
Viewing 41 - 60 of 308 results

Help! · 3:04pm Dec 22nd, 2015

So, my pre-reader/pseudo-editor has been inactive for a while. I sent them both of my latest chapters, and they haven't responded yet. And, with two chapters done, I'm getting antsy about posting. I was thinking about posting them somewhat rough, but I had a better idea.

Anyone want to be my temporary pre-reader/editor? I've got about 9K words and I want them posted A.S.A.P. Leave a comment if you are interested and available now.

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Report wille179 · 595 views · #editor #pre-reader

You thought that I was dead? · 6:01pm Aug 24th, 2015

Think again.

It's pretty much ready to go, I just need some fresh eyes to take a good long look at this. Grammatical and plot mistakes aside, I'm looking for someone who has a good understanding on how the UN works, specifically the General Assembly. I did quite a bit of researching to try to get it right, but there might still be things that I've gotten wrong or that I've simply missed.

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A Question for Readers · 7:33am Nov 18th, 2016

So, I have a preliminary partial timeline of history, as it played out in the Advancedverse.

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Next "Iron Horse" Chapter: To Split or Not to Split · 5:37am Feb 22nd, 2017

...That is the question!

But seriously, I'd like some feedback. The next chapter is going well, but it's also getting a little long. So I need some advice.

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Round II Begins · 10:45pm Nov 8th, 2016

EDIT: Slot ONE is still open, and the +10 USD add-on is available. Slot TWO is closed. Slots THREE and FOUR are available.

Alright, we'll be doing a horror-romance themed story. Before we get into anything else, first let's auction off some slots.

So that everyone's clear and everything, I never touch any of the money, it all goes directly to charity, etcetera. Your donations through my page go directly to Oxfam and onward to helping sponsor a village.

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Honestly touched. · 9:07pm Apr 16th, 2021

As the blog states, I am touched and gobsmacked by the sheer number of likes and favs you are giving me so far. Thank you all so much for the love so far and I hope that I can meet your expectations.

Again, thank you all.


Mindcracked 2 rewrite · 6:52pm Jul 5th, 2015

So, I've been gone a long time. I haven't written for even longer. I'm eager to get back into writing, but I've found a catch: the story I want to write more of was based off actual events. Yes, I know the Crackpack server is no longer up. However, I still want to write about ponies in Minecraft. More specifically, modded Minecraft.

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Is this still comedy? · 5:35am Apr 5th, 2018

So, I just posted my second chapter of SBTG. I like it so far, and I don't think there is too much left of the story to tell. One or two chapters left I think. But, while the prequel was definitely comedy, I'm not sure this one is. What do you think?


Beta Readers Needed for Equestria MILFs III: Weekend at Fluttershy's · 3:02pm Nov 14th, 2018

So I'm going to run with what I have in terms of plot, and just post this sucker. No reason not to do it right, though. I'm aiming for a deadline of... some time next week? Maybe the week after? I'm going to run into Thanksgiving somewhere in there but I need to think about what I'm doing about cover art. My 'Great Dane sized dog Spike' is a rare interpretation (100% author appeal) so I'll probably have to draw my own.

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Proof reader editors wanted. · 2:12pm Jul 10th, 2019

Hi johnnyomon here. I will be up loading new chapters soon. But I could use some help I have read comments. I am looking for some editors and proof reader's. Blanks my editor does so much for me and I am grateful. But more editors will help make this story. Even better. Plus some proof readers can help with any Mistakes or if I need to rewrite some things. If anyone is interested please let me know.


Proof reader needed! · 2:44am April 26th

I need somone to have a look at the first six or seven chapters in (you can go a bit further if you wish, but no further than the 10th chapter, anything unpublished under that is riddled with errors as they are incomplete)

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I'M BACK! · 2:37am Jan 23rd, 2017

I've been gone for a good month and this was all due to me being very busy. The next chapter of the protector is being written and it will be published pretty soon. I actually have a question for you guys, what would you think of another human entering the story? I don't think it would hurt to experiment with it, but these kinds of decisions are always up to the readers!


I need a beat-reader or editor · 2:08am Jan 15th, 2017

I need someone who can edit my fanfiction:

I need someone who can used really good at spotting errors and correct them. But also making telling me about what the think about and make suggests how it can better. You don’t need to know all characters or what story they from but it is a huge help and I would you at less know one of these people are.

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All Kinds of Thoughts · 12:38am Sep 7th, 2018

So, Friendship Bling recently hit 600 upvotes... wow. When I first published the story, I had just taken a test and published it out of... curiosity? Boredom? I don't know. Either way, I was stunned as I watched the likes, comments, and views slowly climb. It was especially amazing to see it get featured for 100 hours straight! Thank you all so much for reading my silly story. You fans are what makes me want to write. I love seeing that people can find entertainment from my crazy ideas.

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Approaching Climax · 10:51am Jul 10th, 2018

I just wanna thank all you readers who read, faved and commented on my story

Fall of Equestria: For Honor

you've been wonderful, I love ya now go write a story just as awesome if not more!

Get down, get funky, get NASTY babe!


Gilchrist's positioning in episodic chapters! · 3:09am Sep 28th, 2016

In most chapters that correlate to episodes, my standard procedure is to take the script and add some more reader-friendly formatting to it. What a very important reader has mentioned to me is that it feels like Gilchrist doesn't exist during the episode. While this is partially intentional, I would like to hear everyone's opinion.

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Random Ramblings CLXXXIII · 7:00am May 19th, 2017

This is going to be short, as it's two in the morning and I'm trying to write. I've run into a slight block in my next story.

Was Rarity (EQG) sabotaged at the Spring Fling or the Fall Formal? I can't remember and I've not found the answer in any stories I've written so far. (I know EQG1 never confirmed Rarity was Sunset's target, but Meghan did).

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Reader-Driven Story Prep · 12:38am Nov 7th, 2016

Alright. If the current results hold, the story will be horror. I'll leave the votes open until... let's say until the end of tomorrow. As long as it's not midnight of the 7th in your time zone, you can still vote.
I really don't know why you guys would ask me of all people to write a horror story. I can already see it forming in my brain.

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Proof reader/Editor/ idk space monkeys · 10:42am Dec 2nd, 2019

Hey guys and gals, so I'm wondering if anyone is keen on helping me with proof reading and possibly being a editor of sorts for Ship Wrecked.

Idk I make a shit ton of errors and just want to try and make the best story I can for you guys so here I am looking for people to help please.


Sunflower Pre-readers Wanted · 2:38pm Apr 5th, 2021

I'm gonna have a rough few days because my dog is sick, but I want to get my Sunflower up on time, so I got the story ready today. If anyone want to pre-read let me know; I'm posting it Thursday afternoon at the latest tho.

The a Blurb for the Blurb

DM me if you're interest.

Viewing 41 - 60 of 308 results