
Viewing 21 - 40 of 199 results

Lake · 1:33pm Aug 11th, 2015

I'm addicted to Derpibooru. Help.

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A thanking thing for GalaCon · 7:47pm Aug 5th, 2018

Almost a week has passed since I returned from GalaCon, and I've agonized over this post ever since.

It has been a wonderful experience, a blast, and a vacation I absolutely needed even if I didn't know it. How could I render justice upon this fantastic four days? A report? A slightly storified narration? A tongue-in-cheek recollection of salient events?

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The Greatest Show · 7:02am Mar 14th, 2018

So, I just got back from seeing The Greatest Showman with my family, and golly, I’m so glad that I decided to go see it. I was so worried that I had set my expectations up too high and that I was going to get another repeat of my experience with the live-action Beauty and the Beast. Instead, this movie exceeded my expectations, and I loved it. I was even applauding by the end. (Thankfully, the theater only had around 10 people.:twilightsheepish:) Don’t bother complaining here

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Let's Art: Fluttershy · 10:48pm Jul 26th, 2018

I found a really amazing picture of Fluttershy by an artist named Auurara, sadly I think this is another of our artists that has vanished. Still the image is amazing and beautiful. I think I'll put it on my phone. XD


A night in... · 4:36pm Sep 8th, 2018

Well, I'd hate for someone to turn her down...


Africa A to Z Facts!: Day #2: “B” · 5:46pm Feb 2nd, 2019

It continues! My friends, let’s get into our next letter:

B is for...Baobab Fruit!:
*Baobab pulp is rich in antioxidents, Vitamin C, potassium, magnesium and iron.
*Adding Baobab to the diet may be linked to weight loss by promoting feelings of fullness.
*Fresh or Powdered Baobab adds a tasty flavor to many dishes.
*The Baobab is ONLY found in Africa.
*It’s also classified as a superfruit.

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Strawberry Moon. · 9:46pm Jun 21st, 2016

Did anyone else see the rare "Strawberry Moon" last night? This was a once-in-a-lifetime spectacle of Lunar epicness!!!!:pinkiehappy::raritystarry:....It was so beautiful!!!


Africa A to Z Facts!: Day #5: "E" · 9:56pm Feb 5th, 2019

It ain't stopping til the 28th people! It continues my friends, let's get into our next letter:

E is for.....Elephant!

*There are 3 species of Elephant (The African Forest, African Bush and Indian).
*Elephant Tusks are made of Ivory and are highly sought-after by poachers.
*The African Bush and Forest Elephants' ears are large and shaped like the continent of Africa (Whereas Indian Elephants' ears are smaller and shaped like India).

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Africa A to Z Facts!: Day #9: “I” · 8:30pm Feb 9th, 2019

It continues my friends, let’s get into our next letter:

I is for......Ivory (coast)!

*Ivory is essentially what makes up the tusks of mammals such as Elephants, Narwhals, Walruses, etc.
*While high in value, Ivory is definitely illegal to harvest/sell in many parts of the world.
*Most commonly Ivory is used for decoration. Small (or even large) trinkets made of pure Ivory are incredibly expensive (even a piano with Ivory keys is worth a decent price).

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This is beautiful! · 7:15pm Dec 11th, 2016


A beautiful poem · 4:06pm Aug 14th, 2020

Hiya, lovely peeps!

I just wanted to share a poem with all of you. Itʼs written by a dear friend of mine. Enjoy.

The skin you inhabit is a sacred physical vessel for your soul.
So, be gentle towards your body; it keeps you alive every day.
And I know there are days where itʼs difficult to look in the mirror and smile,
We all struggle with insecurities at times.
Itʼs so easy. To glance at our reflection and think,
“I look like a mess today.”
“I donʼt feel beautiful.”

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Report Uz Naimat · 62 views · #Poem #friend #beauty #love #life

Special song of the day. · 10:09am Aug 14th, 2019

Hey guys.

This song is to everyone who thinks their not beautiful. please know you are beautiful no matter what anyone says.



Africa A to Z Facts!: Day #8: "H" · 10:23pm Feb 8th, 2019

It continues my friends, let's get into our next letter:

H is for....Hyena!

*There are 4 species of Hyena (Spotted, Striped, Brown and the Aardwolf).
*Hyenas are very social creatures and live in groups called clans.
*Females tend to be larger than males. Because of this, clans are usually a matriarchy.
*While Hyenas tend to be carnivorous, Aardwolves are actually insectivorous (eats insects/bugs).

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New Podcast: "Beauties and Beasts" · 6:20am Sep 1st, 2018

If you've read my fanfics, you'll know how much I love "Beauty and the Beast" stories. So I've decided to share my knowledge of the fairy tale and its various versions and adaptations in this new independent podcast: "Beauties and Beasts!" You can listen to it now on PodBean:

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Africa A to Z Facts!: Day #12: "L" · 8:09pm Feb 12th, 2019

It continues my friends, let's get into our next letter:

L is for....Lion!
*Lions tend to live in family groups of between 10-20 called Prides.
*A female lion usually needs about 11lbs. (or 5kg) of meat daily. Males need 15lbs. (or 7kg) daily.

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Africa A to Z Facts!: Day #6: "F" · 7:32pm Feb 6th, 2019

It continues my friends, let's get into our next letter:

F is for...Fabric!
*Kente Cloth is thought to have come from the Ghana region and was commonly sold by the Fante people long ago.
*Kente Cloth is commonly colorful. Each color means something interesting. For example, Green cloths are commonly used for girls' puberty rituals.
*Kuba Cloth are usually in more earthy toned colors and would be used by the men of Zaire to weave into varying cloth products including rugs and clothing.

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Africa A to Z Facts!: Day #3: "C" · 6:29pm Feb 3rd, 2019

It continues! My friends, let's get into our next letter:

C is for...Cheetah!

*The Cheetah is the fastest land animal in the world (top running speeds being 60-70mph).
*Cheetahs weigh between 77-143lbs (that's lighter than a baby grand piano).
*Cheetahs are actually classified as a "vulnerable" species of conservation.
*Cheetahs may be wild animals, but they actually can be domesticated.

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Happy 30th Anniversary "[Disney's] Beauty and the Beast" · 5:09pm Nov 22nd, 2021

Original Release Date: November 22, 1991

(Original trailer)

Yes! My favorite Disney Princess film of the 90s is finally 30 (and yes. That makes us old peoples)!! I know I'm not alone in my love of this classic French fairy tale, yet Disney's version is simply beautiful! Not to mention the songs are just :yay:! Just listen to this (now nostalgia)!!:

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I have decided · 2:15pm Feb 9th, 2016

Mare of the Opera will be on Hiatus, Beauty(s) and the beast might continue on, and I'll be writing a different Bluelight/Twiblood story since I'm almost done with the chapter.

I can't keep all of my promises! (I apologize to the Flashlight readers)

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Africa A to Z Facts!: Day #4: "D" · 10:04pm Feb 4th, 2019

It continues my friends! Let's get into our next letter:

D is for....Doll!

*Dolls can be from varying countries in Africa.
*In ancient times, dolls were used as spiritual aides, fertility aides as well as a common child's play thing.
*Depending on which country you're in, in Africa, odds are you've seen a doll with dark skins, and beads of some kind with a luxurious looking cloth upon it.

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 199 results