
Viewing 41 - 60 of 410 results

Ranking the Sunburst Episodes (From Worst to Best) · 1:27pm Mar 10th, 2019

This might seem unconventional considering Sunburst hasn't really gotten that much focus, but if characters like Daring Do and Trixie can be on the lists despite infrequent appearances then so can Sunburst. Of course, he doesn't have that many episodes to himself, only a total of 6. But it actually gives him a leg up on Daring Do who got only 4. Granted, this is because Sunburst has had two two parters and got three episodes at the very end of Season 7, but every bit counts.

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My Top 10 Favorite FimFiction Stories! · 11:53pm Nov 11th, 2019

Hey guys, as the title suggests, I’m diving into my ‘favorites’ folder to show what stories on the site I enjoy the most. My criteria include how relatable the plot is, how enjoyable the story is, and how memorable I find it to be.

One more thing before I begin, these are just my personal opinions, so please don’t leave any hate comments.

Also, obviously, my own stories don’t count.


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Top Five Strongest Writers of FiM, Version 2 · 4:40am Nov 18th, 2017

Just like Season 7 brought some changes for the weakest show writers, it also changed some things for the strongest show writers, so we're gonna look at them again. Here's the first version, from a season ago. Let's see what changed.

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Top Ten Opening Sequences of FiM, Version 2 · 5:04am Nov 25th, 2017

Hope all of you stayed safe and avoided getting trampled if you had to go out shopping on this Black Friday, we're going to be ending these Top Ten lists for the show tonight, and I wanted to go out on a positive instead of a negative note. We updated the worst opening sequences last time, so now we're gonna update the best opening sequences. Here's the first version, from a season ago. Let's see what got added,

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Top Twenty Songs of MLP FiM, Version 2 · 4:40pm Jun 23rd, 2017

While we've already gotten three of the five songs that will be in this season, and it's too soon to know how well the remaining two will be recieved, I figure that with two new songs having made it into my favorites, the time has come to update this list. Here's the previous version, from the end of Season 6. Like always, this list is not in any way official, so feel free to disagree (just so long as you respect my

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Ranking The Writers of Season 7 · 3:38am Nov 13th, 2017

Season 7 saw a lot of new writers enter the fold, and very few veteran writers come back. Normally, this tends to lead to seasonal rot in animated shows, particularly in cases where the new writers don't bother to watch what's already out there first. But this show managed to defy that trend, as Season 7 topped Season 6 by a clear margin (though it was by no means a landslide). But how much of that was because of the new writers? And which of the new writers were among the best (or among the

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Top Five Weakest Writers of FiM, Version 2 · 3:24am Nov 17th, 2017

Well, considering the new writers of Season 7, I felt this list needed a revisiting and revising. Rest assured that the Top Five Best Writers will get the same treatment tomorrow. Here's the first version, from a season ago. Let's see what changed. And as always, I mean no disrespect to anyone at Hasbro or DHX.

5. Chris Savino (Episodes written: Boast Busters, Stare Master)

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Ranking The Movie Songs · 4:14pm Apr 8th, 2018

We covered the characters, now it's time to cover the songs of the movie. I will not be counting the ponyfication of "We Got The Beat", because it's not an original song composed for the movie (and in my opinion it's a pretty lazy way to open the movie, what would've been wrong with an instrumental opening?). That means there's a total of seven songs to count. And obviously, the rankings are a reflection of my personal opinion. So don't get upset if a song you really liked is low on the list,

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Episode Rankings of Season 7, From Worst to Best (Version 2) · 1:28pm Jun 16th, 2018

Time to bring these updated rankings to a close. Let's see how the episodes of Season 7 stack up now compared to how they did at the end of Season 7. As always, this list is the result of my personal opinion, so please respect it. And don't hesitate to ask if you want to know why a certain episode ends up where it does. Here's the first version, let's see what changed.

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Ranking the Halloween/Nightmare Night Episodes (From Worst to Best) · 2:29pm Mar 21st, 2019

Alongside Christmas and Valentine's Day, Halloween is the only holiday to get a pony equivalent. Ever since the second season we've had it established as Nightmare Night. We've actually only had two official episodes take place on the holiday, but just like with Hearts and Hooves Day for Valentine's Day there are some episodes that could be said to have a Halloween feel to them (of course, not just any episode taking place at night or involving spooky imagery will qualify).

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Ranking the Season Finales (From Worst to Best) · 3:59pm Mar 15th, 2019

From Season Premieres to Season Finales, just as it's important to start off on a good note it's equally important to end on a good note. You've heard people complain all the time about how bad endings can ruin a movie or a video game, and the same can hold true for shows. Sometimes all it can take is one bad finale to irreversably damage your following and aliennate fans. But of the 8 finales to consider, which ones stood out the most for better or for worse, and why? How did the finales

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Ranking the Discord Episodes (From Worst to Best) · 2:54pm Mar 5th, 2019

Discord was the first (but certainly not the last) major villain to get reformed and was also the first guest star character (voiced by John DeLancie). Perhaps fitting for a spirit of chaos he'd had many ups and downs over the course of his many episodes, all 16 of them. And today we're going to be looking at how they stack up, which ones do him justice and which ones are insults to his character. There are no hybrid episodes to consider this time, every episode he's appeared in counts as his

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Ranking the Applejack Expys From Worst to Best · 2:32am Oct 13th, 2020

This list is the hardest of all to do because not only does Applejack have the least amount of expys at five (tied with Rarity) but she also has very little in the way of actual expys that can truly count because she has so little character (she's a farmer, she's stubborn, she's down to earth, that's it). One of these expys is from Equestria Girls, but it's hard to truly define where these expys should line up even though this is the result of my personal opinion. And no, Sandbar doesn't count

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Ranking the Guys Night and SugarMac Trilogies (From Worst to Best) · 5:23pm Oct 8th, 2019

People often refer to "Owl's Well That Ends Well", "Dragon Quest", and "Spike At Your Service" as part of an unholy trilogy or trio of episodes. So I think it's nice to look at some trilogies that are actually you know.... good. The Guys Night Trilogy refers to the three episodes centered on Spike, Big Macintosh, and Discord, while the SugarMac Trilogy refers to the three episodes focusing on the SugarMac relationship. Since both trilogies ultimately share two episodes there really is no point

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Transformers Films Ranked (OUTDATED) · 1:01am Jun 25th, 2020

8). The Last Knight

7). Revenge of the Fallen

6). Age of Extinction

5). Transformers (2007)

4). Bumblebee

3). Beast Hunters: Predacons Rising

2). Dark of the Moon

1). The Transformers: The Movie (1986)


Ranking The Songs of Make Your Mark: Chapter 2 · 9:05pm Nov 2nd, 2022

For those of you who haven't seen Make Your Mark: Chapter 2 yet, consider this your spoiler warning. I don't think I'm spoiling too much since all the songs got leaked online in full ahead of time (from the soundtrack), but I know some probably still haven't heard them yet.

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Ranking the Fluttershy Songs (From Worst to Best) · 9:35pm Jan 7th, 2022

Fluttershy is one of the characters who didn't have a singing double, Andrea Libman sang for her as well as voiced her. This may be because Andrea said in interviews that the Pinkie Pie voice took a tole on her, so just doing it must've strained her and made singing harder than with Fluttershy. Strangely enough though, Fluttershy has had nine songs to herself with two even technically coming from another persona of hers, giving her more than you would expect (and more than Rarity). Just like

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Ranking the Applejack Episodes (From Worst to Best) · 8:20pm Feb 26th, 2019

Time to round out the original mane six roster with the only character to retain her name from the original drafts of the show, and sadly also the mane six member with the infamous reputation for being a "background pony" by fans. Apparently even Hasbro is having trouble with her, because there's talk of turning her into a bad girl from the wrong side of the tracks for G5. Naturally, given the fact that she tends to get the most throwaway episodes of the bunch, it's going to be difficult to

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Make Your Mark Episodes/Specials Ranking, Version 2 · 6:44pm Nov 26th, 2023

With two more chapters of Make Your Mark having come and gone now, it's time to update a few lists to reflect on what's changed. I would do one ranking the main cast now that Comet has joined, but all that would really change is that Comet would be on the bottom: He's a blank slate that we know very little about, even Pipp has more of a defined character and personality than he does (not that that's saying much given Pipp's problems). So instead, we're starting with an update ranking every

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HapHazred's Top 5 Season 5 Episodes · 8:16pm Nov 29th, 2015

I really rather enjoyed this season. In fact, I enjoyed it so much I rather wanted to share which episodes I liked best.

Because I can!

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Viewing 41 - 60 of 410 results