
Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 results

Regarding My Absence and Lack of A New Chapter · 5:34pm Apr 4th, 2018

To the small amount of people who still read my story,

First, I'd like to say thank you for giving it a read. I really did not think my idea would even get past 100 views and I appreciate the reads.

Now that that's out of the way, you all may have noticed that I haven't thrown a new chapter out in a very long time, aside from the one I took down in November because that was terrible. A lot of factors have been contributing to my lack of a chapter and I'll give you a few.

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Report AFestiveTaco77781 · 296 views ·

Story Progress · 2:08am Oct 20th, 2017

So you all may be wondering why I haven't updated in a while.

Let me get it out of the way. The STORY IS NOT DEAD! I still love writing the story with a burning passion, but i simply dont have the time that I once had. Even though I've passed my AP Classes from last year, I now work a job while also balancing school. It can be a bit hard to fit writing into the ol' schedule.

So updates may take awhile from now on. Once I have the time again, updates will become regular.

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Report AFestiveTaco77781 · 260 views ·

Update · 12:22am May 3rd, 2017

Hello all who follow me and decided to look at this page.

THis week is AP exams week. THis means that I am postponing the story till exams are over. Getting 5's or 4's are more important to me than a story about a talking horse and his psychotic, war-torn, PTSD rider.

Hope you have all enjoyed the story so far. Thank you to everyone who's given it a read.

Sincerely yours,

Report AFestiveTaco77781 · 210 views ·

Next Chapter to the Silent Saviors · 3:49am Apr 19th, 2017

Hey guys.

So the next chapter to the story might take a bit longer to come out. I've been juggling different ideas in my head on how to go about it and haven't been really able to articulate the story to my liking as of now. Also, Titanfall 2 exists and I am hooked on the stuff like its crack cocaine.

So, I'll try to get it out as soon as possible. Have a blessed day.


Report AFestiveTaco77781 · 265 views ·

Something I guess · 1:08pm Mar 25th, 2017

Hello to anyone who happened to look at my blog tab.

If anyone would like to make cover art for "The Silent Saviors", feel free to do so. Also, I'm looking for an editor to both proofread chapters and critique them before they are released.

If I happen to not update for awhile, the most likely reason is that school came up. I happen to be enrolled in 2 AP classes that require a lot of my time. So if no new chapter or update arrives for a long time, that is probably the reason why.

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Report AFestiveTaco77781 · 137 views ·
Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 results