
Viewing 1 - 2 of 2 results

Going on hiatus · 2:19am Aug 20th, 2015

So... my last blog post was over a year ago... and I have yet to update anything... :twilightsheepish: I think it's time to admit that I've lost my impetus to write, at least for now. I have the content for the next chapter, but I still have to do the thing where I rewrite it from Disk's perspective, and I've just been unable to find my muse. Hopefully I will be back sooner rather than later; Galvin and I have some cool ideas that I want to be able to share with you guys, but that's not

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I ate'nt dead! · 7:13pm Aug 8th, 2014

As you may have noticed, NMS hasn't updated in a while. Don't worry, I don't plan on abandoning this fic any time soon. Galvin and I are both in school, though, and the semester is nearing a close, meaning an increased workload for the both of us. Add to that ongoing projects and other stuff, and we've not had time so sit and write for a while now. Hopefully over the break we'll be able to get something done.

Have an adorable Litle Pip:

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Report Clockwise Gear · 522 views ·
Viewing 1 - 2 of 2 results