
Viewing 21 - 40 of 46 results

My New Year's Day Gift to You All · 12:04am Jan 2nd, 2021

In all honesty, I had originally intended on using my 510th blog post to showcase another film review.

Today, though, I figured to myself "What the heck? Why not do something different?"

After careful consideration, I decided to share with you all a little slideshow I've been working on for quite a long time. I thought it'd be the perfect thing for me to kick off 2021 with, and that it'd be a wonderful New Year's gift for all you guys.

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An Update on Everything! (Again) · 7:23pm Feb 29th, 2020

Hey guys! Quill here! This update will include not only my fic updates, but also my YouTube ones.
First, the Youtube updates:

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One Year Anniversary · 6:21pm Jan 1st, 2022

Happy New Year, my friends!

Gosh, I can't believe it's already 2022. It feels like only yesterday that I lived through 2021, and that's mainly considering the fact that it wasn't much of an improvement over 2020.


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On The Topic of the MLP Fandom. · 4:51pm Oct 13th, 2019

Now that are eyes are dried from last night’s Series Finale, let’s take a look back on our fandom. There’ll a couple sections of this post. They are better known as ‘my experiences’, covering my experiences with MLP, and ‘the fandom’s inspiration’, covering the fandom’s inspiration for being as good as they are today.

I’m sure someone has done this already, but now you get my view.

My Experiences

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Stories I absolutely HATE (in no specific order, rating my own stories with a Hate Scale) · 8:02pm Aug 15th, 2020

November Leaves

To be polite about it, I wish I never wrote this story. It's a smouldering pile of twenty pounds of cack in a five pound sack that's been covered in pitch then lit on fire again. The whole idea of it, wherever it came from, should have stayed in whatever hellion dimension it resided in. The ones who read this and the only one who commented on it are right to hate it, too.

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HOW?!?!?! · 3:02am Sep 1st, 2017

I've no idea how I managed to do it, but I did it. I only found out about the Changing Seasons Shipping Contest last Friday. One week ago. In that time, I managed to: come up with a concept for a ship I'd never considered before; create an actual story premise about that ship; create several outlines to fill in the plot; and then, over the last three days or so, I wrote a 12.8k word Romance story.

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Let's Build a Flower Crown! · 1:16am May 27th, 2016

Now that school is over I can post this! Listen up, folks; you'll need some floral wire, floral tape, enough flowers, and some wire cutters. Use actual wire cutters don't use scissors like I did.

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Back from Everfree! · 6:17am May 22nd, 2019

I had a totes awesome time at EFNW~! I loved it all! Even met with a few RL friends there and had a blast. Maybe got a bit too drunk at one point, but I still remember most of it (seriously, pony-themed drinks are epic. Especially ones named after bad guys~! They just get you totes wasted super fast!).

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If you like writing and ideas, you should follow this guy right now. · 7:21pm Jul 24th, 2020

My friend equestrian.sen just posted a blog where he uses category theory (super-abstract math) to describe important ideas of literary device.

Almost nopony follows this friendly genius! Follow him now! :rainbowdetermined2:


Lil Update · 12:49am Oct 15th, 2019


Just wanted to make a quick blogpost for?? those of you who maybe have been waiting for Crimson Lips updates???

Just to say that I’m hoping to UPDATE IT SOON cause I know I left it at a :pinkiegasp: place, but I’ve been doing a bunch of things on my main account, so haven’t had time to write it out. I’m REALLY excited for it, though!! It’ll be very dramatic and tense, but also will have a very emotional resolution I’m super excited for.

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Next chapter of 'One Year Later' is finished. · 9:18pm Dec 12th, 2016

It's just going through some editing and proof-reading. I need to make sure that the grammar is correct, and that storyline-wise I haven't broken anything.

Story isn't dead!

I'll be working on a chapter for Paragon Guard next. It's long overdue for an update.


This is our fandom. · 4:25am May 25th, 2019

More specifically:

This is our fandom on its #1 Waifu.

Our fandom scares me with its dedication sometimes.

This is kind of perfect, though, so I'll let it slide

Also I want to see fanart of Sunset wearing a Sonic Forces GAMER hat because how else will everyone know that she's a gamer amirite


New Changeling Doll: White Lie Chapter!! · 3:49am Jul 17th, 2016

Go check it out!

Dangit man, why'd I have to go and do that to them?

And by that I mean, why did they have to do and do that to themselves. As much as letting my characters control my story is an awesome way of getting real flow and legitimate reactions, it does make things a bit more complicated to write, especially when things like broken trust is involved.


okay i know i blog too much but honestly i want to know · 6:02pm Nov 10th, 2017

why do you like me so much i'm trash and don't deserve your love and support like wow what did i do to deserve you guys


The Enchanted Library -> The Enchanted Kingdom · 1:23am Sep 12th, 2017

I made a similar blogpost a few days ago, but then deleted for reasons we shall not discuss, THOUGH... several readers have asked me to please re-post it so here we are.

For those of you that are following The Enchanted Library and are interested in its continuation, you can go read the official sequel at...

EThe Enchanted Kingdom
As an ancient alicorn trapped inside a library, Princess Twilight spent many a century dreaming of being rescued from her prison. Now, finding herself in an entirely new Equestria, she realizes she'd never planned for somepony to actually succeed...
Monochromatic · 222k words  ·  2,202  32 · 21k views

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NEW STORY AHHHHH · 4:01am Oct 7th, 2018

There will be a more coherent, organised, and interesting blog tomorrow, detailing actual stuff about this story, it's creative process, and my future plans.

But for now, it's 4:50 AM, I finished this with like an hour to go, and I'm on some kind of caffeine/adrenaline high right now.

So I will just say this: I have finally published a new story. Please go read it, and tell me how much you love it or hate it. Either is good, as long as you actually read it.

...Time for bed.


Paul's Thursday Reviews CI · 10:29pm Jan 18th, 2018

If my month so far is an example of the year to come, then 2018 is going to be great.

Admittedly, it started off rather poorly. I wrote less than 2,300 words for the entirety of the first week of January. It looked like my little pledge to myself to hit 1,500 words/day for the month was a pipe dream.

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My back really fucking hurts · 12:03am Jul 2nd, 2016


when it was ten days until bitchmas ice star gave to me an update blog w/ some important (probably!) shit · 2:02am Dec 16th, 2018

Gather 'round followers. I can't remember the last time I've made one of these, so it must have been a considerable amount of time since I last made an actual update blog, I've watched too many Kalvin Garrah videos and lost track of time, or both. Anyway, I thought I should say a few things. This includes the status of Enemy of Mine and its update, some important confusion I thought I should clear up, and just general things. Find them all below the horse image.

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Got a Wattpad now! · 5:07pm Oct 30th, 2021

Viewing 21 - 40 of 46 results