
Viewing 41 - 60 of 98 results

"A Letter with no Value": Chapter 25 of "Letters to Cozy Glow" trudges around the corner. · 3:47pm Oct 2nd, 2020

This letter has no value..... Like, literally, it really hasn't any value to Cozy..... But it's here now, it has arrived, and she is going to read it. Because what else is there to do, really?

What does she read about? Why does the letter have no value to her? Find out, down here, in Chapter 25 of "Letters to Cozy Glow":


The final chapter of "Letters to Cozy Glow" is released. (April Foals Day 2021 Joke!) · 5:27pm Apr 1st, 2021

"Letters to Cozy Glow" is officially over. I have just finished writing the last chapter. This comes extremely unexpected, even to me, but as it turned out during writing, the story is concluded here. You can read the final chapter of "Letters to Cozy Glow" here:

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Tempo Boost Story Poll #3 (February 2023) · 1:55am Feb 3rd, 2023

The new Tempo Boost Story Poll is live on my Patreon account! This is a day late, because I was operating on only 4 hours of sleep yesterday and then still had to go to an appointment and buy groceries, after which I slept pretty much the rest of the day, but now it's voting time!

Once more, like in the first two polls, you can vote for six stories, which are:

- Dreamwalker Dash

- Letters to Cozy Glow

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A new "Letters to Cozy Glow" chapter will release in a few hours! · 11:35pm Mar 13th, 2021

It's been three weeks, isn't it? When it was announced that the entirety of Generation 5 will be animated in full CGI a little more than two weeks ago, it threw me completely out of the loop and this somehow caused "Letters to Cozy Glow" to fly under my mental radar for a while. The announcement has made me depressed and a bit spaced out, which is why I failed to address the situation and the two weeks without updates.

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Chapter 35 of "Letters to Cozy Glow" is here late with a letter for the Lord of Chaos..... an actual letter, because really, could you imagine Cozy with Discord's powers?! · 10:21am Apr 19th, 2021

A new chapter of "Letters to Cozy Glow" is finally written..... Delayed because of depression that I am battling for a few days now..... Does this chapter even still count as a chapter for "this week", when it is technically already the previous week now? Regardless, here it is.....

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"Letters to Cozy Glow" is back with Chapter 10! · 6:43am Dec 13th, 2019

It's a week since "Letters to Cozy Glow" returned from its unwanted hiatus and today, Chapter 10 is here! This time, it's Thorax' turn to write Cozy and he tells his story of how he decided to turn his back on Chrysalis..... But will Cozy even listen?
Get Chapter 10 here while it's still fresh off the printing press:

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"Letters to Cozy Glow" returns today! · 8:22am Jun 3rd, 2021

Well, that was a long week. A week doesn't commonly last more than 30 days. The longest week is now officially over, however. "Letters to Cozy Glow" is scheduled to return today, with four brand-new chapters! Yes, we're speeding it up a bit this week. I'm sure all of you can need a bigger portion of letters after a month of waiting.

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"Letters to Cozy Glow", Chapter 16 is released! · 4:13am Feb 14th, 2020

I think Cozy Glow is making some real progress. Chapter 16 is here, with a letter from writers who might be a little unwilling to write this time..... Their letter does not seem to come at the exact right time for Cozy and what it contains isn't really what she needs. But she seems to be making another step forward, to a better and healthier future.
Check out what that step is in the new chapter here:

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Wait's over! Here is Chapter 12 of "Letters to Cozy Glow"! · 8:28pm Jan 10th, 2020

And now it's finally here. After the creative block from yesterday, "Letters to Cozy Glow" is finally updated with Chapter 12!
Tempest Shadow has a talk with Cozy now and she fills the head of this power-hungry filly with wondrous things! I have a feeling Cozy's day has just gotten a lot brighter after reading that letter!

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Cozy Glow writes her master: Chapter 13 of "Letters to Cozy Glow" is ready for reading! · 4:21am Jan 24th, 2020

I hope you're all in the mood for more adorable fanfilly. Cause there is more coming your way in the next letter. Cozy Glow writes her dear master and idol Tempest Shadow, in an excited, enthusiastic and passionate response to Tempest Shadow's letter.
Are you ready for a bit of Cozybetes today?

Stay easy as a filly!

~ Fluttercheer


"Letters to Cozy Glow" is being worked on right now. · 4:24pm Jan 31st, 2020

It looks like what I talked about yesterday has affected "Letters to Cozy Glow" too now. I was about to start writing yesterday, when I passed out both from remaining tiredness of the previous day and new exhaustion from some more prepper buying that resulted in another heavy bag. With my basically non-existent fitness, that meant nothing good. I was just going to rest for an

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Cozy Glow has a request to make..... in Chapter 29 of "Letters to Cozy Glow". · 3:51am Feb 12th, 2021

There is an important request Cozy has to make, to a very important pony. She has just sent off a letter of many colors, but now she is writing a letter of true colors..... To whom? The guess is probably not hard to make, but you can see for yourself in Chapter 29 of "Letters to Cozy Glow":

Stay easy as a filly!

~ Fluttercheer


"A Letter of Many Colors" arrives in Starlight's office..... Chapter 28 of "Letters to Cozy Glow" is here! · 1:21pm Feb 5th, 2021

Finally I can release this. The most work-intense chapter of "Letters to Cozy Glow", so far, is finally ready to be shown in public. A sleepless night, a craft I'm not doing often and lots of little steps to make everything perfect are behind me..... But what's more important is what is in front of you. Don't wait any longer, for your wait is over.

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Letters to Cozy Glow: A few explanations and clarifications about the nature of the story · 8:39pm May 17th, 2019

I think I need to share a few more infos about "Letters to Cozy Glow". In the two weeks that passed since the last chapter, I noticed that the views on the story essentially froze. And the overall views grow much slower than I expected it for this story, so I'm thinking a lot of my readers might go into it with wrong expectations.
Seeing this, I figured it would be a good idea to clarify a bit what kind of story it is.

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Cozy Glow writes Starlight Glimmer! Chapter 19 of "Letters to Cozy Glow" is released! · 7:51am Feb 28th, 2020

This week, Cozy Glow writes another letter, in a response to Starlight..... How will this letter be? Will it be full of furious rage like her letter for Luna? Or week and vulnerable like the tiny letter she sent to the Cutie Mark Crusaders? Or maybe something in between?
If you want to find out, there is only one way to do so, taking her letter and reading what Cozy has to say! Get Cozy Glow's newest letter here, while the ink is still wet:

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"Letters to Cozy Glow" and the Fate of Chapter 11 · 12:34pm Dec 20th, 2019

So, as you noticed (I feel I start way too many blog entries with "So" lately), "Letters to Cozy Glow" didn't get its update yesterday. That wasn't supposed to happen or planned like that. My Hearth's Warming Eve story for this year turns out as demanding enough that writing yesterday's chapter was sadly not possible.

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Possible delay of "Letters to Cozy Glow" this week · 4:08pm Aug 9th, 2019

I'm pretty beat. The heat, rather strong headache, increased pulse, colors flashing in front of my eyes..... The new chapter might come only tomorrow because of that. I've started writing it, but I don't know if I can finish it today.
I'll tell you more once I know more.

Stay easy as a filly!

~ Fluttercheer


"Letters to Cozy Glow" will return in the new year! · 1:01am Dec 24th, 2019

I need to make this short, because I am already very tired today due to remaining exhaustion after the long writing sessions to finish "Pinkie Pie's Hearth's Warming Vacation" in time for its release, but I want you to know about this.

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[Announcement] "Letters to Cozy Glow" returns tomorrow! · 11:05pm Jan 13th, 2021

Like I announced in my blog entry with my plans for the first half of 2021, "Letters to Cozy Glow" will return to regular updating tomorrow:

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It looks like 2020 isn't the "I'm back to full form!" year, after all, but rather the "I'm very slowly getting back to full form." year..... · 10:32pm Sep 13th, 2020

This year was supposed to be a big comeback year for me as a pony author, after the last two thirds of 2017 were mostly a disaster and 2018 and 2019 were overall very disorganized messes for my writing, because of the event from the beginning of 2017 (which I still can't tell you details about, sorry for being vague) and the huge aftermath of that event that left me in a mentally compromised state of existing, all of which affected my writing output and also my writing skill. Now, as the year

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Viewing 41 - 60 of 98 results