
Viewing 81 - 100 of 106 results

Another unpleasant experience in Discord · 1:16pm Sep 26th, 2022

After the admin let off some steam about their ableist manager on the venting channel, I sympathized with them, expressed my distaste towards ableists, and claimed that their manager is a Karen.

The admin told me not to make assumptions about people I don't know and claimed that their manager is nice but doesn't think clearly. Later, they kicked me out of the server.

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OC Apprentice Pre-Challenge 7 · 8:20pm Apr 23rd, 2016

Note: This pre-challenge is not canon to the OCA plotline, it instead serves more as a PSA. Please, enjoy.

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I have myalgic encephalomyelitis. · 9:13pm Sep 10th, 2020

For the past six months, I've been unable to work or write much. Now I know why.


I have an illness called myalgic encephalomyelitis or "chronic fatigue syndrome" (ME/CFS). This blog post talks about what that is, and what it means for my future.

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Gen'da I.D.s yo... (black speak for "Over") · 6:25am Mar 15th, 2022

Woke Liberal Soldier?
Instead of their name and rank on their uniforms, they'd demand their pronouns and pride flag emojis instead... right?

And their corpses?
The pronouns on the toe tag.

Dog Tags?
WokeSolidiers: Oh yeah! Kink belongs on the battlefield!!!


Your Unconscious and You | After Two Years · 1:46am Nov 13th, 2019

I really wanted to fix the monstrosity of a translation this is and edit some stuff for this anniversary, but my uni year is ending right now so, eh, you can guess I've got no time and a mockup to finish. 

But I've got a new story to make up for it!

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Eros and Personal Update... · 3:33pm Jun 12th, 2023

Haven’t given an update on Eros in a while. The short of it is that I did resume work on the new chapter over the past few days to the tune of getting it up to nearly 4,000 words, but was only able to write it in fits and starts given I’m still recovering from this illness.

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A Millennial Breeding Program -- in the Nicest Possible Way · 1:41pm Jun 1st, 2014

These thoughts are in response to a comment of the esteemed Alex Warlorn, who said:

One reader suggested that Trixie and her sisters were an unwitting Element of Magic breeding program, but that felt WAY WAY WAY too immoral for Celestia. She loves her ponies too badly to use them as chess pieces.

A SUBTLE Millennial Breeding Program

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Meeting at Trotcon? · 6:30pm Dec 18th, 2021

Jewel tested negative for COVID, which is good enough for me to justify attending Trotcon. I don't know if I'll have time tomorrow so I hope I can meet up with everypony while I'm available.

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♫Stick A Pony On Me Docket♫ · 2:15am Jul 5th, 2021

The reference shall be explained, don't worry. Anyway! Finally got a chapter out and managed to finish an entire scene for the following one, so I'm feeling pretty good and in a mood to take stock. 

Also, yeah, probably procrastinating, but procrastinating with a purpose, namely laying out what sorts of stories are rattling around in the old noodle.  

Super Pony Roomies Season 3

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Cloudpuff, WHY?! · 4:54am Jun 30th, 2022

Story Hour with ClownFluff

*Deep Manly Voice*

Cloudpuff: Yes, I believe I was scheduled to read some stories today.


Posey: Looks like it's another call to the Proud Stallions... sigh...

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It was just a joke. Calm down. · 8:24pm May 23rd, 2021

While seeing "people" on Twitter whine about first world problems is amusing to some, it is still a concern.

"It was just a joke."

Racist Jokes - First, according to Twitter users, EVERYTHING is racism, so that there already invalidates their opinion on humor.

Offensive - According to Twitter and most young people who suffer from oversensitivity, literally EVERYTHING is offensive. Once again those "people" are invalidated.

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As They Say In The White Supremacist Media (CNN) · 6:52am Jan 27th, 2022


If you see ten Nazis at a table with one normal guy sitting with them, you really have eleven normal guys and you're probably just a mentally ill leftist who's been on Twitter too long.

Honestly, it's a bit redundant to say "mentally ill" and then "leftist", isn't it?
What's worse? "Twitter user", since that has some obvious implication in and of itself.


Clown World of Spanish Horses · 3:18am Jul 5th, 2021

And that's how Honkler won World War "Where To Pee"

If you're offended and feeling invalidated again.
Just go and dye your hair again.


Offense · 4:11am Mar 12th, 2021

"If you've that easily offended, you deserve to feel that way." - Adán Druego


Fade to Black · 3:29am Dec 17th, 2018

To Serve In Hell comes back again tomorrow for its final run.

Five days.

Five chapters.

This is it, people. The veil is about to be thrown off. And I am terrified as hell by what lies underneath.

However dark it gets, know that it could so easily get darker.

Not everypony is making it out alive, but I will not do anything cheap to these wonderful and awful ponies who I've had the privilege of writing this long.

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Too Many Things · 9:57pm Dec 28th, 2019

Happy Hearth's Warming, y'all! :pinkiehappy:

Futch Trixie is futch.

1) TrixGlim is CANON bitches. :trixieshiftright: :yay:

2) I'm still coughing up stuff after being sick for two months, but have less chest pain. It is delaying my everything and makes for the sads.

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New Story and asking for advice · 9:24pm Feb 1st, 2018

So hey all of you. I don't know if you all know but I started a new story because I felt I had moved past where I was on my previous work here. In many ways I have but most importantly was my mentality. I feel in someways a different person than what I was a year ago. I hope my writing has improved, which I know it has but how much is so difficult to say, but more importantly is things are looking up for me in my life outside of writing. Which is kinda funny coming from a person who just spent

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Upcoming Fic Preview! · 12:24am Apr 19th, 2019

I once told my good friend Professor Plum that I could make any Rarity ship work, damn it, and he asked if he could put that to the test by commissioning me. Even though I don't take commissions, I agreed because I wanted to see if I could do it.

I figured I'd preview it for y'all.

EDIT: Thanks to FOME for suggesting changing Prada to Rara in the title


Trotcon! and Signal Boost: Art Inspired · 3:47am Dec 17th, 2021

Art Inspired is in trouble due to unexpected unemployment. I don't think I remembered to signal boost them previously and the GFM they set up has achieved its goal, but it never hurts to add a little.

Now, Trotcon!

...yeah I'm going to be having a rough weekend. I can't make it there Friday. :fluttershysad:

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Why Supporting Putin Is The Morally Right Thing To Do. · 12:35am Mar 18th, 2022

Why Supporting Putin Is The Morally Right Thing To Do.

You heard that correct, leftists. Supporting Putin is the morally right thing to do.


Supporting Putin and his war in Ukraine is treasonous to the US.

But according to you, leftists, the US is a systemically racist and evil nation unworthy of your support.

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Viewing 81 - 100 of 106 results