
Viewing 1 - 10 of 10 results

Updates · 9:49am May 12th, 2019

Ok, so I'm back, sorry needed to figure out a schedule around a new born. His birth was crazy, he's actually a tumor baby, so he gets a removal day cake, and if you get that joke, thank you for being just as fucked up as I am. Anyways, for those who don't know which is all of you I', a junior, my son is a 3rd hopefully he'll want to pass down our name and so forth and so on, until my name is the only name. That is my master world domination plan. A bit long term but hey it's more reasonable

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Hey All, some news · 2:50am Apr 6th, 2019

My baby boy was born on the 4th, he's healthy, I'm tired, he's tired, my fiancee is tired. Honestly I truly have no idea when I'll have time to write again, I'm making this blog on one of the occasions that he's asleep and she's asleep. I'll try and write chapters during times like this but no guarantee, after all he's a newborn so he'll need attention. For a few days I'll be the one who's up until 5 in the morning and only be sleeping for 3 hours a day, but it's ok. I hope to get you all

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I'm not crying, it's liquid pride. · 1:31am Nov 8th, 2018

So writing Chapter 26 currently and I'm such a huge sap. Fucking.... aaahhhhhhh... well you all will see what I mean. Though.... eh nevermind, that won't be for a while, just enjoy the ride. It should be up tomorrow morning.

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Q's for the Q&A Chapter · 9:03pm Oct 20th, 2018

Just what the blog title says, this is where you can leave any and all questions you have for the Q&A directed either at myself or any of the characters. I don't really have any stipulations other than take some of the character's ages in mind, i suppose I can list them here just to keep you up to date.

Chris- 26
Fluttershy - 30
Twilight - 27
Rarity - 28
Pinkie - 28
Applejack - 29
Rainbow - 25
Spike - 17
CMC - 17
Golden Skies - 4 close to 5
Cadance - 1030, biologically - 25

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So a few things · 2:23am Sep 2nd, 2018

I would once again like to apologize for the time it's taking to get the next chapter out, some things have popped up in my life that I'm dealing with again that have been taking my time. The major thing being I'm going to be a father in a couple of months, about 6 to be exact as long as things go according to plan and the baby is healthy.

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Something special this way comes. · 1:14am Aug 6th, 2018

So I know it's been longer than I meant for it to be for the next chapter to come out. Honestly, I kinda got stuck on how to write something so I've been writing and rewriting one part, once I figure it out and how I want it to go I'll have it out.

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UPDATE · 1:08am Jun 26th, 2018

So, yes the next chapter is being worked on, I'm just busy working and doing daily life things. I'm also planning on moving within the next 3 to 5 months so I'm also dealing with that but no worries I'll still be working on the chapter when I can and I'll update periodically.

Thank you all for your patience.

Kindly yours,


Neeed some stories to read. · 12:34am Mar 28th, 2016

I'm bored and I'm planning out some more chapters for Dawn of the Ice King but I like multi tasking by reading and some story recommendations would be nice, no particular genre base. Just stories you enjoyed that you think I would.


Im coming back! · 3:53am Jan 5th, 2016

So I've been gone for quite.... some time as you all know. I needed a break after all my stuff was lost.... it was a heavy blow to me, I poured my heart and soul into every single writing I did, it didn't matter if it was a story I was invested in like Dawn of the Ice king or one that was just a silly side project that I worked on when I had a block with DotIK, it had pieces of my very being infused into it. So when everything was lost I needed to leave, to distance myself from all of... this.

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The end of Dawn of The Ice King. · 12:51pm Sep 5th, 2015

Scared you didn't I? No its not ending any time soon, but I do have the last chapter to the entire story worked out in my head and I was wondering if you all would be privy to having me type it up so you could read it early? All I need is a simple yes or no, unless you want to give a reason or so feel free. Honestly, I'll probably write it anyway so this is more of a 'Do you want to read it early?' type scenario.

Viewing 1 - 10 of 10 results