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Story 7 is up · 8:43am Oct 12th, 2014

Apologies for what is probably a weird hour, but the next story in the series is up. Go and take a gander...if you aren't already asleep. I should warn you that updates might be a bit more sporadic, starting out, as I have something of a confusing schedule right now. But hopefully I can still make the once-a-day goal. Enjoy!

Report moguera · 666 views ·

Update (finally) · 7:26pm Sep 22nd, 2014

Hey there! I'm glad everyone's still sticking around and waiting so patiently for my work. I'm aware that my hiatus ran a bit longer than usual and there are a few reasons for that. However, I am pleased to report that the next story in the Savage Skies series is nearly done. Once I finish this next chapter, all that should be left is to make the arrangements for posting (proofreading, formatting, etc...) which might eat up a couple days of time.

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Report moguera · 912 views ·

Progress Report: · 6:10am Jul 1st, 2014

A lot of you have been asking how long until I start posting the next story of Savage Skies lately. Unfortunately, the answer is "I don't know." I'm working on the next arc, but it's been proceeding kind of slowly. I want to use it as a bridge towards the next couple of story arcs, which will pretty much be the climax of the series as a whole. I also want to use it as a time to explore some more everyday stuff for Dawn, spending time with his family, hanging out with friends. There

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Report moguera · 706 views ·

Story 6 Followup: · 8:10am May 24th, 2014 we are...

Damn! Has it really been six stories into this franchise? God knows how much longer this thing is gonna run for...and I've broken 700,000 words on this beast. Originally, Story 6 was planned to cover the entire period of Dawn's first winter in Ponyville, but kinda grew into its own little self-contained adventure arc that stood well enough on its own that I decided to give it its own story.

As always, here's the rundown for the next story:

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Report moguera · 871 views ·
Viewing 1 - 4 of 4 results