grows less due to factions of humans fighting for their survival.

Celestia takes matters into her own hooves, sending a telepathic message to all humans that Equestria has everything the need such as food, water, medicine, shelter and it all comes at a cost...they must abandon their humanity to obtain these benefits.

Conversion Bureaus open across the post-apocalyptic Earth.

The humans, divided by various factions begin to attack the Bureaus due to anger and the fact that humanity is slowly being wiped out. Less than 25 million humans are live, but conversion is destroying humanity faster. Food and freshwater are scarce, and with this new alien enemy on the shattered Earth.

The humans have their eyes set on Equestria, seeing it as the key for survival. Equestria has food, water, and other resources...thought the Barrier impedes them. Many factions have discovered the pre-apocalypse technologies, and will use them to breach the barrier and into Equestria.

Here is my idea:

We make a story where equestria shows up today, not in the past or near future, why? So we can make humanity just like it is, instead of making it too good or bad. In this story there would be no conversion, this would be about how the appearance of equestria changes both worlds in the most realistic way possible, no imperialist ponies, no terrorist jihad or cruel religions. Another point would be world building, I'm thinking that we could show all of equestria and the regions around it like they truly are, instead of a perfect peacefull land (just because equestria is good, doesn't mean the rest of their world is ok). It would be close to what NoMoreSanity did in his fic.

The point is, by showing all aspects of both worlds we would make the conversion idea even more stupid.


I'm thinking that we could show all of equestria and the regions around it like they truly are, instead of a perfect peacefull land (just because equestria is good, doesn't mean the rest of their world is ok).

> Implying every Equestria in TCB is perfectly safe
> :rainbowlaugh:
> INB4 DEL mentions G4M

Without conversion, the central conflict of the TCB story is gone. If there is no story, then you just have blokes going around doing boring stuff, instead of fighting either PER, HLF, bureaus, ponies, or facing new challenges in Equestria or a dying world. Remember dude, the first thing you're trying to do with a story is entertain.

Here's an idea, instead of a world where every single human is against conversion, and every pony is for conversion; how about you have political allegiances that differ within species, kinda like... Oh... I don't know, real life?

798265 no offence, but saying that a story without genocide is not good is implying that most of the world's books are not good.

798292 I'm saying that a story without conflict is not good. I'm saying that a story without conversion is not a conversion bureau story, and therefore cannot have conflict about conversion, and is therefore not good.

798302 What about antropology? It has no conversion and yet it's a good story, with conflict and everything.

And no, I don't want to make a conversion story, I want to make something that shows how any kind of "humanity fuck yea!" or "ponies are perfect" (in other words TCB) is stupid.

I've had an idea kicking around for a couple of days and I'm surprised I haven't seen it yet. We have an ether evil or simply horrifyingly out of touch with reality empire seeking to conquer the world. Why haven't they encountered the most evil world-conquering empire of them all yet? Why hasn't TCB gotten into a fight with the Draka yet?


That'd be an interesting read <:

Problem for me is it sounds like a story you'd want the misanthropic, racist, xenocidal ponies to win. This might just be a me thing, but it kind of defeats being Anti -even if ponies are defeated- if you're rooting for them the whole time. That doesn't mean the same as 'bad' though, I'd give it a read.

Fuck I like this opening more than I should.

Fanservice aside, this looks like it'd actually be a fun anime to watch. And a fun story to read to boot. Yes to both of these things!

And as for me myself, I've been wanting to write a parody comedy oneshot crossover.

*clears throat*

Aliens were something the earth was used to by now, really. In a world of superheroes and villains, the occasional alien invader was something that at times didn't even make world news. After all, with heroic League of Honor watching over the world. With heroes like The Saint, The Knight, and The Lady (and even The Lime!) watching over the world, who would have been afraid of sentient ponies?

But then, the unthinkable happened. Outnumbered, the misguided, Solar Tyrant Celestia, Elements of Harmony and Royal Guard overpowered the League, leaving only one hero remaining.

"... No way, those assholes really got their asses kicked by a bunch of goddamn horses? Fucking seriously?"

A foul mouthed prostitute with superpowers is now the earth's only remaining hope against the expanding barrier and the extinction of the human race.

"... I'm really gonna have to save those cocksuckers, aren't I? Will you stop crying for five minutes!?"

Denny's waitress by day.

"I fucking hate my jobs."

Prostitute by night.

"I don't care what the hell you are. A unicorn? Some pegasus? I couldn't give less of a fuck. You let go of my kid right now or I will tear off that horn and shove it up your ass!"

A hero... whenever.

"I deserve more pay for this crap."

Vs. The Conversion Bureau

Because I'm really bored and I think this might be fun to read.

Also go read this comic. Now. Or Pinkie will haunt your nightmares.


Actually, it seems to me like there'd be some serious room for debate over who exactly to cheer on in that case: Yes, the Draka are quite possibly even more evil than TCB!Equestria but at least they're honest about exactly what it is they're doing and why.

Of course, this all depends on the time period. If it's around WW2 we would of course cheer on absolutely everyone who isn't either of those two sides.

How about this.

Suddenly...In a flash of Blue and White, someone, something teleports INSIDE of the Barrier and in Equestria. Something powerful. Something that fights for Humanity. Something that will defeat TCB. And most Importantly.... Will Make the Ponies his BUDS!

TLDR: Conditional Friendship vs Real Friendship

Just a random idea not to be taken seriously.

As music blares into the heads of the people around the city of Tokyo-to as the Grand master of music shouts.

"Yeah! This is DJ Professer K, Baby, the master of mayhem you know what I'm sayin' bringing you another Tokyo underground pirate radio broadcast from JET SET RADIO!!!" A dark man with freaky hair shouts.

Many of the Rudies listen in to the newest info coming for the beloved DJ.

"I'm gonna bust into your head through your cute lil' ears and blow your mind with my sexy voice and out of sight sounds! Those of you prone to nosebleeds should keep those tissues nearby. Tokyo-to is being oppressed by the Conversion Bureaus headed by the one crackpot named Celestia." Explains Professer K.

"Celestia is using her power and influence to mess with everything: Industry, Society, and even our culture. She's even got her eyes set on the world. Lately, The Bureau's have shaken the world by claiming humans are evil and passing that "Conversion Law" crap." Professer K. says disapprovingly

"This law ain't nothing but garbage. It's just some selfish little punk's way of trying to show she's the big horse. The Tyrant and her crew are tryin' to stomp out our culture left and right.They don't give a rip about our rights; all they are about is their delusion of good, and some spineless fools have already become flunkies in their diabolical scheme. You'd better believe they're listenin' in to this broadcast."

"But even in all this heat, there's a group of young kids who've been tearin' up the streets..." K. smiles as he mentions this.

"I'm talking about the Rudies. These kids have set out to bury Tokyo-to in graffiti. And now they're rapped up in their own little territorial tug-of-wars. The hottest team at the moment is the GG's. Lately, Tokyo-to's been on one baaad trip."

"The attack on record store in Chuo street, prowlers in Dogenzaka Hill, the low-lifes spreading vicious rumors, The mysterious blackout on 99th street..."

"... and who should be following them around but Celestia's watchdogs, the Bureau Guard!"

"With the Bureau Guard attacks the crackdowns are only getting tighter. My heart ain't pounded like this since... you know what I'm sayin', The Rokkaku before this baby. This ain't the time to be sitting around sipping your afternoon tea!"

"The game's gonna start soon, and Y'all are gonna be the ones make the plays!" Peaces out as K ends the broadcast.

Demon Eyes Laharl
Group Contributor


:ajbemused: Hey. I do not always mention G4Ms.

... most of the time. :duck:

Demon Eyes Laharl
Group Contributor


Yeah... Starcraft is taking over my life. :applejackunsure:

Demon Eyes Laharl
Group Contributor

Hmmm... how about Conversion Bureau that goes to Earth that has specialization in Fringe Science Division. I can see it two ways... set in the Fringe Universes (red and blue Earth, or both?) or maybe just TCB set in a universe that is almost like what we see on Fringe, have a branch of science that specializes in breaking down weird phenomena?

Demon Eyes Laharl
Group Contributor

Okay... this popped in my head after Humanist and... uh... whatshisfaceMusketeer (:trollestia:) talked about in another thread.

The Conversion Bureau: Newfoal's Regrets


Modern Earth. Humanity is in the face of crisis after crisis. With a economic problems still being felt, and the crisis in South East Asia, a land mass the size of Texas appears in the Pacific Continent. Its sudden appearance caused quite a few scares, water displacement abound, but luckily, dispersed to manageable sizes once they reached Asian mainlands.

A new species introduces itself. Ponies.

That was 10 (or five... still thinking about this) years ago.

With good propaganda, this new species, calling themselves Equestrian Ponies, have made themselves as a more peaceful culture, their lands magical, and the ponies themselves better than an average human. They can grow food faster, fly, and do real 'magic'. While their lands are open for visitation, and even residency, some small part of the population have asked for a radical way to be like them.

With a help of a few human companies, Equestria opens up Conversion Bureaus in a few chosen places. Our character is one of the pioneers that will test the first transformation potion that will transform him and a few others into ponies.

This is his journal depicting his journey on one of the most regretful moments his life.


Explore a TCB verse without the drama of extinction and forceful choice of transformation. This is a true freedom of choice.

Explore the pros and cons of transformation to another species (noting that the potion has no direct effects on the mind, with the regret being more on physiological differences and cultural differences)

Explore another aspect of Equestrian Culture (anyone that knows my work knows I deviate somewhat to the show's culture. Here, I'm hoping to keep it as identically as I can) and how it clashes with human Western (or Eastern) Cultures.

Exploration of transformation (whether its body horror, difficulty of adjustment, or psychological effects of natural trauma of physiological change).

Add another ACB-type fic without having two races wage war.


Demon Eyes Laharl
Group Contributor


Eh, don't hold the details against me. I was sleepy, drunk, and reread Not Alone.

Ok so a few days ago I made a suggestion for Castlevania/tcb fic. Had a few ideas for it to but since my writing is crap and adhd makes it hard for me the make anything long I decided to try and make a one shot crossover and would like input/feedback on this idea.
(warning wall of text inbound:twilightoops:)

First thing unlike most tcb stories this takes place in the year 1999 , August the 11th 1999 to exact. Why that date you ask? Well Castlevania lore states that the Demon Castle war(the last fight between Dracula and the Belmont clan) took place in the year 1999 and during the battle Castlevania was inside a solar eclipse. As it turns out there actually was a full solar eclipse in Romania on August 11th 1999.

Anyway the story starts on that date as it is the day that Celestia has chosen to make into a holiday to celebrate both the conversion of the last human and Equestria's new dominance over the earth.

As the princess is about to give her victory speech darkness engulfs the land. At first Celestia thinks is just a prank on Luna's part but but her sister is no where to be found. After some time passes and the eclipse continues to remain stagnate a since of panic spreads throughout Equestria.

The royal guard tries their best to keep order but many of full blood equestrians panic thinking that night moon has returned.

Of course the realty is far worse then they imaged, indeed Luna has returned as Nightmare Moon but she is no longer her self.

Nightmare Moon appears in Canterlot along side a cloaked figer, his eyes glow blood red and a scythe rest upon his back.

Both send there greeting to the Princess on behalf on the master Lord Dracula. Death then bids that they enter Celestia's throne room.

The priness relunctly complys with death's wish. As they make there through Canterlot castle the air gets colder and clorder, light becomes dimmer and the castlegrows more silent with each step they take.

When they reach the out side the throne room a horrable smell over takes Celetia hesateing for a second she opens the door to her throne. The source of the smell is quickly discovered as Celestia realises the room is covered in blood.

The sceaterd peaices of personal garud are spryed all over and in there place stands humenoid shaped suits of armor. She look a her throne and sees a man sitting in it. The King of night himself has entered Equestria.

Dracula is drinking a crimson liquid in wine glass as the princess approaches him.

Taking a drink he says something along the lines "Even though his form is changed the blood of Belmont is just as exquisite as I dreamed it would be."

The princess looks down to side of throne and a pony laying there dead. She recognizes it as the last of the new foals who once the a human by the name of Julius Belmont. His body is a now a withered husk with no eyes and no blood to speak of. Dracula then turns to the Princess and they engage in a back and forth conversation in which Dracula both thanks the princess for helping in the removal of the Belmont clan and congratulates her on the extermination of mankind. After both had said the peace about there shred opinion on humanity Dracula gives Celestia a message. Either she bows down to him and call him master as her sister has or his army of demons, zombies, ect will slaughter all of Equestria.

And i'm not sure where to go from there but this is just a ruff(and very messy) draft of my idea.

So what do you think I welcome any ideas, comments, or Critiques you may may have for it.

Also i apologize for the wall of text.

Ok, I have a new Idea:

A few months ago Equestria shows up to the south of India. After introducing themselfs to us they say that humanity is too violent and all that crap and propose that we should convert, this idea is seem with hostility by many countries of the world and after trying to force conversion on the nations around them a global task force is assemble and invades Equestria taking down their goverment. This would be the story of what would happend after the war is over and how the ponies would adapt to both the end of their monarchy and to the ocupation forces.

2018 -- armacham notices that a geo-centric solar system has appeared at the edge of sol system

2018 --march-- a message is received by armacham to be business partners with an alien species on the new planet

2019--- portals have been created all over earth and Equestria the armacham pony business partnership

June of 2019 ---- armacham with the help of Equestria's brightest unicorn minds finishes creation of "P.O.T.I.O.N."

Source universe
take it from there!!!


These eyes only see death not as it is.....BUT AS IT WILL BE!!!!!

I found an old idea.

First Contact scenario where the conversion idea is suggested by a particularly speciesist noble and Celestia's response is: "Never bring this up again." The other nobles also proceed to shout him down.

Standard First Contact shenanigans ensue... At least until, said noble decides to actually go ahead with his fellow xenocidal speciesists.

Hmm. Maybe I'll work it into the sequel for A Dark in the Light...

after the *clears throat* part i read that in the voice of that famous movie trailer narrator

I Am Alive inspired TCB

First came the disasters, then the bureaus, then the war. Three big fuck-off bitch slaps to humanity. It’s been about four years since the first quakes started; I don’t think anyone knows what caused them. They wreaked havoc on towns and cities; government response was slow due to them having their own issues. We had welcomed the realm of Equestria when they showed up. They had offered relief in the form of conversion bureaus. If you became an Equestrian citizen, you received all the benefits a born Equestrian would. Public support for the program was high, and governments could ease the strain on themselves with fewer citizens.

After a year or so willing converts began to diminish, the bureaus closed, and Equestria made its hostile intentions clear.They were going to make a move other countries hadn't. Anexation.

I’ve seen all sorts of groups since then. Humans moving west, ponies moving east. Soldiers of both sides staying by their last orders, to fight. I’ve seen gangs form, some mixed species others not.

The world has gone to hell, but for now, I am alive

I put the camcorder on the hood of a derelict car, after pushing a few buttons it started to record.

“Test. Test.” I spoke out not sure if the sound was working, I went on anyway. “This a little awkward for me, but if you’re watching this I’m either converted or…” I closed my eyes and let out a short sigh. “Anyway. If you could deliver this message to my home in Haventown, 27 Harbour street. If no one is there, keep this and learn from whatever mistake I made.”

I scooped the camera up into my hand and walked to my backpack. Some of its contents were emptied out.

“This is…Pretty much my life. My backpack,” It was a simple brown thing with two compartments an two pockets on the sides. “A climbing harness,” I am a, was a hobbyist climber. These days it was more of a survival skill. “Flashlight, couple of batteries, bottled water, canned food and a pistol. I’ve never even fired a gun before, ‘sides it’s not loaded so…” I began to return the objects to the pack.

“I’m within city limits now, a few hours to fly out, a few years to walk back. I know I’m probably crazy, but I can’t shake the feeling I’ll find you here. “ I pressed my hands together as if in prayer. “I hope I do. Julie, without you and Mary, none of this makes any sense. Well, sitting here doesn’t get me any closer to you.”

So what do you think of the concept? I already have multiple writting projects in progress, so I wouldn't be able to get anything out quickly. It does mean though that when I get around to writting I've got the right mood for a fic.

Hmm... a crossover idea with the show Merlin...
How well would those conversion bureaus go if the world hated them from the start?
You can bet the magic practitioners are going to know there's a cost to the conversion, as with all magic, and avoid it like the plague.
The non-magic users? In a kingdom where having magic is a death sentence?

Hey guys, I am new here and I have a stupid idea: human forces fighting for Celestia by capturing any HLF members, and the human forces were deemed "the human forces fighting for Equestria".

926718, hmm. Sounds a lot like The Other Side of the Spectrum.

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