
Viewing 101 - 120 of 893 results

I have survived and will continue to survive! · 3:06am Jan 21st, 2020

Ever since I uploaded the last two blog posts I have been receiving messages over PM saying sorry or wondering how long I have. Which piss me off! I have suffered through a lot of shi*t if you really think I will have a set date on death you are wrong! I have survived a lot more than this. I am going to continue to survive and I am damn well going to fight against death and anything that try's to kill me. I am a fighter and survivor and I have done things that you guy's would have never even

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Thank you for everything! · 3:53pm Apr 26th, 2020

Thank you for everything you guys have said. I am just really emotionally damaged right now. I am sorry about what I said in the last blog about me wishing I was dead. I just don't know what to do and I only have real friends online. You guys are my only real friends but I was selfish and wrong to have said what I did. I want to thank you guys for the support. I am feeling better but I really don't feel as if their isn't a hole in my heart but I don't know what to do now. I really don't know

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Multi-Topic Blog: Sometimes You Need To Do Something, Anything Different · 12:52am May 27th, 2023


You may have noticed me launching an anthology recently. Instead of continuing my cyberpunk story, with deadline swiftly approaching. Or continuing my other ongoing stories. Basically instead of anything I'd planned to do this month.

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Cry For Help: Update · 8:36pm February 17th

Goal Progress: 148% Edit: Make that 219%

You guys are amazing. Seriously.

I'm expecting Paypal's collectors to hound me a little more. The left hand and the right hand may not be speedy in talking to each other, and there's physical mail involved in this process, which slows everything else down. But they'll be hounding me while I have a positive balance to show, and that makes all the difference.

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An Update on Life · 11:43pm Sep 27th, 2015

Hi everyone. As you may have all noticed, I've once again fallen behind in any manner of being active on this site, whether it's answering private messages or posting new content. While on the latter issue a small part of the problem is my muse being a fickle, picky mistress, the issue itself is much larger and I felt I owed everyone who follows me an explanation, as at this time I'm not sure when I'll be in a place emotionally or mentally to pick up writing again.

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Still Alive · 3:30am Aug 17th, 2015

I swear I'm not dead! I really swear!

... Not an encouraging start, eh.

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Report RadiantBeam · 304 views · #writing #personal

Patreon News · 10:53pm Mar 18th, 2018

Hello everyone!
Good news, the new patreon is going well. I've put a bunch of stuff up, from WG stuff I've done to posting one of my original novels (it's still a WIP).

The Steven Universe WG bit I did is up there now, and I'm in the process of planning the next couple of requests. They're MLP related, and they're going to be Patreon only! So even if you only sign up for $1 a month, you'll have access to new stuff.

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Report Nekiyha · 391 views · #patreon #personal

In Which Photobucket Blows Up In My Face · 8:53pm Aug 5th, 2017

As you all may have noticed by now, my primary image hosting site for when I, well, post my own images and such is Photobucket. This is mostly because I am A) lazy as all heck when it comes handling such matters and B) I've been using Photobucket since I first came online and began posting content, which I'm sure gives away many implications about exactly how old I am at this point and ties right back into the laziness thing.

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Well at least I haven't cut off my ear. · 11:55pm Jun 10th, 2015

Going through one of those phases where I hate everything I create. :(

Hopefully it will pass soon.

Just feel rather dead inside.

Report Captain Wuzz · 207 views · #personal #writing

I never realized my Epic SciFi was so popular. I am back. · 3:17am Jun 8th, 2015

Due to many things I put down my original story, at the time few people read it so I figured nobody would mind yet another fanfic being cancelled.

I cancelled it because I feel it is cruel to leave a story with a unknown future.

Well after a couple years I've read more and have thought about the general theme of that story and I think I will do a complete restart.

I personally feel what hindered my writing was because it was a slog. I will get to the good bits a lot faster.

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Report emdefmek · 299 views · #personal #emdefmek

Best crossover that I can get behind! · 6:54pm Mar 28th, 2020

Even with the joke in mind I am glad that these two communities have started to celebrate their games together instead of bickering about which one is better. I wish a lot more gaming communities were like that. I completely love this crossover and all that it stands for.


My fiance just broke up with me! · 5:01pm Apr 25th, 2020

I keep losing people and I can't deal with this anymore. I don't know what to think or do. I loved her but she called me this morning and told me that she was braking up with me and we talked for a bit but in the end it was a break up call and well it happened but I obviously am very upset and hurt but I just don't know what to do anymore. I don't know what to say anymore. I do good deeds and I still end up losing it all. Why do I get hurt! Why is it always me! Am I just not supposed to have a

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How many people have I helped? · 5:28am Nov 26th, 2019

I have been asking myself why I even bother helping people and I instantly fall back on the whole because it's the right thing to do ideal but sadly I don't know if that's true or not. I don't know if I help people just because I don't want people to suffer like I did or if I simply want to make a better world and thought that someone needed to carry this out before they die or it could even be all of the reasons. I have people who say thank you for the help and give me a gift because I helped

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Update on Life · 1:20am Sep 6th, 2016

Hey guys!

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Homeward Bound · 7:46pm Jul 8th, 2015

I'm here in a rainy Texas airport, about an hour until I leave. I just wanted to briefly remind you guys that today is the last day to ask any questions if you have any:pinkiehappy: Once I check the site in the morning I'll compile the questions and get them out soon.

In other news, I'm just about at 3k words for the next chapter of ROTG, and hopefully will finish it on the flight! Keep an eye out folks.

Catch ya later, and stay safe.

With regards, Req out~


Are My Stories That Good? · 1:25pm Apr 13th, 2019

Okay so I have been asking this for a long time and it seems every time I get reassured by a few readers but is my stories really that good and if they are what made you like them so much. I love my stories but I understand that it is my stories I have been writing. I also have been surprised by the number of followers I have. I didn't think I would make it past 50 but I stand corrected and don't worry I am going to continue writing I guess I need a little bit of reassurance from time to time.

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Answering if I am going to fast to have a girlfriend. Please don’t pressure Moon because of this! · 8:59am May 5th, 2020

I have known Moon for a couple of months now. Look okay I can’t help it I really do love Moon. She also loves me. I didn’t plan on things to go this fast and she wasn’t planning on it either. Look we are taking it slow. Okay I can’t say anything more because it was something that Wasn’t planned. I need advice but I didn’t know who to turn to so I start to ask Moonlight. I will be honest it started out with me and her just cheering each other up but then we started spending the days together

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Accepting my life! · 5:28am Mar 8th, 2020

So I think that I have come to terms with my life. I have accepted every obstacle that has been thrown at me and I have defied them. I have failed myself and fallen far from where I was. My epilepsy has come back in full force most likely and it is putting a strain on my relationship with my fiance. I have no idea what to do as I finally realize that epilepsy can't be beaten. All my life I just wanted to live a normal life but I have now realized that is impossible. I will never live a normal

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I need help! · 3:50am Jan 28th, 2020

I have chosen to ask you guy's for a favor. So as you guys know I have been helping people ever since I came here and even longer in IRL. We at this point in time I have finally realized something. There's so much evil in this world. The strong exploiting the weak and the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. I have stood by and watched people die because they weren't important enough to save and it got me wondering why? Why do we get to decide whose important and not important. Why

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Report Badwolf1175 · 189 views · #Personal favor

Not dead but mentally Wounded! · 1:57am Jul 14th, 2020

Hi guys I am not dead nor do I plan on giving up writing. I have chosen to write this blog as a straight forward way for me to say that I am still working on everything in my life. I have gotten so frustrated and depressed that I don’t know what to do recently and I have asked friends for advice and they do help me. There’s one thing though that I refuse to do because I don’t think it’s right and that’s to start a patreon. I don’t want to do this because I want to write for all of you guys who

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Viewing 101 - 120 of 893 results