
Viewing 61 - 80 of 630 results

Looks Like I'm Doing a Recount · 12:32am Jun 28th, 2016

In light of apparent confusion over the last blog post, I feel the need to start fresh. I've had multiple readers contact me after their votes were cast and say they didn't notice that you were supposed to pick any and all stories you were interested in seeing developed. To repeat:

You may and are encouraged to vote for multiple stories.

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Report SS Nomad · 330 views · #survey #future stories

NPR on BronyCon! And some other junk. · 6:43pm Aug 14th, 2019


It’s a lot more ... optimistic of a take (he fails to mention lines or dakimuras or whatever), but it’s still an interesting article.

As for me, I’m slowly chipping away at The Princess's Speech. It will be silly.

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Passing of Legacy(MINOR SPOILERS FOR SERIES FINALE) · 3:13pm Aug 26th, 2019

You know something that I have always found strange? The princess titles in the Equestrian world. Example; Twilight is Princess of Friendship however it would seem that in the series finale she is left to rule ALL of Equestria alone. To raise the sun and the moon all on her own. To govern all of that power and the creatures of the world as the objectively strongest and most gracious being there is. Yet she has to do it all alone?

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Real Talk 2 · 4:21am Nov 13th, 2019

Hey guys/gals. as my more dedicated would know, I am currently in college with an anti brony as my roomate. However, I have come across a question. In my time on this site, the story that has soared has been H-44 Germania. As you know I have been trying to brainstrom new ideas, as well as recently posting a possible idea to edit H-44. Yet none of these seem to grasp as well as H-44. Why is this? Is this all I'm good for? A single story is the only thing people shall like from me? Even when I

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Report Sanguine Blade · 216 views · #Future #H-44?

A little help please · 3:00am Feb 17th, 2019

Ok, I got four names for my new character and I’m asking you amazing readers for a vote. And if you want to input a name, please do so I can use it for future chapters.

The names are

1. Terra
2. Kita
3. Arrow
4. Chara
5. Shevna (Sorry, forgot to put this in. My mistake.)

•Note: I also consulted my friends from school to help.

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Thank You All · 12:27am Nov 7th, 2015

I just wanted to say how much I appreciate all the feedback, faves and views my first ever finished MLP fic got, it means a lot after putting so much into the story, I hope I can keep writing stuff of the same quality and that it's as enjoyed and appreciated as much as my first work

I have a few ideas for what I'll be doing next, I'm not sure which I'll settle on but rest assured I'm planning and have a few irons in the proverbial fire


making a non displaced fic of an old oc of mine · 1:06pm Jul 21st, 2020

long story short, no spoilers, it will be a story about healing emotionally after a long period of suffering and loss, mishaps with some romance.

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The Future of My Main Series · 2:13pm Jan 13th, 2022

I know it's been a long, long time since I worked on my "Marriage of Celestia and Discord" series, but certain things have happened. I know many of you are probably thinking that I've abandoned it, but the truth is I'm rethinking certain things about it. See, I first started it back when season four of 'FiM' had ended, and intended for it to be at least four or five stories. That was before the events of season five through nine came along, and while I feel that those seasons eren't as strong

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Busy Life, Moving Times · 6:42pm Aug 19th, 2021

I do hope you enjoyed both stories on my Fimfic.

With the summer holidays ending and times getting busier with my new job, I wanted to see how far I could write both of them. Getting over 100 short chapters is a great target for me personally and I hope that you understand. My writing time has been short, but I do hope you understand that this was something to keep me sane during lockdown over the early summer before uni starts.

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Late August 2021 Update: Looking Ahead · 10:35am Sep 3rd, 2021

There's some reflections on the future, but first, updates (and some top-bill shilling for my Buy Me a Coffee page for tips and/or subscriptions).

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State of the Story (Part 3, Another Story Idea, Poll discussion!) · 9:03pm Oct 12th, 2016

Afternoon folks!

First things first, I want to thank everyone who left a comment in the last blog. I don't think I realised it until I saw all of the comments, but I really needed some reassurance that folks were looking forward to what I will write in the future.

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Report Arad · 1,036 views · #Mente Materia #Future Plans

Thinking about... · 10:05pm Mar 19th, 2020

- I have story, and not a single one, but they need translations. Ans suddenly I feel a little fear to make that translation bad. With mistakes and some stupid miss-tapes in them. That can make stories worse than they are... and readers don't like them because of it. Seems I need to prepare myself to really hard work...


I'm still alive. I swear! · 7:20am Mar 2nd, 2019

As usual I must issue an apology here. I'm still alive, I'm still planning to make pony fics at some point. But right now... Right now I'm busy. With my own IP, The Avlaan Cycle in the works I have been busy dealing with the artist for my cover (A complete madman), personal life, minor health issues (An injury in my hand) and some economic issues.

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Comic Pages! · 5:25am Nov 15th, 2020

So while I’m blogging and pogging, here’s a sneak peek of the comic project that I’ve undertaken, cause fuck school, COVID has failed me. You’ll be able to view the full project separately on DeviantArt. If anyone has other ideas on where to publish this, shoot. Since I’m just starting, I ain’t planning on opening a Patreon or even making a Ko-fi because A.) I wouldn’t know how and B.) I don’t even know who even wants this. So, consider this

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What Is The Future Of Cloud ERP? · 5:30am Jan 16th, 2023

The Internet is encompassing all equipment at a stunning rate, resulting in reality as far as we might be concerned where all that at work and home transparently connects with the internet.

No more restricted than just PCs and cell phones previously, the internet presently speaks with each method of a device that can be imaged.

Today, the universe of innovation is clearing an advance toward the Internet of Things (IoT), and that incorporates enterprise system solutions.

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Out of context for future fic · 7:53pm Nov 23rd, 2023

"Ah quit!" AJ suddenly shouted. "Nope nope, Ah can't do this, Ah can't!!!" She wobbles away from the crazy pony. Frantically pulling on the fabric. "What have y'all done to meh!!? Ah wanna wake up now!"

:applejackconfused: Say what? Ah know Ah'm in a wholesome fic but Writer, what are ya gonna do?!?

You are a request someone made and the premise was too good to pass up. You're on my writing chop block :twilightsmile::scootangel:


Newest post · 12:18am Jul 1st, 2021

I’m blog posting a ton lately and I’ll continue to post a lot for the foreseeable future.

Also new chapter of It’s not easy coming as soon as I figure out how to end the chapter.


So what's next for G5? · 5:13am Dec 22nd, 2023

Since Make Your Mark and Tell Your Tale have officially come to an end, where will we go from here? I always thought it was weird that Make Your Mark set up a new villain with Allura even though it was gonna be over. At least for the foreseeable future.

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The State of the Sundagioverse · 11:03am April 10th

It has been a long while since I have made an update like this over my main series as a whole. Almost two years. Last time I made a post like this, I had not even written That Warm Smile. However, I think it is about time to tell you what is happening with the Sundagioverse.

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Stuck in a rut · 11:00pm Jul 31st, 2016

I've been doing some thinking about my future lately -- about what I want to do with my life, where I want to go in life, and what I want from my life. I'm twenty-one years old, still living at home. My final year of my BA starts in September. The day's coming, and it's coming soon, where I'm going to be going out on my own. So I've been trying to think about what I want from my life, and the truth is... I don't know.

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Viewing 61 - 80 of 630 results