
Viewing 21 - 40 of 138 results

new challenge everyone!! · 11:22pm Aug 18th, 2018

Hey everyone here for another challenge well more of a what if type of challenge that involves discord but still. also remember there are no time limits for these challenges unless you make a time limit for yourself.

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Late Night Rainbows. · 8:45am Jul 25th, 2023

Had to stay up some serious hours, but good news I was waiting on, it finally came in! Not going to bore anyone with details, but know I'll be able to write more now.

I'll keep the good vibes going! But first the elusive Z's.


A question both silly and serious. · 12:02pm Feb 28th, 2018

So, clearly you've read the title of the blog. But I want to pose a question. However, just like the pony that is my profile image, I feel like I need to elaborate before I can really get to the question proper.

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People of FIMFICTION.NET, I RoboticBug APOLOGIZE for all Inflammatory comments I have made towards ALL popular histories on this site, I was a stupid, dumb, and cringe 13-year-kid with a limited and narrow-minded viewpoint along with being a supporter of several messed up things, now I know better and see that all of my comments have done nothing but harm Fimfiction, so I apologize for them and I will leave them there, because "Be all my SINS remembered", "I hate past me", for posterity to

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Apology · 9:29am Oct 16th, 2021

If you don’t know what happened don’t ask! It may be seen as minor but I still feel the need to apologise

To everyone who saw that earlier, I am sorry that I posted it, I just thought it’ll be a cool thing. I regret posting and feel embarrassed about it, I’m very sorry you guys had to go through it.

I hope you’re able to forgive me for my actions and move on, I really hope you’re not hurt from my bad choice.

Forgive and forget, right?


So, ummm... I think I'm getting evicted this month. · 1:01am Jan 3rd, 2018

I just got a letter from my apartment building today, informing me that my month-to-month lease is not being renewed. And with that, I have until the 31st to return the apartment to them. This came completely out of nowhere, and I was not expecting to be given such an ultimatum.

Well, so much for having high hopes for 2018, huh? :ajsleepy:

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Report TheVClaw · 513 views · #Serious #advice #help

Hah. I got drunk. · 8:25am Jan 1st, 2017

I got drunk for the first time in my life. I always wondered how it would feel like. I don't feel bad in the slightest but I haven't really built up my tolerance. You know, I'm glad so many of you like my work. I know its a little serious but sometimes we need that seriousness in our life to add a bit of meaning to it. It can't always be sunshine and rainbows but at the same time it doesn't need to be dark as it possibly could be. While I do like the darker topics I prefer there to be an at

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I thank my Dog got a seizure today. · 1:15am Jan 7th, 2018

Today she randomly flipped all around the floor like she wasn't able to control herself, she was 100% okay this morning but around 1:00 pm she just wasn't acting right, I can only hope this doesn't kill her, I love this dog to death.

(old pic of my dog)

I can only hope this isn't something serious.

Report Matt11 · 265 views · #Dog #serious post.

MLP:FIM s07e15 · 10:46pm Aug 19th, 2017

Alright, that episode of MLP was awesome!  Easily one of my favs this season.  While the setup and logic can be a bit silly, the overall message I felt was great!  This was not said, but I feel Spike’s  actions can be seen as not just trusting his friends but also selfish, as though he didn’t want to share them?  Sort of a risk of losing a friend to another friend kinda deal…or maybe I’m reading too much into it.

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Serious Sam: The First Encounter free on GoG for 48 hours · 6:58pm Aug 24th, 2020


Never played this one, but man, I've heard people gush for years and years about this series!

(Terribly sorry about the fuzzy stamp quality of the trailer. Was what I could find on short notice before bed.)

So highly recommended if you like your FPSs on the silly, hoard side a la Painkiller or the earlier Dooms.


Okay, Now I’m Ticked · 4:28pm Aug 11th, 2022

I tried talking to the guy with the audiobook via YouTube comment, but I don’t see my comment anymore! Did he seriously just delete it? I may have a problem here.


Here, have some more non-troll writing · 4:19am Feb 25th, 2016

I know, I know, I miss the vomit fics too. Will have to do more of that sometime soon.

In the meantime, have a story I...genuinely like. I mean, I had fun writing it. I liked the voice I got to use. I like the concept. It's simple, not too deep, and is really just me toying with a different style and tone than usual. And I'm happy with how this came out. It was a fun thing to edit, and a fun thing to post. And I hope you enjoy it, I really do.
It should be live very shortly.

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"The Gift of the Maud Pie" · 12:30pm Apr 3rd, 2016

"Hi, everypony. My name is Pinkie Pie..."

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Harm Reduction: Not Just For Needle Exchanges Any More · 11:08am Dec 12th, 2016

Warning: this is a serious blogpost about stuff that could be called political, rather than my usual fap fuel fare. Content notice for discussions of rape and other things of that nature.

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Rando Post 6 · 12:25pm Apr 27th, 2020

Hello everyone and anyone. I'm sorry for the irregular gaps between story updates for those of you who actually care enough to read it. Things have been a bit crazy with family life the past month or so. My birth mother (I live with my grandparents) is now engaged to boyfriend #5. Now, note that she had a kid with four different people,two of which she married for, and two of which she didn't. This is exactly why I live with my grandparents, because she had a very unstable home life. Now I'm

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Coronavirus · 6:08pm Mar 12th, 2020

Unless you've been hiding under a rock in a cavern far far away, you are aware of the coronavirus pandemic currently going on. All I can say is to repeat what everyone's telling you to do: wash your hands with plenty of warm water and soap, or use hand sanitizer with 60-70% ABV; stay away from crowds; don't cough at people, or touch your face with unwashed hands.

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Where Fun Goes (Potentially Last Blog) (Kinda Long) · 2:07am Aug 7th, 2016

I have been thinking. Thinking a lot, actually. From this thinking has come things both productive and destructive, but there has been a common theme in both sides: my writing. See, over my time on here writing pony-related content, I've had ups and downs - like anyone else. However, I feel that there was a cutoff where writing ponies was no longer as fun as it once was. After I wrote and perhaps during the writing of Of War and Ponies, things changed. Those that have been following me

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I bruised my tailbone and I haven’t been doing tailbone bruising things. · 8:08pm Jun 4th, 2020

This is the second time it’s happened this year and it’s such an annoying minor inconvenience.

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Terrible Incident · 8:50pm Jun 25th, 2022

My sisters husband who is a certified plumber was working when a hot water tank swung around and kind of snapped his arm. It was thought he was okay but turns out the tendon fully separated from the bone and will be shortly having surgery on tuesday to like tack it on or something, leaving him off work for four months. The shop he works for is mainly an HVAC outfit but he is one of only two plumbers there thus leaving the shop without their main guy for that basically. Shows how fast a serious

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Serious time · 1:18am Dec 3rd, 2015

I'm going to be talking a bit about what is and has been going on in my life. If you have no interest you are welcome to turn away now with no hard feelings from me in fact have an adorable Christmas Twily.

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Viewing 21 - 40 of 138 results