
Viewing 581 - 600 of 658 results

Sailor Moon -- from Gay to Gayer · 9:12pm Dec 9th, 2017


I Winked Yesterday, and Your Mother Can't Stop Thinking About Me · 10:13pm Mar 21st, 2018


Preach Electric to a Microphone Stand (HI GUYS I'M COMING CLEAN) · 12:21am May 7th, 2018

Hi there! Full disclosure: this is an alt. My main account is this one, and my name is Aragón. Or at least that's my usual nick around the site. This was a bit of an experiment.

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I finished the project! · 9:48pm Aug 16th, 2016

I'll have to keep it a secret for a few months since it's a gift, but it is so beautiful! It looks like something that you can buy at a store. My mom says that it looks like something I could sell for $20 or $400 if it's at an anime convention. It sounds like a good idea, but there's no way I can sell these things. It took me two days to make it by hand, and I put my love in every stitch. I'm not making these for just anyone; my hands would fall off if I

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"Hell is Empty": Another Mistake To Avoid When Writing Romance · 11:16pm Apr 10th, 2016


If You Punch A Clown In The Face, It Will Probably Be Horrible And Not Funny At All You Monster · 6:16pm Aug 17th, 2015

(This blog was written for Onemansponyramblings, and it’s posted in there as per today. Chris, the guy who runs the site (and one of the curators of the RCL), asked for guest columns and I offered one about random humor and all that jazz. I figured some of you might want to read this too, so here it comes. Make sure to check the blog as

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NATO, Nukes, and Nazis · 3:56pm Apr 4th, 2022

Hi. How are you. You look great today.

I fucking cried twice since this started - you know, the fascist invasion for territorial conquest of a small, young democracy. Once a few days into it, when the reality sunk in. Once yesterday. You know. Mass graves. Civilians executed with their hands tied and bullets in the brain.

You know. Like the last time the fascists went through Ukraine.

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F/F/T3K15 9/22: Starfleet finale. · 4:40am Sep 23rd, 2016

So the perpetual runner-up of the polls has finally been riffed. And no one seemed to listen when I said the people who voted for it should have actually jumped in and join. Seriously, don't be shy. It's improv, basically; almost nothing's off the table, you just need to be daring enough to put yourself out there.

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I'm a face stripper · 12:11am Sep 6th, 2016


F/F/T3K15 11/22: Not with a bang, but with an indignant whine. · 2:58am Nov 23rd, 2017

Two past projects have been finished for you this week. First one's the promised recap of the riff from two weeks ago, which you can read now. The second is the full riff from last week, here for your optical displeasure.

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I'm conked out · 3:43pm Aug 16th, 2016

I stayed up until midnight working on my sewing project and then I spent all morning sewing that shit. :applejackconfused: I'm putting my sweat and tears into this project. I don't need it to be done for a couple more months, but I won't have this much free time for a long time.


"School Raze" Review: The Most INTENSE Season Finale Ever · 12:08am Oct 15th, 2018

The season finale has arrived..... And, wow, was this an INTENSE Finale! I hardly know where to begin..... Cozy Glow turning out as a villain and as plain evil, Chancellor Neighsay turning out as the lesser evil and even getting overthrown by Cozy Glow, Cozy Glow's brilliant and flawless plan where she thought on absolutely everything, how she got everypony on her side by simply acting charming, nice and adorable, Tirek as evil mentor pulling the strings from the background, the initial

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"It Feels Rapier than ever" -- Another Horrible Mistake To Avoid When Writing Romance · 11:18pm Feb 8th, 2016

Audio version by Imrix.

I’m not good at romance.

A guy once tried to choke me and then begged for sex, and that’s just the third most horrible confession I’ve gone through. A girl in my high school refused to go out with a guy unless he stabbed his own arm with three needles to show his love. One of my teachers had to go to the hospital on New Year’s because she got a champagne bottle stuck to her vagina.

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4 Day Emergency $50 Loan? · 9:38am Jul 1st, 2019

I thought I had enough money in my account to buy underwear and groceries at Target. I did not. Now, ten dollars, that's not too much. I'm sure I could find someone to sell a couple grams of God's green herb to to make that up. But then I forgot that Planet Fitness (the place I shower at since I live in my music studio) charges a $40 "Maintenance Fee" or whatever every July, rather than, you know, making their monthly rate like 3.5 bucks higher. So now I'm $49 in the red, and if I can't solve

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Attack on Attack on Titan: an In-Depth Review of a Story I Hate (Part Two: Characters, and Sexism) · 8:27pm Jun 27th, 2021


100th Story Drops Tomorrow! · 5:18pm Mar 28th, 2020

What it says on the tin, folks. The first chapter of my 100th(!) story will be dropping at 7 pm EST tomorrow. It's the start of my adventure anthology for all the lore and parts of the mythos that never quite got their own solo tales. There will be lots about the Alicorns, other divine, and the origin of many species. For the three people and their alts that follow Missing Pages & Scrawled Footness, you'll like this one if there's stuff in the main arc you wished to see even a bit of in

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The Pre-Jinglemas Revival · 10:08pm Dec 21st, 2015

Note to self: don't have the Cap post a teaser when we aren't even ready to be undead yet.

So. Holidays are right around the corner. And we've been busy. Quite busy. Busily busy, one could even say. So now, consequently, we've got a good string of updates for you guys, with only more to come. Consider that our kinda-sorta Jinglemas gift to you, our followers. Gotta promote that love, sharing, and peace on Earth deal, right?

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Why Your Readers Don't Get Your Story -- A Blog About Trust · 12:30am May 21st, 2016


In the Dark, Dark, Dark (For Ixu) · 4:26pm Aug 4th, 2017

In the dark, dark, dark
Can't see
In the dark, dark, dark
Can you see me?

In the dark, dark, dark
Hear something
In the dark, dark, dark
Something's coming

In the dark, dark, dark
A light
In the dark, dark, dark
It's so bright

Not so dark, dark, dark
Take your hand
Not so dark, dark, dark
Helping me stand

No longer dark, dark, dark
See your face
No longer dark, dark, dark
Your beautiful face

No longer dark, dark, dark
Dare to try

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In What is Possibly the Dumbest Thing I've Done in Here · 6:54pm Jan 23rd, 2019

And that's saying something, mind you?

EPressed for Time
Vinyl and Octavia need to hug for eight hours – or the building explodes.
Aragon · 90k words  ·  295  16 · 4.2k views

Check the wordcount! I just posted 90k words on this website in one go. Nine chapters. Whodaman.

Yeah, been working on this for a year. Honestly, fuck releasing on a schedule, right? I dislike having incomplete stories I gotta update like, every two days or some shit. Huge pain in the ass, and a lot of readers dislike reading Incomplete-tagged stories. Me included!

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Viewing 581 - 600 of 658 results