
Viewing 381 - 400 of 403 results

New Longish Story! · 12:57am Jun 7th, 2020

I know I said I was probably gonna dip out for a bit, but I have a new story out. It's kind of big. FamousLastWords is hosting a fun shipping contest that gave me the perfect excuse to write one of the projects that I've had on my mind a long time, and the 15k limit means there will be plenty to come. It's random novella time. For all of you who wanted a male Luna and Sombra story in order to have goth boyfriend flavored OTP, I have just the story for you! It's also a story for Pride Month. I

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Ice Star vs. 2020: Posting Hiatus + UPDATES ON ALL STORIES · 8:47am Jan 7th, 2021

This isn't going to be a happy blog. It isn't even going to be a relatively nice blog or a blog about anything be okay. I don't know when I'll be able to make blogs like that again, or frankly any kind of content in general like that. I'm not the site's most personal figure, and I never really aimed to be, so it makes sense if a lot of people hadn't realized that anything was really going on with me. I take the social out of 'social media' a lot by being what essentially amounts to a digital

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Another Art and Writing Update Blog (or, I Have an OC Now) · 8:43pm May 31st, 2021

I promised a blog showing off art. It is about time I deliver on that. As the title says, one of these is an OC/ponysona/whatever the cool kids call them. There aren't any spectacularly big spoilers in any of them, though I'll just throw it out there that there are some original characters and the like. Check them out below the break. At the very end of showing off the pretty pony pictures that will be shown, I'll give a rundown on how my various writing projects have been coming along. That's

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Back from the dead! Update talk! · 10:56pm Sep 15th, 2023

Just yesterday, I mentioned a story that I was planning to bring back from the dead. Thanks to a recent burst of productivity and a fast editor, I've been able to do just that. I always go into a story with the intent to finish it, and I'm pleased to bring back another canceled fic. It's a fully-outlined story that I haven't touched since 2017... until yesterday. While the outline for the story already exists (along with the old version of the prelude) in Missing Pages, there will be a

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A Forced Hiatus · 12:46am Aug 25th, 2021

I was planning on making a summer retrospective blog when I had the time, and maybe put out a few reviews on some of the many horse books I’ve accumulated throughout the pandemic. I’m almost as behind on those as I am with revising my to-be-printed works and writing my ongoing stories.

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ARGH (or, Ice Star Explains his Uncharacteristic Silence) · 3:56am Jul 2nd, 2022

I know my existence on the site has been sporadic as fuck lately. For months I've been in lurk mode more than anything else, and this has been applying to a lot of my usual discord friend groups as well. I just wanted to let y'all know that I am (obviously) alive and that I haven't retired or quit my writing. However, a lot has gone on in my life and it is to blame for why all seems rather quiet on Ice Star's front. I'm not going to quit writing and I'd be glued to my keyboard (or at least the

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Friday the 13th is a big fat meanie or somethin' · 5:44pm Oct 22nd, 2017

Okay, so the bad part about having too many stories (like that's even possible) is that I can miss notifications (or forget them by mistake) because, no, I do not get too many (really, detailed!comments and updoots and shit make my day) but there are times when I can get quite a bit (rare) but other times, I sometimes won't get them at all.

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holidays are real and sometimes people celebrate them · 11:39pm Dec 18th, 2017

but not me
i've been writing quite a lotta words
including the afndskjlelasj that is enemy of mine
so by about new year's
thou shalt have some horsewords by me
(also a one shot that's long but whatever)

mostly, thank you for all the well wishes~

it's certainly helped


so even though i'm too pagan to christmas:

happy hanukkah, motherfuckers

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Popping in to say... · 4:50pm Dec 24th, 2017


So the site? · 4:38pm Jun 5th, 2017

It’s fast, yeah!

The mobile version is going to be ticking me off for a while. Can’t even begin to figure it out.

The emojis make me cry on the inside. Please, make it stop.

Some of the page stuff and typing thingy blog toolbar whatever looks okay.

But the rest? The new look.

Not digging it one bit. It’s actually really confusing to my eyes and just looks... ehhhh.

Guess I’ll see where this goes?


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA · 12:21pm Jun 22nd, 2018


To me that's kinda a big deal. Some of my stories are hard to find art for. Others get inspired by picture and are really fucking easy.

Fever Dreams was one of the few stories I had a harder time finding the right picture for. I always like the art to be relevant to the story in some way, because a) I like art b) I'm decently pretentious c) misleading art sucks and so forth.

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okay i get it · 1:00am Mar 23rd, 2020


shoutout for a friend's group and also story progress stuff! · 5:52pm Sep 21st, 2018


[BOOKTIME] Buy my book! · 1:54am Apr 8th, 2023

Have you ever wanted to own an Ice Star book? Well, congrats! Now you can! At long last, twenty-two Ice Star stories are now in print. What stories might those be? Look no further than this blog. If you decide that you want my book, I'll PM you a link. I've decided to keep the access private. Here are the stories that you can buy:

EDistance Beyond Any Measure
How do you tell a child that she will never be enough?
Ice Star · 9.7k words  ·  149  12 · 2.6k views
THer Own Sky
Twilight Sparkle is many things, as Princess Celestia is about to learn. Will her newest Faithful Student finally serve a higher purpose?
Ice Star · 18k words  ·  132  11 · 4.2k views

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COFFEE TALK! · 11:42pm Aug 26th, 2018


an actual july update because fuck i'm so busy i keep forgetting shit (but yes i am still writing) · 2:30am Jul 12th, 2019

things just keep piling up and getting wack i thought i would get to relax this summer at least a little but instead it's been like
i had to call fuckin' government stuff ten times in one day to actually speak to a person and shit so that's an idea of how stupid shit has been and yes why there is no *VISIBLE* horse word update
keyword there is visible, so yes i am 100% STILL WORKING ON WRITING THAT'S SUPER GREAT FOR ME TOO

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rip in pepperoni · 5:30am Apr 7th, 2021


A Hiatusbuster: Unasked for Sequels Electric Boogaflu · 7:58am Sep 30th, 2021

Right now, it is a little late for me to be making proper puns, so that is the best I have to offer. I've been typing mostly emails and other purely academic things lately. Though, I wouldn't be blogging without a few things to discuss. I hope that y'all will read on since I do want to do my best to get back in the saddle for... well, pretty much everything in my life. The first thing to get out of the way: I got my laptop back! The new battery is in, and it ended up costing far less than I

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Something Something Lunbra Something · 12:25am Mar 15th, 2019

Okay, hi everyone. It's Pi Day. I forgot about that and had no pie today. Then again, maybe I should blame dyscalculia again. I have no clue. I've been... not doing so well? I'unno. Ice Star is a bitter bean. Not much is new. What will be new is a new chapter of Enemy of Mine that I am close to done with, writing stage-wise.

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Things You Should Read that I Didn't Write (Shocker): Coffee Edition! · 2:24am Jan 15th, 2018

Viewing 381 - 400 of 403 results