
Viewing 181 - 195 of 195 results

July Monthly Schedule / Very Bad News / I'm In Debt / One Commission Finished and One Commission Canceled · 7:11pm Jul 1st, 2020

First off welcome to the month of my birthday. I'm glad to see everyone has made it halfway through this harsh year. Hard times are on all sides as we enter the halfway point and I am hard press to say I am among those few hitting it hard. Due to a harsh storm last week I was without power for some time. However, it wasn't until that power returned did I see all the damage. Much needed to be fixed and the previous cost needed to be slashed, henceforth one of my commissions needed to be dropped.

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Cancel Blood Curse Boutique 2? · 2:51pm Feb 19th, 2016

That's the question that I'm having over the past few weeks already. Ever since I began writing it, I had that question. That question of if I wanted to write a sequel to it. A question that takes way too much of my time and I evade with every ounce of my body. I've made an entire story in the past three weeks (which was supposed to be a side project) just to not work on BCB 2.

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Possible Cancellation · 4:45am Feb 24th, 2018

I see little to no point in continuing My Brother's Keeper, and I don't think it's because it's not doing well.

I just don't like it.

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Why I have not been writing · 8:44am Jul 30th, 2021

Hello all,

Yes, I’m alive, you know the drill… But why have I been almost completely absent since I started working on “Silent Love : Part 2” ?

I have something to tell ya’ll : I’ve made a mistake. Do not worry, I have not angered any mafioso and am not currently in hiding to escape certain death. Yet.

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Why cancel the SCP story? · 1:41pm Sep 10th, 2019

There are a few reasons why i cancelled it, here are all the reasons:

-Ran out of ideas for the story
-Stupid story
-No way i could have finished it before MLP:FIM ends so i cancelled it.

If you are wondering what my plans for the future of the story was, here were my ideas, in order of when they would have happened if i would have completed the story:

-Scootaloo views SCP-096's face
-Scootaloo runs
-SCP-096 Kills Scootaloo

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the higher ups despise us, the D&D community, and see us only as an "obstacle to their money". · 7:07pm Jan 12th, 2023


Light Pollution Epilogue Coming Your Way! · 9:43pm May 24th, 2018

Those of you who've stuck with me long enough know that this series was one of my hardest-to-work-with yet. I kinda underestimated how hard a full slice-of-life series would be, and yet here we are! Almost two years after the fact, and I'm finally about to finish a 14-part story. If you haven't already, please feel free to check it out now that it's completed!

Full commentary on the series and how it went is just hours away!


East Horse... Good??? · 8:21pm Jun 27th, 2020

Art by by NaderbD

Marsupials likely have questions.

I might have some answers.

So, without further ado...

1. Yes. It's back.

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I just had a dream so intense that I need to write it down..... · 9:27pm March 31st

Did you ever have a dream that was so intense that you thought it was real and everything you saw actually happened?

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Read It Later Reviews #26 – All the Bitter Remains, Have a Safe Trip, Twilight, Gateway to Happiness, Let Them Eat Cake, The Cancellation of Prince Blueblood · 12:52am Aug 15th, 2015

The week has come and gone, but how could I let it end without another set of reviews?

Today’s stories:

All the Bitter Remains by Arcelia
Have a Safe Trip, Twilight by Arguing Pizza
Gateway to Happiness by Spacecowboy
Let Them Eat Cake by Ogopogo
The Cancellation of Prince Blueblood by Georg

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Dear Princess Celestia · 8:28pm Jun 10th, 2015

Today I learned that some people won't accept you if you don't like skittles. I also learned that getting slapped in the face with a bag of skittles repeatedly hurts.


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I have very sad news about MLP FIM · 1:16am Feb 17th, 2019

I have very sad news. It is confirmed that Season 9 will be the last season of G4 MLP FIM. That's right, Hasbro is going to kill G4 MLP FIM at the end of this year.

And it is also confirmed that there will be a new MLP movie coming in the year 2021 and it would most likely be a G5 MLP movie since it will not be a sequel to My Little Pony: The Movie 2017.

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Sliding on the Edge between Tomorrow and Uncertainty..... unfortunately, I lean more towards uncertainty right now. · 11:22am Jun 5th, 2020

So..... I am not sure how to start this blog entry, because this is hard..... While I also don't want to make it too dramatic (I technically did this in a private conversation already and that didn't bring good things), because nothing here is lost forever. So, what are the right words to say this?
"My Little Pony: Guardians of Crystal Growth" is..... cancelled? No, that's too harsh of a word choice, cause it's only half-true.

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The Results Concerning "Grief" and the Editing Thereof · 5:24pm Mar 17th, 2020

About a week ago, I posted a blog seeking to survey you all about how much interest there was in seeing a "final edit" of "Grief is the Price We Pay." It was my hope that, once I tallied up all the responses, it would definitely decide whether or not there was enough cause for me to continue with the project.

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what the fuck it's my fimversary · 10:33am Mar 25th, 2020

why is that even still in my calendar

feel free to leave questions ig? i'm likely gonna be super bored later [unless some stuff happens idk] so i'll prob pop on again and answer them [i'd also be down to just like, conversing or smth]

also like
what are we feeling for what to do while i'm here all day in May? i have no plans it some times it feels like it's coming fast haha

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Viewing 181 - 195 of 195 results