
Viewing 21 - 40 of 346 results

I Made a second thing · 10:05pm Nov 22nd, 2015

Just a bit of emulation, code editing, and POOF!


Status update, Where I been and commissions. · 7:17am Jan 25th, 2019

Hey all, for those wondering where I been and if i've been and what I'm working on and what not. sadly I have been under the weather and fighting through some block lately, hence why I have yet to write up a new TPS presents, Just the ideas haven't been flowing in like before and being sick doesn't help me out if anything it hinders it but that is outta my control. So while I recover I thought I mention this along with the next fic I'm gonna be writing is up in the air. This however doesn't

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So, I bet some of you are wondering what I've been working on lately. · 12:30am Nov 1st, 2019

Well, let's just say I've been writing a finale of my own. One for a certain popular universe of interconnected fanfics. No, I'm not going to say which one, but you're welcome to guess. (Please don't spoil it if you're already in the know :scootangel:.) The genre, though? That, I'll tell you. Get pumped, it's a pastiche:


Eqg4 · 9:53am Oct 5th, 2016

So I just watched Legends of Everfree, I loved it. Rainbow Rocks is still probably my favorite, but this is definitely a close second. Let me know what you thought in the comments.

Did anyone else notice that Twilight's ringtone is bloody tears from Castlevania ?

Oh, and I might as well sneak an update in while I'm at it. The new chapter is nearly finished. I've got the rough draft all written out, and now all it needs is a few tweaks, and a pass through editing.

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I'm still alive! · 6:25am Dec 1st, 2017

I've been busy these past... what, two or three days?
Packing, working on things around the house, hanging out with people that I'll likely not see for at least a year or more.
But overall, been having a good time.

In my free time, I beat Fallout 2 again. Yes, I am aware of my unhealthy obsession with video games, and especially that brand in particular. It really is too much and I should stop.

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Happy New Years! + images of TEL book + A FUCKING TEL ANIMATIC HOLY SHIT · 6:14pm Jan 1st, 2021

Hi everyone!!!

I hope you all had a really nice New Year's eve and an even BETTER New Year!!!

I'm kicking off this new year with some really FUCKING COOL NEWS which is photos of the TEL book so you can see it and be like, "holy cow!!!!! a book!!!! with photos??!!!! about tel??!!? it looks so good!!" and so you know your money was well spent

after that, we will talk about A FUCKING TEL ANIMATIC HOLY SHIT LIKE A FULL SONG??? MY GOD??

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Everything has gone wrong and I don't know how to fix it. I have VERY IMPORTANT things to sort out and can't because nothing is working for me no matter what I try! · 10:47pm Nov 11th, 2020

Well, jack shit is working for me on some of the sites I frequent and it's a major problem to me because I need to check on them. I have things listed on there that I need to see and communicate with with due to my situation of needing to lighten my load before I move back home, and I can't do any of that for whatever excuse these sites have.

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ayyyy no school · 2:35am Dec 14th, 2019

i'm off for winter break, so now that finals are done and i'm back home, expect some new chapters from me c:

i literally have no other responsibilities so i'm eager to knock out some words for Family Tree, Once Upon a Harvest Moon, maybe even a Dreamweaver sequel if i can get around to it. also got a few one-shots in the bank i might take a whack at

hope y'all hear from me real soon!


JingleClop · 3:27pm Nov 18th, 2019

Do you people know that JinglClop is a thing? Probably, but I'll do my part and put out this blog just in case, the more people know about it the better. Or worse, I'm not sure.

And now I wait for them to actually reply back to my attempt at joining. I've heard they're having some trouble deciding how to handle fetishes in the Discord server.


Life Goes On · 6:18pm Jun 21st, 2020

So. I've located and watched the first installment of Pony Life, and...

Well, it's honestly not that bad.

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She is Rising · 1:40am Jul 18th, 2016

Quando gli ho perso male
Brivido scossa di pallido
Il mio, il mio vero amore
le mal e eperdu

giorni fumatori
Anche se non vedrà
(Mi Deceived) Tu mi inganni
(Con te) cancellarlo non lo farò
(Di soggiorno) Toccando un'elica (non ha saputo alex?)
(Io mi eccepire) assorbente una scusa si

(Alice, Alice, Alice, Alice, Alice)
(Alice, Alice, Alice, Alice, Alice)
che ne
(Alice, Alice, Alice, Alice, Alice)

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Might be wise to reread The Last Sentinel a little... · 11:20pm Jun 14th, 2016

Possibly from Reflection Nineteen: Blood and Water. Possibly before... say, next week.

Just saying.


Far to little time, and Ninja Robots · 7:59pm Sep 21st, 2017

Probably the best title I'm ever going to have.

Hello random pony people as you can see I am not dead, I'm just very, very busy.

I have been hard at work, working. Got to keep that steady income, can't let my family live out on the street now can I.

But, during most of my free time I decided to take up a writing class to improve some of my grammar and make words better.

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What Has Been Seen... · 12:26pm Nov 22nd, 2019


Sorry · 11:25pm Dec 19th, 2020

Hey guys, It's me. Yeah I know, I haven't really been posting anything new recently, or really posting anything really. That's for a few reasons, so I'll just go through them one at a time.

The first reason is obviously the year in general and more specifically Covid. It's taken a lot of time away from my hands and made it much more difficult.

The second one is applying and searching for college, which I will be attending next year, so that's also taken time out of my schedule.

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America Day! And another anniversary, since we're in the mood · 2:11pm Jul 3rd, 2017

Everyone's already aware of the July 4th holiday, I assume. Or, at least, the Americans are. If you're not an American, you may go back to whatever it is you normally do on July 4th. Work, I suppose.

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OwO what's this? a blog post? · 7:53am Jul 1st, 2023

yeah so i've got this story idea knocking around in my head again after talking to my little brother about the aspens that keep popping up in our backyard (because aspens can clone themselves pretty much infinitely by sending out runners through a massive root system) and you know what

a character named aspen that can and has discreetly cloned themselves over and over, and successfully infiltrated a society with said clones, is now lingering rent-free in my head.

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So... We Need To Talk · 4:27pm Aug 3rd, 2016

So... it's been a while, hasn't it?

Hey everyone. I'm sorry for being in the dark for so long. I really didn't intend this hiatus to last as long as it did. Trust me, it's a long story. We have a lot to go over before I get back into the swing of things. Yes, I do intend on updating again, I just can't right now because a lot of stuff is happening in my life right now that came out of nowhere.

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Update: Hey guys. Stil alive, just so you know. · 11:50pm Jul 20th, 2017

No, I'm not back from hiatus. Just popping my head in to let you know how things are going.

I've remembered how to draw ponies enough that I can start working on some requests. (Finally) I can't wait to show you guys the other stuff I've been working on too:heart:

As for connecting with my friends, one down, one in the works, I have no idea how many more to go:twilightblush:

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Back from the Dead · 12:24am Sep 28th, 2015

I'm not sure what else to say except....

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 346 results