
Viewing 21 - 40 of 73 results

It's mah birfday! · 8:53pm Aug 6th, 2018

And my pal Greenfinger's drawing me a free commission on his Twitch stream after 4 pm Central today. It'll be Gadget cosplaying as something... appropriate. Come and hang out... or just think of me and raise a toast with your afternoon/evening drink of choice. 🥂 Edit: Stream's over, but you can watch the recording!


New cover art for Equestrian Human coming soon! · 6:52am Nov 4th, 2017

Yes, the temporary art I had commissioned will finally be replaced pretty soon.

My sister and I have been working on the new art, with her sketching the library of Gadget and me tracing over the scanned image digitally and (trying) to color and shade the thing in.

The only setback right now is that in having quite a bit of trouble getting her shoes to look correct, and my sister insists on an eye style that to me looks a bit out of place on Gadget.

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On the future of the Lab Horse series... · 11:54pm Nov 25th, 2017

I've finally decided. I'll write out the final story arc of Equestrian Human, likely merge it with Shattered Rainbow, and write a sequel that may or may not have the rating bumped to "T" due to an upcoming conflict that'll begin in the final chapters of EH.

From there, we'll see what happens...

As for now, I now have to work on tying up two stories in preparation for the merger.


Well then. · 1:36am Dec 12th, 2017

Apparently this

What happens when you realize that your life is a simulation? Well, you put the headset back on.
TheMajorTechie · 74k words  ·  315  15 · 5.9k views

Is doing immensely better than this now.

EEquestrian Human
A filly once lived in a lab. That lab happened to be on Earth. She wanted to go home. She never knew what to expect.
TheMajorTechie · 17k words  ·  24  8 · 896 views

I guess that's just saying something about plot stagnation when the author runs into multiple writer's blocks, huh?

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...Tada? · 5:59am Nov 5th, 2017

It has been completed.

I still could only get one shoe drawn properly. Ignore derp shoe.

Don't forget that Gadget mentions early on in Equestrian Human that she's suddenly a brunette!


Skittle Sky - Lineart, Original Drawing, Assistance in coloring the eyes in

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Hoo boy. · 12:41am Nov 21st, 2017

No, my internet's actually running fine for once.

It's just that I'm still getting closer and closer to that dramatic turning point in the Lab Horse series that would either mark the end of the series or a shift to an entirely new focus and/or genre.

Like as in, in a couple chapters, I'll be moving onto the final story arc that I have planned for the series, and by final, I mean that I'm still having trouble trying to figure out what should come next.


I know exactly where the Lab Horse series is gonna go now... · 9:01pm Dec 3rd, 2017

Three words:

The Clockwork City

-Set immediately after EH and Shattered Rainbow ends, and focuses more on action/adventure than the slice of life that the two stories were before. It'll be typed in a way so that reading the previous stories isn't exactly needed to understand what is happening.


From Greenfinger's Art Stream: Young Gadget... as a Human? · 5:06am Dec 13th, 2016

Greenfinger did an art stream today and spontaneously decided to draw Gadget in his typical style. That is, as a young child. (Outside of his pony work, most of his characters are children, as one of his ambitions in life is to be a children's book author.) Even I didn't know he was going to do this and I just caught the tail end of his stream, but I thought I'd share some adorableness with you guys. Check below the break for it!

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"Human After All" Art Showcase! Sketches, Incompletes, and Concepts! · 11:32pm Jun 7th, 2018

As the title says, this post will be about the art of “The Iron Horse: Human After All” done by Greenfinger, my illustrator. Take a look!

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Lab Horse series · 3:48am Dec 6th, 2017

Just because there hasn't been chapter updates doesn't mean that it's not progressing.

I'm currently doing some catch-up in Shattered Rainbow to get that and the main series back in sync as far as time goes, and I currently have ~300 words written for the next yet-to-be-published chapter. Once that's done, I'll get back to Equestrian Human and tie things up across both fics.


Update: "Human After All" Chapter 5 is here! · 4:34pm Jun 3rd, 2018

Only one week between updates? Indeed! In this chapter e̝̰̣̝̦v͚ery̢̬̣̳̲̗͎t̘̟̻h̥̤͇̮͡i̴͔n͉̹͉͘g҉͍̦̰͍̠ ̣͈͍̭i̟͎̪͚͍̥ͅs̱͖͚͚̜̰̬͢ ̞̳j̀u̡s͉͙͉t̘̭̥͇̹ ̼̦̖̳͕̼̲fi͙̩͖̤̩né̜͇̹̮͉̻ͅ.̛̜̬̖͉̰


Writing character bios for the Lab Horse series. · 3:29am Oct 31st, 2017

I'll post a follow-up blog once it's completed if you wanna see it. For now I'm planning on using it as a way to be able to quickly reference events that happened without having to go back through the story or search the bare-bones storyline I have, since about half of the series is improv while the other half is actually planned.


Poll: What should the sequel to Lab Horse be about? · 5:05am Mar 2nd, 2017

With the end of Lab Horse drawing near, it's about time we begin to talk about the sequel.

A) Space Horse. Gadget miscalculates her teleportation and instead finds herself on a space station.
There wouldn't be very many chapters, as the usable world and scenery would be pretty small.

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Updated Illustrations for "The Iron Horse!" · 12:27am Nov 19th, 2016

Just a quick note here, folks. We're very close to getting every chapter illustrated! We've got one from "In Two Minds, Part 2," where Gadget confronts Turing Test, who tells her that, if Twilight no longer wants her around, she won't object, even if it means her death. Gadget reacts appropriately.

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OC spotlight: Zoey/Gadget/Zoey Wayve/Zoey Ascher · 7:27am Nov 5th, 2019

Across every incarnation of Zoey that's existed across my stories (including before I even started writing on Fimfic!), one thing is always certain: she's childish as heck, and is pretty much guaranteed to be in her teens or younger.

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Should I shelve Lab Horse: Redux and Wielder of the Orb: Third Time's the Charm? · 7:44am Nov 9th, 2020

Yeah, yeah, I'd be killing reboots. Not like I haven't done that before.

Point is, I haven't so much as thought about those two fics for several months now, though I do still want to see them completed at some point or another.

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Micellaneous New Year's News (incl. Minecraft) · 1:10pm Jan 1st, 2018


To ship or not to ship? · 6:44am Nov 12th, 2017

There seems to be a recent trend pushing for me to ship Ranell and Gadget in my Lab Horse series...

Shall I? :trollestia:

EDIT: Whoops. I was probably getting a bit ahead of myself. It's just a single person suggesting to ship, but it's still something I could easily pull off.

...Not to mention the slew of possibilities that shipping a major character and a minor character would bring in terms of fueling the metaphorical flame of the story...


Hoo boy. · 1:29am Oct 10th, 2017

Next chapter of Equestrian Human is in-production right now, and boy, am I enjoying all this dialogue.

Specifically, the dialogue between Gadget and her dad. :trollestia:


Guess what? · 1:13am Nov 7th, 2017

Celestia's gonna have some Earth fried chicken in the next chapter... :trollestia:

Not that she hasn't already eaten fried chicken before...

Viewing 21 - 40 of 73 results