
Viewing 261 - 272 of 272 results

How to Catch a Fluttershy - why there wasn't any stakes or a bet involved - reasons explained · 8:30pm Jul 2nd, 2020

There are no bets, no consequences of winning or losing - only fun and companionship.

Nothing is better than having a good laugh with a best friend over a well-played prank. Are we all in agreement?

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Okay... · 4:04pm Nov 12th, 2015

So if I'm snarky/rude or giddy/slap-happy, I purely blame my lack of sleep last night. And the night before. And the night before that. And so on. I... am a light sleeper. If I hear-a-loud-noise/feel-something/see-a-bright-light, I will likely wake up. It also takes an hour or so of staying still to get to sleep... Blegh, it doesn't help when a certain someone I will not name decides to watch a movie/tv at normal volume.


Story Updates · 1:47am Mar 12th, 2016

Hello ponies! I missed uploading a chapter of anything yesterday because I was having trouble with the flow of the scenes for Frozen Shadows and since I have two ongoing stories and teased a new one in my blog last week here, I'm gonna put them in an easier to comprehend update here with the order of priority on my list:

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So what does Nyx look like anyways? · 12:08am Mar 19th, 2016

I had an hour this morning before work to do some writing. I could get something done in that small space of time, yeah. Then my stomach had to go and get nauseated so I can't even get breakfast down, let alone write. Yeah, thanks stomach for that. Thanks a heap.

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UniqueSKD TRIES to get back into writing, decides to do new chapter to Earning Their Trust. · 1:32am Aug 3rd, 2017

Thorax stepped out of his new room, his best smile on his face. However, no sooner had he stepped through the door did his hoof slip on something soft, and he found himself getting close and personal with the hard wooden flooring, face first and with a loud thud. He groaned as he lifted his head, a slight daze enveloping his mind. There were sounds of muffled childish giggles close by. Shaking his head as he stood back up on to all fours, Thorax turned to his side and was met with the

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i swear i'm not just working on this · 9:29pm Aug 2nd, 2017


Chapter Notes: Shelby (Destination Unknown) · 2:11am Dec 24th, 2021

From riding in the cab of a DPU to accidentally boarding a local train that’s picking up grain cars at each elevator it passes . . . at least it’s picking up; if it was dropping off, Sweetsong might find herself stranded in the middle of Big Sky Country.


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dear fucking tumblr · 3:08pm Sep 11th, 2018

πŸ‘ stop πŸ‘ recommending πŸ‘ me πŸ‘ chariakko πŸ‘ art πŸ‘
πŸ‘ I πŸ‘ do πŸ‘ not πŸ‘ like πŸ‘ or πŸ‘ support πŸ‘ that πŸ‘ kind πŸ‘ of πŸ‘ thing πŸ‘


tl;dr - Hillary can go choke to death on Kissinger's cock · 8:33am Nov 7th, 2016

I'll spare you the wall of text by linking you a google doc that has said wall of text.

But basically it's unbelievable that after this whole year of being desensitized to this circus parade of a presidential election, this is what fucking sends me reeling. Unforgivable.

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meow · 2:52am Jun 17th, 2022

ok so i know i said i wasnt gonna blog anymore but this has to be said

im so sorry to all my friends whom ive unfollowed and then followed again and then unfollowed and then followed again. I feel like such an asshole lmfao. i wont do it again.

if i do just know that its one of seph's manic cleaning sprees.

I just realised how hard im condemning myself.

edit; my life is also miserable when i cant complain to the silent crowd</3


*chants* RAR-I-TY RAR-I-TY · 1:04am Jan 24th, 2016


why have friends · 1:06am Mar 26th, 2016

when u can watch criminal minds and finally get more of your art hw done

oh yeah and model UN was p fun today
i saw one of my friends from last conference

but WHO was poorly run (again)
and palestine insulted france's working paper
he called france's paper (that i, australia, was a sponsor on) "illegitimate" so france was "oh so are you calling my paper a b*stard paper" and palestine was all "well yeah"

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Viewing 261 - 272 of 272 results