
Viewing 81 - 83 of 83 results

i'm running off at most 5 hours of sleep · 1:32pm Aug 23rd, 2017

like i can't even remember what i was dreaming about i just woke up with my heart racing

so i read til like 7:30 and then tried to sleep til i needed to get up and do school


Read It Now Reviews #112 – Fifty Shades of Toast, Numbers, Why Do We Have Guards?, As Long As You Both Shall Live, Iron Rider Rangelkai · 12:41am Oct 27th, 2017

Sometimes I feel like the journey of a thousand miles doesn’t start so much with a single step as with rolling a rock over the top of a hill; it is hard to get it to the top of the hill, but it starts getting easier to push it once you get over the crest and it really gets rolling down the other side.

It would certainly explain a thing or two about me.

Today’s stories:

Fifty Shades of Toast by Estee
Numbers by The 24th Pegasus

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Hey, guys! · 1:32am Aug 2nd, 2016

How have you guys been? My day has been pretty awesome and sober! This morning, I woke up and went to a workshop to start my college applications. When I got home, I continued to read a book. Reading isn't always my cup of tea, but I can enjoy a good book every once in a while. Plus I feel obligated to read it since a good friend lent it to me over a year ago and I never returned it... :twilightoops: (twilight oops I think a :twilightohshit: would be

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Viewing 81 - 83 of 83 results