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This article is devoted to tracking the ridiculous amount of copies I made of myself using the mirror pond.

It will also help track some of the other voices.

(Quick note/ Disclaimer: i take no credit for the drawing of any of these images. I make they are made by others, who can draw. i cannot draw. These are not mine. Thank you. Please let me know if I need to post links to their sources in the descriptions, and I will do so as soon as I see the note.)

Original Lolk
This is the first Lolk. This one cares about his friends and isn't involved in Burnout's plans. He has no control over the Storm Tide army.

This might work. We'll see.

Comment posted by Lorthalis of Crows deleted Oct 15th, 2013

Lolk 4
This is the Lolk that was pushed out of the ship by Burnout. Is utterly consumed by revenge, and will keep him from every truly winning.

Lolk 309
This Lolk manipulates events to keep the story moving and anyone's OC from dying.

Lolks 42-49
These Lolks utterly hate Sigma and Dark, and will attack him when ever they can, withdrawing before he can kill them. All though sometimes the motives of these eight is a little unclear, as is the rest of the Lolks' motives.

Lolk 6
Until I decide what to do with him, this Lolk will harass the group with hit-and-run attacks.

Lolk 7
This Lolk basically trolls the party.

Why does he remind me of Scar from The Lion King?

1732049 (What about Lolk 289 or something?

Lolk''s childhood friend. Along with Eris and Aqua, the make up the herd.

Lolk's other childhood friend from his time in the Dark Tide army and the Crystal Empire prison.

(I was wondering what Eris looked like, yet I was too lazy to look it up.)

Comment posted by Lorthalis of Crows deleted Sep 21st, 2013
Comment posted by Lorthalis of Crows deleted Oct 15th, 2013

(Extremely. Reminds me of the mad hatter.)

An enigma, the only Lolk not under burnout's control besides the original and #4. Talks to burnout, answers questions in riddles often as not. The doctor crossed with the Cheshire cat.

The AI (Greystorm
Unit Gr4y-5t02m, or Greystorm, is a fragment of Lolk's personality, not a clone. He is made of an alloy of Flux mental, orichulum, adamantium, and Quicksilver( Mercury).

He is capable of shapshifting (Think terminator and transformers), his primary form being a ship/cormorant form. Acts as a transwarp stealth ship. In terms of magic, Greystorm has a lot of Necromancy based abilities, such as zombies and life drain. Because of the orichulum, his body conducts and amplifies magic extremely well. To use the unicorn scale, it would bump a beta level up to an alpha plus.

(Side note: Currently has a soul link with Snowy, at least in the fall of empires spinoff. This was to prevent it's core personality from being corrupted by Necromatic power.)

(Arrogance/Common sense.)

Comment posted by Lorthalis of Crows deleted Oct 6th, 2013
Comment posted by Lorthalis of Crows deleted Oct 8th, 2013

(Name is latin for trickster, Plotter)
The AI aboard Standoff, a defense oriented ancient alicorn ship, almost identical to the Axis.
Trico tends to tends to speak like a butler or stage magician.
Is very skilled at dimension jumping and conjuration in general.

(Along with Greystorm, Vis, Draco, and Artemis, Trico makes up the Nexus AI, a fragment of Lolk's personality. the Nexus is a space cruiser AI, and very powerful one. Each fragment runs a separate portion of ship control. Trico has a limited version of Entropy's knowledge of multiverse, allowing him to teleport using ways unknown by most.)


Artemis' powers are a mix of crystal magic and sonics. Artemis controls the power distribution, and is the least maddened of the AI's. Artemis is capable of breaking into several hundred high speed crystals that ricochet off surfaces. He can move this 'shredder cloud' around, but doesn't work very well outside, as the crystals fly of into the sky.

(Artemis is patience/Ethics.)

I must say, you have quite the interesting Original Characters under your control. Will any more than just Graystorm, Artemis, and Trico appear?
[So I heard you like transformers ay?:rainbowwild:]

You have yet to meet Vis, Draco, and falx.(<---Forunner)

(Thank you. I'm very proud of my OC's.)

Because this will come up, the biggest weakness any of the Lolk's has is music. Not classical, concert music, but folk dancing music. Think lindsey stirling.

Dishonesty/ logic
This is the changeling AI fragment.
Runs security systems.

Madness/Lust for Power.
Chandelier AI fragment.
Shield systems.
Tesla coils. Gravity control.

General Lust/ Fairness
Life support

Vinea: Female.
Draco: Male
Weapon smugglers.
Can create bioweapons.
Fey powers.

Lolk [Dawn's Reprieve]
Lolk is a crossbreed of a demon and a Protean. A contract demon Keketar Lord to be exact.

Keketars are the ruling class of the Proteans [pro - {dee/tee}- in]. The proteans bring reality back to blissful, shapeless, chaos. Especially this Keketar king, at least until he met Entropy. Entropy explained Change, which this lord found better than the shapeless chaos he had dealt in previously. So, the Keketar left his fellows, and traveled the planes. During his travels, he met a contract demon, unsual among her kind, as most contract demons appered male. The fell in love, stuff happened, and then Lolk.

Like his father, Lolk can warp reality very easily, dissolving entire cities into shapeless chaos with his song. Or, he should be able to. In fact, Lolk is incapable of creating shapeless reality. His powers allow him to "cordon off" sections of the dimension, and make them his own with seamless transfers back an forth to the original plane they came from. But he has to fill them with something, because he simply can't leave things blank and shapeless. Which means he can only hold them as long as his creativity holds up. So, when he's drained his creativity and fogged his memories to the point of turning gray, the plane collapses, and Lolk goes into something similar to a coma. He needs to be placed in an area with new experiences to regain his creativity, and thereby his memories. Until then, he'll operate without however many memories he fogged over, which is about 1 year of fog per second spent maintaining the plane.

Comment posted by Avenci deleted Dec 19th, 2013

I can't believe you actually made that joke. All the faceooves.

Comment posted by Avenci deleted Dec 19th, 2013
Comment posted by Avenci deleted Dec 19th, 2013

I have plenty of comedic taste!

Comment posted by Avenci deleted Dec 19th, 2013
Comment posted by Avenci deleted Dec 19th, 2013
Comment posted by Avenci deleted Dec 19th, 2013
Comment posted by Avenci deleted Dec 19th, 2013

Mirror pond. I needed lots of me's to man the giant, unending TARDIS fleet I made.

Comment posted by Avenci deleted Dec 19th, 2013

Yes, fully armed TARDIS fleet. The infinite fleet.

Comment posted by Avenci deleted Dec 19th, 2013
Comment posted by Avenci deleted Dec 19th, 2013
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