
Viewing 101 - 120 of 137 results

I Walk the Firing Line's fate · 8:56pm May 25th, 2020

Okay, I've finally decided what to do with my Fallout Equestria story. I Walk the Firing Line. Been laying around for months with... nothing happening to it or it's characters. No, no, I'm not scrapping it. At least not entirely.

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Random Ramblings CCXIII · 7:15am Dec 9th, 2017

Today was a day. I got some adulting done (yay me). Still have more to do. I regret that my mental health – what's left of it – must come before my writing. But that's the way it works sometimes. Anyway, I'd like to take this opportunity not to pity-party again, but to give a General Author's Note to the whole Recovery Arc. Follow me!

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Equestria and Rotary Phones · 12:15am Feb 24th, 2022

Hey so, recently noticed the sighting of a rotary phone in Equestria, in the episode Rarity Takes Manehatten. How I interpret that is, rotary phones do indeed exist in Equestria, however, as of the shows timespan they haven't been introduced for general public usage, and so only big and important companies, businesses, and corporations are permitted to have them as of yet.

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Control: All Ahti's lines + translations / explanations of Finnish idioms · 6:00pm Aug 8th, 2021


So what happened? · 6:32pm Aug 19th, 2018


To clear some things up, let's clarify what the Sundagioverse is. · 6:40am Sep 24th, 2022

Hello, everyone~

Some of you may know me already. My name is Spyder27 and I primarily write Sundagio fanfiction. For almost a year now, I've been writing fanfiction, primarily focusing on one story line. This story line starts with A Dazzling World and the stories connected to it have usually gotten more views, likes, comments, etc. So, I wanted to make a post to clarify what this series is, where it's going, and why I'm so committed to it.

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What happened to Rainbow Strike? - A breakdown of the past and future of my male OC · 11:16am Jan 4th, 2020

An important question: What happened to Rainbow Strike?

If you’ve read the first few of the stories I uploaded to this website, you’ll know that I included an OC named Rainbow Strike, the long-lost brother of Rainbow Dash, who ran away from home at a young age to escape his old life.

The order of this series (The Rainbow Strike Series) goes as follows;

  • All Rainbow and No Colour
  • The Long Lost Rainbow
  • Moving On
  • I'm Sorry, Pinkie

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Marionettes: Moirai Infiltration Timeline Explained · 1:41am Oct 12th, 2016

Spoilers for Marionettes! Don't read if you haven't read chapter 8 yet!

It's come to my attention the timeline of the infiltration of Moirai might be a little confusing given how CHAOTIC the situation is and no characters were PRESENT who'd seen ALL the events happening to EXPLAIN this in universe in an organic way, so here's me clearing up the situation:

The Defense Disabling Team (or DD Team) and the Rescue Teams entered at the EXACT SAME TIME.

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Life's Strife · 7:13pm May 9th, 2019

There’s not much I can say which adequately summarizes the last few months of my life. My financial situation, as well as the strife of everyday life, temporarily took me away from you all. This was most unfortunate, but it could not be helped.

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Time Shenanigans Explanation · 12:31pm Apr 16th, 2022

So, as explained in UME, since DD is an anomaly, then them intervening on Sweetie Belle turned her into an anomaly. By extension, everything she influences, people and universes, become anomalies, just existing in the present, with no past and future. So this means that time travel is normally not possible unless it is to go to a time before the universe became an anomaly (so before there was a split in the timeline because of the intervention of an anomaly). And this means that, in

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My Favorites: A Retrospective · 11:38am Aug 26th, 2019

My 21 followers are getting something great today.

I don’t know, but you may have noticed that my favorites are a little different, I only favor the best of the best.

So, what constitutes the best of the best? Well, I’m here to organize my favorites from least to greatest, and how they’ve affected me and/or why they are my favorites.

Disclaimer: I will act like you have read some of these, just warning you. SPOILERS AHEAD!

16: The Vinyl Scratch Tapes- Corey_

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UPDATE: Deleting Some Things and Here is Why · 9:08pm Sep 4th, 2022

I have the feeling this is going to make me look fickle or sporadic, but fuck it.

I'm going to be deleting a couple of stories, mostly ones that I'm most likely not going to be getting back to. I'm normally not about just getting rid of the things I wrote for various reasons, but I'm making an exception, for a couple different reasons. And since I don't like to just say "This is gone now, Fuck Y'all", I'm going to try and explain why I feel like getting rid of these things.

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Alone Explanation and the Future! · 11:48pm Oct 2nd, 2022

Alright so first an explanation to what went on in September. Pretty much a tag team of school starting up for me again and having like zero free time on the weekends really did a number on my ability to set aside time and just write like I would have liked to. Plus, I also had to recover from a surgery I recently had too. So basically, it was a combination of poor time management on my part and a few unlucky things out of my control. Now moving forward, I have a lot of cool stories planned to

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The Killing Joke and Horse Carts - OOC? · 2:42am Aug 8th, 2016

So, I watched the Batman: The Killing Joke movie that recently came out last month. Being a big Batman fan, and overall DC fan, I of course have nitpicks of it. However, I was surprised to see what many other fans thought of the film. Now, fair warning before I continue, there will be spoilers for The Killing Joke and the recent episode of MLP. You've been warned.

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I slowly feel some writing spirit returning. · 3:16pm Jun 28th, 2020

Here is finally a little blog entry to show that I'm still alive, now that I can say something hopeful about my situation. After a few stressful things that happened lately, among them one major writing fail, I feel some spirit for writing returning since a few days now.

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I know. It's been four months · 1:40pm Aug 11th, 2023

Hey everyone, so I have just uploaded chapter 34 of My Feelings Have Shifted, if you read two blogs back you understand that with the cost of living going up in the UK has required me to take on three jobs. Unfortunately, at the end of July, the boss of one of my jobs, has been banned from the building where the business is and has shut down the business, making everyone who worked there lose their jobs. Everyone there seemed to be only slightly annoyed with this, and it turns out everyone

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Progress on A Sunlit Night's Sequel · 6:00am Sep 15th, 2015

Hello, Everyone!
I've got some good news and some bad news.

:pinkiesmile: The Good News: Some great progress has been made on the story! The cover art is now done, The story's plot line has been (somewhat) planned out, and I have an overall view of how everything is going to play out from start to finish.

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Sorry, Again. · 1:19pm Oct 1st, 2016

I haven't been very active, well, even less active than usual on this account, and while part of it is because I'm focusing a lot of my writing energy for a story a friend of mine is writing(considering I help her edit), there's another reason.

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It seems my condition has bettered itself..... · 10:44pm Mar 16th, 2020

I am doing better now. I wrote more for "Dreamwalker Dash" and it went more smooth than last week. I'll keep that up and if nothing new is affecting me, my writing schedule should be back to normal this week. I'll let you know if anything changes.

Stay easy as a filly!

~ Fluttercheer


Another Sunlit Night Sequel Update · 10:02am Oct 18th, 2015

Hello everyone! Captain Disappointment here with an update for all of you patient readers as well as those who are not going to like what I have to say next.

As you might have guessed, it is taking a while for the sequel to come out. Good news is that it has actually been started and as some of you may know, starting stories is the biggest hurdle in my race to get fics out to all of you.

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Viewing 101 - 120 of 137 results