
Viewing 41 - 60 of 74 results

Important announcement I've been putting off. · 11:34pm Feb 7th, 2017

Around a year and a half from now I'm going to be shipping out for the U.S Navy.

Now. As for how this affects my time spent on this website I am uncertain. Although as soon as I know my deployment date (since I'm going in full active duty) I will let everyone know at least a week in advance. And I'm already working on figuring out who I'm going to pass the torch too when it comes time although, I really don't know if this is still going to be around in twenty years but who knows.

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An auxiliary unit's cadence Running Song · 10:37am Feb 13th, 2018

I've been brainstorming a scene from one of my stories that I have yet to write and I did not want to forget the cadence the characters chant before pulling a stunt that would put them in the spotlight of that part of the book.

So here we are
Here we are
Runnin' on
Runnin' on
baking under
Baking under
The morning sun
Morning sun/i]

Members of the Aux-iliary
Members of the Aux-liary
Misfits we are, so here we run

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Should I write a sequel to Soldiers of Equestria? · 11:09pm Jun 3rd, 2019

So, it's been a few months, and Soldier of Equestria was quite fun to write, even though some parts were a chore. I've been thinking of writing a sequel of sorts to SoE. Not a "sequel" sequel, but rather a series of spin-offs dealing with the titular soldier and his adventures through Equestria.

What do you guys think?


The Celestia Files - Let the Punishment Fit the Crime · 12:46am Nov 6th, 2016

My latest story got featured - an incredible honor. I've been reading some of the comments and I've noticed that a few people have some concerns about whether the battles referenced make sense, the actions of Celestia, and the fact that Brace Girdle isn't a very nice person.

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I'm Going To BABScon! · 10:11am Mar 26th, 2018

Howdy, everyone! First and foremost, as always, adorable Applejack:

Appul fam

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What is the Zaku? · 4:40am Sep 23rd, 2022


Its been a while since I've dedicated a thought to this · 8:26pm Aug 3rd, 2017

Well howdy do. I'm here, I exist. Welp...

Soooo, quite a lot has happened from the last blog post to this one. Like in my army life.

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Artwork: Lightning Dust · 10:03am Nov 23rd, 2017

New artwork for "The Army's Not The Army Anymore" has been uploaded, currently a placeholder for coverart. Enjoy.


Bluebird Update: I'm tired · 11:36pm Mar 13th, 2022

So, hello again, it's been well over a month since the last chapter of Bluebird, huh? I know someone asked about it in the comments section but the next chapter is on its way, as of writing it's been sent to the editor, who will take as much time as they need to look it over. Once they are happy with it, it'll be up.

To hold you over, I thought I'd make a few things clear to you all:

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No TV Tropes page? · 6:31pm Oct 10th, 2022

I was just wondering, why hasn’t anyone created a TV tropes page about this story?
I would’ve made one if I knew how to do the way I wanted buuuuut………:(


Happy Veterans Day! (USA) · 11:48pm Nov 11th, 2015

Here in the USA, we took time today to remember our veterans. :twilightsmile: Here's our National Anthem to celebrate.


~Vanilla Mocha,
Coffee Mare


Combat PTSD, a Marine Veterans' Life Unraveled & MLP? · 2:47pm Dec 16th, 2017

I feel silly here, well I did until I Googled "MLP and PTSD"... I was a bit surprised and a little excited to see so many results. I of course wish none of us(those with PTSD and other Mental Health problems who found solace in a cartoon about ponies) had this at all. I have alot to say on the matter however find myself unable to write right now(a lack of time and a surplus of painful hands). I do want to just express how awesome it is that there is others, it's very typical for me to feel

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A Blog From Beyond The Social Grave · 4:30am Nov 2nd, 2020

Yes! It is I! Ruby the Great and Soon-To-Be-Well-Read, and also Not Dead. It's been far too long since we've last spoken, but it's also been far too busy and stressful lately to be able to tack anything down here, as I'd have next to nothing to report. But for now, I do have something to report: A completed book, and a soon to be completed book. That is, Rosseau's The Social Contract (complete) and Martin Van Creveld's A History of Strategy: From Sun Tzu to William S. Lind

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For Paris, France · 9:11am Nov 14th, 2015

I know that nobody's likely awake to read this right now, but I just heard... Paris was recently attacked by a set of simultaneous terrorist attacks. So many are dead now. I can't even fathom why people have the mind to do these things to other people. All the attackers are reported dead thanks to the efforts of Parisian police and other emergency security forces.

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I'm in shock · 1:11am Jul 15th, 2016

Something happened this week, two events (one this monday and another one today) that, when come together, creates something that I never thought would happen, at least not this way. Those who lives or are keeping a watch of the events happening in Venezuela will have a very good idea of what I'm talking about and to those who know I'll tell you that this event will be featured in Living Insane because it just fits so well with the theme of the story.

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Gone a long time, Hearts of Iron IV, Equestria at War and "Sparks" Sky Gazer · 8:34pm Oct 29th, 2021

If you are reading this I hope you have a lot of time on your hands and/or interested in a rather interesting tale of events from someone who's been extremely inactive for almost a decade

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On War: The Big One · 9:03pm Jul 18th, 2020

Greetings small ponies! It is I, Ziltoid the Omniscient and writer of War Against the Sun, broadcasting telepathically into your minds once again about an update as to my readings from the mile-long list of books. This time, it was Clausewitz's On War, a very solid book, if but very long and very dense in its language. Apologies for the radio silence, I've been very busy and also trying to read this 200-year-old book. I recently got a job at a local factory and will continue to work there for

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Korean Bird talks about his time in the Military and his Brother's death in VRchat · 6:26pm Aug 10th, 2018


Penalt's Reading Corner - April 24 and a Help request · 7:13pm Apr 24th, 2022

One of the things that got most of us into MLP was the lighthearted spirit of adventure that permeates the series. Yes, there is drama, and fear and even hard lessons, but there is also music, jokes and straight up fun. Combined they make the series neither too heavy dramatically nor too fluffy with no drama at all. One story that follows this rule is Farmer Bruenor Has Some Ponies by

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Productivity · 3:35pm Sep 11th, 2022

Hi 3verypony,

I have a lot of knews since the last.

I have decided with a heavy hoof to my heart, that I will not be acquiring another NFT girlfriend like I promised I would. The thought behind this stems from an article I read about a person in Japan losing his waifu because the company hosting it lost its internet connection. The idea of buying and being attached to my NFT gf and then losing her is too painful, so for now I will elect to remain shingle.

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Viewing 41 - 60 of 74 results