
Viewing 41 - 60 of 544 results

What A Week · 5:19am Apr 4th, 2020

This week has been... Well, overwhelming. Not in the way last week was, but more... like with some life stuff.

For starters, my Mom struggling with her technology was a big thing. I'm trying to give her support because she's teaching from home, but I had to do a lot of her work for her and getting told that I wasn't doing it fast enough or not doing it right multiple times by my dad (who was observing and has no clue what her work entails technology wise), was incredibly frustrating.

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I've Been Busy... And I Still Will Be · 12:04am Mar 2nd, 2016

I know I haven't been very active, and due to the last billion blogs I made you can probably guess why. But this is another reason as to why I've been gone- I have been trying to ignore my anxiety and instead, I am trying to enjoy life a little bit more. :twilightsmile: I've been playing Monopoly with the family, testing at school (yes, I like that. I'm a nerd. Plus, that means easy courses and no homework :trollestia: ), and I have been catching up on my YouTube subscriptions.

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"Pure Imagination"-(From"Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory")(300th blog is purposeful) · 9:59pm Aug 30th, 2016

Come with me
And you'll be
In a world of pure imagination
Take a look
And you'll see
Into your imagination

We'll begin
With a spin
Traveling in
The world of my creation
What we'll see
Will defy

If you want to view paradise
Simply look around and view it
Anything you want to, do it
Want to change the world?
There's nothing to it

There is no
Life I know
To compare with pure imagination

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Unpopular Opinions · 10:55pm Sep 7th, 2017

“I swear to god, if I hear the opening bars to Freebird, you are a dead woman!”
-some purple girl.

The Words, like Spice, flow.


Bloag Poast · 1:07am Nov 8th, 2017

I was instructed under pain of excrement to inform you of a new contribution to enlightened ponyhood. Super Trampoline has led yet another odyssey of wonder and delight, and I have put hand to oar in service to this accomplishment. I am so proud to present Apples and Idols


Life Check 3 · 12:37am Jan 15th, 2016

Currently Reading: NOTHING! I'm trying to focus on writing my own fics :)
Currently Listening: Hey Maud: Mysteriousbronie & Luna Ticks
Current Mood:

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Report Nines · 237 views · #life #feeling good

I don't know why I'm telling you this · 4:08pm Jul 4th, 2020

Today is independence day in America; a truly wonderful day paid for over countless decades. I would normally be celebrating. Yesterday I walked down into town and visited an ex-friend's house. We had an argument and shit got heated, so he declared us no longer friends; a month or maybe two ago (I've never been good at days or times exactly). He was mostly a sociopath. He had no emotions aside anger but he still tried to get past that. And I was helping him. If he got violent I knocked him on

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Where You Belong · 10:28pm Mar 24th, 2020

"Alone, all alone
Nobody, but nobody
Can make it out here alone."- "Alone" by Maya Angelou

I've been thinking a lot about loneliness, and about self-perception lately.

For most of my life I have been ruled by my thoughts. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy would tell you that you are not your thoughts, but what if they are? I mean, thoughts dictate words which dictate character, which dictate destiny, so doesn't it follow that your thoughts rule your life?

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My favorite Steven Universe episode: Episode 45 Rose's Scabbard. · 8:51pm Aug 26th, 2015


Well, It Had To Happen Sooner Or Later... · 1:07am Sep 2nd, 2022

What I mean by this is that I've had very little desire to write the latest chapter of M.L.G. Kinda tired, distracted by games, dealing with my sinuses going on strike, take your pick; could be even all of the above. I have my doubts that I'll be able to have some semblance of a chapter up by the deadline.

Just figured I'd let you know.


Sick update. · 4:19pm Mar 21st, 2020

Just went to urgent care. I probably have bronchitis. At least my sore throat and the pressure in my right ear are gone.

Anyway, I'm feeling a bit better, and I made some good edits to the newest Assassinverse chapter, which will be published soon if I'm lucky. And yes, new updates are coming soon, just bear with me.

Thanks for sticking with me, guys.


Gravity Falls Feels · 1:11am Jan 30th, 2022

Warning: Post-Tramatic Stress Syndrome

Heya readers! Saw this one out on Pintrest and was touched.


How's everyone doing this fine evening?


Birthday Pony · 9:24pm Oct 26th, 2019

Welp, I'm celebrating my birthday this weekend.

Won't say how old I am, but I'm sure some of my more astute followers could probably make an accurate educated guess. Suffice to say, I've been around the block a time or two.

Not much hubbub in birthdays as an adult. Sure, there are still some milestones, but they become few and far between. I just enjoy a time where I can relax and have a nice dinner at the family's expense--and, maybe, splurge a bit on myself for a change.

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Sometimes i hate my ADD · 4:47pm Sep 22nd, 2015

I mean my ADD can be a pain sometimes and this is one of those moments.

What that, it just that every time i see Smile Dog, Seen here:

I keep on thinking of that one chimera from FMA ( from BOTH animes) (you know Nina):


What do I do? Where do I go? · 5:05am Jul 4th, 2016

For a while now I've been struggling with thoughts of what my future holds. "What should I do? Should I continue to persue writing or try another route? Will I even make it as a writer, artist, or something else?" I keep getting into these moods when I know I shouldn't. I have a job for the summer and I'll be going back to school in august. I have family that loves me, but I don't want to live with them even if I can't pay my rent to stay where I am. I wouldn't say I'm depressed exactly. I have

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more music to enjoy · 9:26am May 17th, 2016

This makes me think of flying. I'm going to listen to it next time I fly :rainbowdetermined2:


Sick · 6:24pm Aug 31st, 2023

First off: I'm not hospitalized, and I'm not asking for money. Just miserable.

This has not been a good month. I can get a weird sort of reverse seasonal depression, where my mood will tank in the summer and get better as I head toward fall and winter, but if it were just that, well... I'm a writer. I'd just spill it all across the page, maybe write several bits of flash fiction for the occasion as I work some of the bad feelings out. I can function through that.

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Home · 12:28pm Oct 24th, 2015

It's so lonely on the moon
I hope that I can come home soon
Will it be the same when I return?
I know there's a lesson I have learned

Why does the night no more inspire?
As I raise the sun, I start to tire
I long for you to be with me
But there are things that cannot be
And it takes some time away to see

And I've spent half my life waiting for your call
Why do I feel I don't belong anywhere at all?

When I come home and see you again

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I'm on a roll! · 10:24pm Jan 10th, 2016

HAHA! Another new story!

I'm feeling good, like really good! I should keep doing this.

This is turning out to be a good year so far.

Expect more stories and chapters in the coming year, loves. It's getting good

Stay classy,



OMG Pandora! · 11:48am Dec 18th, 2015

I don't think TwiCord or whatever is a remotely plausible ship, but Pandora is totes adorbs.


OMG my feels! What have you done to my feels?!?!

Viewing 41 - 60 of 544 results