
Viewing 41 - 60 of 192 results

I plan a story, and detail my creative process. · 4:24pm Jul 24th, 2017

Boom, I'm back.

Just got an idea: I got this big ol' map of Equestria, complete with a shit load of races, some new and some canon, and where they go. I need to do something with that. I have no idea what, but something.

Maybe like a Wanderings of a Non-Brony, or Ballad of Echo the Diamond Dog style 'imma just go and see what happens' style story.

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Steal Smoked Fish, or, Fishing Slaves Lives · 6:06am Jul 5th, 2022

So in the background I’m working on a book about an alternate history of Earth where, one day, it started raining and never stopped. As part of the research for this I’m reading three books at the moment; Against the Grain and Seeing Like a State by James C Scott, and David Graeber’s last book Dawn of Everything. They’re all books that cover pre-agricultural civilization and see agriculture not as an inevitable step in the march of progress, but as a decision that was made and had oppressive

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Content Update #4 - Act II Worldbuilding Teaser · 11:05pm April 27th

The worldbuilding process for Act II and onwards of The Wanderer is almost complete. From my overview page, here is a very brief, very short teaser, with blackout tape for spoilers (fixed this time):

Excited to get back to working on the story proper. Speaking of, I just posted a short interlude for the run-up to Act II. It's nothing huge, just a little something that wouldn't have fit in anywhere else.

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The Hogwarts Express: How long? · 8:25am Apr 15th, 2020

A question that just came up in my writing: How long are each of the passenger coaches used on the Hogwarts Express, and how many do they carry?

Oh yes: Spoiler alert for a paragraph or two of an asofyet unwritten chapter of On the Implications of Parallel Worlds.

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Worldbuilding XII: Farming part 4: Cultivating · 10:00pm Oct 3rd, 2018

Now that there are crops in the field, it's time to make them thrive!

Episode Screencap

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Side Project: Worldbuilding Magazine · 9:02pm Aug 2nd, 2020

In addition to day job, night job, fictioning, and being a terrible OC, I have other passion projects. I'm a staff writer for Worldbuilding Magazine, an online publication dedicated to the art and craft of worldbuilding in speculative fiction, tabletop, videogaming, and movies/television. We've just put out our latest (and so far, biggest) issue, on the topic of

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On Homestria · 1:46am May 25th, 2021

Homestria, as the Equestria of the human world Homis is called, is a kingdom composed of several states. We will examine each state in more detail later, but for now let us look at the big picture, at the kingdom as a whole.

I. Boundaries

To the north, Homestria is bounded by the Yaket Range and Mount Everstep. To the northwest, the River Frost, on the edge of the Luna Bay, marks the kingdom's border with Scandras, while to the northeast the Gap of Griffonstone bars the way.

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Weather, Cutie Marks, and the Everfree Forest - in an Equestria with a Source of Magic · 8:34pm Aug 23rd, 2019

Previously, I have discussed one particular way of merging the idea of a "rational" universe, with Equestria's magic being present. There, I proposed the existence of a construct I have named the Source of Magic - an abstract construct big and powerful enough to be capable of performing feats considered "magical" while doing them only by the means available to everyone through the general laws of

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Map of Equestria as I see it for Broken then Healed · 2:30pm Jul 20th, 2017

So I drew a map of Equestria and while it is far from a complete map and is missing many major cities I think it will be important for later for reference...hint, hint, hint.... cause you never know when things might change for whatever reason... the red line is the borders of Equestria and this is but a small section of Equis. I don't like the "offical" map because it is way to small. so here is this one in which it is a sixish hour by train ride from Canterlot to Ponyville

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Worldbuilding/Silly Speculation: what do the main six drink? · 10:00am Apr 17th, 2014

What your character orders to drink says a lot about them. The type of beverage, how it's prepared, and how much it costs all paint a picture of preferences that adds verisimilitude and detail to a character's day-to-day life.

Here is what I think the Main Six would drink, and why. I tried to include at least one alcoholic and one non-alcoholic beverage in every entry.

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Don't read this blog · 6:50pm Nov 21st, 2023

If you're reading this, then I guess rules don't mean much to you. You go, rebel.

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Narrative/visual tropes in G4 · 3:29am Apr 23rd, 2023

I have a ton of notes on my writing project here, so I decided to sit down and figure out recurring themes that seem to perpetuate a canon MLP story. So, you know, the information would have a place somewhere other than my head.

Granted, much of this may seem redundant.

If you have anything to add, I would be grateful.

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Report Forcalor · 139 views · #Trope #Worldbuilding #QOTD

Some Thoughts on Worldbuilding · 9:58pm Feb 8th, 2017

His brow creased with concentration, Lofting set the ruler across the map, made a few fine adjustments, and traced a line from East to West. This done, he studied his handiwork a moment, laid his tools aside, and stabbed a fingertip upon where the pencil marks crossed. "That is where we must go," he said.

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Cadance in furs; musings about BDSM and ponies · 5:16pm Jul 2nd, 2017

About a year ago, I came across a fic--one I'm sure many are familiar with, the Clocktower Society, which for want of a more romanized way of describing it, is essentially a story about a BDSM cult that everypony (literally everypony) is a part of. Except Twilight, but she gets her own eventually.

Ultimately, this blog post isn't about that.

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Worldbuilding VIII: Ponies don't have hands · 10:07pm Sep 9th, 2017

Ponies don't have hands; they've got hooves instead.


This is hardly new knowledge, of course. I'm not exactly treading on new ground here.

Warning: lots of YouTube images below the break

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Worldbuilding · 5:36am Mar 3rd, 2021

Well, I'm quickly coming to the realization that writing a story in the MLP:FiM universe becomes significantly more difficult when your six main characters are 30 lightyears away from Equestria in another star system. Worldbuilding isn't an entirely new thing to me, but keeping things "believable" and in line with the MLP canon definitely poses a fun challenge!

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Cutie Mark essay · 8:29am Nov 10th, 2015

(Note: I've decided that my essays are written from a Doylist POV rather than a Watsonian POV. Basically, its from MY POV rather than from Coin Flips)

On Cutie Marks.

The term "cutie mark" refers to the marking on the rump of a pony. Since MLP is targetted towards girls (although FiM has gained quite the large periphery audience), the name sounds cutesy. I'm fine with that. Coin Flip would probably call it a rump marking, because he's (most of the time) a stallion.

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Questions about Worldbuilding... · 11:39pm Feb 14th, 2017

You ever find yourself starting a story, and then start getting about a thousand ideas for worldbuilding on that story, to the point where you forget you were actually working on said story?


Worldbuilding XV: Equine Teeth · 11:45pm Jul 9th, 2021

Let’s talk about teeth.


Specifically, pony teeth.

More specifically, equine teeth.

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Being a Better Writer: Static Backdrop · 10:10pm Sep 26th, 2016

You ever watch an old movie? Not like black-and-white, pre-talkies era, but forties or fifties-era flick. You know, color, but early color, surprisingly regular inclination to break into song and dance?

It was a thing.

Anyway, if you've ever sat down and watched one of these older flicks with friends, family, or even on your lonesome, it's likely that at some point during the runtime of the film, a comment similar to the following was made:

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Viewing 41 - 60 of 192 results