
Viewing 221 - 240 of 249 results

Who would be interested if I opened groups for each of my story universes? · 2:46am Apr 19th, 2018

'Cause if I did, there'd be:

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How 'bout a good ol' roast session of my oldest fic? · 12:25am Apr 18th, 2018

Hey y'all, you liking how Pony-Me is going? Don't like how my recent string of tests, quizzes, and randomly getting sick for half a day has slowed the thing down to roughly an update every 1-2 weeks? Well, why not pass the time by roasting an ol' fic of mine?

Go ahead and leave as many scathing remarks as you'd like. Past me would certainly care, but now? Given how long ago I've since given up on that thing, I couldn't possibly care less. :rainbowwild:

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Ending #1 out of 3 is coming soon... · 7:22am Apr 8th, 2018

Going by my current plans, the chapter that directly follows the next chapter of Pony-Me will be the first of three possible endings. This first ending will then be split from the main story timeline as an alternate plot sequence, while the story itself continues on. The same will happen to the second ending, while the third (and probably final) ending will be considered fully-canon to the story.

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Prepare for another dream sequence! · 3:12am Mar 14th, 2018

We're gonna steamroll right into the next story arc with a nice dream sequence, y'all!

Don't forget, guest chapters are still open for anybody! :pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

Report TheMajorTechie · 255 views · #pony-me

I just realized something. · 9:33pm Mar 11th, 2018

I'm running out of ideas for Pony-Me chapter names. I might either have to drop the underlying narrative told through chapter titles or figure out what the rest of the secret story would be about.

Report TheMajorTechie · 328 views · #pony-me #whoops

Regular Pony-Me updates to continue soon. · 6:42am Mar 6th, 2018

Currently, the next chapter stands at roughly 570 words, with more to come. I'm not gonna spoil anything, but I'll just say that it may or may not bring more focus to a certain question that has been asked in the previous guest chapter...

Report TheMajorTechie · 335 views · #new chapter

150 followers! · 3:38am Feb 28th, 2018

And I'll leave the ability to submit guest chapters to not just Pony-Me, but any of my stories to y'all! ^_^

*Disclaimer*: It's not gonna be unlimited guest chapters for all though. First come, first serve, and a limit of 10 total guest chapters across all fics before I stop accepting guest chapters. :P


The latest chapter of Pony-Me has been edited to clear up some confusion. · 4:32pm Feb 26th, 2018

Based off of a comment I received on a blog post, I've modified the latest chapter of Pony-Me to distance the story from the probably-overused Friendship is Optimal trope. I didn't intend to steer the story in that direction at all, nor did I want to turn away readers with the mention of certain elements of FiO. I was originally planning on further elaborating on the backstories with a follow-up chapter that

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The latest chapter of Pony-Me has been edited to clear up some confusion. · 4:31pm Feb 26th, 2018

Based off of a comment I received on a blog post, I've modified the latest chapter of Pony-Me to distance the story from the probably-overused Friendship is Optimal trope. I didn't intend to steer the story in that direction at all, nor did I want to turn away readers with the mention of certain elements of FiO. I was originally planning on further elaborating on the backstories with a follow-up chapter that

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So that happened. · 8:07am Feb 26th, 2018

I finally got the time to do my usual late-night writing, and what happens? I refresh the stats page, and somebody turned their like into a dislike, and untracked the story. Not bashing on them or anything, but helpful criticism is a lot better than just leaving me to try and figure out what went wrong after seeing a downvote materialize. :P

Report TheMajorTechie · 393 views · #pony-me

Looking for some better cover art to commission for Pony-Me. · 11:32pm Feb 24th, 2018

'Cause seriously. Stock images were enough back when this was supposed to be a one-shot, but I think the story deserves more at this point. I don't have any way to pay, nor do I really have the money to, but I can instead write a commissioned story in return for a more scenic cover art for the story.

You can either reply right here, or PM me for more info.


Welp. · 12:00am Feb 20th, 2018

>TFW a trollfic you wrote for the sole purpose of messing with people is featured for far longer than your own flagship.

Yes, I'm talking about that Internet Explorer trollfic that I posted under an alt. :trollestia:


Anybody up for writing guest chapters for Pony-Me? · 5:56am Feb 18th, 2018

Yup, you heard me. Y'all could be writin' some of your own takes on the Pony-Me lore. Could it include high-tech implants? Sure. Perhaps a devious puppet government? Why not? New characters and OC's? Go ahead. A city of your own creation populated with yet another disconnected population? Yup. Artificial intelligence beyond imagination? Why not add a twist to it along the way?

Aaaaanyhow, there's more below the break. :pinkiehappy:

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Netflix binging! · 8:11am Feb 13th, 2018

Yeah, yeah. I should probably get back to my usual nightly updates, but with how far I've been pushing myself to go when it comes to robotics, even to the point of which I've slipped from A's to B's in certain classes, I think that watching some shows on Netflix is a good way to spend a bit of off-time.

Besides, even with how limited it is, the Surface RT I got runs silently for obvious reasons, and has an up-to-date Netflix app still available.

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On the topic of an original Pony-Me spinoff story · 3:05am Feb 2nd, 2018

Would you like for it to instead be a sidestory taking place in the same universe? I still have exactly one unnamed side character in the same volunteer group as Lisa Garnet, and I could probably fit in a nice backstory to make up for how Pony-Me builds off of MLP rather than setting things up itself.

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Report TheMajorTechie · 353 views · #pony-me

Hmm... · 5:29am Jan 31st, 2018

I'm getting darn mighty close to 150 followers, but I highly doubt that I'll have the time to write a 150-follower special... and even if I did, it wouldn't be the the same as the insanity-filled specials I've written before. Either way, how about I try something different?

How about Guest Chapters for any story of your choosing?


On the topic of Original Fiction · 11:43pm Jan 24th, 2018

Should I try writing it? The last time I tried writing entirely original fiction was before I even started writing fanfics. I originally started publishing fics here for practice when the time came around for trying again.

Now, with how well Pony-Me has been doing, I've been feeling pretty confident that I could type out a decent original fic based on the same premise.

Should I try again after failing years ago?


Next Pony-Me chapter coming soon! · 8:25am Jan 16th, 2018

It's another dream sequence, but this time riddled with foreshadowing for what's to come.

It won't go up just yet though. I've found myself in the habit of doing the bulk of the writing late at night (Between 12: and 1:30 AM), and then doing the editing after school later on.

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Holy crap. · 7:27am Jan 11th, 2018

Midnight update made Pony-MeTM featured.

At midnight.

I literally wrote half that chapter in bed on my tablet.

Holy crap, this is the last thing I expected.

Report TheMajorTechie · 249 views · #featured #story

I just realized something. · 6:41am Jan 10th, 2018

Pony-MeTM is story #392929.

Wow, ain't that somethin'. :rainbowderp:

Viewing 221 - 240 of 249 results