RariJack 1,949 members · 538 stories
Comments ( 152 )
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Group Admin


Bonus points if those biscuits and gravy are on top of a chicken fried steak.

Merc the Jerk
Group Admin

If I wasn't cooking dinner right now, I'm pretty sure my stomach would atrophy away. God that sound delicious.

Yeah, this got in my head as well while I took a shower.

God damn it, if the first fanfic I actually finish for this site is based around a breakfast food I'm going to hurt someone.

Even if the very first fanfic I read in the batch of fanfics that actually kept me on this site was a story called Applejack Eats a Peach. It wasn't a peach, but the various complaints about how the story wasn't about Applejack eating a peach made me look for other trollfics, which lead me into normal fanfics.

Merc the Jerk
Group Admin

What's even better is that I could easily link it to my main Rarijack story, so maybe I'll get even more traffic to my ongoing baby. Feelin' fat and sassy. :raritywink:

Group Admin


...I read that as 'commence mindfucking.'

1373340 Flirted? They're the only two of the mane six to have slept together on the show!

and with that, I bid you adieu, as those who know me knew I would.

Where do you get those emotes anyway?

Tch~ Nothing happened.

Because Applejack's hooves were muddy.

If only they had been clean.

Hmm, it doesn't seem to work for me.

I guess I could just copy the image location and...

1383541 The script itself won't work unless you have GreaseMonkey (Firefox) or TamperMonkey (Chrome) installed. If you use IE, you need a new browser anyway.

After you have the proper extension installed, you can download Krazy's script and install it through whichever monkeying plugin you're using.

I tried that.

1383714 Chrome or Firefox?


I just tried it from scratch and it worked fine, but other people have had problems on Firefox. Does it not do anything at all, or do you get the buttons (FF, A, B, C, etc) and they just don't do anything when clicked?

They'll also only show up (except for the FF button) on group threads since images get hidden elsewhere.

Well, Crêpes is now fully written, at 18,652 words. I shall likely go over it tommorrow, have some folks read it over, then post it. And thus my journey into being a terrible brony shall be complete.

I wasn't really expecting it to end up quite so long; was expecting 8-10k words, not twice that, though once I hit the 12k mark I had a better feel for how long it was going to end up being.

Not sure how I'm going to break it up; I'll probably chop it up into chapters by scene, which would put it at 5 chapters with fairly natural breaks.

So yay, RariJack activity. Now if only someone took up the prompt tag again.

PS. This story is all your fault for this darned discussion of breakfast foods. You know who you are.

You're right, this is Bats's fault. And I said if the first fanfic I finished for this site was about breakfast food, I would hurt someone.

*pops knuckles*


Thanks for giving me this idea.

Group Admin


When it comes to fanfiction, inspiration is always just crepeing around every corner.


Group Admin


Any news from the front lines?

I'm having Crêpes looked over by a few people; it is all done and up on the site, but it hasn't been published yet. If you'd be interested in looking it over before it is published, I can give you the password; otherwise it will probably be up whenever it is published and someone has had time to read through it.

Incidentally, have any of you ever had experience with dialogue written in a second language on this site? There's a fair bit of French in the first chapter's dialogue (yay, all those years of learning French didn't go to waste). Do the prereaders mind such things? Ever had any trouble with it?

Group Admin


So long as you don't need to know French to follow the story, you're golden. That's a teensy bit subjective, so you might encounter some problems, but if the narration is all in English, and the French dialogue is either minor, or telegraphed in such a way that you can follow along without knowing the exact meaning, you shouldn't have any problems. The only thing the site's really looking out for is something written close to entirely in a different language.

Fair enough. What they're saying is pretty clear from the context and later events, and it is mostly just about ordering food.

Group Admin


I'd be very surprised if you run into any problems getting that approved.

I'm new here; are crepes a running joke or something?

Only if other people start writing stories that involve them. Though Merc mentioned he might.

Really it takes three to be a running joke.

A'ight, then. Challenge accepted.
brb going to prompt tag thread

Group Admin


The crepe thing started here with me being a breakfast contrarian. It...yeah, that's basically it.


Now, to await the vore fanart of a giant Rarity eating an Applejack filled crepe.

Group Admin


Don't type that out, the walls have ears and it'll actually happen now!

Merc the Jerk
Group Admin

Nice work, bro. Expect an upboat by me for you. As for:

Though Merc mentioned he might

I've got like maybe 300 words on it. Depending on how much yours kicks my metaphorical ass, I might concede and do a different one-shot to fit in with the 2kewl kidz over at RariJacks.

Boner, stop. What if your waifu finds out?

Hello, fellow RariJack lovers! I'm new to the party so I'm just going to sit here and be a derp. :pinkiecrazy:

Oh, and crepes. :coolphoto:

Well, per the recommendation of one of my friends who I had read over the story, I'm rewriting about two-thirds of the final chapter of the story. Apparently I managed to really lose Rarity's voice there, and it really wrecked pretty much the entire scene after they left the farmhouse. Ah well, that's why I have people look stuff over before I submit it.


It took a day longer than I expected, but I finally finished the rewrite of the final chapter of Crêpes. It added a good 2,000 words to the total length, but hey, it was (hopefully) worth it and I prefer the rewritten chapter.

Anyway, it is up now! I hope you folks all enjoy it. Any feedback would be appreciated.

It can be found here.

Merc the Jerk
Group Admin

I would have staggered the release of the chapters meself, to draw more people in, but awesome job either way. I'll try to get some time for a legit critique in a bit, mate.

What is the advantage of staggering out the release of chapters, exactly? Does it help you stay on the front page longer or something? Or is it just "Yay, I released more of this!" for the upteenth time and every one of them gets more people to notice it and read it?

I really know little of such things.

For one thing, it helps us people with ADD focus enough to read it. If it's long, it goes into my read later list and may or may not ever get read.

I guess that makes sense. I guess I think in terms of myself, where I sit down and just read... and read... and read...

Merc the Jerk
Group Admin

He hit the hammer on the nail:
Longer blocks of test are far harder to swallow than just small snippets to most people. Baiting people along nets you far more viewers in the long run. It's why I tend to put out chapters on my Rarijack in 5k snippets at a time: Any more at once and people tend to ignore it, sadly.

Group Admin


One of the biggest reasons a reader weighing time investment versus available data. A factor for many people when reading is word count. Being asked to invest in a story without ratings that's 2k words long is much less of a commitment than one that's 20k, and some readers will balk at something that's several chapters long with barely any votes. Some situations make things worse, in that a writer with a big heap of followers might be able to get away with that more easily than a first time writer, since that's an element of weighable data; a follower might see all those words and just say "I like this dude, I'll at least read the first chapter right now, even if the whole thing is rather long."

A lot has to do with the general sort of 'bite-sized bits of entertainment' crowd that populates the site. A single short chapter will draw more generalized curiosity for immediate consumption, while a completed multi-chapter will draw more RL interest. And when it comes to going for exposure (which, since we're putting these things online to be read should be given some consideration), the former audience is more desirable at the initial release than the latter.

That makes perfect sense.

Next time I write something long (and let's face it, if you've looked at my projects blog post, they're almost all long) I will definitely stagger out the release (much to the frustration of the folks who just want to read the whole thing I'm sure, given that I doubt I'll post anything chapter-wise the way a lot of folks here seem to; I think of stories as completed units, I suppose).

Incidentally, what is a fairly optimal "stagger" for such things? Or do you know? Is it better to release, say, a chapter a day? Every three days? A week?

Group Admin


Depends on a number of factors. Here are my general thoughts on it:

If a story is under 20k words and doesn't have reasonable places to make chapter breaks, I'd release it as a single-chapter one-shot. If it does have places to break it that make sense, I'd post it the same as a longer story (covered lower).

If a story is 20-30k and doesn't have reasonable breaks, I split it roughly into 5k chunks and post two chapters one day, two the next, etc. until it's all the way online. If it does have reasonable breaks, longer.

30k+ stories SHOULD be able to be broken into chapters that are satisfying. If not, you're doing something wrong (:derpytongue2:). So for chaptered things, I usually post 2 chapters for the initial release, then update once or twice a week. If it's finished or close to finished in drafting, I'd recommend twice a week, something like Monday and Thursday. While this means making faster readers wait, it's not a tremendous wait and it's tempered by the knowledge that an update is coming on a set schedule, while at the same time giving slower readers/readers with restricted time available to read/new readers a chance to stay caught up and not overwhelmed to the point of it defeating the purpose of not releasing all at once.

Honestly even something being 20,000 words long and not being possible to break up into chapters seems awfully long. I mean, it is possible, but that seems... really long for a single unbroken thought.

I appreciate the advice! Thank you.

Group Admin


Generally speaking, no, 20-30k should be able to be split up into chapters without much of a problem. But novellas traditionally are not divided into chapters at all, and are simply presented with scene breaks. For my own writing, I try to have a satisfying arc of story within a single chapter, so having one be a single scene is often not enough for me to consider it a satisfying chapter (this isn't always the case, my story Spellbound Fireflies has a few chapters that have only one scene. Those scenes tend to be 4k+ words long, though), so when I'm dividing chapters up I'm looking for readability and satisfaction for a reader in that single chapter as well as the overall story's readability and satisfaction.

Some novellas, though, simply aren't structured to where they have satisfying denouments between scenes. Everything just leads directly to the next scene and it's not designed to be 'stopped' anywhere, not even with a cliffhanger. It's a bit difficult to write a story like that that's any longer than 30k words, but when you get close to 20k you have to start weighing viewership issues against story presentation issues. Thus, for those stories, it's less breaking it into chapters as it is breaking it into parts.

Merc the Jerk
Group Admin

Man... dead for 2 days? I will not stand for this. Bumping. Any of y'all gamers?

I mod the original doom, does that count?

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