
Viewing 121 - 139 of 139 results

Short Hand: Rarity and Spike · 11:24pm Aug 9th, 2020

Just an older snippet I will probably repurpose for Short Hand eventually.

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Spike is helping Rarity with her work. Ever since Twilight ascended and Shepherd's helped coach him through controlling his greed, he's become taller and bigger. And in many eyes, far more handsome.

Spike: "Here, this is the needle you want."

Rarity: "Oh, thank you dear... Hm?" She looked over at him more closely, and saw that he was distracted. "Spike, I need the red thread next."

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Short Hand: Missed Opportunity · 1:45pm Aug 9th, 2020

Shepherd is fixing some plumbing in Rarity's shop while Twilight and Rarity work on a dress, with Spike hoping accessories up.

Rarity: "Darling, something just occurred to me. You were in Canterlot when dear Shepherd was discovered, were you not?"

Twilight: "Oh, I was!"

Rarity: "Then how did you and Spike never meet him?"

Twilight: "Ah... Well..."


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Short Hand: Trusting Chaos · 4:05am Aug 9th, 2020

One night, while Shepherd is reading at home... He hears some bells ringing, and then his walls turn purple. He sighs, and closes his eyes tightly.

Discord: "Guess who?"

Shepherd: "Not in the mood."

Discord: "Aw, why must you be so hurtful, Shepherd? After all, I am reformed! Fluttershy said so herself!"

Shepherd: "Yeah, and I'm still checking her for mind control magic or body swapping or literally anything else you may have done to her."

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Short Hand: The Dark Emperor Shepherd 8 · 6:45pm Aug 8th, 2020

Shining Armor slowly came to, and took quick notes on his situation: His horn had a magic resistant ring around it, he was tied up, and he was sitting in a chair. No doubt he was about to be interrogated and tortured by the Evil Dark Emperor Shepherd.

Shepherd: "Oh hey, he's coming around!"

He opened his eyes to deliver a spirited declaration that he would never break and Long Live Celestia and Luna... And his declaration stalled out as he perceived his surroundings.

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Short Hand: The Dark Emperor Shepherd 7 · 2:52pm Aug 7th, 2020

At Canterlot Palace, Shepherd is pacing back and forth and trying not to trip over his own cape.

Blueblood: "The entire Crystal Empire fleet is heading this way, Your Dreadfulness."

Shepherd: *groans* "Oh good! More pressure! I don't suppose we could just tell Shining this is all a wacky sitcom plot?"

Raven: "Alas my Dark Lord, he is unlikely to believe you."

Applejack: "To be fair, he does kinda hate yer guts anyway."

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Short Hand: The Price · 8:26pm Aug 6th, 2020

Weeks after the dramatic battle with the Deer... And Ponyville was back to normal... Shepherd was walking around, taking a day off. He headed up to Filthy Rich's store to do some shopping... When he saw them. His eyes widened as the Cutie Mark Crusaders happily bouncing out of the store.

Shepherd: "Huh. Hey girls!"

Applebloom: "Oh! Howdy Shepherd! Look what we got!"

Sweetie Belle: "They're on sale today!"

Scootloo: "And look totally awesome!"

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Short Hand: The Articles · 9:24pm Aug 5th, 2020

Shepherd: "Hey Twilight? I got your mail for you. Huh, what's this magazine? Predator Fetish Monthly?"

Twilight: bright red, snatches it away with her telekinesis "Th-That's about scientific inquiries into the religious practices of certain predator groups and tribes and definitely not pornographic in any way whatsoever ahahahaha!"

Shepherd: "... Okay?"

Fluttershy: "Hello Twilight! I just got the latest issue!"

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Short Hands: Shepherd Tries to Help · 2:57pm Aug 5th, 2020

Shepherd tries to Help Twilight Sparkle

After Twilight Sparkle ascended to Alicorn, and became a Princess, her relationship with Shepherd didn't change too much. He was already a knight assigned as the guard for the Elements of Harmony after all. He did have a lot more duties involving her though. Unfortunately they usually involved paperwork.

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Short Hand: The Dark Emperor Shepherd 6 · 8:32pm Aug 4th, 2020

Meanwhile, in the Crystal Empire...

Cadence: "Oh dear. You're telling me that Luna and Celestia have been overthrown?"

Sunburst: "That is indeed what has happened, Your Highness."

Cadence: "By Shepherd?!"

Sunburst: "Yes! We're also invited to his evil wedding to Fluttershy."

Cadence: "Wait, it actually says 'Evil Wedding'?" She examines the invitation "So it does. Ooh, I love the font!"

Sunburst: "Yes, it's very well done."

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Short Hand: The Return of Harmony 1 · 2:51pm Aug 4th, 2020

*Shepherd yawns as he walks out of his house into a Ponyville in pure chaotic pandemonium*

Shepherd: "... What the hell, what the hell..." *yawns* "Fuck it's way too early for this on a weekend..."

*He wanders into a coffee shop. He asks for a cup, but the pony is a daffodil. He pours himself some, drinks it...*

Shepherd: "... Okay. What the fuck is this?! It's-it's-!"

Discord: "DECAFF! AHAHAHAHA! So, it's true! There's a wild monkey loose in Equestria! How utterly delicious!"

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Short Hand: Twilight Tries to Help · 11:23pm Aug 3rd, 2020

Twilight is sitting at the breakfast table, looking quite smug and happy. Spike walked over, raising a scaly brow.

Spike: "You're in a good mood. What did you do?"

Twilight: "I figured out a way to cheer Shepherd up! I cast a spell on him."

Spike: "A spell? What kind of spell?"

Twilight: "A perception spell!"

Spike: "You didn't just twist him into falling in love with you, right?"

Twilight: "Spike! I would never do that!"

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Short Hand: The Dark Emperor Shepherd 5 · 2:35pm Aug 3rd, 2020

After tea and snacks have been handed out to everyone...

Twilight: "... You're telling me that the princesses deliberately faked their kidnapping and banishment and you going evil?!"

Shepherd: "You sound like me when they told me the plan."

Twilight: "All of this just so they could have a vacation?!"

Shepherd: "Now before you twilight out, Twilight, hear me out."

Twilight: "You made me into a verb?!"

Pinkie: "Ooh! It can also be an adverb! Neato!"

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Short Hand: Dates with Shepherd - Fluttershy · 4:02am Aug 3rd, 2020

Shepherd: I've known her the longest, and she's been fairly obvious... Okay blindingly obvious with her affections. So let's just man up and ask her. Clearly, she's too shy to just say it.

He knocks on Fluttershy's door

Fluttershy: Opens it "Oh... H-Hello Shepherd. It's so nice to see you, how are you?"

Shepherd: "I'm good. So. You want to go on a date with me this Venuday?"

Fluttershy: "..."

Shepherd: "... Fluttershy?"

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Short Hand: The Royal Personal Trainer 1 · 12:21am Aug 2nd, 2020

After the Changeling Invasion and the wedding, Shepherd was trying to relax in the armor and weapons from the Ancient Human Archives he'd pilfered for the fight in a small, unoccupied room in the palace. After some time, Princess Celestia entered, sat down next to him, and began eating cakes too.

Shepherd: "... You okay?"

Celestia: "... Shepherd. Do you think I'm weak?"

Shepherd: "Huh?"

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Short Hand: The Dark Emperor Shepherd 4 · 1:42pm Aug 1st, 2020

Meanwhile, in the Canterlot Palace...

Fancypants: "News, my more dread lord! The Griffin Legions have sworn fealty to you and pledge their undying loyalty!"

Shepherd: "Is that good news though?"

Fancypants: "Well, once they learned that a human wrote their holy book, it really was inevitable."

Shepherd: "Dare I ask what their holy book is?"

Blueblood; "It's actually a series of holy books, all by the human prophetess Ayn Rand, who espoused-"

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Short Hand: The Dark Emperor Shepherd 3 · 4:25am Aug 1st, 2020

The Elements of Harmony meet in the Golden Oaks Library-Or, as Dash was calling it "Super Awesome Resistance Headquarters."

Twilight: "All right. Shepherd invited us to see him in the palace. This can only mean one thing!"

Applejack: "A trap!"

Pinkie: "Snacks!"

Spike: "Trap snacks!"

Twilight: "Yes! It has to be a trap!"

Fluttershy: "Um, so... We don't go?"

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Short Hand: The Dark Emperor Shepherd 2 · 6:27pm Jul 29th, 2020

Meanwhile in Ponyville, the coup and installation of Emperor Shepherd the First had gone unnoticed until it arrived by telegram. Twilight Sparkle read it, rolled her eyes, and sought out Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. Dash was napping on a cloud, while Pinkie Pie was trying to play tiddlywinks.

Twilight: "Haha, very funny Rainbow Dash. And Pinkie, this seems like one of your pranks too."

Dash: "Huh? What's so funny?"

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Short Hand: The Dark Emperor Shepherd · 2:25am Jul 29th, 2020

Andrew Shepherd, the only human in Equestria, and a Knight of said kingdom, had been invited to tea with the Princesses of Equestria to help them with a private project. Shepherd is a bit surprised as to what they're asking him to help them with.

Shepherd: "Let me get this straight: You want me... To pretend to be an evil villain."

Celestia: *nods* "That's right."

Shepherd: "Take over Canterlot."

Celestia: "Mmhm."

Shepherd: "Banish you two."

Luna: "Quite."

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Short Hand: Pony Religion 2 · 7:31pm Jul 26th, 2020

Shepherd walks into the Church of Harmony, a structure he really hasn't gone to much as he worships his own God. But Twilight was so fascinated by human religion she had to take him on a tour to compare things!

Twilight: "See, this is a stain glass window of the three tribes, together in harmony!"

Shepherd: "Ah, so there is an ethnic component to your religious practices? It's much the same with many religions on Earth."

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Viewing 121 - 139 of 139 results