
Viewing 321 - 340 of 349 results

Story Idea: Starlight · 2:39am Jun 7th, 2018


Looking for a story to make into a game !! · 12:23am Aug 12th, 2015

Right ... Hopefully that gets your attention =3

I've been looking into RPG maker VX Ace for a while now and finally got it and surprisingly its simple to use, alot easier than RPG Maker XP too which i messed about religiously on while I was in secondary school so I'm not new to using it at all (though I'm more a in-engine editor, not the code or graphical side tho i do dabble :derpytongue2:)

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Question: Siren Farm · 7:58pm Jun 23rd, 2018

So, I've played several of the old Harvest Moon games, and not too long ago was able to buy Stardew Valley. Between that and working on Multiple Sunsets, I got an idea: a crossover where one of the sirens ends up with a farm, and has multiple possible romantic partners.

It's not a definite thing. Just a thought. However, while I am thinking of it, I am curious.

Which of the sirens would you want to see as the main character?


I made this story prologue of diavolo · 7:25pm Feb 26th, 2019

It begins, the darkness is moving again and soon.. my death. I lost count how many times I Died but I think it was hundred?, thousand? or more?. I don't remember anymore

...All I just want is this death loop to stop...

it begins, the darkness is move again and soon... the light. how am I going to die again? am I going to shot to death, Buried alive, Decapitation, Drowning, have something Falling on to me like a piano or a goddamn steamroller!?

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human turn into Casey Hartley story idea · 2:32pm Jan 18th, 2018

Here's the nutshell of the backstory of this story, it's the storytelling of his p.o.v.
Helped written by my sister.

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Fortuna and Pharynx's relationship in a nutshell: · 5:40pm Mar 7th, 2021

“‘Tuney, stop it, that isn’t going to work.”

“Oh, it’s not, is it? Then I guess I’ll have to teach you another lesson.”


“Always enter a fight with a plan B!” Fortuna then tackled him, causing him to fall over with a shriek.

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Give the CMC some motivation · 3:49am Jul 28th, 2019

I've been reading a bunch of Anon-a-Miss fics lately and have noticed a trend. A lot of people flesh out Sunset and her past, present and future. A good number of them give other side characters a chance to shine, from Gilda to Octavia, from Sirens to shadowbolts. A lot less give their time to the main 5 and how and why they react like they do. But I haven't seen any (yet) that give the CMC some motivations for their actions besides what is already said in the comic. Which is wierd considering

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The Little Pony Legend: The Pillars pf Harmony (an unofficial new generation story) · 11:08pm Aug 14th, 2021

Before you guys get excited… NO. No, I am not planing on writing this story anytime soon. I’ve already got my hands tied with DragonHeart, Flame and Sword and The MystiKnight Chronicles. I do NOT have the time, not the energy, to write another little pony legend story.

However, just because I don’t write the actual story, doesn’t mean ideas don’t pop up every now and again. But having ideas isn’t the same as actually writing them. Or wanting to write them.

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So... I've been thinking of creating a story with Gen 3 characters. · 8:11pm Nov 21st, 2022

Hear me out. This story would still be in the Equestria Girls universe and it would primarily take place with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, but I've been thinking about including a couple of characters no one probably thinks about anymore.

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Response to the My Little Pony inspired story · 1:15pm Jul 1st, 2021

Wow. I did not expect such a warm reception. And so quickly, I might add. I’m very happy to hear your enthusiasm for the story and many of you asked to learn more about it. So, I am here to deliver.

Several of you may already be familiar with the name, if you follow me on DeviantArt.

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kaptin bluddflagg and he's boyz displaced idea · 7:15pm May 17th, 2017

in the deepest part of the ocean there rests a large and mysterious metal box. It is a surprisingly leveled area covered with flora, however, nopony knows why it's there and some pony decided to make rumors about it. One of them was that it may be filled with silver, gold, diamonds, and the like or even such things as weapons, books or a powerful artifact. As the rumors spread around, they got the attention of Ahuizotl and Dr. Caballeron, as well daring do then blah blah blah, let's get to the

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warhammer 40k ghazghkull mag uruk thraka displaced idea · 10:34pm Jun 3rd, 2017

"Oh hello there, I think you know the drill.
They thought 'cosplay sound fun why not try it.'
They meet the merchant (to be fair there is another merchant besides him.)
And they get displaced.

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Writing For an Artist · 6:31pm Aug 18th, 2015

Those who are into weight gaining furries, you may have heard of LordStormCaller. Last night I sent him a note on DeviantArt saying that I will voluntarily write for his next comics. To which he replied,

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Need asks · 5:08pm Nov 16th, 2016

Hey, I'm on a bit more and need more asks for my 'Ask Crimson Fang' story. I'm also working on my other stories along with a new one. Any requests for which one should be continued first?


Random Ramblings CDXX · 8:15pm Jul 1st, 2022

On Monday, 330,000,000 Americans will technically celebrate Independence Day, the Fourth of July. I'm not exactly feeling proud of my country right now so, as per custom, I'm honouring our neighbour to the north instead. Enjoy this video of an Australian girl singing.

More whatever after the jump.

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ch.1 idea of kaptin bluddflagg and he's boyz · 11:39pm Jul 19th, 2017

kaptin bluddflagg: ok Mr.nailbrain were the Zog are we?

Mr.nailbrain: *looking at status reporter's* kap'n, looks like we are underwater.

kaptin bluddflagg: how deep are we?

Mr.nailbrain: *looking at status reporters again* about......9,058ft kap'n.

brikkfist: how we are not dead yet!?

Mr.nailbrain: weird stuff

spookums: I Fink we are inside a big metal box

kaptin bluddflagg: *touching the wall* yup he right. dis feel like metal

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Twilight Metal · 8:18pm Nov 12th, 2015

Well, I got another kick going on, so bare with me on this.

One day, Discord lets it slip that he's not as young as he says, he's not a thousand-some-odd, he's old as time and space.

He also let's it slip that Equestria wasn't his first world, as a being of chaos he's spread bits and pieces of chaos across every possible reality.

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The Mystic Knights Chapter 1 · 8:29pm Jul 13th, 2021

Chapter 1:

Within the dense and humid jungle, a single ripe mango fell from a shaking branch. One of the mono-iris (which in the Guaninan language roughly translated to Rainbow Monkey) appeared out of thin air. His orange fur overlapping with hues of yellow and bright red to match the coloring of the fruit.

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Shadowbolts AU · 1:47am Jun 1st, 2016

In Monthly Writing Challenges, I have just announced the new for June: Shadowbolts AU. The idea was based off of this picture:

(Shadowbolts by Falldust)

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Story Idea for Someone Else · 6:22am Dec 6th, 2017

I have an idea for a story. I think it's interesting, but not quite my style. So I'm posting it here in case someone else would like to give it a try.

This idea is based on South Park: The Fractured But Whole, would be a bit of a crossover, and contains spoilers for it.

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Viewing 321 - 340 of 349 results