
Viewing 41 - 50 of 50 results

Gen'da I.D.s yo... (black speak for "Over") · 6:25am Mar 15th, 2022

Woke Liberal Soldier?
Instead of their name and rank on their uniforms, they'd demand their pronouns and pride flag emojis instead... right?

And their corpses?
The pronouns on the toe tag.

Dog Tags?
WokeSolidiers: Oh yeah! Kink belongs on the battlefield!!!


Cloudpuff, WHY?! · 4:54am Jun 30th, 2022

Story Hour with ClownFluff

*Deep Manly Voice*

Cloudpuff: Yes, I believe I was scheduled to read some stories today.


Posey: Looks like it's another call to the Proud Stallions... sigh...

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It was just a joke. Calm down. · 8:24pm May 23rd, 2021

While seeing "people" on Twitter whine about first world problems is amusing to some, it is still a concern.

"It was just a joke."

Racist Jokes - First, according to Twitter users, EVERYTHING is racism, so that there already invalidates their opinion on humor.

Offensive - According to Twitter and most young people who suffer from oversensitivity, literally EVERYTHING is offensive. Once again those "people" are invalidated.

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Offense · 4:11am Mar 12th, 2021

"If you've that easily offended, you deserve to feel that way." - Adán Druego


Clown World of Spanish Horses · 3:18am Jul 5th, 2021

And that's how Honkler won World War "Where To Pee"

If you're offended and feeling invalidated again.
Just go and dye your hair again.


As They Say In The White Supremacist Media (CNN) · 6:52am Jan 27th, 2022


If you see ten Nazis at a table with one normal guy sitting with them, you really have eleven normal guys and you're probably just a mentally ill leftist who's been on Twitter too long.

Honestly, it's a bit redundant to say "mentally ill" and then "leftist", isn't it?
What's worse? "Twitter user", since that has some obvious implication in and of itself.


New Story and asking for advice · 9:24pm Feb 1st, 2018

So hey all of you. I don't know if you all know but I started a new story because I felt I had moved past where I was on my previous work here. In many ways I have but most importantly was my mentality. I feel in someways a different person than what I was a year ago. I hope my writing has improved, which I know it has but how much is so difficult to say, but more importantly is things are looking up for me in my life outside of writing. Which is kinda funny coming from a person who just spent

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Why Supporting Putin Is The Morally Right Thing To Do. · 12:35am Mar 18th, 2022

Why Supporting Putin Is The Morally Right Thing To Do.

You heard that correct, leftists. Supporting Putin is the morally right thing to do.


Supporting Putin and his war in Ukraine is treasonous to the US.

But according to you, leftists, the US is a systemically racist and evil nation unworthy of your support.

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Am I an evil person? · 1:07am January 21st

Many years ago, I lived together with a person who called herself my "mother". She was evil and also mentally ill. A few days ago, on Thursday, I came to think about her, because I was thinking about the mistake I made in January of 2017 and how my extreme reaction there must have been because of a mental illness.

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Representation (Doesn't) Matter · 2:53am Feb 9th, 2023

Muh reprezentaishun, yo!!

Freaks: I gotta see muhselfs in this.

Notme: Bruh... it's a video about wizards doing magic.

Freaks: Yeaaaahh, but if I can not be seeing muhself in thiz then how's I suppos'd ta relate?!

Notme: Bruh... they're humanoid robots that turn into vehicles.

Freaks: But muh sexualityz, mah cissah.
Freaks: N mah dark skin, yo!!
Freaks: And mah mental illzness?!
Freaks: And... my fetish.
Freaks: Andz mah paloticks!!!

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Viewing 41 - 50 of 50 results