
Viewing 61 - 80 of 214 results

Poem #3: Soul of Poetry · 6:13pm Jan 3rd, 2017

Soul of Poetry

What is poetry without the soul?
What is it without body and mind?
To respond it is an empty hole,
In which there is nothing to find.
Poetry is of words and rhyme,
Made of what people have dreamed,
It has been since before time,
Not always does it have idea or theme.
Poetry brings in love and light,
Heals broken hearts and unseen wounds,
It unchains with its gentle might,
Frees the chained and bound,
Poetry is a road that is unknown,

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Report Silver Inkwell · 264 views · #Poems #Goal #New #Soul

An old poem I wrote... · 11:35am Nov 19th, 2018


Chaos, they say
Can lead everyone astray
But the real beauty lies within
And can make anyone grin

More than a prank or two
Its about leaving them without a clue
Twists and turns of life
Maybe even a little strife

The lines between reality and fantasy blurred
And it can be quite absurd
But this is where the fun begins
And how everyone can win!

A cloud of cotton candy
It can be oh so dandy
A rain of chocolate milk

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Limerick · 9:42pm Jan 23rd, 2017

A lavender filly, named Twilight,
Used to sleep in a room with a skylight,
The moon shone on her head
As she lay on her bed,
And gave rise to her rose-coloured highlight.


Poem Readings · 7:21pm Jul 6th, 2015

EDIT: Links should be working now


I did readings of four of my own poem devuded into two videos, the second being better than the first if you ask me! :raritywink:



Love to hear your thoughts in the comments below! :heart:


As I said On my new story I Make Poems! · 2:37am Oct 20th, 2017

That's Right I sometimes Make up Random Poems if you always wanted to share yours but didn't want to reveal yourself PM Me if you want it in "Poems" when it will be seen Just tell Me if you want your name on it or not...

For some reason, they won't pass it in moderation yet so you have to wait...

It's not related enough to MLP to Pass... HOW!?


My favorite grammatically educational poem (lay vs laid) · 7:26pm Dec 25th, 2017

I'm lying here upon the shore
I lie here every day
I've lain here many times before
I lay here yesterday
i would lay my head upon the floor
If you would lie down by me
I've laid it there five times or more
(I lied - it's only three)

Infinitive    Present    Past    Past Participle    Present Participle
to lay          lay(s)      laid     laid                  laying
(to put or place something down)

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Report Bad Dragon · 332 views · #grammar #laid #lay #poem

The Lunar Mistress and The Traveler · 4:37am Sep 14th, 2017

(I could not publish my poem due to it being less than a thousand words, So I decided to post it as part of my blog).

"The Song of The Lunar Mistress and the Traveler" by Winter Knight

Oh mistress of the night,
Thy affection boundless,
She who behests umbrage,
Fairy vast of night.

Show remorse to the traveler,
Whom walks nighted,
In thy night-rule.

Oh enchantress of the moon,
Illume his way in umber'd la volt,
Unbolt the road home!

Fairy of timeless fair,

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The Unicorn · 4:33pm Aug 23rd, 2015

This world is full of lovely things
wolves that howl and birds that sing
Flowers that feed the butterflies
and trees that stretch up to the skies
Fish that swim in the open seas
and the ever humming bumble bees
yet none can match the unicorn

As gorgeous as the morning dawn
As graceful as the dancing swan
And yet they have the rhino's might
coupled with the great eagles sight
Champions of the untamed east
mightiest of the grazing beasts
few can challenge the unicorn

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Report SlimeKing · 187 views · #Unicorn #poem #nonpony

A poem from a friend · 9:32pm Sep 4th, 2019

what's up guys, Crimson Rose here.

Many months ago, a friend of mine wrote a poem that is featured in my oncoming novel.

For those who are worshippers of the night and all who love poems,

This is for ya'll :3 he isn't into mlp but he is a fellow friend and love him dearly.

the sun sets with a lonely sigh
whispered breezes of darkness flow
Luna does rise to kiss the sky
pouring upon the world her glow

cycle without end, the sun mourns
taking solace in his lone pride

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Report CrimsonRose97 · 212 views · #poetry #poem #non-mlp

A Letter and A Wish - A Sunny Starscout Poem · 3:42am Nov 8th, 2021

Amidst the fear and division,
We hold fast to a mission,
An idea springs like a fish,
With a letter and a wish,
To make friends peacefully,
To communicate in harmony.

You gaze,
As it floats up in the sky,
Held by a lantern so high,
Through your little shining eyes,
We made a message of love to show,
Yet not knowing where it'll go.

Somewhere, in a forest far away,
A horn finds hope,
Yet not knowing what sent it that day.

As the spindle of fate spins the past,

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Returning soon. Sin Whinny news. And a poem · 1:12pm Jun 3rd, 2016

So this is morning five of my beach trip. I'll be making the four hour drive back later today. I had a lot of fun with my friends, took a lot of pics, got a decent amount of shark teeth, and swam in the ocean every day. Never did get to ride that jetpack, but it's okay. There's always next year.

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Report Mister E · 221 views · #Story update #Poem

Prophecy fulfilled · 12:03am Oct 31st, 2017


Words · 2:48am Apr 24th, 2016

Words define people, places, and things
that can hurt peoples little wings
up at the sky we try to get
but words, like the heat, melt our resolve

Words limit reality- put boxes around things we don't understand
Like how a person you see on the street has a inner life that you can't comprehend
Dreams that are boundless and gleaming in beauty
But words can limit that nice reality

Words are like poisonous vipers and snakes
It gets in your head and causes heartaches

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Is this what you want...? · 11:14pm Aug 30th, 2017

Now I understand that you are upset. No wait... Let me correct. You're pissed. The effect of your mind resists my rythme right now but you need to listen. I'm not going to apologize again for changing. Its as if my body was rearranging and won't let me be innocent enough to know right from wrong. Come on. We all did some stupid shit. We sit on our ass all day and play online games that mame our brain and grain our energy. We strip to our skin and run about thin, so bony and light, we think we

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Poem #8 · 4:18pm Jan 17th, 2017

Sand (8)

Rough, grainy, small,
Too many to count even in a hand,
Children play with it in the day.
Compact, round, like dust,
Firmer form and smaller,
Without number, without voice,
Without song, without breath,
This is the ballad to sand,
For it will last even after death.

Report Silver Inkwell · 211 views · #Sand #New #Poems

Some info · 7:25am Dec 31st, 2015

I have now canceled my pony poems no more will be made. I am still taking poem commissions. Friday i will be hopefully recording again and uploading too. That's about it

Report Toffee Bean · 191 views · #pony poems 3

Blessings of the Supreme Beings and Creators (Blessings for the Terrestrials) · 9:10pm Jun 23rd, 2022

May the stars above, below, and around you be your guide

May they shine through the blackest nights, shine on the cloudiest days, and shine through the whitest days

May the sky keep you. May the clouds watch over you

May the rains caress and keep you well

May day bring you joy and night keep you safe

May the earth and ground beneath you guide your path

May the fruits and gifts of the land nourish you and yours

Proceed with head held high and a clan that loves.

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HER. (A Poem) · 7:53pm Nov 2nd, 2023

I find myself alone in the forest.
The trees close in on me, darker and darker still.
The creaking wind blasts the creatures around me,
Killing them softly.

I mourn for their losses
And their sadness and wails.
I wish I could help.
They seem so lost and afraid.

But from the shadows, 
Something wicked this way comes.
Is it wicked?
I cannot tell, it’s too dark.

Where’s my flashlight?
It’s gone, the thing whispers.
Can the darkness ever truly cover you?

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A Short Poem · 4:52pm Jan 23rd, 2021


when you can eat cakes pies jams cookies
what happens asked pinkie pie
ten seconds marveled twilight sparkle
you die
© Yuu

Report Yuu · 153 views · #poroshok #poem #ponies

My Heart Beats For October. · 4:07pm Sep 13th, 2020

I look out the window, keeping the sunny days I choose.

The times I awake on rain clouds are the days I wish to lose.

I always seem to travel to far off places.

Meeting new people in a blur of faces.

But that doesn't mean I can't follow the traces.

Leading me back to those cheerful happy moods!

My heart beats for October.

The only days I choose.

The month of the year where the clock is never locked on snooze.

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Report Forgetful · 109 views · #October #Love #Poem #Fun
Viewing 61 - 80 of 214 results