
Viewing 521 - 540 of 554 results

Dream Commercials · 8:05pm Apr 25th, 2017

When I dream, sometimes my dreams have a commercial. And I dont mean a replay of a familiar advertisement on TV or something. My brain makes up its own commercials. For example, last night I was having this dream about being on a reality television show and the dream literally paused. Then a weird commercial about a product called Cosmic Malt Flakes played and then my dream went back to finishing up the plot about me being on a reality television show.

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I Found Patterns To make Working, Paper Legos · 11:59pm May 26th, 2017


My Current Situation · 12:06am Apr 14th, 2016

Lately I've been going through a really hard time.

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Happy New Year Everyone! · 12:49am Jan 1st, 2016


We Found Some Money! · 9:53pm Aug 19th, 2017

My mom and I found a 20 dollar bill when we went walking this morning!

It was just laying on a sidewalk in front of the apartment's front office building. We both spotted it at the same time and my mom picked it up!

So I took it to the 99 Cents Only Store around noon and bought most of our groceries for the week. XD

It was a really cool find.

My mom and I usually find a bunch of change when we go walking.

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Future Plans For This Site · 12:08am Mar 15th, 2017

I typically upload writing exercises that I turn into stories. This has worked well for me for a while, but now I want to start uploading some more serious writing projects. I don't want people to think that my writing exercise type of stories is the usual quality of my writing, because they aren't. They are just that; writing exercises that I have turned into stories. They typically get pretty high ratings and reviews. But there are also people who don't seem to appreciate that most of my

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Full Steam Ahead · 1:27am Nov 7th, 2019

I've been sick for two weeks, but I'm doing better now. And I have some big news.

But first, smaller news.

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You Are All Amazing · 11:05pm Aug 28th, 2016

If no one else told you today, just remember that you are amazing.

There is only one person on planet earth who will ever be like you; and that is you!

You're ideas, points of view, and other aspects of your personality mean a lot to your family, friends, and even casual people you know online.

Your life matters and you are valuable to everyone you come into contact with.

So keep on being an awesome person. Keep on shining your light out onto the world.

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I Was Given An Interview · 2:58pm Aug 29th, 2016

For anyone who might be interested (or are looking for something to do because you are really bored), I was given an interview by the awesome Shadowmane PX-41 where I talk about a lot of my past music, writing, art projects and some projects I have in the works, among other topics.

You can find it over at this link here.

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My Hobbies · 1:51pm May 15th, 2016


The Bed Bug Issue Continues On · 4:03pm Nov 30th, 2015


Friendly PSA: My Thoughts On Donation Scams · 9:28pm Dec 21st, 2015


Being Human Confuses Me · 2:34pm Nov 8th, 2015

I might be human, but I am still really confused about how humans are supposed to act.

This is in part that I have a connection with the supernatural you might say and spend more time interacting with that 'realm' than with other human beings.

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Sum Lurve Advice · 9:28pm Nov 10th, 2015

A few years ago at the bookstore I paid for this lady's books randomly then faced the dudes in the store and said, 'And that gentlemen is how you pick up chicks'. Then I winked at the lady and moonwalked out of the door.

Learn from your sempai kiddies. ^0^

Note: I am a straight female. This was done to school the boys around me in the ways of lurve.


After Next Week I Might Not Be Online For A While · 2:06pm Sep 22nd, 2016

A month or so ago my mom was diagnosed with Vikings Disease which causes bones and joints to curl up to the point where they can't be used anymore. There is no known cure for it. My mom got it from an injury at her job where she shattered her shoulder bones and all of the bones in her wrist. This caused her body to sustain a lot of trauma that triggered the recessive genetic disorder.

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My Mom And Will Will Be Homeless In Three Days · 8:00pm Sep 28th, 2016

A month or so ago my mom was diagnosed with Vikings Disease which causes bones and joints to curl up to the point where they can't be used anymore. There is no known cure for it. My mom got it from an injury at her job where she shattered her shoulder bones and all of the bones in her wrist. This caused her body to sustain a lot of trauma that triggered the recessive genetic disorder.

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Taking TSJ Way Way Way Too Far · 8:15pm Jun 1st, 2017

As y'all probably know, I just updated Twilight's Secret Journal for the first time in a little over two months.

There will be more updates this month (yes, plural). Oh and also this...


Those might be sleeper earrings. And they might be copper colored. :raritywink:

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I Need Some Advice For My YouTube Channel · 10:00pm Aug 2nd, 2017

So on YouTube, I want to start doing some rants on various things.

I have an idea of what rants I want to do, but I would also like to hear suggestions on what rants my audience (you guys and such) would want to hear.

Any suggestions would be very much appreciated. :)

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Does Anyone Have A Facebook? · 1:00am Aug 13th, 2017

I am just curious about the people here who have a Facebook.

Because I have groups on Facebook where you can promote your stuff too.

Lemme knowwww.

Also you don't have to share your Facebook or anything. I am just curious about those who have it so I can share my groups in the comments for anyone who is interested.


I Saw The Eclipse And Captured Some Video! · 12:39am Aug 22nd, 2017

I Saw The Eclipse And Captured Some Video!

Today, there was a random dude in a hooded sweatshirt handing out ellipse-watching glasses in the parking lot of our apartment complex. He handed them to my mom and I and we were able to watch the eclipse together.

I was also able to capture some footage of it on my camera. When I have some time, I will put the footage together and upload it onto YouTube.

The eclipse was really neat to watch!

I can't wait to see the next one. XD

Viewing 521 - 540 of 554 results